HomeMy WebLinkAboutMULTIPLE DISCONTINUED ROADS At a meeting of the Town Board of Southold Town ~ in the Town of held at Sou%hold, Suffolk County, New York, on the %C" day of ~ 1914. Present : WILLIAM B. REEVE, ) WILLIAM W. GRIFFING, .B~. YOUNG WILLIAM L. WlLLI[~B, Olerk. GEORGE H. FLEET, Superin~endant Justices of the Peace. of Hi ghways. We, the undersigned, having met and considered the applicationof Alfred H. 8osden to discontinue a part of the highway in said Town, known as Mount Beulah Avenue, as set forth in his apDlicatfon hereto annexed, da~ed November 9, 1914, and having heard the allegations in favor of such proposed discontinuance, and after due deliberation thereon, hereby consent that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order discontinuing that part of the highway in said Town, known as Mount Beulah Avenue, bounded and described as follows: 'On the north by the southerly line of Sound View Avenue ae it existed before it was altered on October 1, 1914; on the east by the easterly side of Mount Beulah Avenue; on the eo~th by the northerly . ~ide of ~ound View Avenue, as altered on the first day of October, 1914; and on the west by the westerly side of Mount Beulah Avenue, as shown on a map of proposed of Sound View Avenue, surveyed ~y Halsey & Van Tuyl on Jan- usry 1~, 1914, and July 11, 1914, and filed in the office of the Town Olerk of Southold.' Supervisor. ± ' ' -J Peace. ~ ~ .;ustices of the . Town Clerk. Town Superintendent. In the Matter of the Application of STEPHENSON BEACH, INC. to Discontinue a Highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. ORDER DISCONTINUING TOWN HIGHWAY Application having been made for the discontinuance of a portion of a certain Town highway located between East Marion and Orient in the Town of Southold, said Town highway being known as "Old Main Road" and all parties effected thereby having released the Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the discontinuance of said highway through the parcel of land here- inafter described as a Town highway, and the Town Board of the Town of Southold having made its consent to the making of this order NOW, THEREFORE, I, Harold D. Price, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, do hereby order that portion of said existing highway consisting of lands hereinafter described be discontinued and closed as a public highway of the said Town of Southold. The lands to be discontinued for highway use are the following, to wit: All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land at Orient , in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point-of-curve on the northwesterly line of the Main Road or State Highway (Route 25), said point being North 24 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds East 61.37 feet distant from the point of intersection of said line of the Main Road with the northeasterly line of land of Rutledge M. Howard; runfling thence along land of Stephenson Beach, Inc. four courses as follows: (1) North 24 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds East 195.15 feet; thence (2) North 34 degrees 01 minutes 00 seconds East 200.03 feet; thence Town of Southold, New York Dated: ~r ~,, 1959. (3) North 50 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds East 1439.20 feet; thence (4) South 86 degrees 32 minutes East 137.34 feet to land now or formerly of Wilson W. Stephenson; the above four courses being along the northwesterly line of "Old Main Road"; thence diagonally across said "Old Main Road", South 25 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds West 71.31 feet to the south- easterly line of said "Old Main Road"; thence along said southeasterly line of "Old Main Road", adjoining meadow land of Stephenson Beach° Inc., two courses, as follows: (1) North 86 degrees 32 minutes West 84.45 feet; thence (2) South 50 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds West 759. 13 feet to a point on the curved northwesterly line of said Main Road or State Highway; thence southwesterly along said line of Main Road or State Highway on a curve to the left having a radius of 1381.45 feet, a distance along said curve of 1049.03 feet to the point of beginning. Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southoldo Suffolk County, New York -2- In the Matter of the Application of STEPHENSON BEACH, INC. to : Discontinue a Highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New : York. CONSENT TO DISCONTINUE TOWN HIGHWAY Upon reading and filing the application of Stephenson Beach, Inc. dated and acknowledged the ~ day of September, 1959, and the release of the said Stephenson Beach, Inc. dated and acknowledged the ~ day of September, 1959, requesting the discontinuance of a portion of a town highway of the Town of Southold known as "Old Main Road" consisting of the following lands, to wit:- All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land at Orient, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point-of-curve on the northwesterly line of the Main Road or State Highway (Route 25), said point being North 24 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds East 61.37 feet distant from the point of intersection Cf said line of the Main Road with the northeasterly line of land of Rutledge Mo Howard; running thence along land of Stephenson Beach, Inc. four courses as follows: (1) North 24 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds East 195.15 feet; thence (2) North 34 degrees 01 minutes 00 seconds East 200.03 feet; thence (3) North 50 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds East 1439.20 feet;thence (4) South 86 degrees 32 minutes East 137.34 feet to land now or formerly of Wilson W. Stephenson;.the above four courses being along the northwesterly line of "Old Main Road"; thence diagonally across said "Old Main Road", South 25 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds West 71.31 feet to the south- easterly line of said "Old Main Road"; thence along said southeasterly line of "Old Main Road", adjoining meadow land of Stephenson Beach, Inc., two courses, as follows: (1) North 86 degrees 32 minutes West 84.45 feet; thence (2) South 50 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds West 759.13 feet to a point on the curved northwesterly line of said Main Road or St ate Highway; thence southwestePly along said line of Main Road or State Highway on a curve to the left having a radius of 1381, 45 feet, a distance along said curve of 1049.03 feet to the point of beginning. RESOLVED, that consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order discontinuing as a Town highway that portion of the Town highway known as "Old Main Road" hereinbefore described, all in accordance with the provision., of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York. Dated: S m~m~m~r ~'~1959. TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLDo SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Superfloor Councilman /~tice of the Peace Justice of the Peace' · k~ ~ Town Cl~rk ' -2- GRIFFING, Sl~iITti, TASltER ~ND LUNDBERG ATTORNEYS AND COUN$~LDR$ AT T-A~r January 6, 1960 Hon. Albert Richmond Southold Town Clerk Southold, New York Re: Discontinuance of Town Highway at East Marion Dear Sir: We enclose herewith the application to discontinue highway, consent to discontinue highway, order discontinuing highway and rele,ase for ~iling in your office. The release has been recorded in the S{~ffolk County Clerk's Office on December 11, 1959, in Liber 4738 at page 119. Yours very truly, Roberi W. Tasker RWT:MY Enclosures ~ "~ RELEASE .: 4739 P EI20 Road or State Highway; thence southwesterly along said line of Main Road or State Highway on a curve to the left having a radius of 1381.45 feet, a distance along said curve of 1049.03 feet to the point of beginning. Dated: September,~$. 1959. S TE_~t~ F-N~S ON STATE O~ NEW YORK) ~ COUNTY OP 8UPPOLK) ' '72,;;S...~.....~.5.. ~: ~:' fi, ~ ~hls ~ day of September, 1959, before me persona~ ~OBE~T W. GILL~P~, JR., to me personally kno~, who, bei~ ~me duly sworn did depose and say that he resides in ~~, // that he is the President of Stephenson Beach, ~c., the corporation described in, and which executed, the above Instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said Instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public -3- In the Matter of the Application of STEPHENSON BEACH, INC. to Discontinue a Highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. RELEASE The undersigned being the owner of and only person interested in lands effected by the proposed discontinuance of a portion of a certain Town highway known as "Old Main Road" betwe~u: East Marion and Orient in the Town of Southold, and more particularly hereinafter described, for a valuable con- sideration, does hereby release the said Town of Southold from any and all damages by reason of the discontinuance of the following portion of the said Town highway known as "Old Main Road", to wit: All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land at Orient, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bohnded and described as follows: Beginning at a point-of-curve on the northwesterly line of the Main Road or State Highway (Route 25), said point being North 24 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds East 61.37 feet distant from the point of intersection of said line of the Main Road with the northeasterly line of land of Rutledge M. Howard; running thence along land of Stephenson Beach, Inc. four course~ as follows: (1) North 24 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds East 195.15 feet; thence (2) North 34 degrees 01 minutes 00 seconds East 200.03 feet; thence (3) North 50 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds East 1439.20 feet; thence (4) South 86 degrees 32 minutes East 137.34 feet to land now or formerly of Wilson W. Stephenson; the above four courses being along the northwesterly line of "Old Main Road"; thence diagonally across said "Old Main Road", South 25 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds West 71.31 feet to the south- easterly line of said "Old Main Road"; thence along said southeasterly line of "Old Main Road", adjoining meadow land of Stephenson Beach, Inc., two courses, as follows: (1) North 86 degrees 32 minutes West 84.45 feet; thence (2) South 50 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds West 759.13 feet to a point on the curved northwesterly line of said Main Road or State Highway; thence southwesterly along said line of Main Road or State Highway on a curve to the left having a radius of 1381.45 feet, a distance along said curve of 1049.03 feet to the point of beginning. Hereto annexed and made a part hereof is a certain map entitled "Map of Area Known as Stephenson's Beach between East Marion and Orient, Town of Southold, New York, surveyed March 28, 1958, by Otto W. VanTuyl & Sons Licensed Land Surveyors" which said m~p shows the highway requested to be discontinued by this application. Dated: September ,,~f~ 1959 STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this ~SON B_~CH, INC. ~-" President day of September. 1959, before m~ personally came ROBERT W. GILLISPIE, JR., to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn that he is the President of Stephenson Beach, Inc., the corporation described in, and which executed, the above Instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said Instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Direbtors of said corporation; and that he signed his name. thereto by like order. Notary Public -2- In the Matter of the Application of : STEPHENSON BEACH, INC. to Discontinue a Highway in the Town : of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. : APPLICATION TO DISCONTINUE TOWN HIGHWAY TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK: The undersigned, a corporation liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby applies to you to discontinue a portion of the Town highway at Orient in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, known as Old Main Road described as follows: All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land at Orient, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point-of-curve on the north~westerl~ line of the Main Road or State Highway (Route 25), said point being North 24 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds East 61.37 feet distant from the point of intersection of said line of the Main Road with the northeasterly line of land of Rutledge M. Howard; running thence along land of Stephenson Beach, Inc. four courses as follows: (1) North 24 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds East 195.15 feet; thence (2) North 34 degrees 01 minutes 00 seconds East 200.03 feet; thence (3) North 50 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds East 1439.20 feet; thence (4) South 86 degrees 32 minutes East 137.34 feet to land now or formerly of Wilson W. Stephenson; the above four courses being along the northwesterly line of "Old Main Road"; thence diagonally across said "Old Main Road", South 25 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds West 71.31 feet to the southeasterly line of said "Old Main Road"; thence along said southeasterly line of "Old Main Road", adjoining meadow land of Stephenson Beach, Inc., two courses, as follows: (1) North 86 degrees 32 minutes West 84.45 feet; thence (2) South 50 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds West 759.13 feet to a point on the curved northwesterly line of said Main i~VIA P OF KNOWN ~'"F E P N EN,SO N "..% I~5E~WEEN EAST MAI~-.ION m Town OF Soua-~o -% A / "0 'p ¢ ,', ). % Sir:- .P!ease take notice that the within is a (c~rti~*d) true colby of a · duly etitered in the office of the clerk o}~"~h~ql~ithin OWEN B. McBRIDE Oflice and Post 01fic# Addr~s~ TO~N OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. In the Matter of the Ap- plication of JOHN SKURO and ANN SKURO, his wife; FRANK PUMILLO; and EP~qEST WILSBERG and HAROLD WILSBERG, to Dis- continue a Highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. To Sir:- Please take notice that an order of which the within is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the Hon. one of the judges of the within named court~ at on the day of · ~[ OWEN B. McBRIDE ~ Attb~e~e2-yor Ollice and Post Ollice Addres: 300 OLD COUNTRY ROAD MINEOLA, N. Y. PI ?