HomeMy WebLinkAbout34429-ZFORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-33554 Date: 02/19/09 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ADDITION Location of Property: 1245 OAR DR (HOUSE NO.) County Tax ~ap No. 473889 Section 80 Su]~iivision FiledMap No. __ SOUTHOLD (STREET) (HkMLET) Block 1 I~t 40 Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated FEBRUARY 10, 2009 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 34429-Z dated FEBRUARY 10, 2009 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is SUNROOM ADDITION TO AN EXISTING ONE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to SCHAEFFLER FAMILY TRUST (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. S~FOI=K CO~DEPARR~I~TOF}~J~TH~t~O~-AL N/A ~t-rKICJtL c~rIFIC3~ NO. 2084640 03/29/06 PLORMB~S C~RTIFICJ%TION D~£~O N/A ~it/rize~dSignature Rev. 1/81 Form No. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval fi'om Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (8-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder nsed in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Commoroial building, industrial building, multiple residence* and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey ofprope~5, showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Oocupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Alterations to dwelling $25.00, Swimming pool $25.00, Accessory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses $50.00. Cet~dficate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certificate ofOocupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Oocupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 New Construction: Old or Pre-existing Building: Location of Property: /~.~ House No. Street Owner or Owners of Property: Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section ~C7 Block Subdivision Permit No. ~ f/~)/2 q Health Dept. Approval: Planning Board Approval: Request for: Date of Permit. Temporary Certificate (check one) Hamlet Filed Map. Applicant: Underwriters Approval: Final Certificate: ~'~icheck one) Fee Submitted: $ '~' ~ ignature / / [] BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 40 FULTON STREET -. NEW "FORK, NY 10038 C;F_:RTI Ft ES THAT Upon the application of upon premises owned by BRIAN BROOKS ELEC. INC. FRED SOHAEFFLER BOX 1001, 466 BEEBE DR. 1245 OAK DR. CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Located at 1245 OAK DR. SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Application'Number: 2084640 Certificate Number: 2084640 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: BDC: ns11 Described as a Residential 0-599 square ft. occupancy, wlnerein tine premises electrical system consistil~g of electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: Basement, First Floor, sun room, Outside, A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to tl~e extent detailed herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard promulgated by the State of New York. Department of SI:ate Code Erfforcement and Aclmini_stration. or