HomeMy WebLinkAboutFOURTH AVENUE NEW SUFFOLK 1911A?PLICATION OF LAURA J. ROAC~E fo alt~r a part of the highway known as RqUR TH AVENUE TO-~,~.THE~,TO. ~N.,~JPER~N~TENDEN.2~.O~.HIGHWAYS of The Town of SOUTHOL[ ~NA '.~L~ .~iD~SJ~D~'~lab'le ~ ~o ~be...~ssessed..for. htgh~ l~bO~:,~i~.%h~ .~To~ of S~hgld,~ hsreby .app. lie.~ a.~.~ of :~he ~e~.,li~$. ~ t~e ~highway in .said To~, kng~ ~r~ng~mo~men~sd ~d.deec~ibsd as follows, ~o.wt~:- ~uan~ -':o ..BEGinNING a~ a s~one mo~ment.aeU aa or near ~he ~ou~h~a~$~lv~corner~of l~ds.of.EDI~..JO~SON, ~d l~ds of ~0~-~:~ ~B~J,]'V., ~N~ BELLE and LU~L~A WEBB, and ~nni~g ~C~orth 5°52'10" eas~ ~02.16 fee~ ~o ~other s~one monu- ment S~ a~ or. near She nor~h~as~3rly corner of .l~d of the Spp~,. whigh propq~.$~..a~era.tion of said ~es~rly line will pass through the l~ds of uhe applic~t ~d l~ds of EDI~ ~S~N~ GEO~ D.~ BKNJ. F., ANNA BELLE ~d LUELL~A.'WEBB, consen~ to ~ch al~e~ation of said highway. · " - Dated, ~he 26~h day of November, 1910. . RELEASE OF Dg2,{AGES for alteration of a part of FOURTH AVENUE KNOW ALL NEN BY TI~ESE',:PRESENTS: That ~, LAURA ..I.~. ROAC.u~, EDITH JO~8ON, ~GEO. ~NA BELLE ~d LUELLA ~BB of She To~ of Soughold, in tho flouncy of Suffolk, Now York, for ~d in qon~idora~5on of ~ho ~m of One ($1) ~llar, heroby'~~6onson~ ~hag tho ms,oily line of.~ho highway ~oE as ~E AV~E bo algorod ghrough our premises in ~ho ToE of Sou~hold~ Ooungy:of~Suffolk, ~rsu~ go ~ho applicagion of LAEA J. ::'.da~:~ ~Novgmb'orl-}1910, ~d release said To~ from all d~ages cb~ason o:2";~l~oring said line of said highway ~hrough our prowl SO S. T,ES~ ~EOF, w~ have sot our h~ds hereunto on ghis B8t~ y of November, 1910. COUNTY of KINGS)SS:) STATE of N~W YORK) On ~h~a .~a7 of~~~n ~ho 7o~r nSn~uoon ~n4ro~ ~d ~on, before mo paraon~lly ~o me knoxm ~4 kno~ =o ~d who exom~od ~ho foregoing ~d acknowledged ~o mo ~ha~ she oxocu~od tho . ~ COM~liSSIONER OF DEEDS CITY.OF NEW YO~, RESIDING IN THE BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, OOUNTY of SUFFOLK) hundred ,~and ~ms~, before me personally, appeared EDITH J~HNSON to me kno~ ~d kno~ to me to be the individual d~scribed in ~d who ex~ted the fore=oin~ ~ ~d acknowledged ~AC~.E, ~,~ ~o .~.~.~.. 191 ~f ~h~ ~.1.~ STATE of NEW YORE) . COUNTY of ~ On this y hundred and ten, before me personally ~pp'eare~l GEO., D., BENJ. F~ ANNA BELLE and LUELLA WEBB, to me known and known ~o me 'to be the men~ and acknowledged ~o me ~hat they.' eXecuted?he sa~e. PURSUANT ~o ORDER altering a part of tho highway known as ~OUR TH' AV~NU E the application of LAURA J. ROACHE to alter a part of the westerly line of the highway known as ~0URTH ': AVENUE: ~ .-in. ·said.. Town, a per son::liable to be assessed for high- way labor in said town, and upon the written consent'of tho t .~!~.,~,...~., ,..,.:.,......To~ Board of said To~, as prescribed by law, ~d tho release ,,..~... ~:'....,,.~.. '. fo¥' ~agos h~ving boon oxomgod by ~ho o~ors of gho l~s ,~9 - - ~:~hr°ugh: . which tho proposed alteration of said highway r~s, i, T~E UNDgRBI~NED, ~ ~P~INT~DENT of HI~tI- WAYS of said To~, hereby order ~ha~ ~he said ~s~orly line of said highway shall be ~d the s~e i~ heroby altored so as to -BEG~NNZNG at a stone monument set at or near the south- easterly co'mcr of land o[ EDITH J0;rNSON and land of GEO. D., BENJ. F., ANNA BELLE and LU~LLA WEBB and running thence north 5~32'10" e~s~ 302.16 fee: to another suone monumon$ so~ at or near the nor~heas~orly corner of land of LAURA J. ROAC.WE. The above described line being particularly shown and set forth on a certain map entitled 'Map showing lines of a part of highways known as Fifth Avenue, Fourth Avenue, Main ~. and Jackson St., as established by ~he Town Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold, surf. Co. N. Y.,~" which said map duly approved by me is filed in the office of The Town Clerk of said Town. Da~ed ~his ~Z;,i. day of 191~. aONSENT OF TOV~t BOARD to alter a part of the highway known FOURTH AVElfl3 E ~ pa~ c.i ~T~.E UNDERSIGNED, the TO~N BOARD_ ~h% To~ of Southo~ '~'~ County of Suffolk, New York, hereby consent that ~o To'~ S~porin~endent o~f Highways o'f~afd ~To~, ma~o an order .~...~., .~a~.d_ ~ .~':~. .... ~' ' ~n ~the' application o~ 'B~RA altering tho highway described tion 1~i of the Highway Law. ROACHE, ~zm~g ~o floc ..... IN ~TNESS ~I~EOF, we have .... ~'~ 1-1U.9 0 ' h~d~ on ~his '26th a ~fNovembor,