-1222 19 Attorne~ RELEASE OWEN B. McBRIDE Petitioners Ollic~ and Post Ollice Addre~ 300 OLD COUNTRY ROAD MINEOLA~ N. Y, To Attorney for Service of e copy of the within Dsted, is hereby admitted. Attbmey for · ~ Attorney for STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS: u , a837 On the 22nd day of July, 1965, before me personally came JOHN SKURO and ANN SICORO, his wife; FRANK PUMILLO and JOSEPH PUMILLO, to me l~o~¢a to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same. -~otary Publzc STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS.: On the day of September, 1965, before me personally came ERNEST WILSBERG & HAROLD WILSBERG, to me known to t~ibe the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing !iinstrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same. FRANK G. HUNDLEY l~letary Public, State of New Y~ 52-{896750 Qu~. In ~k ~ Notary Publzc / NORMI(N E. KLIPp. Clerk of Suffolk Coungy TOUi'I OF SOLrlI{OLD : S~FOLK CO~, N. Y. ~ In the Matte~o~ uae Application oz .... ~d ~'T~ ~Ol-Rq SI(~O an~ ~I~ his x~i-;:e~JOSEPH ~ ~ . ~, ,~fb{ rr,'=¢, · LLO7 "- ~RO~ 1.7ILSBERG~ to Discontinue High;yay in the T0~::[{~il{0ia-, '~J~folk : County, Ne;.y Yo~k. The undersigned, being the ox.:ners and persons interested in lands affected by the proposed discontinuance of a portion of a certain Town highway known as "Old Main Street" located at Hattituck, in the To;.zn of SoutL%old, and more particularly here- inafter described, = ' ' ' .,_oz a valuable conszderat~on, does hereby release the said To~m of Southold from any and all damages by ,reason of the discontinuance of the following portion of the said To~.:n highway l~nown as "Old Main Street", to wit: ' ALL that certain tract or parcel of land known as a portion of Old Main Road, located at Mattituck, in the To~n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly line of the "Old" Main Road with the northeasterly line of Marlene Lane, from said point of beginning running north;.~esterly in the direct extension of said northeasterly line across said "Old'Main Road, 76~eet, = more or less, to the northwesterly line thereof; thence northeasterly along said northx~esterly line of said "Old" Main Road, 233 feet, more or less, to a point 46 feet, more or less, Southeasterly from Station R 472 + 1~ on State High~ay 8181 Riverhead - Mattituck; thence northeasterly 374 feet + to a point 21 feet + southeasterly from Station R 47~ + 9~-' thence southwesterly along said southeasterly line of said "Old" Hain Road, 645 feet-,~ tO the point o~e~nni~/ ' Sir:- Please take notice that the within is a (certified) ,tl~ae copy of a duly entered in the of/ice of the clerk of the within named court on 19 Dated, OWEN B. McBRIDE Of Jic~ and Post Office Address 300 OLD COUNTRY ROAD To Attorney for TOWlq OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of JOHN SKURO and ANN SKURO, his wife; FRANK PUMILLO & JOSEPH PUMILLO; ERNEST WILSBERG & HAROLD WILSBERG, to discontinue a highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,. New York. $ir:~ Please take notice that an Order ORDER DISCONTINUING TOWN HIGHWAY o! which the within is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the Hon. one o! the judges of the within named court, st on the day of at M, Dated, OWEN B. McBRIDE Offle~ and Post Office Address 300 OLD COUNTRY ROAD To 19 Attor;.ey for OWEN B. MCBRIDE Attorney fo~' Petitioners Office and Post Office Address 300 OLD COUNTRY ROAD MINEOLA, N.Y. PI 7-1222 To Attorney for Service of a copy of the within Dated, is hereby admitted. Attorney for TOWN OF DATED: said northeasterly line across said "Old" Main Road, 76 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly line thereof; thence northeasterly along said north- westerly line of said "Old" Main Road, 233 feet, more or less, to a point 46 feet, more or less, southeasterly from Station R 472 + 1~- on State Highway 8181 Riverhead-Mattituck; thence north- easterly 374 feet + to a poin~ 21 feet + southeasterly from--Station R 475 + 93~_;--thence southwesterly along said southeasterly line of said "Old" Main Road, 645 feet + to the point of beginning. -- SOUTHOLD~ NEW YORK September Rj , 1965, Town Superintendent of Hzghways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of JOHN SKURO and ANN SKURO, his wife; FRANK PUMILLO and JOSEPH PUMILLO; ERNEST WILSBERG and HAROLD WILSBERG, to Discontinue a High- way in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. ORDER DISCONTINUING TOWN HIGHWAY Application having been made by John Skuro and Ann Skuro, his wife; Frank Pumillo and Joseph Pumillo; Ernest Wilsberg and Harold Wilsberg, for the discontinuance of a portion of a certain Town highway located at b~ttituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, said Town highway being knox, zn as "Old Main Road", and all parties affected thereby having released the Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the discontinuance of said highway through the parcel of land hereinafter described as a Town highway, and the Town Board of the Town of Southold having made its consent to the making of this Order, NOW, THEREFORE, I, HAROLD D. PRICE, To~rn Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in accordance with the pro- visions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York do hereby order that portion of said existing highway consisting of land hereinafter described be discontinued~and closed as a public highway of the said Town of Southoldo The lands to be dis- continued for highway use are the following, to wit: ALL that certain tract or parcel of land known as a portion of Old Main Road, located at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly line of the "Old" Main Road with the northeasterly line of Marlene Lane, from said point of beginning running northwesterly in the direct extension of Sir:- Please take notice that the within is a (certified) duly entered in the office o! the clerk of the within nanled court on 19 OWEN B. McBRIDE; O$flct and Post O]]ice Address To Attorney for Sir','- Please take notice that an order of which the within is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the Hon. one of the judges o[ the within roamed court, at on the day of OWEN B. McBRIDE Offic~ and Post O/lice Address BO0 OLD COUNTRY ROAD 19 To Attorney for Index No. Year 19 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of JOHN'SKURO & ANN SKURO, his wife; FRANK PUMILLO & JOSEPH PUMILL0;. '~ ERNEST WILSBERG & HAROLD .. WILSBERG, to discontinue a ; highway, in the Town of Southoldi Suffolk County, New York. CONSENT TO DISCONTINUE TOI~N HIGHWAY " OWEN B. McBRIDE Petitioner Of~ic# and Post O//ic~ Addrers aO0 OLD COUNTRY ROAD MINEOLA~ N. Y. To Attorney for Service of a copy of the within Dated, is hereby admitted. Attorney for R 475 + 93+_; thence southwesterly along said southeasterly line of said "Old" Main Road, 645 feet ~ to the point of beginning. RESOLVED, that consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order discontinuing as a Town Highway that portion of the Town Highway known as "Old Main Road" hereinbefore described, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York; and it is further, RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Southold execute and deliver quit-claimdeeds on behalf of said To~ of Southold conveying to the abutting owners thereof the portion of !'Old Main Road'; hereinabcve described, ~. Dated: as a discontinued highway. September~ 1965 TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, YORK sqr ~  zil~nm n ~ , 'Council~n ~ ~ e of/the Peace / TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of JOHN SKURO and ANN SKURO, his wife; FRANK PUMILLO and JOSEPH PUMILLO; ERNEST WILSBERG and HAROLD WILSBERG, to Discontinue a High- way in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NewYork. CONSENT TO DISCONTINUE TOWN HIGHWAY Upon reading and filing the application of JOHN SKURO and ANN SKURO, his wife; FRANK PUMILLO and JOSEPH PUMILLO; dated and acknowledged the 22nd day of July, 1965, and the application of ilERNEST WILSBERG and HAROLD WILSBERG, dated July 22, 1965 and ~lacknowledged the 7~ day of September, 1965, and the releases of i said JOHN SKURO and ANN SKURO; FRANK PUMILLO and JOSEPH PUMILLO; Idated and acknowledged the 22nd day of July, 1965, and the releases . ?f samd ERNEST WILSBERG and HAROLD WILSBERG, dated July 22, 1965, l~and acknowledged the 7;~ day of .September, 1965, whtdh said iiapplication requests the discontinuance of a portion of a Town ihighway of the Town of Southold known as "Old Main Road", con- sisting of the following lands; to wit: ALL that certain tract or parcel of land known as a portion of Old Main Road, located at Mattituck, in the To~n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the south- easterly line of the "Old" Main Road with the northeasterly line of Marlene Lane, from said point of beginning running northwesterly in the directs.extension of said northeasterly line across said "Old" Main Road, 76 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly line thereof; thence northeasterly along said northwesterly line of said "Old" Main Road, 233 feet, more or less, to a point 46 feet, more or less, southeasterly from Station R 472 + 19+ on State Highway 8181 Riverhead - Mattituck; ~hence northeasterly 374 feet ~ to a point 21 feet ~ southeasterly from Station Si,fl- Please take notice that the within ia a (ccrtiIitd) true copy of a ~u~y entered in the office of the clerk of the within Dated, OWEN B. McBtRIDE OHice and Pots OlIict Addrtss 300 OLD COUNTRY ROAD To Attorney for S/r:- Piease take notice that an order 6f which the w/thin is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the Hon. one of the fudges of the within named court, at on the day of Dated, OWEN Bt. McBRIDE Oliic~ and Post Oilier Address 300 OLD COUNTRY ROAD 19 To. ~ Attorney for Index No. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY ~ N.Y. Year 19 In the Matter of the Ap- plication of JOHN SKURO and ANN SKURO. his ~aJf.e; F~ANK PUMILLO;-and ERNEST WILSBERG and HAROLD WILSBERG, to Dis- continue $ Highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Ne~ York. APPLICATION TO DISCONTINUE TOWN HIGHWAY OWEN Bt. MCBtRIDE AttorneyJor Petitioners OIlic~ and Post Oilier Addrtn 300 OLD COUNTRY ROAD MINEOLA, N. Y. To Attorney for Service of a copy of the with/n Dated, is hereby admitte~ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS.: On the 22nd day of July, 1965, before me personally came JOHN SKURO and ANN SICORO, his wife, FRANK PUMILLO and JOSEPH' PUMILLO, to be known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same. Notary l~o[arf Public. ~tate of New Yori~ No, 30-2598200 . ~allfi~ in N~au ~un~ ~m~s~on Expires M~ch STATE OF NEW YORK SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the ]~ day of September, 1965, before me personally came ERNEST WILSBERG and HAROLD WILSBERG, to be known to.be the individuals described in and whO executed the foregoing znstrument; and acknowledged that they executed the same. FRANK G, IdUNDLEY Notcry Public, State of New Yor~ No. 52-1896750 QuaL in Suffolk Term ~xpires A,~:h 30, .196~ Notary Public / P~c Said map shows application. Dated: July the highway requested to be discontinued by this 22, 1965 An~ ~l~ro Frank Pumillo -- Ernest Wilsbero~ Harold Wilsberg ~ Joseph Pumzllo -2- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD : SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. In the Matter of the Application of . JOH~ SKURO and ANN SKURO, his wife; FRANK PUMILLO and JOSEPH PUMILLO; ERNEST WILSBERG and HAROLD WILSBERG, to Discontinue a Highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. APPLICATION TO DISCONTINUE TOWN HIGHWAY TO TNE SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TO%~N OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK: The undersigned persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby applies to you to discon- ~.tinue a portion of the Town highway at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, known as part of "Old Main ilRoad", described as follows: ALL that certain tract or parcel of land known as a portion of Old Main Road, located at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly line of "Old" Main Road with the northeasterly line of Marlene Lane, from said point of beginning running northwesterly in the direct extension of said northeasterly line across said "Old" Main Road, 76 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly line thereof; thence northeasterly along said northwesterly line of said "Old" Main Road, 233 feet, more or less, to a point 46 feet, more or less, southeasterly from Station R 472 + 19+_ on State Highway 8181 Riverhead- P~ttituck; thence northeasterly 374 feet + to a point 21 feet ! southeasterly from Station R 47~ + 93 ~; thence southwesterly along said southeasterly line of said "Old" Main Road, 645 feet ! to the point of beginning. Hereto annexed is a certain map entitled "Map of Proposed Abandonment by the Town of Southold of a part of State Highway iB181 at Mattituck, N. Y.", prepared by Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed ~and Surveyors, Greenport, New York, and dated April 9, 1965. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK John V. N. Klein September 5, 1974 Honorable Albert M. Mamtocchla Supervisor, Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Desm Al: In response to your letter of August 29, 1974, I have already written to Mr. Lark indicating that we would he. pleased to cooperate with the Mattituck Park District. /For your information I am enclosing a copy of that letter of reply. ery ~youms, ...~' /Suff°lk County Executive JVNK: ck ,// Enclos~e ~s cc: Richard F. L~k, q. August 15~ ~97~ .-'.!chard F. L~rk. Esq. W:[ckha~ & Lark, · ~attl~uck, ;;ew York 11952 have ~u~ lette~' of Au~usl: 6, 197~,, on bebal~ of the i<at'c~.tuck D~ict. I m~ f~ding y~ ~q~ To ~ha D~c~ o~ R~ Count7! foz- xh~ ,~moper~y. In THe absence of C~ran~y the p~perry will he offered ~o ~he P~k C~din-3rily, this involves ~he preparation of an a, .