other attthority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on tine 29th Day of March, 2006. ~ Name QTY Rate Rating Circuit Type ~ Appliances and Accessories ~ Electric Heater Baseboard I 0 1.0 KW Wiring and Devices ~ Outlet 2 0 Fixture r~ Fixture 2 0 Incandescent ~ Outlet II 0 General Purpose ~ Receptacle 90 General Purpose g__ Switch 4 0 General Purpose ~ Paddle Fan I 0 [ I of I iThis certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by tine presence of a raised seat ~ the Iocahon indicated FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUIDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 34429 Z Date FEBRUARY 10, 2009 Permission is hereby granted to: FREDERICK SCHAFFLER 1245 OAK DRIVE SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 for : ADDITION TO AN EXISTING ONE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR. THIS PERMIT REPLACES BP31415. at premises located at 1245 OAK DR County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 080 pursuant to application dated FEBRUARY Building Inspector to expire on AUGUST SOUTHOLD Block 0001 Lot No. 040 10, 2009 and approved by the 10, 2010. Fee $ 150.00 Authorized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. ~3~415 Z Date AUGUST 31, 2005 Permission is hereby granted to: FREDERICK SCHAFFLER 1245 OAK DRIVE SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 for : ADDITION TO AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR at premises located at 1245 OAK DR SOUTHOLD County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 080 Block 0001 Lot No. 040 pursuant to application dated AUGUST 25, 2005 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on FEBRUARY 31, 2007. Fee $ 150.00 / Authorized Signature Rev. 5/8/02 ORIGINAL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]~JJJ. ATION FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTAI~I' PENETRATION REMARKS: ~ ~ DATE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] FOU~IDATION 2ND [ [//]~:RAMING / STRAPPING [ [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ [ ] ROUGH PLBG. ] INSULATION ] FINAL ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: . ~,~~~ ~'~~ DATE INSPECTOR ~~/ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [~F/~UNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING/STRAPPING [ ]FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ]FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS:~.~ ~/~ ~,-~ ~,~ DATE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [~I~SULATION REMARKS: FRAMING/STRAPPING [ ] FINAL FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION DATE FIELD INSPECTION REPORTI DATE I COMMENTS FOUNDATION (1ST) FOUNDATION (2ND) PL~B~G ~SULATION PER N. Y. STATE ENERGY CODE ~DITION~ COMMENTS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 [..