HomeMy WebLinkAboutLong Creek Bridge RoadTOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Abandonment : of Certain Highways in the Town of Southold : Certificate of Abandonment The undersigned, RAYMOND L. JACOBS, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereby certifies: 1. That the highway in said Town of Southold known as Grand Avenue, also known as Long Creek Bridge Road, and also known as Red Bridge Road, and extending from the easterly line of Grand Avenue, southeasterly to Long Creek, has not been traveled on or used as a highway for six and more years prior to the date of this Certificate, and said highway is hereby declared abandoned, pursuant to Section 205 of the Highway Law, as a highway and a public right of way. Said abandoned highway is described as follows, to wit; BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Grand Avenue distant 245.98 feet southerly as measured along the easterly side of Grand Avenue, from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Grand Avenue with the southerly side of a Right-of-Way; RUNNING THENCE North 11 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds West along easterly side of Grand Avenue 101.78 feet to a point; THENCE South 28 degree~.13 minutes 20 seconds East 49.50 feet to a point; THENCE South 58 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds East 135.00 feet to Long Creek; THENCE South 24 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds West along Long Creek 49.93 feet to a point; THENCE North 58 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds West 114.74 feet to easterly side of Grand Avenue, the point or place of BEGINNING. 2. That the above abandoned highway is shown on a certain map entitled "Map of Property surveyed for MARY ANNA SMITH at Mattituck, N.Y.", dated June 30, 1988, prepared by Roderick Van Tuyl, a copy of which is annexed hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town Superintendent of Highways has executed this Certificate this 6th day of September , 1988. intendent o~f/Highways of the Town of SoutSold The undersigned members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold constituting a majority of said Board do hereby consent to the above Certificate this 6th day of ~e.~tembe~, ,,1988. ~us{iCe ~ . I'~ C~nci~man-7 / Filed in the $outhold Town Clerk's ~' Judith T. Terry, Town ~k Councilman JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1988: RESOLVEO that consent is hereby given to Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, to abandon a portion of Grand Avenue, also known as Long Creek Bridge Road, and also known as Red Bridge Road, and ex- tending from the easterly line of Grand Avenue, Mattituck, southeasterly to Long Creek, and has not been traveled on or used as a highway for six or more years prior to the date hereof, and is hereby declared abandoned pursuant to Section 205 of the Highway Law as a highway and a public right of way. Said abandoned highway is described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Grand Avenue distant 245.98 feet southerly as measured along the easterly side of Grand Avenue, from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Grand Avenue with the southerly side of a Right-of-way; running thence North 11 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds West along easterly side of Grand Avenue 101.78 feet to a point; thence South 28 degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds East 49.50 feet to a point; thence South 58 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds East 135.00 feet to Long Creek; thence South 24 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds West along Long Creek 49.93 feet to a point; thence North 58 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds West 114.74 feet to easterly side of Grand Avenue, the point or place of BEGINNING. 3'udith T. Terry ~ Southold Town Clerk- September 8, 1988 JUDITH T. TERRY TO'~N CLERK REGISTRAR O1- VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLO TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1988: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute a Quitclaim Deed between the Town of Southold and Mary Anna Smith for the abandoned portion of Grand Avenue, Mattituck, also known as Long Creek Bridge Road, and also Known as Red Bridge Road. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk September 8, 1988 J