~praisal and ~n ~a~ ~he ~m~y i~ ~o be conveyed ~o ~he ~a~i~lck F~k DidYmium, I ~d prop~r~y. JVNK: ck Suffo~3~ County Heal P~o~y Trax Service ~gency John V. N. Klein Suffolk County r,v~cut£ve NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Raymond T. Schuler, Commissioner Region 10 Office: Suffolk State Office Building ~ Veterans Memorial Highway, Hauppauge, New York 11787 September 25, 1974 Albert ~[. ~artocchia S~pervisor To~:m of Southold Greenport, ~? York 11944 Dear Sir: P.I.]~. O058.01.201 ~httituck-Riverhead Parts i & 3, S.H. 8151 D~p lC Parcel Cowaty of Suffolk tn reply to your letter of August 29, 1974 regarding the abovS~identifie8 subject, ~ile a small portion of property between Sigsbee Lane and D~arlene Lane has been declared surplus, we regret that we carmot dispose of the property to the Uo~-'z "~i~.~ last fear ?e receive,! a '_?en.uest fro:~ t~ ~ee o~mers ~;'ho ovm property on the south side of the old highvmy who wishes to purchase this property. Ue advised then that whi].e the property ?ms surplus, re -~7o~d not sell it to them uutil such time as they purchased the property of the old road from the Toum. On July 9, 1974 the To~.'m Board sold t~is property to the adjacent oum. ers. Under the circ~usts-uces zf ~'e oO1~ t.~-e ?rop~,rty -bo the Totem ~?e uould ~ effect lm~dlock the o~wner of the property in the ,middle. ?!e regre~ that ~'e cannot comply with your request. Very truly yomrs, RF. GIOi!AL .C2~!L ~,~T~_TE OFFICEil SC:_~ cc: ~iekard F. Lark, Esq. Uic~n & Lark, P. C. kbtituch, [~. Y. 1!~52 ~,~ : · OFF, ,. ORDER ~ ":.. ',." '~F~Z ~{~ .... · . .:., ,.,.. :; ,' ::: ;: :. , : , . , _?.,. ~;: , .,;.~nt to aect~on 62 o~ the ~ay ~v. It ~- ' ". ~:;:':.'"~: ~: ' - .... ~]~ ~;" - :. "': ' ' · "'~b;' ,~"', '. ,, ;~J~_of the ~iverhead . H · , .... . . attltuo P r .... :.., .:,.;.; - , . Y 7 oe~ore a e~ge :,. ; ..,~:the.~ r~e a t~ ~a. ~e · ~=~,.,:,., · ,, 'a~ .the same t. · -~-4~..--.. ..... ~~ ,.~,... ,~ ~.~ ,, . e~ ~y the T~ ~ .B~thold. ' ~ ' ' '' . P%* V ~"T" :'" ,;[~l t~t P~tAm of t~ old hi*~a-' ,-'---* --~'' -- ' ' '~'.'v.'~'i- , ~ t l~ R~?~3' a total lo~th ,.~108~ fOOt, '"' · ' ~ T~' h~aF e~at~eted t~ oooompl~ob t~ Amp~emont of al/g~ent ~ dm ~ ' ',~''' '; · ., ;~o~ ~plo~od_~ State - · )~ ~ 28t 1~8, 18 here aubott~ed f~ t FA :~a! above as .hc~n on eeontLnuene ..., · Depm~t~t off ~blXo Work .:.~. .:~ .... 'J ,,., .:, .:' . ., · ,ia( ~ ,, 't~'tha Clerk ~ the ~-~~[zea oo~t~reof ~ ~1~ ' ~ ' . .. , . . . · ';' ~ :'" =:''~ ~P~enden~ . .:.%. ~ . . . ~ . . ~kl . . ..~., ~. . :~ ~..'~ 4' ' ~, . . : ~ ' - _ : ':~ ,,:~ ., .... , : .--' .... ~ ........ .- ~eal"Estate Division - /.th Floor New,or, State OFfice Veterans_~w~rial Itlghwa~ .Haul)pauge, New York 1178~/ -. -...,'~, Willie~ ~. Clark Attorney at Law Middle Road }gat'Gltuck, New York 11952 NEW YO,qK. ~TAT~ · P.I.N. 0088.01.201 '.-, '. Proc. No. 3657 · ~ Riverhead-}~attituck Parts 1 & 2, S.H. 8229 Official Order 917 Suffolk County /" ~u' .reference to our telephone conversation Of Ma~ 31, lg74, e~closed find a copy of Official order ~17. In this we turn over jurisdiction .eft the Old Riverhead-Mattituck Road, east of Sigsbee Lane for approxi- mately 1,000 feet, which is the f~ntage in question. The Town of Southold now holds title and Jurisdiction to this abandoned alignment. New York State has no use for this abandoned highwa,v and is in agreement with its relinquishment to any likely buyer. ~ .',Ve~ trul~v ~ours, WIL'r~M 3'. CLARK June 10, 1974 Robert W. Tasker, ~.~q., 425 Hain Street, Greenport, New York Re: Abandonment of Old Nain Road, ~attituck. Dear Bob: Enclosed ia copy of letter dated June 5, 1974 from New York State Department of Transportation stating that New York State has no use for the old highway between Sigsbee Road and Marlene Lane in ~attituck. A resolution to abandon this highway is pending before the Town Board. I ~ill appreciate .it if you. bring this letter to the attention of the Board. WJ0:hr Encl. cc: Hon. Nartin Surer, Cordially yours, William J. Clark Town Justice Suffolk County, New York, held in said Towu on the ~day of July 197~ at 3:00 o'clock. P.M. PRES~: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Just$ce Martin Surer Justice Louis M. Demarest Councilman James H. Rich, Jr. Councilman James Homan ABSENT: Justice Francis T. Doyen In the Matter of the Application of Mattituck_Bowling Lanes, Inc., Mattituck Building Corp., and Gunter Morchel to discontinue a portion of a highway in said Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York We, the undersigned members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, having read the applica- tion of Mattituck Bowling I~nes, Inc. and Gunter Morchel asking for the discontinuance of a portion of a highway in the Town of Southold, as described in said application, and it appearing that Hain (State) Road an improved highway has heretofore been constructed iu said Town of Southold, which improved highway follows the general direction of the highway, a portion of which is sought~ .Ko be discontinued and serves generally the same purpose end it appearing that traffic over said highway is limited to the applicants above named, said highway not having been improved or repaired for sOme time and it further appearing that there are no other persons or corporations other than these applicants, owning any premises through which said highway sought to be discontinued passes or to which it is adjacent, and it further appearing that the portion of said highway sought to be discontinued has become ,,nnecessa~-~ and useless. NOW, after due deliberation, we, the undersigned, members i of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, do pursuant to section 171 of the Highway Law of the Sate of New York, hereby consent in writing that the said portion'-o£ the highway sought to be discontinued and described in the application, be discontinued. ~:::-- lqease take nouce that the within is a (certified) · ,~u,y entered in the ofiSze of the clerk of the within TO'fiN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Ipplication of Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. Matt~tu~ Building Corp. and Gunter Morchel to discontinue a portion of a highway in said Town of Southold, Suf£olk County, · ~.~'T~" York OONS~D OF TOWN BOARD W'~LLIAM J. CLARK, ESQ. Office and Post O/lice Address, Tclcp/Ione kiattituck, N. Y. 11952 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: COUNTY OF ~YFFPLK IN TEE MATTER OF DISCONTINUANCE OF OLD MAIN ROAD, MATTITUOK, NEW YORK GUNTER MORC~W~. APPLICANT WEEREAS,~ by application dat0d~July~ 1, 1974, Gunter Horchel in the Town of Southold, therein described; and W~AS, there is attached to said application a written consent to the discontinuance of the said portion of the said highway and a release from all damages executed by Gunter Horchel the owner of all of the lands taken or affected thereby, and all the lands through whioh the said portion of the high~ay sought to be discontinued passes, or to which it is adjacent; and ~, there is also attached to said application the written consent of a ma0or~ty Of the members of the Town Board ~!/of said Town of ~outhold; and WHEREAS, it further appears that an improved highway has heretofore been constructed in the said Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and ~tate of New York and, WTr~ww.18, it further appears that traffic on said highway a portion of which is souff~.t to be discontinued is generelly listed to the applicant herein~ and WHEREAS, it further appears that the applicant herein is the o~3.y person or corporation om:ting ~ land abutti~ on or adjacent to the portion of said highway sought to be discontinued and that no cl~4m for damages is made , and NOW after due deliberation of the matter it is hereby determined that the portion of the said highway sought to be discontinued has become useless and it is hereby ORDERED that said portion of said highway hereinafter and same hereby is discontinued. L' E"?675 3'43 ~ollowin~ is a description of a portion of a highway so discontinued. BEGINNING at the intersection of the southerly line of the Old Main Road with the easterly line of Sigsbee Road; z-mning thence along the extension northerly of said easterly line, N. 20° 39' 10" W. $3.27 feet to the southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said southerly line, N. 53° 28' E. ~8.52 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed-by 'the p~'- of the first part to Mattituck Building 0orp.~,· ~S. 20° 59' '1.$" · E. 57-35 feet; thence along said southerly line of the Old Main Road, S. 70° 18' 10" W. ~6.67 feet to the point of beg~nn~u~. Dated at the Town of Southold ~ day of July 1975. N.Y. the STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK .S~'erintendent Of Highways ~f the Town of Southold, N.Y. On the q day of. July 197~, before me personally came Raymond Dean to me mown to be the individual described in amd who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same. NOT~.RY pUBLIC, Sit;re of New York Suffolk Coun~ No, $2-3933125 '20 the ~own Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York The undersigned, Gunter Morche_l~he~by mak. e~app~ica_t~on~_ to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of'Southold, Suffolk County, New York to discontinue the portion of the high- way located in said Town and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of the Old Main Road with the easterly line of Sigsbee Road; running thence along the extension northerly of said easterly line, N. 20° 59' 10" W. 55.2? feet to the southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said southerly line, N. 5~° 28' E. 58.52 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to ~attituck Building Corp., S. 20° 59' 10" ~.. 57.~3 feet; thence along said southerly line of the Old Hain Road, S. ?0° 18' 10" W. ~6.67 feet to the point of beginning.' The portion of said highway sought to b'~ discontinued passes adjacent to lands owned by Gunter Morchel and no other person or corporation is the owner of any land through which said portion of the highway passes, or to which it is adjacent, and the said Gunter Morchel is the owner of land subject to highway taxes on said town of Southold and he does hereby make th~s application pumsu-nt to Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York. Dated July 1, 1975 Gunter Morchel '7§7§ c 349 Release from O~ner on Discontu~ce of I~hwat KNOW AT,T. ~ BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gunter Morchel residing on the highway referred to. in the application attached hereto, in the Town of ~outhold, ~uffolk County, N. Y. owners of lands taken or affected thereby in consideration of the discontinuance of said highway, do hereby consent that such highway be discontinued and does hereby release the Town of Southold from all claims to damages by reason of the discontinuance of such highway. Dated: July 1, 1975 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the 1st day of July 1975, before me personally came Gunter Morchel to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregolng instrument and acknowledge that he executed the same. ATT~RN[='Y AT LAW August 26, 1974 Hon. Albert W, Richmond Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Albert: I enclose herewith for filing in your office three orders of the Town Superintendent of Highways discontinuing portions of Old Main Road, M@ttituck, which have been recorded in the Suffolk County C~lerk's Office on July 16 in Liber 7675 at page 342, Liber 7675 at page 344 and Liber 7675 at page 346. In order that I may have a record for my files, will you please acknowledge receipt of the orders by signing and returning to me the copy of this letter enclosed for that purpose. Yours~~_~very tru. ly, ~ ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:kc Enclosures ATTORNE:Y AT LAW August 26, 1974 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Albert: I 'enclose herewith for filing in your office three order;; of the Town 'Superintendent of Highways discontinuing portions of ©Id Main Road, .~,Mattituck, which have been recorded in the Suffolk Cot nty Clerk's Office on July 16 in Liber 7675 at page 342, Liber 7675 at page 344 and Liber 7675 at page 346. In order that I may have a record for my files, will you please acknowledge receipt of the orders by signing and returaing to the copy of this letter enclosed for that purpose. Yours~/_~very I:r .uly, ~ ROBER~T W, TASKER RWT:kc Enclosures ~,~r:* Please take notice t~t the within is a (certi~ed) copy of a Index No. Year 19 TOWN OF SOU~HOLD In the Ma~ter of of Old Main Road, New York Discontinuance Mattituck, By C~J~ter ~,_ ~chel A?',lic ai~t day of 19 WILI,I~d~ J. OLAR.M, ESQ., Nid~!e Road, ~a~tituck, N. Y~ 11952 ................................. is hcrcby admitted. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: COUNTY OF SUFFPLK In the Matter of Discontinuance of Old Main Road, Mattituck, New York ~ Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. ii Applicant ' WEEREAS by application dated July l, 1975 Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. ~L~hay9 petitione~ for th~ discontinuance of a portion of a highway in the Town of Southold, there~in described and WT~V~F~A~S, there is attached to said application a written consent to the discontinuance of the said portion of the said highway and a release from all damages executed by Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc., the owners of all of the lands taken or affected thereb2 and of all the lands through which the said portion of the highway sought to be discontinued passes or to which it is adjacent; and WHE~w. AS, there is also attached to said application the written consent of a majority of the members of the Town Board of said Town of Southold; and WEEREAS, it further appears that an improved highway has heretofore been Constructed in the said Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York; and. WHEREAS, it further appears that traffic on said highway a portion of which is sought to be discontinued is generally limite to the applicants herein; and WHEREAS,i it further appears that the applicants herein are the only persons or corporation owning any land abutting on or adjacent to the~portion of said highway-- sought to be discontinued and that no claim for damages is made; and NOW, after due deliberation of the matter it ishereby determined that the portion of the said highway sought to be dis- continued has become useless; and it is hereby ORDERED that said portion of said highway hereinafter and as in said application described, b9 and the same hereby is Following is a description of a highway so discontinued BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the southerly line of the Old Main Road, with the westerly line of Marlene Lane; from said point of beg~nn~ng ~mming along said southerly line, S. 70° 18' 10" W. 191.68 feet; thence along laud conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Mattituck Building Corp. N. 20° 39' 10" W. 66.01 feet to the southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said southerly line, two courses: of line, S. 20° 39' 10" E. 82.zi0 feet to the poLut of be~nni~g. (1) N. 70° 18' 10" E. 137-27 feet; thence (2) N. 53° 28' E. 56.56 feet to the extension northerly said westerly line of Marlene Lane; thence along said ~sterly Dated at the Town of Southold . N. Y. the ~ dsy of July 1974 .S A E OF OPZ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~.S~per~endent of ~ways of /-~he Town of ~outhold, N. Y. On the ~. day of July 1974 before me personally came Raymond Deau to me knowa to 'be the Ludividual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same. le~m [xpires ~1,a~ch 30, 19~5 To the Town Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold County of Suffolk State of New York ~ ~he, undersi~En, gd, Sat~ituc~ B~owling Laq. es, Inc., hereby makes application to the Town Superintendent of Highways Of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to discontinue the portion of the highway located in said Town and described as follows: Beginning at a monument at the intersec,tion of the southerly' line of the Old Maiu Road with westerly line of Marl erie Lane; from said point of beginning rnnn~ng along said southerly line S. 70° 18' 10" W. 191.68 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Mattituck Building Corp. S. 20° 39' 10" W. 66.01 feet to the southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said southerly line, two courses: (1) N. 70° 18' 10" E. 137.27 feet; thence (2) N. 53° 28' E. 56.56 feet to the extension northerly of said westerly line of Marlene Laue; thence along said westerly line S. 20° 39' 10" E. 82.~O feet to the point of beginning. The portion of said highway sought to be discontinued passes adjacent to lands owned by the said Hattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. and no other person or corporation is the owner of any land through which said portion of the highway passes, or to which it is adjacent, and the said Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. is the owner of land subject to highway taxes on' said town of Southold, and it does hereby make this application pursuant to Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York. Dated July 1, 1974 By President ~ttituck ~wling Lanes,. Inc Release from Owner on Discontinuance of lfiEhw8.~ KNOW ALL I~ BY THE~E PRESENTS:" That Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. located on the highway referred to in the application' attached hereto, in the Town of ~0uthold, ~uffolk County N. Y., owners of lands taken or affected thereby, in consideration of the discontinuance of said highway, do hereby consent that such highway be discontinued and do hereby release the Town of ~outhold from all claims to damages ~, by reason of the discontinuance of such highway. ~-~ ~'<.;f §~'h.Da~ed: July 1, 197~ Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc . ,-', .~. l~'. ,., ,..'~ · . ..< President '--~ '-". t.,:?'" STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the 1st day of July 1975, before me personally came Doris Narkoff, to me known, who, being by me duly. sworn, did depose and say that she resides at Wells Road, Mattituck, New York, that she is the President of The Hattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that she knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal, that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, aud that she signed her name thereto by like order. f~)TA~Y PUBLIC, st*re ~f N~w Yor~ No. 52-S712500 Telm ixp~ces Mdzcb 30, ,:'~. ~ 4~r> Ple~se take notice that the within is a (certified) amy entered in He o~;cc of the clerk of the within Index No. TOW2~ OF SOUTHOLD Year 19 ....... NOTICE OF ~ETTLEM[NT S[r:--P!ease take notice that an order of wLdch the within is a true copy will be presented on the day of at M. Dated, ' 19 OJJice and Past Oj/ice Addres~ A~orncy(s for . . In the Matter of Discontinuance of Old Hain Road, Hattituck New York By Hattituck Bowling Lanes, Ymc. ORDER, APPLICATION & RET.W.&SE LLIAM J. C~RK, ESQ. Olfice and Post Ol!ice Address, Telephone Middle Road, Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 To Attorney(g) for Service of a copy of thc within is hereby admitted. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ COUNTY OF ~UFFPLK In the Matter of Discontinuance of Old Main R~ad, Mattituck, New York By Mattituck Building Corp. Applicants W~.~EAS, by application dated July 1, 1975 Mattituck Building Corp. ,thaye~pet.itiRned~ow the~nt~u~ce of a . portion of a ~w~ ~n the To~ of ~uthold, there in~escribed WEEHEAS, there is attached to said application a written consent to the discontinuance of the said portion of the said highway and a release from all damages executed by Mattituck' Building Corp. the owners of all of the lands taken or affected thereby and of all the lands through which the said portion of the highway sought to be discontinued passes, or to which it is WEEREAS, there is also attached to said application the written consent of a majority of the members of the Town Board of said Town of 'Southold; and WEEREAS, it appears that an improved highway has heretofore been constructed in the said Town of ~outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York; and W~EA8, it further appears that traffic on said highway a to the applicants herein; and WHEREAS, it further appears that the applicants herein are the only persons or corporations owning any land abutting on or adjacent to the portion of portion of which is sought to be discontinued is generally limited said highway sou~t to be discontinued~, and that no claim for damages is made; and NOW, after due deliberation of the matter it is hereby determined that a portion of the said highway sought to be discon- tinued has become useless;-aud is hereby 1 ORDERED, that said portion of said highway hereinafter and ta~lnuin.~aid application described, be and the same hereby is disco~- Following is a description of a portion of a highway so discontinued. Beginning at a point on the southerly line of the Old Main Road, 191.60 feet westerly along said southerly line from Marlene Lane; from said point of begin~!~8 running along said southerly line S. ?0° 18' 10" W. 46.67 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Morchel; N. 20° 59' 10" W. 57-~ feet to the southerly line of Main Road; thence along said southerly line two courses: (1) N. 5~o 28' ~.. 29.73 feet; thence (2) N. 70° 18' 10" E. 18.07 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Matti- tuck Bowling Lanes, Inc. S. 20° 59' 10" E. 66.01 feet to the ~ po~t of beginning. Dated at the Town of ~outhold, N.Y. the ~ day of July 197~ _~upj~intenclent of Highways T~of Southold, N. Y. he executed the same. STATE OF LrEW YORE ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLE On the~ day of July 1975, before me personally came Raymond Deanto' me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that NOTARY PUt~LIC, State of New York Suffolk County No. 52-3933725 T~II'IT1 ~ir~s Marr;h 30. 1975 To the Town Superintendent of Hi~hws~s Town of Southold~ County of ~uffolk State of New York The undersigned Mattituck Buildin~ Cot?. ,~erehy~akes ~ applmcation to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York to discontinue the portion of the highway located in said Town and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly lime of the Old Main Road, 191.60 feet westerly along said southerly l~ne from Marlene Lane; from said point of beginning x.m~ng along said : southerly line S. ?0° 18' 10" W. ~6.67 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Morchel; N. 20° 39' 10" W. 57-33 feet to the southerly line of Main Road; thence along said southerly line two c~urses: (1) N. 53° 28' E. 29.73 feet; thence (2) N. 70° 18' lC" E. 18.07 feet; thence along land conveyed. or about to be conveyed by the .party of the first part. to Mattitu0k Bowling Lanes, Inc. S. 20° 39' 10" E. 66.01 feet to the point of beginning. The portion of said highway sought to be discontinued passes adjacent to la, ds owned by the said Mattituck Building Corp., and no other person or corporation is the owner of amy land through which said portion of the highway passes or to which it is adjacent, and the said Mattituck Building Corp., is the owner of land subject to highway taxes on said tom of ~outhold, and it does hereby made this application pursuant to Section 171 of Highway Law of the State of New York. Mattituck Building Corp. Secretary Rwm.w.~E FROM OWNER ON DISCONTINUANCE OF HIGHWAY KNOW ~T,T. ~ BY THESE PRESENTS: r~.at Mattituck Buildin~ goz~p, located, on the highway refered: to in the application att;ached hereto~ in the Town of ~outhold'~ Su.ffolk gou~ty, No ¥., owners of lnnds taken or affected, thereby in consideration of the discontinuance of said highway, do hereby consent that such highway be discontinued and do hereby release the Town of Southold from all claims to damages by reason of the discontinuance of such highway. July l, 1975 Mattituck Building Corp. Secretary / ' / On the 1st day of July 197~, before me personally came Charles Harkoff, to me known, who, being :by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at Wells Road, Ma~tituck, New York, that he is the Secretary of the Mattituck Building Corp., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal, that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by 9~I£11A M 't~CABR' ~TA~¥ PUBLIC, St,.i* of Ntew Yod~ Oud~il1~d ;a S~f.rolk Co,,,m~ ]'erm E~E~reI ~eb 30, Index TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the MaTter of Discontinuance of Old Main Road, Mattituck New York By Y~tituck Building Coz.p~ Applicants WiL~I_~M J. CLARK, ESQ. named Court, 5t -, . .... O/Iict and Post Ollice Addrgss, Telephone 425 MAIN ~T. GREENPORT, L. ;., N.Y. 11944 June 13, 1974 Hon. Albert M. Martocchia Supervisor of the Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Abandonment of Old Main Road, Mattituck Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith is a copy of a letter of William J. Clark to which is annexed a letter from the New York State Department of Transportation and a copy of the official order discontinuing a portion of the old Main Road. As you know this matter has been pending before the Town Board for a long time. I do not know what disposition the Board intends to make. Yours very truly,~ ROBERT W. TASKER RWT :MY Enclosures In the .Matter of the Applicati6n to : Discontinue a port on of a Highway in the : RELEASE Town of $onthold, Suffolk County, New york,: known as NASSAU POINT ROAD. · : ~ , The Under$'fgned, being th~' oWnerS Of and '~S~ons interests in lands affected by the proposed discontinUance Of a' portion Of a certain Town highway known ''aS "NASSA~I~OINT~0~'' .... lO0~t"d" at .N~ssa'U p~t, ~Cutcho~e,' ~iu the Town ~of SoUthold, and more particularly hereinafter described; for a ~raluable consideration do hereby release the said Town of Southold from any~nd all dama§es by reason of the discontinuance ~of the following portion of the said Town highway known as ~#NASSAU POINT ROAD", to wit: -~... ~.~ ~k~:.All'~hat =strain tract or' parcel of ~and known.as a portion of Nassau point Road.~ located at Nassau point, ..qCutcho~us,;'~nAthe Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New york, bein~ bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the.interseCtion 'of the ilrre~ularTy,.curved north-westerly line of Nassau point Road with the easterly . ~ line of said Nassau.~point Road ashrelocated~-said point of be~inning bein~ North ~7 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds East :,~1~3.53 feet 'from a monument.at theeasterl~c0rner of!'~lot 179 as shown on "Amended Map A,. Nassau Point",~fil~d in -~ 'the.'Suffolk County Clerk's 0ffice'as map No. 156; from said point of be~inning running northeasterly along said irre~ularly curved northwesterly line, 260~fee~', more or less, to ordinary high water ma~k of Little peconic Bay; ~hence southerly~alonE~ the high water mark,~'50 feet,' more ~ or less, to the irregularly curved southeasterly line of .said Nassau~Point Road; ~thence.~southwesterly along said ~t southeasterly line, ~00 feet more or less; thence across .