___5_,~__ ---,~ FAX: (631) 765-9502 www. northfork.net/Southold/ PERMIT NO. Examined Approved Disapproved a/c Expiration f~spector BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying? Board of Health 4 sets of Building Plans Planning Board approval Survey_ Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Contact: Mail to: Phone: APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date ., 20 INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. · d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector is§ues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months afier the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. (?nature- ~)f dppfical~t or na~e, i~ corporation) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Name of owner of premises ' (As on the tax'roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corpor~e officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: House Number Street Hamle( County Tax Map No. 1000 Section Subdivision (Na e) State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and oc~i~ancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy b. Intended use and occupancy 7/Zt' ~T~ Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building Repair Removal Demolition Estimated Cost ;'~'c~ ~'tSO ~ Fee Addition Other Work If dwelling, number of dwelling units If garage, number of cars [-~'/Alteration (Description) (To be paid on filing this application) Number of dwelling units on each floor 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front 3~' ff / Rear Height ~ ~" Number of Stories t/Z Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Depth _¢ ~7, ~ Height /~' 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front /~: t Height Number of Stodes 9. Size of lot: Front 7,5~ ' Rear ,~.5' / If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 10. Date of Purchase .~ Z ~ Rear Number of Stodes //~ Rear /~:" Depth / .Depth d ~.I:~/' 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated Name ofFormer Owner /~" g6/, ~d~/~'/{.t.~A/Z>~-~ / 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES NO ~ 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES __ NO ~ill excess fill be removed from premises? YES ~ NO 14. Names of Owner ofpremises~O ,~t~-~t.~ Address t,,,2,~.s"a~,~r eO,~tv~. Name of Architect ,'~ .,~,t,? Address~kmt_~__ Name of Contractor~,~~ Address/?-~. ~,~ et t 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES NO ~ * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. Phone No. ~'~'/-?~'.~'-,~/R,) Phone No Phone No. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) · SS: COUNTY 01~44 ~ ~) .~----v'. ,,.-.~ ~, ~,r2. F ((?e d/ being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (~q~m'~e of'i~di¥i~tual signing contract) above named, (S)He is the ~)/.t ~ (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are tree to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Swomto _b.~ore me this'l ~d~''~ day of/t-~ ~]/,( t~ ~/'- 20 Notary Public CAROL BEST Ol 71 Signature of Applicant f/ OF SOUTHOLD P~OPERTY OWNER FORMER OWNER LAND IMP. N S FARM TOTAL DATE VI LLAGE W RECORD CARD DISTRICT SUB. -ACREAGE', COMM. IND. I CB. MISC. REMARKS Est. Mkt. Value NEW IORMAL FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD BULKHEAD DOCK /oodland wampland rushland ;ouse ~ ~ ~,. ~ otel A. Bldg. xtension Foundation ,I i --: I V [~/[ J J ; J I j i ! ' ' IIj , I i , l-I! ,r ~ :il]j"' Bath Floors xtension Basement xtension Ext. Walls ' Interior Finish Heat Fire Place Porch Roof Type Porch Rooms Ist Floor ',reezeway Rooms 2nd Floor ~arage Patio Driveway Dormer ENERGY CODE CALCULATIONS Detached One and Two FamilI (FOr Non-Electric Heat) ~$!gn criteria 5750 Degree Days Dated: SUBSYSTEM AREA DESIGN CODE DESIGN CODE '%T" '~J" UA UA E~te~orW~U~ ql~, O.~3r~' o.~4 57. ~$ c~g goof t $ 3 o. o 3 0.0~ ~ 5.q ? ~. g w ~oor m~U~t~Sp~e / 8 3 O. 0 f 0.05 ~. t ~ ~. /$ H~ted Shb On ~de 6.5 U~mt~ Slab On ~de 4.5 B~ment Will 0.1 C~wl Space W~ 0.06 NOTES: Constraffden shall comply with 502.1.1 moisture control and 502.1.4 air leakage Building Envelope Systems to meet requirements of Section 501 The mechanical systems and equipment including: I-IVAC Equipment, HVAC Systems, Duet Systems, Ventilation Systems and Insulation of Piping Systems to meet requirements of Section 503 Service Water Heating Syst,ms & Equipment to me~t requirements of Section 504 Electrical & Lighting Systems & Equipment to me~t requirements of Section 505 To the best of my knowledge, belief, & professional judgement, these plato are in compliance with,the code. SURVEY OF PROPERTY A T BA YVIERr TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY,' iV. Y. 1000--80-01-40 SCALE: 1'---80' JUL Y 21, 2005 AREA=13,'350 SO. FT. LOT NUMBERS REFER TO BLOCK 'C' ON "MAP OF REYDON SHORES" FILED IN THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE AS FILE NO, 631. · =MONUMENT · =PIPE ANY ALTERATION OR ADDIlTON TO THIS SURVEY/S A ~IOLATION OF SECTION 72090F THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LA~, EXCEPT AS PER SECTION 7209-SUSDIWSION 2. ALL CERTIFICATIONS HEREON ARE VALID FOR ~I4IS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY IF SAID MAP OR COPIES SEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR ~'HOSE SIC, NATURE APPEARS HEREON. ~~~RS. ~ 18 {651.) 76,5-5020 FAX {631.) 765-1797 P.O. BOX 909 r 12J0 TRAVELER STREET I oERTIF CATION OF NAiL NG & CONNECTiON~-'~:--:~::~ REQUIRED. cODES OF NEW YORK. STATE, RETAIN STORM WATER RUNOFf' PURSUANT TO SECTION 45-10C OF THE TOWN CODE. OCCUPANCy, OR USe SU LAW UL O~ OCCUPANCY APPF,'OVED AS NOTED NOTIFY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT 765-1802 8AM TO 4PM FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTICNS; 1. FOUNDATION . ~0 REQUI~D FOR POURED CONCRETE 2. ROUGH - FRAMING & PLUMBING 3. INSULATION 4. FINAL - CONSTRUCTION MUST BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL ME~ 'R~I~TS OF THE CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. ~OT RESPONSIBLE FOR DESIGN OR ~NSTRUCTION ~RORS. UNBERWRIZERS CERTIFICATE [~EQUIRED -%, ,,.9 ALL W CALCULATIOI FOI -:NT 1.,0 WITH 120 m.p_.h. BASIC WITH MAXIMUM OF 8'-0" SPAN. F ~'~ FOR SPANS U'P TO 8'-0" IEETS V l?'~fl ";~-E~ o-v ~I~LE WOOD TO6'-0"' SH~: 2 1/2 - ~ ~I,2.1 8 P~ C'E. ELE VA,TI ~TURA I' ]3 A N'E L:S ]/~ ~_EJ~X SJ.L.