%,<said Nassau Point Road, No~th'~l~ degrees~ 5~ minutes SO seco~ East 75 feet, more or less, to the point of. beginning. NAssAU/POINT CAUSEWAY A, SOC, zA' Io% t David C. Eaton, as ~Trustee of an er Vivos T~uS't.i 'f937 Anna %; Murray Leanor M. Eaton, as Co-Trustee oz' an Inter-Vivos Trust established ,.the benefit of Anna %;. Murray 7222 , 291 STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF ERIE ) On the SS.: 3 day of July, came David C. Eaton and Eleanor M. 1972, before me personally Eaton, Trustees of an Inter Vivos Trust for Anna W. Murray, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that tll~y executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) '. x-et On the ,~ day of~ , 1972, before me ~A~0ND E ROLL Nota~ ~blic, State of New Yor~ Qualifi~ in Erie Cou~ who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at e t/ ~ ~f NASSAU POINT cAuSEwAY ASSOCIATION, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such coporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors oC said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary ANNA W. JACOBs Notary Public in State of New Besidiri~ in Suffolk County Commission E. xpires March 30, 19 SUFFOLK COUNTY In the Matter of theApplication' ' to Discontinue a portion of a Highway in the Town of S~uthold, Suffolk County, New York, known as NASSAU POINT ROAD. RELEASE In the Matter of the Application to : Discontinue a portion of a Highway in the : Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York; APPLICATION TO DISCONTINUE A PORTION OF TOWN HIGHWAY TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK: The undersigned, persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to discontinue a portion of the Town highway at Nassau Point, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, known as NASSAU POINT ROAD, described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of land known as a portion of Nassau Point Road, located at Nassau Point, Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the irregularly curved northwesterly line of Nassau Point Road with the easterly line of said Nassau Point Road as relocated, said point of beginning being North 47 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds East 133.53 feet from a monu- ment at the easterly corner of lot 179 as shown on "Amended Map A, Nassau Point," filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as map No. 156; from said point of beginning running northeasterly along said ~trregularly curved northwesterly line, 260 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Little Peconic Bay; thence southerly along said high water mark, 50 feet, more or less, to the irregularly curved southeasterly line of said Nassau Point Road; thence southwesterly along said southeasterly line, 300 feet, more or less; thence across said Nassau Point Road, North 12 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East 75 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Hereunto annexed and made a part hereof is a certain map prepared by Van Tuyl and Son, Greenport, New York, and dated July 1, 1970, amended March 5, 1971, which said.map shows the portion of said highway requested to be discontinued by this application. Dated :~ /~/~ ~ NASSA P0 NT ASS. OCIATION,/A/~. ~ BY .~ ~vid C. Eaton, as Trustee of an Inter V~os Trust for Anna W. M~ Eleanor M. Eaton, as Co-Trustee c an Inter~ivos Trust establzshed for the benefit of Anna W. Murra, :ay f STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF ERIE ) SS.: On the /j day of July, 1972, before me personally came David C. Eaton and Eleanor M. Eaton, Trustees of an Inter Vivos Trust for Anna W. Murray, to me know~ to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS.: ~ ~~ ~ 1972,+before me On the ['~ day o personally came ~-~%/',. t~ .O me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at the corporation desc~ibed in and which executed the foregoing Lnstrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary P~tic ANNA W, JACOBS Notary Pubtic in State of New ym'k 'i ,' '/ No, 52-7057150 , ,'~' ,' Residing in Suffolk Count~/ , Commission ExPires March SO, In the L'atter of the Appli- cation of STANLEY CASE to discontinue a portion of highway in the To~.n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. I6 the }.~atter of the Apolication of STANLEY CASE to discontinue a portion of a highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. TO THE TOWN SUPERINTEN9~NT OF HIGMWAV_$ O? TMM TO~_! O? SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY 07 The undersigned, an inhabitant of the afore~aifl. Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, an~, lt~b!e to be assessed for highway taxes herein, hereby aoolies to you to discontinue the old highway being a part of the North Road, and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of the North Road as relocated about the year 1935 ( and now known as Middle Road-, County Road No. 27), 270.37 feet westerly along said line from the southwesterly corner of land of Feeney; running thence westerly along said re- located northerly line of North Road 130.23 feet to a point; running thence northerly at right angles to the former northerly line of North Road and on a deflection to the right of 93° 24~ 30" from said relocated northerly line of North RoaC a distance of 24.40 feet to land of Stanley Case;running thence easterly along land of Stanley Case a distance of l~O.O feet to land of Helen B. Case; running thence southerly, parallel to the westerly boundary herein described, a distance of; 16,66 feet to the'p.olnt of beginning, b:ing £=~0 2q"~? ~e+ ~ ~ ~ on the ground that said highway has been abandoned. Dated this .~day of March 19~?. STATE OF NEW YORK, I SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK,) On the C~day came STANLE~ CASE, of March, 1947, before me p to me known, and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. In the Matter of the Application of STANLEY CASE to discontinue a portion of a highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. CERTIFICATE OF DISCONTIN~ANCE AND ABANDON~ENT I, the undersigned T0~SUPERI~FENDE~T OF HIGHWAYS of the Town of SOUTHOLD, in the County of SUFFOLK, ~EREBY that a portion of a certain highway, hereinafter designated, has not been opened or worked for more than six years last past, and that the same has been abandoned by the public, and is no longer used as a public highway; that portion of the highway hereby discontinued is described as follows:- BEGINNING at a point onthe northerly line of the North Road as relocated about the year 1935 (and now known as Middl, Road, County Road. N~. 27), 270.37 feet westerly along said line from the southwesterly corner of land of Feeney; running thence westerly along said relocated northerly line of North Road 130.23 feet to a point; running thence northerly at ri~ angles to the former northerlM line of North Road and on a deflection to the right of 93v 24' 30" from said relocated northerly line of North Road a distance of 24.40 feet to land of Stanley Case; running thence easterly along land of Case a distance of 130.0 feet to land of Helen B. Case; run- ning thence southerly, parallel to the westerly boundary herein described, a distance of 16.66 feet to the point of beginning. ~ Dated, this Also, we the undersigned members of the Town Board, constituting the whole or a majority thereof, do hereby con- sent to the making and filing of this certificate, and do hereby sign the same. Therefore, pursuant to Section 205 of the HighWay Law, said highv~y is declared to be and hereby is discontinued. day of March 1947. ~1 ~ Highways. TOWN BOARD OF sai~l TOWN ~F SOUTHOLO. Supervisor. -~ I ~ustlce of the Peace.- Order discontinuing a highway with the cc~sent Board. Application having been made to me, town Superintend- ent of Highways for the Town of Southold,Suffolk County, New ~ork, by Harry Adams and by Arthur L. ~oore and other~ abutting property owners, for the discontinuance of that portion of the Main South Road lying between the several properties of the petitioners, and the north side of the state highway west of Moore's Lane near the village of Greenport, and the Southold Town Board at its~mee~ing held at Greenport December 30, 1932, having consented to grant the application of said petitioners, now therefore in pursuance thereof~ it is ~RDERED and DETERMINED that so much of the state highway as lies between the northerly line of the said state road and the southerly line of the property of the petitioners is hereby abandoned as ahighway, and its use for highway purposes is discoutinued and closed to.the public use. That portion of the highway hereby discontinued is described as follows:- Description - Town to Moore Estate. Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line !of Moore's Lane with the northerly line 'of the old Main Road leading from Greenport to Southold; running thence on an extension southerl~ of the westerly line'of Moore's Lane S. 2°43~ W. -10.93 feet, more or less, to a point 24.~8 feet northerly (measured at right angles) from the center line of concrete pavement on said Main Road; thence westerly on a curved line and at all points feet northerly from said center line of concrete pavement a distance of 1V2.30 feet; thence S. 74°46~40'' W. dis- tant 24.~§ feet northerly from sai~ center line of said pavement~ 15.86 feet; thence S. S~ ~8~ W. - 30.~ feet; ~ence S. 64° o4~ W. - 42.44 feet; thence at a right angle to said center line of said pavement, N. 1§° 13' 20" 50.84 feet, more or less, to the so~t~weste~rly corner of land of said Wm. H. H. Moore Estate on the northerly line of said 01d Main Road; thence along said land of said Moore Estate~ N. 64° 04' E. - 44.2~ f~et; thence along said land of said Moore Estate, N. 89~ 38~ E. -226e61 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 211/lO00 of an acre by survey. Description - Tovm to Adams. ALL that tract or parcel of land situate West of the Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suf- folk and State of New York bounded and described as follows:- BEGINNING at a point on the Northerly side of the Main Road which point marks the intersection of the North side of the ~ 01d Road and the present State Highway; and running thence N. 6~° OO' lO" E. along the Northerly line ~f the old road 259.22 feet to the land of William H. H. Moore Estate; thence running S. 75° 14~ AC" W. along the proposed New Road 254.65 feet to the point or place of beginning. Dated this~ day of January, ~o~n Superintendent of Highways Town of Southolde T01%1~ OF SOUTHOLD IN Dhe l{atter of the Discontin- l~ano e of a portion of the ~ain South Road adjoining lands of Harry Adams and others of Greenport~ New York, ORDER Order discontinuing a highway with the consent of Town Board. Application hawing been made to me, town Smpe=intendent of Highways for the Town of SouthoId, Suffolk Gounty, New York, by Co=mack ~eeney £o~ ~he dimconti~nce of that portion of the old highway Being a part of the North Road and the Southold Town Board at its meeting held at Greenport ~y..-t lgth. 1g$$ having consented to g~ant the.application of said petitioner, now therefore in pursuance thereof, it is ~m~ED and I~'!~i~D that said highway described below is herel~r abandoned as ahighway, and its use for highway purposes is discontinued and closed to the public use. That portion of the highway hereby discontinued is described as foll~s:- BEGINNING at a point on the northerly boundary of the existing Middle Road, County Road No. ~?, said point being located on the division line between the lands of Cormack Feeney, ~eputed ovmer on the west, and the lands of Eva Bangs, reputed owner on the east, running thence westerly 924, more or less, feet, 33 feet distant northerly and parallel to the proposed center line of the proposed impmovement to a point on the existing northerly boundary of Middle ~oad; running thence easterly along said northerly boundary of the existing road 680, more or less, feet to a point; running thence still easterly and along the northerly boundary of the existing mood 2A~, more or less, feet to a ~oint on the division line be~een the lands off Gormack Fenney, reputed owner on the west, and the lands of Eva Bangs, reputed ownem on the east; running thence southerly along said di~ision line 9, more or less, feat to the point of beginning; Being 8,26V square feet or O.Ig0 ac=es more Or less Dated this 19th. day of ;',T~y t,1955. To~n ~uperintendent of Highways Tow~ off ~outhold~ TO THE TO%'~ SUPERINT~DENT OF NISHNA~S, TOWN OF SO~HO~, N~W YORK:- ~ ~ders~ed ~ i~ablt~t of the Town of Southold liable to be ~sessed for hi.way ~es hereby applie~ to you to discontinue/the old hl~- w~ being a p~t of the North Roa~d described as follows:- , BEGginG at a ~lnt on the 4ortherly b~d~ of the exist~g Middle ~Road, C~ty R~d No. 27, said po~t belng located on the division line between the l~ds of ~o~ack Feeney, reputed owner on the west, ~d the l~ds of EVa B~gs, reputed owner on the east, ~nntng thence westerly $~, more or less,feet, ~ feet dlst~t northerly ~d ~allel to the p~posed center line of the proposed improvement to a point on the e~st~g northerly boldly of Middle R~d; ~1~ thence ~terly along said northerly b~d~ of the exlst~g road 680, more or less, feet to a ~lnt; ~ni~ then~ still e~terly ~d along t~ northerly b~y of the exlstlng ~d ~4, ~re or less, feet to a po~t on the division line bergen the l~ds of ~r~ck ~eeney~ reputed omen on the west, ~d ~e l~ds of Eva ~, ~ted ~er on the east; ~nt~ then~ s~therly along ~ld division line 9, more or feet to t~ point of beg~nlng; being 8,2~7 s~u~e feet or 0.1~ ac~s ~re OP less~ on the gro~ t~t said highway ~s been ~doned. July, 1935. In the Matter of the Application CORMACK FEENEY ~or the dlscontlnuance of the old hlgh~,ay, being a part of the North Road, Town of Loutho!d, Suffolk County, New Yor~. PETITION; and Order discontinuing a highway with the consent of Town Board. Application having been made to me town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York by Arthur M. Tasker, for the discontinuance of that portion of the old highway being a part of the North Road and the Southold Town Board at its meeting held at Greenport August 16th. 19~5 raving consented to grant the application of said petitioner, now therefore in pursuance thereof, it is 0RDEREDand DEFINED that said highway described below is hereby abandoned as ahighway, and its use for highway purposes is discontinued and closed to the public use. That portion of the highway hereby discontinued is described as follows:- BEGINNING at a point cn the southerly side of ~Middle Road, County Road No.2?, running thence westerly along the Original southerly boundary of Middle Road to a point on the division line between the lands of Arthur M. Tasker, reputed owner on the east, and the lands of William H. Moore,~ reputed owner on the west; thence northerly along the extension of said boundary line 2, more or less. feet to a point on the new southerly boundary of Middle Road; running thence easterly along said new southerly boundary of Middle Road 494, mo~ or less, feet to the point or place of beginning; being 2,2~?, more or less, square feet or 0.0§I acres, more or less. Bated this 16th. day of August, 19~5. Town S~perinten~e~t of Highways Town of Sou~hold. TO THE TO~ SUPERINTENDENT OF HIG}P~tAYS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK:- The undersigned an inhabitant of the Town of Southold liable to be assessed for hlghwey taxes hereby applies to you to discontinue the old hlgh- way being a part of the North Road and described as follows:- BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Middle Ro~d, County Ro~ No. 27, running thence westerly along the original southerly boundary of Middle Road to a point on the division