~. ~,Tg._P ~D. pITI_O_;N_.0__F _A_ 1/2' X3/~" DP UPGRADE SILL STOP. HEIGHT AND REQUIRE THE INSTALLATION C A SPECIAL SAS~-[ ~Y~'~C0'~E~ '~ ~-~-~'--0-~'~'~-D'E SHUTTER ASSEMBLy 2.x4 STRoNG-BACKS ~ 24" OC ASSEMBLy: ALTERNATIVE FOR OPENING PROTECTION WOOO STRUCTURAL PANELS WITH A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 7116" AND MAXIMUM PANEL SPAN OF ~' 0" SHALL BE PERMITTED FOR OPENING PROTECTION iN ON AND TWO STORY BUiLD[NOS PANELS SHALL SE PRECUT TO COVER GLAZED OPENINGS WITH ATTACHMENT HARDWARE PROVIDED TABLE 1609.1.4 GFL chimn~s, pm~o~,and pene~r~as mquim~by appm~c~0n~ ~oop sxE~mG . . : .............. :~.- ......... ~- ............ ~ ,9,~l~or~niu~d~i,IM~e~irand~e~ans~ralI p~I. ~T~uo ~RA ~ ~-~ AT'~TE~M~DIATE ~U~PORT5 I~TH~ ' ;tin S. ~ai~l~;sheMng, p~,~,e~, ~ , i ~d , , ~TE SUPPORT~ JN THE R~ide~at'Can~on Code. Instil ca~n mo~xl~ d~om ~s ~r ~e. GE~E~L PLUMBING NOTE5 = ' , ~ ' ' ~ENE~L FOUNDATION NOTE8 1. P~um~ng ~ ~ ~ponNble ~ ~ng ~ all a~li~le ~da and ~ ~ ~ ~ :~L~ dA.R o ' . ~ ............... . ' 1. ~ ~r ~ ~vl~ ~, e~a~ons, ~nd, d~ ~ d~i~ t~d~ ; ; '~ ' ~ ~ ~?~ 3. P~ide ~" expansion joint m~al ~n all ~n~ sla~ and ib~ng 1. Mech~i~lsu~or ism~o~ble ~r ad~ ~ alt a~i~ble ~des an~ ~AR~agAfi~ ........................................................ ~TE ~UP'PO RT~ IN THE PANEL 4 Conc~ on 4" ~nd m grovel ~ minimum. ~ e~ - 10110 ~m ~h ml~ming. T~_~7 _: ...... ~ .............. ~ ..... CLI~TIC AND OE~g B~N 0 RiT , ~. ~e i~ ~.~r ~ ~ ~.~. 3. ~c ~b~~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~y~m ~ d~ ..d ~bm~ ~ ~ g~e~ ~-~ ..... ~"'-'~--", '- ~ ~R~ "~e~:~ ~n~r, ~, and ~ulPme~ ~ppller ~ ~n~ mv~ and appel '~r~ ~]. '~ w~RDECAY DESIGN ~MP. ~ ~'MOD~e t I 'i NEW CODE 3 · ,CE S. LD ' ' 7. Damppmof~orof~un~aUonwi~abl~mino,sco~ngas~r~eandsoil GENE~LW~NDPROTECTIONCONNECTIONNOTES '- - 3~ ~ I 11 ~ ~'~R~-~i~ ......... ~~-i~-~E-. . ~diUons. Ada~d ~m S~de~ ~r Humane Resls~nt R~en~l Cons~ct~n; SSTD 1~99 ~ ~ t ~ 1~ FLOOD ~RDS , , , ~ , . , and 1995 SBC High ~nd Ed~ion ~ Frame C~on ~ < 5 7 GE~E~L ~O~R P~N NOTE~ Fa,mne~ and Conn~m ~r ~od Frame Cons~on ~ 1~ ~ :~ i' 43 45 (c S~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' ' 1, Di~ens~ns shall ~ke p~dent over s~e d~ngs (do no~ ~le dinings) 1. A ~nfln~us load pa~ ~n ~fings, ~undat~ns wal~. fl~m, studs and m~ ~'~ ~ ,' ~A 2. Alli~flor~tli~cover~w~"gy~m~rd~me~lcomermin~r~ng. ~ ~%~" ~' ~e~ ~q*~.~ ~'~.'-~"~ T~, ~, a~d ~na (~ ~). 2, Approv~ ~, encore and o~er ~Ing devl~ not I~ud~ m ~e [T~ LE 3.~ .... ~ "- ~ 2 HE~ ~ S~nda~ Bu~i~=C~, Table 23~.1 shall be tns~ll~ in ac~n~th 1~5-~ HIG ~ ~ ~ '~b~YIdN ~ do D ' R~iA~ (e0 iI ' i:: ~llr ~~ I~e ~ ~ i~ 3, ~ ~ ~ gauge a~ ~ ~ ha~ a lay~ ~8", fl~ ~ ~um ~a~ ~s ~m~ns, , , ,. , ~ ~e ~de ~ 5,.0,' ~m on adjl~ent ~ls and ~illn~ Manu~ lumb~ Ei~d m~--~ ~.~E 8-T ~ IN D8 p E,ED j ~ul~ 2 ~y~ ~ ~",.