line between the lands of Arthur M. Tasker, reputed owner on the east, and the lands of William H. Moore, reputed owner on the west; thence northerly along the extension of said boundary 1Xne Z, more or less, feet to a point on the new southerly boundary of Middle Road; running thence easterly along said new southerly boundary of Middle Road 494, more or less, feet to the point or place of beginning; beln~ Z,237, more or less, square feet or 0.051 acres, more or less, on the grounds that ~aid highwe~ ~- been abandoned. Dated this 16th day of August, 1938. In the Matter of the Application -of- ARTHUR M. TASKER, for the discontinuance o£ the old highway being a ~rt of the North Read, Town of Southold, New York. PETITIO~J; and Order. In the Y~atter of the Aoplication of H~ B. C~tSE to discontinue a portion of a highway in the To~a~ of Southold, Suffolk County, N ~',? Yor~. In the Matter of the Application of HELEN B. CASE to discontinue a portion of the highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. CERTIFICATE OF DISCONTII~GANCE AND ABANDONMENT I, the undersigned TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIG~NAYS of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, do HEREBY CERTIFY that a portion of a certain highway, hereinafter designated, has not been opened or worked for more than six years last past, and that the same has been abandoned by the public, and is no longer used as a public highway; that portion ef the highway hereby discontinued is described as follows: ~ BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of the North Road as relocated about the year 1935 (and now known as Middle Road, County Road No. 27), 35.06 feet westerly along said line from the southwesterly corner of land now or former ly of Feeney; running thence westerly along said relocated northerly line of North Road 235.31 feet to a poiSt; thence northerly at right angles to the former northerly line of North Road and on a deflection to the right of 93° 24' 30" from said relocated northerly line of North Road a distance of 16.66 feet to land of Helen B. Case; running thence east- erly along land of Helen B. Case a distance of 234.89 feet to land now or formerly of Macomber; running thence southerly parallel to the westerly boundary herein described a distance of.2.67 feet to the point of beginning. Also, we the undersigned members of the Town Board, constituting the whole or a majority thereof, do hereby con- sent to the making and filing of this certificate, and do hereby signthe same. Therefore, pursuant te Section 205 of the 'Highway Law, said highway is declared to be and hereby is discontinued. · Seuthold Town Superintendent of Highways. TOWN BOARD of~s~i~ TOWN OF SOUTEOLD, Supervisor. /~.~ J~kst~ice.of the Peace. ~ Just'ic'e of the Peace. :the Peace. ice Peace~ ~' ~ · . Just~ of the ~ In the ~,~atter of the Aoolication of HELE~I B. CASE to discontinue a portion of a highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. TO THE TOWN BOUTHOLD, SUPERINTENDenT OF }{IG~AY$ OF TME TOWN OF IN THE COUNTY- O? SUFFOLK, STAT~ 0 The undersigned, an inhabitant of the aforezald Tow~__9f Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and liable to be ed for highway taxes herein, hereby aoplies to you to discontinue the old highway being a cart of the North Road, and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of the North Road as relocated about the year 1935 (and now known as Middle Road, County Road No. 27), 35.06 feet westerly along said line from the southwesterly comer of land now or formerly of Feeney; running thence westerly along said relocated northerly line of Nerth Road 235.31 feet to a point; thence northerly at right angles to the former northerl~ line of North Roaff and on a deflection to the right of 93v 24~ ~0" from said relocated northerly line of North Road a distance of 16.66 feet to land of Helen B. Case; running thence easterly along land of Helen B. Case a distance of 234.89 feet to land now or fomerly of Macomber; running thence southerly parallel to the westerly boundary herein described a distance of 2.6? feet to the point of beginning, ~-~-- .... ~,°~ ....... 'cc+ mcat- .... -- ~-- on the ground that Said highway-~has been abandoned. ~ ~' dated this ~ day of ~arch,' t947. STATE OF NEW YOBK,) ~ :~ SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, . ~ ~:~. on t y of ~arch, 1947, before me personally came HELEN B. CASE, to me known, and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and she duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC In THE STATE Residing i~ Suffolk Suffolk ~oun~y Clcrk'~o, ~Iy Comm~iou Ezytres,~ In the Matter of the Application to Discontinue a portion of a Highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, known as NASSAU POINT ROAD. APPLICATION TO DISCONTINUE A PORTION OF TOWN HIGHWAY In the Matter of the Discontinuance of a · ORDER OF TOWN SUPER- Portion of a certain town highway known as : INTENDENT DISCONTINUING NASSAU POINT ROAD in the Town of Southolc~: A PORTION OF A TOWN County of Suffolk, State of New York. · HIGHWAY Application having been made for the discontinuance of a portion of a certain town highway known as Nassau Point Road in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, hereinafter described, and all parties affected thereby having released the said Town from all damages by reason of such discontinuance, and the Town Board of the Town of Southold having made its consent to the making of this order, all of which papers are filed and recorded herewith. NOW, THEREFORE, ~ Raymond C. Dean, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Law of the State of New York, do hereby order that the following lands be discontinued as a public highway of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, to wit: ' All that certain tract or parcel of land known as a portion of Nassau Point Road, located at Nassau Point, Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the irregularly curved north- westerly line of Nassau Point Road with the easterly line of said Nassau Point Road as relocated, said point of beginning being North 47 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds East 133.53 feet from a monument at the easterly corner of lot 179 as shown on "Amended Map A, Nassau Point", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 156; from said point of beginning running northeasterly along said irregularly curved northwesterly line, 260 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Little Peconic Bay; thence southerly along said high water mark, 50 feet, more or less, to the irregularly curved southeasterly line of said Nassau Point Road; thence southwesterly along said southeasterly line, 300 feet, more or less; thence across said Nassau Point Road, North 12 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East 75 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. AND I DO FURTHER ORDER that that portion of /he said existing town highway above described be discontinued and closed as a public highway of the said Town of Southold. Town of Southold, New York Dated: July 25 , 1972 Suffolk County, New York. -2- In the Matter of the Discontinuance of a Portion of a certain town highway knowp as NASSAU POINT ROAD, in ~ne Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. In the Matter of the Application to : Discontinue a portion of a Highway in the : Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York,: known as NASSAU POINT ROAD. : : CONSENT TO DISCONTINUE TOWN HIGHWAY Upon reading and filing the ApPlication of NASSAU POINT CAUSEWAY ASSOCIATION and DAVID C. EATON and ELEANOR M. EATON, dated July 13, 1972, and acknowledged the 13th and 19th days of July, 1972, and the release of the said Nassau Point Causeway Association and the release of David C. Eaton and Eleanor M. Eaton dated and acknowledged the 13th and 19th days of July, 1972, which said Application requests the discontinuance of a portion of a Town highway of the Town of Southold known as "NASSAU POINT ROAD" consisting of the following lands, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land known as a portion of Nassau Point Road, located at Nassau Point, Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the irregularly ~urved north- westerly line of Nassau Point Road with the easterly line of said Nassau Point Road as relocated, said point of beginning being North 47 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds East 133.53 feet froma monument at the easterly corner of lot 179 as shown on "Amended Map A, Nassau Point", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 156; from said point of beginning running northeasterly along said irregularly curved northwesterly line, 260 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Little Peconic Bay; thence southerly along said high water mark, 50 feet, more or less, to the irregularly curved southeasterly line of said Nassau Point Road; thence southwesterly along said southeasterly line, 300 feet, more or less; thence across said Nassau Point Road, North 12 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East 75 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. RESOLVED, that consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order discontinuing as a Town highway that portion of the Town highway known as "NASSAU POINT ROAD" hereinbefore described, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of t~he State of New York. Dated: July 25 , 1972 TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHO~ SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YOt{K. ~ Supervisor Councilman Town Justice Town'-Justice -2- In the %latter c£ the Application To Discontinue a portion of a I~igh~vay in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Ne~v York, kno~vn as NASSAU POINT ROAD. CONSENT TO DISCONTI1VUE TOWN HIGHWAY To the To~m Superintendent of High~mys of the Town of Sou~holcl, in the CoTulty of S~h?folk an(! State of The unO. ersi~ned~ inhabitants of t.~.e ~o~m oF Southol¢t~ liable to be assessed for highway taxes ~herein~ hereby apply %o you to :liscontinue the highway three roAs in ~,i:l~h r~ing f~,om the Hain Highway through landis o~ petitioners %o Bay, ]mo~m as King L~ne at O~lent~ Tovm of Southold~ S~'folk Co~l'~y~ow ~ork~ on the gro~d that sai~ highway ts to ~e a~one(l an~ in its pl~6e tho pelitloners will ~an~ People o~ the S~a~e of New Xork lan~ for a portion of a equal in area to highway herein des~i~e~ as King L~ne~ ~hioh parkn~ay ~ill ~e wi~er an~l more ~enefi~ial to the neighhorhoo~ th~ ~he highway which is pvopose~ to be ~iscontinue~ ana said highway propose~1%o be tiscon~inuei ani the portion of the parla~ay %o be grante~ ~o the People of the S~a~e oC New York petitioners ~ill pass thvouch the lan~s of Howar~ S his wife, only ~'~1~ the undersigned, a majority of the To~m Eo~rd of the To~wn of Soutnold, havinM met at the office ~fnthe Supe sor~ at ~reenpo~'t, in said Town on the ~ day of .~~, ~ and considered ~e application of Howard S. Lath~ ~d Lath~, his wife for the discontinuance of a high~ay at Orient, To~m of Jouthold, Su~olk Oo~ty, ~ew Tork, ~mo~'m as King L~e, do hereby coherent that much highway be discontinued ~ accordance with the prayer of the v~thin petition. Supe~isor- To~m' Clerk. )Justmces ) of the Superintendent of Highways. Telephone 'lVotth 1510 STATE OF NEW YORK LONG ISLAND STATE PARK COIVlMISSION Vincent Building 302 Broadway, New York City February 19, 1930. Town Board of Southold, Southold, H. Y. Dear Sirs: This is to certify that Howard $. Latham, Orient Point, has by deed dated February 15, 1930 conveyed to the People of the State of l~ew York a strip of land approximate- ly ..880 of'an acre. This conveyance is based on your resolution dated October 4, 19~9 wherein you provided that you would relinquish to the said Howard $. Latham upon his petition ~3he old road known as King~ Lane, provided however,that the has dedicated to the State of New York the same~amount of land foot for foot as contained in the said King~ Lsne. There is, therefore, no further objection on the part of the State to the transfer of Eing~ Lane to ~r. Latham. Yours very truly, EPF-J: M Apprai s er In the }latter o£ the ~'ppl~cation tlOWARD S. LATII£M & UIFE for the discontinuance of a Highway at Orient, Town of Yorlc, lmao~'m as [ing Lac. Ai~PLICATI ON, CONo~ .... OF TO?~'~? BOARD, TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIG~,~YAYS OF THE TOVE~ OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COLE~TY OF SUFFOD~ AND STATE OF N~ YORK: The undersigned, liable to be assessed fo~'highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby applies to you .t9 discontinue that-portion of Montauk Avenue at Fishers Island~ To~m of South- .:.. .Connnencing at a montunent'~on the southerly side of Mon- ['tauk Avenue, which said point is ~V45.65 feet North of a point 388.5~ feet West of anothe~ monument marking the U. S. Coast .&'Geodetic Surve~ Triangulation Station "PROS" (which is located on the second highest hill on Fishers Island and iS.about l~ miles East of the West End of.FiShers I.slsnd, and l~ s South 13° 2~' 54" E. of Nor,th. Dumoling Light in Fish, rs Island Sound~; ~.~thence,'N. 75° 2~' 45 E. o~e hUndred, seventh-four and~l/lO0 (l?~.Yl) feet to a monBment; thence, S. 73° 0~' 15" E. one htmdred, sevent-y~seven and E6/100 (1V~.26) feet 'to a monuzne~nt thence, S. 64° 4V' 00" E;, two.hundred, seventy-six and 24/10_0 (G~6.~4) feet to a_montunent onLthe. North'side of 0~rienta~ We nue; thence, N. 65° 36'. 34" E.', s~-xt~y-five ~and 64/10~ ~6~6'~) feet to another montunent on the North side of Oriental Avenue; thence' N' ~° 4~ 00" Wo~ a distance of thr0e hundred, twenty- two and 4J/100 (S2~,~3) fee~ tO 'm~ monument; thence, N. ?3° 0V 15 ~. a distance, of .one hundred, n~net~y ive an O0/lO0 hUndred,ninety two and 51/lO0 (19~.51) feet to the point of be- ginning~ ' 'n"th~ g "~ id highw y ha o rounds that sa a s~been abandoned. · And Fishers Island Farms Inc. hereby conse~n~s to release aid To~cn of, Sou id from all da~Uages' in connecti~ wi~h the discon t ua c of said h Sh, vay aha to save the h less of claims for damage by others b~ reason of the discontinuance o£ said portion of said highway. Fishers,~~Island Farm~ Inc. the undersigned, Town Board of the To~vn of Southold, of the County of Suffolk, New York, hereby consent that the Tov~ Superintendent of High,~'zays of said To~m of Southold ~ke an Order discont~uiug the use of the following described property, being that portion of Montauk Avenue at Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New York, described as follows:- Co~nencing at a montnnent on the southerly side of Montauk Avenue, which said point is V~85 feet North of a point $88.~ feet West of another modument marking the U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "PROS" ( whi~h is located on the second highest hill .on Fishers Island and is about l~ miles Ease of the West End of F~shers Island, and lies South l~~ ~' ~" E. of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island So~nd); thence, N ~8° ~" E. one hundred, seventy-fou~ and ~l/100 (17~.91) feet to a mon- ument; thence, S. ~o 0~ 18" E~ one hundred, seventy-seven and ~8/100 (19~.~8) feet to a monument; thence, S. 84° ~ 00" two hundred, seventy-six and ~/lO0 (~8.~4) feet to a monument on the North side of Oriental Avenue; thence, N. 8~° $8~ $~" E., six- ty-five and 8~/100 (88~) feet to another monument on the North side of Oriental Avenue; thence,N. 8~° ~, 00" ~V., a distance of three hundred, twenty-twO and ~/lO0 (~) feet to a monument; thence, N~ ~o 0~' 15" W. a distance of one hundred~ ninety-five and O0~lO0 (198.00) feet to a monument; thence, S. ~o ~ ~§,, W. one hundred, ninety-two and 81/100 (19~.$1) feet to the.point of be gni~aing~ on the grottud that said highway has been abandoned for highway purposeSe iN WIT~SS ?Yt~REOF, ~,~e have hereto set our ha~ds on the day of July, 193J. Order discontinuing 'a highway with the consent of Town Board. Application having been made to ~, Tovm Superinteodent of zo~: ay~ for ~ne Tovrn of Sou~no_~., Suffolk Cotuuty, New York, by Fishers Island Farms Inc. for the discontinuance of a portion of ~onta~{ Avenue at FiMhers Island, Suffolk County, New York~ and the Southold To~,~n Board at its meetzno ne_d at Greenport July ~ 19~ having consented to grant the application of said petitioner, now therefore in pursuance thereof, it is 0RD£RED and DETER~INED that the following desczioed portia.n of Monta~c Avenue is hereby abandoned as a hig~ay, and its use for highway purposes is ~tscontinued and. closed to the public use. · That portion of the highway hereby discont!nued is described as follows:- Co~nencing at a monument onthe southerly side of 2~ontatfl~ Aven~e, which said peint is 746.60 feet North- of a point:~,J8~e~7 feet West of another mon~nent marking the U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "PROS" (which is located on the second highest hill .on Fishers Island and is about l~- miles East of the ~.Test' End of Fzshers lslo~nd, and lies South l~~ 2~' 84" E · of North D~!m~ling Light in Fishers Island So~,~d); thence, N 75° 22' E. one huudred, seventy-four and 71/100 (174. V1) feet to ~. ~onument; thence S. 7~° O~'lS" E~ one h~ndred, seven~y-seven and 26/100 (17V.26) feet to a ~ontmlent; thence, S~ 64 47' 00" E., two htu~d- red, sevent~,-six and 24/100 (976.~4) feet to a monttment on the North side of Oriental Avenue; thence, N. 65° 86' 84" E. sixty-five and 64/100 (68~64) feet to another r~. nument on the North side of Ori- ental Av.enue; thence, N. 64° 4~' 00~! W., a distance of three hund- red t~ven~0y-two ~nd 43/100 (~22.4~) feet to a. montuu~nt; thence, N. 7~° 07~ lS" W. a distance o~ one hundred, nznety-fzve and O0/100 (195.00) feet to a ziontument; thence, S~ ~5° 22~ ~" VY. one htu~dred, ninety-tv~o and 5l/lOO (192.-51) feet to the point of beginning. ~o'~ perffi~end~nt of Hi'~,'~s Tov~n of .South°Id. In the ~.,~tte~, of the Discontina~ce Fishers Island, Tovm of Southold~ S~folk County, Nev~ Yo~ PETITION, C OI~SEi~IT and ORDER. TO THE TOWN SUP,.RINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYB OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOI The unlersioned, an inhabitant of the Town of iiSouthold, and liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the !Town of Southold, herebY applies to you to discontinue that Dart of the highway in said Town known as Nount Beulah Avenue, bounded and described as follows: ~' On the north by the southerly line of Sound View Avenue ms it existed before it was altered on October 1, 1914; on ths east by the easterly s~de of Nount Beulah Avenue; on the south by the northerly side of Sound View' Avenue, as altered on the first day of October, 1914; and on the west by the westerly side of Mo~mt Beulah Avenue, as shown on a map of proposed alteration of Sound View Avenue', surveyed by Halsey & Van Tuyl on January 15, 1914, and July 11, 1914, and filed in the office of the Town ~erk of Southold/on the ground that said Dart of said highway has been abandoned, and the necessity therefor no longer exists, which highway passes through the lands of Alfred H. Cosden, who con~ents to the abandonment of such highway. Datod November 9, 1914. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PWESENT~, That I, ALFRED H. O02DEN, of Southold, Suffolk 0o~nty, New York, for and in consideration oS the sum of Ohs Dollar ($1.00), receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby consent that that part of the highway~ known as Mount Beulah Avenue, bounded on the north by the southerly line of Sound View Avenue as it existed before it was altered on October 1, 1914; on the east by the easterly side of Mount Beulah Avenue; on the south by the northerly side of 9ound ~e~ Avenue, as altered on .the first dav of October, 1914; and on the west by the westerly side of Mount Beulah Avenue, as shown on a map of proposed alteration of 9ound View Avenue, surveyed by Halsey & Van Tuyl on January 16, 1914, and July 11, 1914, and filed in the office o~ the Town Clerk of Southold, which highway crosses my premises in the Town of Southo~d, County of Suffolk, be discontinued pursuant tothe applicati9n of Alfred H. Cosden, dated the 9th day of November, 1914, and ! DO HEREBY ~EL~A~E said Town from all damages by reason of discontinuing such part of said highway through mM premises. IN WITNESSWHEBEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this~eth day of November, 1914. STATE OF~~' County of ~ : On thig ~-e day of November, 1914, before me, the subscriber, personally appeared Alfred H. Cosden, .to me personally known to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing consent, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. The undersigned, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, having met with the Town Board of the ToE of Southold, ~nd having heard the allegations both in favor of and in opposition to the discontinuance of part of the highway, known as Mount Beulah Avenue, now, upon the written application of Alfred ~. Cosden, a person liable to be assessed for highway labor in said Town, which app~icatio~ is hereto annexed, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town having been given, as prescribed by law, which is hereto annexed,.and the releases from damages having been executed by the owners of the land through which that part of Mount Beulah Avenue which it is proposed to discontinue passes, which are hereto annexed, the consideration paid to any one claimant for such damage, not exceeding One hundred Dollars, and to all the claimants not exceeding Fi~e.Hundred Dollars, and after du.e deliberation havins been had thereonh~ ~found that that part of Mount'Reulah Avenue which it is proposed to discontinue has become useless since it was laid out, on account of the fact that the course of Sound View Avenue where it is met by Mount Beulah Avenue has been moved southerly, and that there is no necessity for Mount Beulah Avenue to extend northerly of Sound View Avenue; and it is hereby ORDERED AND DETERMINED that that part of the highway in the Town of Southold, known as Mount Beulah Avenue, bounded and described as follows: 'On ~he north by the southerly line of Sound View Avenue as it existed be- fore it was altered on October 1, 1914; on the east b~, the easterly side of Mount Beulah Avenue; on the south by the northerly side of Sound View Avenue, as altered on the first da~ of October, 191~; and on the west by the westerly side of Mount Beulah Avenue, as shown on a mad of proposed altera- tion of 8ound View Avenue, surveyed by Halsey & Van Tuyl on January. 1§, 1914, and July 11, 1914, and filed in the oi'fice of the Town Olerk of 8outhold," be discontinued. Dated this ~ day of'~ 1914. Town ~uperintendent of Highways of the Town of ~outhold. Mat ter 'of ~,t~e ;inuance of Part of ,. ~in the outhold. : ,::~-"~ ~ TION,-OONSENT,:.RELEASE and ORDER. ,-:-- -.- , ~ TO THE TO;',N SUPBRIN~ENDEi{~ OF HIOH?iAYS, TO%%'N OF SOUl'HOLD, NEW YORK:- THE UNDERSIGNED, Inhabitants of the Town of Sout PDld liable to be assessed for highway taxes hereby apply to you ~o discontinue Old l~ain Road bed north of State goad at Orient, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and des- crlbed as follows:- : PARCEL A:- BEGINNING at a monument set at the Intersection of the north- erly line of the old Main Road from Greenport to Orient with the westerly line of land of said Rutledge ~. Howard and running thence along said northerly line of the old Main Road three courses as follows:- 1. N. 300 58T 00" E. 98.50 feet; thence 2. N. 51o 26t 10" E. 398. feet; thence 5. N. 41o 20T 10~ E. 105 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of right of way of Greenport-Orlent Point County Hlghway as shown on a ~ap of said highway filed In the office of Suffolk County Clerk in File No. 1001-6; thence southwesterly along the last deacrlbed llne on a curve to the right whose radius is ~259.01 feet a distance of 500 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of said old Main Road; thence along said southerly line of old Main Road, two courses, as follows:- 1. S. 51o 20~ lO" N. 200 feet, more or less; thence ~. S. ~0o 58t 00" W. 1~2 feet, more or less, to said westerly line of land of Rutledge ~. Howard; thence across said old ~aln Road, N. ~4~ 04t 50" W. 80 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. CONTAINING Seven Tenths of ~n acre, more or lsss. PARCEL ~:- BEGINNING at a poln~ formed by the in~ersection of the northerly line of the old }.~aln Road from Greenport to Urlent with the easterly line of land of said Rutledge N. Hovmrd and running thence along said easterly line of land of i~utleage N. Howard, S. 580 l0t 40" E. 18 feet, more or less, to the northerly line'of right of way of Greenport-Orlent Point County Highway heretofore described; thence southwesterly along the last described line 450 feet, more or less, to said northerly line of old ]~aln Road; thence north- easterly along said northerly llne of old ~aln Road 455 fee~, more or less, to the point of beginning. CONTAiSL~G one-tenth of an acre, more or less, on the grounds that said highway has oeen abandoned. Dated this ___~__ day of ~ 1945. ~ ORDER DISCONTINUING A HIGHT~AY /~IfH ~H~ CONb.~'~T OF TO'~*,'N BOAi~D. Application having been made to me Town ~uperlntenden~ of Hlg~w~ys for the Town of Southold, ~uffolk County, New York, by RUTLEDOE M. HOY;ARD and ~ABEL T. HOWARD, ~ls wife, of 282 Montgomery Street, Jersey City, New Jersey, for the dlscontinu~nce of Old Naln Road bed North of State Road at Orient, To~n of Southold,. ~folk County, New York, ~d the Southold ~0~ Board at Its meeting held at Greenport on ~. ~ 1945, having consented to g~t the ~pllcatl~ of said ~tltloner, now therefo~ In pu~umnce thereof, It ls . " ORDERED end DETERMINED that s~ld hlghw~y described below is he~eb~ ab~doned as a highway, and its use for highway purples ls discontinued and closed ~o the public use. That mShe high,my abandoned is described as follows:- P~EL A:- BEGINNING at a mon~en~ se~ et the intersection of the north- erly line of the old N~ln Road ~om Greenport ~o Orient ~lth the westerly line of land of said Rutledge M. Howard and running thence along said northerly line of the old Main Road t~ee courses as follows:- 1. N. 30~ 58~ ~" E. 98.30 feet; thence ~: ~. N. ~1~ Z6~ 10~' E. 398 feet; ~hen~ .... - ~. N. 41o ZO~ 10" E. 105 feet, more or less, ¢o the northerly llne of right of way of Greenport-Orlen~ Foln~ Co~ty Highway as sho~ on a ~p of said hl~way filed In the office of Suffolk County Clerk In File No. 1001-6; thence ~uthwesterly ~onE ~he last described llne on a c~ve to ~he right whose ra~us ls 2Z59.01 feet a dlst~ce of ~00 feet, more or less,~ to the ' southerly llne of said old ~aln R~d; ~hence alo~ said southerly line of old Naln Road, n~o courses, as follows:- 1. S. 51o ~6' 10" W. Z~ feet, more or less; thence 2. S. ~0o 58~ O0~ W. 1~2 feet, more or less, uo said westerly line of l~d of Rutledge M. Howard; thence across said old Naln Road, N. ~4o 04' ~0" W. 80 feet, mo~ or l'ess, to the poln~ of be~nning. CONTAININ~ Seven :enths of an acre, more or less. ' P~R~EL B~- ~OI~IN~ a~ a ~olnt ~o~ed b~ the l~e~seCtlon of the ~o~thepl~ line o~ the Old ~aln Road ~p~ ~eenpoP~ to O~len~ ~lth the easterly ~lne o~ l~d o~ sal~ ~tled~e ~. Howard and ~ln¢ thenCe alo~ said line o~ l~d o~ ~utled~e ~. How~d~ S. ~8~ lO~ 40~ E. 18 ~eet, ~o~e o~ to th~ no~therl~ ~lne of right o~ ~ o% O~eenpo~t-Oplen~ Point Co~y Hi heretofore described; thence ~hwesterly alo~ the l~t described line ~ y feet, more or les~, to said northerly llne of old Naln Road; thence north- ~*easterly along said nornherly line of old ~aln Road 4~5 feet, more or less, ~o the ~lnt of begl~l~. CO~INING ose-t~th of ~ acre, mo~ or l~ss. - - / To}m Superintendent or Hlgh~ys, To~ of Southold. - ~ .