~m ~d gypaum ~. sub~3' Me~l~pl~es,~ ~sfon~n~m'in ~lSCm~'amaa,b°l~'ah~landbenailss~inlea~exP°s~s~ldi~UYor hint°diddle ~er or ~ ........... ~ . , ~ 5 F~ING E~ ~ S~ ,~ ~ ,~ F~,~ ~ galvanize. ROOF ~OOF NUMBER ~ ~S~N L~D~U~ ~ ~ 4. AIl ba~ andt~letama~lls and~ilings ed~ ~t a~s ~havewater ~ PITCH SPAN (fi) OF NAIL5 7 ~N~AND~~ ~-~ '( ~ mstl~nt gypsum ~, or ~11 file set 0n ~nde~ or ~ual. 4 ~ere ~n~ and ~ n~pt ~ s~c~ml ~nel s~a~lng and siding, 4.12 12 3 a L~D PA~ ~ E ~-~ ~ ~' I E 8 IG N L O A D C A L C U L A T IO N ~ ~ming anchom or ~nnecto~ shall be provided at ~e top and ~om of cdpple t~ .... ~ ~ ~I~NG S~ED~LE T~ ~ ~ MINIMUM UN FORMLY D 8TRI~UTED LIVE LOAD8 (Iblf) ~6 " .... 7 11 PLUM'BI~RISER ~G~ ~ ft~e. 6~ ;~e~ EXTERIOR BALCONIES ' 6~ 5, Ridge s~ps shall be a~ed to each pairofoppos~g m~mex~e~l~ar ~ ..... ~ 1~ FiRE PRO~C~ON ~[~, [ , ATTIC8 WITHOUT SYORAGE 3~ ~m~em. 5.12 12 3 1~ :ENER~ ~LCU~S ~T~ H~R.; I R O O M~,'(~ T~H ER A~I~ ~. ~ITH ~TORAGET,H~AN SL~EP.I O,~OOM~) 4~4~ 6. Upl~ ~nn~ shall ~ provided at each ~er bea~ng. ............... '~ ' 20~6 .. ~ ~ - ' ' ~ ........ ~2 , . , ..... , , ~RIT~ [RIA F'QR CA'L~ULATION OF ~: ~QA~ - ' ~ 7 i min~umof~eanchorb~tshalI~pmvided~in6~12in~ofea~endof 2o ~,' .~ -~ ~-":~ SNbW GROUND SNO,W LOAD 1.5 lbs. ma~un~ons. AncOt bo~ shall~lo~thln 121nches~me~d at ~8 ......... ~ ~(~ / ,, s~d~ote~ing4f~ton~nter. 32 ' - ~ /~ r~ ~ .., ,.-: ~/~ "' . THE~ NOTES AR~ GENERAL CONSTRUClTON NOTES. TH~ ARE NOT X% ~ INoT ':" ':' ' . ,,I GENE~L GU DEL NES QNLY AND SHOULD BE DIsCUS~D ~TH YOURSPECIFICALLY ~,,' ~N FOR ~IS P~N. TH~ ARE TO BE CONSIDERED AS 2~24 -,' 2 ,' '"' '.', ,', - - - ~X,P;~SUR¢ CATEeO~T , ....... ' ~EN~AL CONTRACTOR BEFORE C~STRUCTION ~INS. 3~ .... ~// // ~.~/ , _ ........................., - .... ,. ,, ~~d~~-~,.~.u'~ CQ~S~.UC~O~A,~L, ""',, ~; -,,, ~,,", ,,, . ', ,', ' 4 ', , ,,, ': , ' ~'i~iSy y~'~t~-~*'~X~.'~,~L~p._. ::: ........ ~:~_TA~=~,~_,: ~.~.~..:~ ~- ...~"- ............ ~= ...... p.~T~:~:~-~:~,~ ~_~ _ ..: ........ ~,~%.~.~ ...... ,_ _.._~ z~..,~.,t-...~-. ~.~...--..:~.~. ,- ...... ~-. ....... .-- :,- %., .- ~u~-t~-~-~- '-'? '~EN&~L~O ?J~" ::~E[.a,~:'.,.: ........ , .... ~.-.,,..-.-~,-,~ ....... CL MATIC ~ND GEOGRAPHIC DE.S WEA'r~IERING SEVERE FROSTLINE DEPm t'-0' ' . , , TIERM~TE .M~I~RA-~E:TO. HEAVY DECAy WINTER DESIGN 3EMP. e t 1 ICE SH~LD UNDER- ' ASPER MANUFAC'RJREI~'S :LOOD HAZARDS ROOF ROOF NUMBER PITCH SPAN (ft) OF NAILS 4.12 12 3 2O 24 5,12 12 24 6't2 12 2O 28 q OCCUPANCY CLAS,$1FICATION R-3 RESlD~L- SECllON 3t0 BUILDING CO~E N.Y~S: , usE " ~LuN~ U~-SEC'nON 3q'o-~d,2 e DEB[GN LOADCAL~ULATIONS TI~i~ ~-~ ~ NAIUNGSCHEDULE , T~I ~ f,t~.E 12 =iRE PROTECTION ?[~- . [ . 13 '~USS DESIGN DRAWtNC.~~J/~ ~ 14 :ENERGY CALCULA'RONS ~fT~ H~ I , !, , ...... KING STUDS -- ~ AI",~E~RIDG~ERw,o~ ,' B ~ }~TE ~ i~E~P~T~STUD ~ ~ P~T~D c ' )HEADE~STUD H~DE~JACK c tBDE~SmD ' ' E ~P~S~ R~ ~ * Z 8UBFL~--- 4 /~ ~ SUBFLOOR - ~ /~ 1ST. FL~P~ -- ~ 1ST. FL~RP~ ~ ~ ~POSTANCHORFoR~R~DPO.CH~S (:'D")~[~ORTOF~OQR . l.O ')F~OORTOFLOOR ~' E ;')~TUD/p~SI~L < E )STUDIP~TE P~T~SILL i G )?QSTANgHORS.>~m~: ~/j}/o~ ~ ~ · A "~ER/RI. LDGE/RAFTERw*~m ~ , : AI",)m~EmRIDG~m~ERw,o~ ,' B ~ ,)m~mTE ~ ~E~P~T~STUD ~ ~P~T~$T~D C')HEADE~STUD H~DE~JACK c ~DE~6mD E S~P~S~ RIMBO~ ,O / % RIMBO~D-- ~ ~ SUBFLOOR - . - ~ / ~ SUBFLOOR : ~ ~. DOUBLE SILL P~TE -- ~ / POST (} D }~[~ORTOF~OOR D '.FLOORTOFLOOR / E '~TUD/p~SI~L I E xSTUDIP~TE P~T~SILL . G )POSTANCHORS.m~m,