~ STATE OF NEW YORK ~'ruu~ ~ ~OW~D LONG IS~ STA~ P~ CO~SSION Telephone Worth 1510 Vincent Bu~din~ 30Z Broadway, New York Ctt~ February 19, 19~0. Town Board o£ Southold, Southold, H. Y. Dear Sirs: This is to certify that Howard $. Latham, Orient Point, has by deed dated February 15, 1930 conveyed to the People of the State of New York a strip of land approximate- ly ..880 of'an acre. This conveyance is based on your resolution dated October 4, 19~9 wherein you provided that you would relinquish to the said Howard S. Latham upon his oetition the old road known as King~ Lane, provided howeve~/that ,~he has dedicated to the State of New York the s~me,.amount of land foot for foot as contained in the said King~ Lene. There is, therefore, no further objection on the part of the State to the transfer of King~ Lane to ~!r. Latham. ' EPF-J: M Yours very truly, Appraiser To the To~ Superintendent of High~ays of the Town of Sou~hold, in the Comity of S~folk and State of New The undersigned, inhabitants of th~ '*'o~n~ of Southold, lla~le to be assessed for highway taxes therein, hereby apply to you to discontinue the highway thl, ee ~'o2_s in width ~um~ing from the Hain Highway through l~ds of petitioners' to ~ardiners B~y, ~o~mm as King Lane at O~lent~ Tov~ of Southold, S~folk Oo~ty,Now Tork, on the gre~ud that said high~vay is to be abandoned and in its place tho petitioners will ~ant to the People of the State eT New York lo. nd for a po~-tion of a par~ay equal in area to high~ay herein described as King Lane, which parku~ay will be wider and more beneficial to the neighborhood than the highway which is proposed to be discontinued and said highway proposed to be discontinued and the portion off the par!m~ay to be granted to the ~eople of the State of New York by petitioners will pass through the lands of Howar~ ~. Lath~ ~d C arrfe. V,L~t~ his wi~e, only ~;~ the undersigned~ a majority of the Town Doard of the To~wn of $outhold, havin~ met at the office ~,u~s°r' at Ureenpor~, in said Town on the ~ day of ~r, ~, an~ '-', application oF Howar~ S. Lath~ and ~~ Lath~ his wife for the disconbinuanoe of a highway ~t Orient, ' To~ of Southold~ Sufi'olk Co~ty~ ~:ew Tork, ~mo~'m ~s K~g L~ne, do hereby consent that ~uch highway be discontinued in aocordance with the prayer of the v~thin petition. Supervisor. "T o~m Clerk. · . ~ y~)/J, ; of the 16. Cuperingendeng oC Higln'/~s · T 0,57~ OF SOUTHOID · In the Matter of the .q~plicaomon -Of- DAVID H. REES :for the discontinuance of a highway at Fishers Ista]~(t, To~ of 'Southold, Su~£olk County, New York, kno~n as EquectPian Avenue. APPLICATION CO ........ T !~. ]~.osolution and written consent of th~ Town ~oard of the ?own of Southold to discontinuo that part of Equestrian Avonue, ~iskor's ~sl~nd,~s a hi~hway,v~nich runs through l~'xnd about to be ~c~iuirad ..~ by tho Untiod Stateg. said Equestrian avenue and along said Linden~an's land fifty-one and four-hundredths feet (51.04') to the poi~.t, or place of beginn~ing. ~ ~ ~ ~ Passed and consented to this thirteenth day of April in the year nineteen hundred and eight. The United States of America, by William J. Youngs, the United States A%~torney for the Eastern District of New York, having made petition to the Highway Com- missioner~ df the town of Southold, county of Suffolk, New York, for the discontinuance of so much of the highway known as Equestrian avenue on Fisher's Island, Suffolk County, New York, as passes through land about to be acquired by the United States goverr~nent for a government reservation~, and the said application having been pre- sented before this Board under section 80 of the Highway V.aw, it is RESOI~V~D, AND WE DO iiEilEBY GI~YE OUR WRITTEN CONSENT' that so much of Equestrian avenue, on Fisher's Island, Suffolk county, New York, as runs through the l~ud about to be acquired by the United States government shall be discontinued as a highway, the said property being described as follows: BEGINNING a~ a stone monument on the southerly boundary line of the Zinderman property on Fisher's Island, ~hich point is distant four hundred and eight fee~ (408~) in a course S. 46~- 58' E. from r.ong Island Sound; thence runninE S. ~p.o §.9' W. ninety-one and seventy-five one- hundredths feet {91.75' ) to a stone monument; thence S. 18° 18" W. two hundred and sixty-nine and four-tenths feet (269.4') to a stc~e monument; thence S. 51° l~" W. one hundred and sixty-t~ and one-tenth feet (16a. l') to a stone monument.; thence S. 19° ~8" W. one hundred and forty-seven feet (147.~~) to a stone monument; thence S. l~° ~8' E: one hundred and twenty-five and eighty-five one-hundredths feet. (la5.85') to a stone monument; thence S. ~6o 06' W. one hundred and fifty-thre~ and seven-tenths feet (15~.~') to a stone monument.; thence S. 18o ~a" E. two hundred and forty-one and seventy-seven one-hundredths -2- feet. (24t.?~') to a point~; thence S. 54~04'~ E. three hun- dred and five feet (~05.~) to a stone monument; thence S. 26o 41' E. ninety-four and fifty-five one-hundredths feet (94.55') to a point; thence S. 57° 13" E. seventy- nine and eighteen one-hundredths feet (79.18').to a point; thence S. 82° 34' E. one hundred and ninety-eight and twenty-five one-hundredths feet (198.25') to a stone monument; thence E. 44° 44' E. one hundred and ninety- five and three-tenths feet, (195.37) to a stone monument.; thence directly across the said Equestrian avenue in a northwesterly direction fifty feet (502) to a point; thence S. 440 44' W. hundred and fifty-seven and ninety~tv~ one-hundredths feet (1§?.92') to a point; thence N. 82° $4' W. one hundred and sixty-two and twenty- six.one-hundredths feet (162.~8') to a point; thence N. ~. L,_.~^ .~ ~.:.~ ~. ~ ~...o~,~/~-~.~0~ ' o , '-~"~'¥~'".'"'""~.'"'"'~'~ ' -o ~ ~ .' ' . §? 15 ~o a pozn~, thence N. 28 4I ~. n~ne~y three and nine-one-hundredths feet (9~.09') tO a point; thence N. §4° 04' W. three hundred and one and seventeen one- hundredths feet (~01.1?') to a point; thence N. 18° ~' W. one hundred and ninety-nine and ninety-two one-hun- dredths feet (199.92') to a point; thence N. 360 06' E. one hundred and fifty-three and nineteen one-hundredths ~eet (l~.lg') to a point; thence N. l?° $8" W. one hun- dred and thirty-four and thirty-one one-hundredths feet (154.$1') to a point; thence N. 19° 38' E. one hundred and sixteen feet (ll6.~) to a point; thence §1° l~'~ E. one hundred and sixty-two and seventy-six one-hundredths feet (162.78') to a point; thence N. 18° 18' E. two hundred and seventy-three and twenty-six one-hundredths feet (27~.26') to a point; thence N. A2° §9' E. seventy and fifty-four on~ hundredths feet (?0.~A') to a point on the boundary of Linderman's land; thence in a course N. ~o 24' W. across Application having been made upon behalf of the United States goverr~me~¢ for the closing of a portion of Equestrian avenue, on Fisher's Island, in the town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, ~hich avenue runs through l~nd about to be acquired by the United States government for military purposes, and the Town Board of the tov~ of Southold, in said Suffolk county, New York, having given their consent in writing as providec~ by section 80 of the Highway Law, I, ~ ~- ~ ~ the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, DO }t~c~y 0R~F~ A~D DIRECT that all that part of Equestrian avenue herein described be dis- continue~ as a highway, to wit: BEGINNING at a stone monument on the southerly boundary line of the ~inde~.~an property on Fisher's Island which point i's distant four hundred and eight feet (~0~.B~) in a course S. 460 ~8' E. from Long Island Sound; thence running S. 4~° ~9~W. ninety-onS~and seventy-five one- hundredths feet (91.?~) to a stone monument; thence S. 18° 18' W. two hundred and sixty-nine and four-tenths feet (£69.4!) to a stone monument; thence S. §l° l~' Vf. one hundred and sixty-two and one-tenth feet (16~.l') to a stone monument; thence S. l~° ~8' W. one hundred and forty-seven~. feet (14%$) to a stone monument; thence S. l~° ~8' E. one .hundred and twenty-five and eighty-five. one-hundredths feet (I~.B.SB') to a stone monument; thence S. $6° 06' ~V. one hundred and fifty-three and seven-tenth feet (lO~.?') to a stone monument; thence So 18° ~$~E. two hundred and forty-one and seventy-seven one-hundredths o fee~t; (2~1.~.,~'~) to a point,; thence S. §4 ~? E. three hun- dred and five feet (~0~o~) to a stone monument; thence -2- S. 26° Al' E. ninety-four and fifty-five one-hundredths feet (94.55~') to a point; thence S. 57° 15' E. seventy- nine and eighteen one-hundredths feet (79.18")~ to a point; thence S. 82° 54' E. one hundred and ninety-eight and twenty-five one-hundredths feet (198.25') to a stone monument; thence ~T. 44° 44' five and three-tenths feet thence directly across the E. one hundred and ninety- (195.3') to a stone monument; said Equestrian avenue in a north~ster~y direction fifty feet (50.~) to a point; thence S. 44° 44' W. one hundred and fifty-seven ninety-two one-hundredths feet (157.92') to a point; thence N. ~82° ~4' W. one hundred and sixty-two and twenty- six one-hundredths feet (162.26') to a point; thence N. 57° l~' W. fifty-four and thirty-one one-hundredths feet (54.31') to a point; thence N. 2~° 41' W. ni~ety-three and nine-one-hundredths ~eet (9~.09') to a point; thenceN. 54° 04'~ W. three hundred and one and seventeen one-hun- dredths feet (301.1?') to a point; thence N. 18° Z~' one hundred and ninety-nine and ninety-two one-hundredths feet (199.92) to a point; thence N. 36° 06' E. one hundred and fifty-three ~nd nineteen one-hundredths feet (15Z.19~) to a point; thence N. l?° ~8' W. one hundred and thirty- four and thirty-one one-hundredths feet (134.31') to point; thence N. 19o $8' E. one hundred and sixteen feet (116.$) to a point; thence ~l° 15' E. one hundred and sixty-t~ and seventy-six one-hundredths feet to a point,; thence N. 18° 18' E. two hundred and seventy- three and twenty-six one-hundredths fee~ (27~.26') to a point; thence N. 42°§~9~ E. seventy and fifty-four one- hundredths feet (i?0.~4') to a point on the boundary of Linderman's land; thence in a course N. ~5° 24' W. across said Equestrian avenue and along said Llnderman's land fifty-one and four one-hundredths feet (51.04') to the lloi~t or place of begir~ning. ~ ~ ~ ~ Dated, April 13th 1908. HIGHWAY C0~II SS IONER,, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N.Y. Order of the Commissioner of High- ways of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, H. ¥., to discon- tinue that part of Equestrian Avenue, ~isher's Island, as a highway, which runs through land about zo be acquired by the United States. ri of .-on~.,olt!~ ill ~he Oot~!~y oz' ,-u~_zoa_:>. a.nc~_ '~a%o of ~;ov: ~ork: T!~e tu!ie~-siLa~-ecl~ ilf~.abitants o£ tile Tmvn of Southclt[, liahlc ~o ~e assg~seO_ 57ol· hi~i~%zay %~J~es therein, hereby apply ..... ~- ,.~..~ ...... t~.n,.~ cs OonPlin Road Extension : The Eaz%e~'!Y irene begins a~ ~ poznt on the norbherl~ of sal~ Northemly line of Free,nan Street ~ith the easterly line of Conklin Road as these higlmays ~ere ia~d out In 1925; rmmin~ tT~ence N, 14°02~0'' U.-~82;87 feet; thence M. 2~°42~10" E.-!27,50 Feet; thence N, AI°09~40" E.- S5,i6 ~eet; thence N. g~°S~40" E.-!SO.G4 Fcet to the Westerly line of }iary~s Beads 'on ~he ~ound tl~at saicllhigh'~;ay has Seen ab~mc!one~ and it is proposed to lay out a ne~ l~i~jlh%;,ay In its placo~ %;hicb new high~;ay ~,ill be v;fde~' and_ n~ore beneficial to tile resiflents of tho neighbobhood ti~en ~he hi~l]l~ay ~hioh is propose~ to bo <lisoontinuo<~ and. sale! ~'~",%';a~ .;ill ~)ass L. Hill on!y~ thl'ough +~ ' !c~nd_s of Goot?:e O. Terl'y an~ Barron ~,,.-~s 24th day of JUne, 1929. T o%'711 of Sout~old, having met at the office of the Supervisor, al~ coflsidered the application o£ George C. Terry and L. Barton Hill For the discontinuance o£ a highway at ~'~attttuck, To~n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~ kno~,m as Conklin Road Extension, do hereby consent that such highvmy be giscontinued in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. the undersigned, a marJority o2 the To,,~nBoard of the at / Supervis~ o m ~lerk- ~~ ~ ) Justices ~/ ' ) the Peace · Supe~,in~endent of Highways. IN THE NATTER OF THE APPLICATION · .iOF RUTLED(}E ~. H0~IARD AND WIFE FOR : THE DISCONTINUANCE OF OLD N.&IN ROAD ORIENT, T0'~'~N OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK - -.~,COUNTY~ ~EW YORK. .. PETITION; CONSSNT and ORD4R. - WE, the undersigned, a majority of the Town BOard of the Town of Southold, having me~.~ at the office~__ --'~ of.the Supervisor at Greenport in said Town on the / day of ~~ 1945, and considered the application of RUTLEDGE ~ HOWARD AND WIFE, for the abandor~ent of Old ~ain Road bed North of State Road at Orient, Town of Southold, ~uffolk County, New York, do hereby consent that such abandonment and discontinuance be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. Supervl~r. Town Clerk. Justicesi of the! Peace. Superi~tendent of Highways. To the Town uperm,~en¢[en~ of Highways of the Totem of Southold, in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,e County of ~uf~olk and State o~. New York: The un~!ersigned, inhabitants of ~hc To%m of St~utbold, liable to be assessed for highway taxes therein, hereby applies to you to discontinue that portion of Equestrian Avenue on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, which lies between the lan~ts of David H. Rees, fo~m3erly ~oppes, and the U. S. k'ilitary Reservation of Fort M. G. Uright, being the last course in the lay out of said Equestrian Avenue, dated ~!ay 16, 1895, and recorded in the records at the Tram Olerk's OFfice, liber I. page 174 and therein described as follows:- "Beginning at a point' 25 feet southerly from the line fence dividing the land of E. M. and Walton Ferguson from the land of ~[rs. H. B. Hoppes, thence with a deflection of 41 deg. · 59' te the left and in a line parallel to and 2§.feet distant from the above described division fence 573.2 feet to an angle in said fence, the intention heine to take erie-half of the land necessary for the roa~ almlg the ia~t course from each side of the ¢~vision fence- The rea& is laid out 50 feet ~de through- OUt *" on the ground that said highway has Been abandoned and has never been worked or used as a highway at any t~o since the date of its acceptance as a highway by the authorities o~ the Total of Sou [ho ld- Da~e¢l this ~. ~2/~day of February, 1930. Board o~ the Town offTic~ ~ervisor, at Greenport, in said ~o~m, on the 1930, an~ considered~,the application of David H- Roes fo~ the dis- :x. . ~ ~,~ at Fishers Island~ I o~ o~ Southold, . S~Folk Co~ty,'New York, Imo~m as E~uestrian Avenue; do hereby ~g that such hi h ay be ~scontinued ~n acc~d~ce with the p~ayer of~e ~th~ petit~on.-,.'.~ .... ~ ~.~ .:~ ., ._-.: ~ t:~t..~Y~':'''? ~: , . (, : SupervisoP. -~, ....... . ,~ Superinte~lent oF Ni~hways. To the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York:- On behalf of the United States of America, I hereby apply to you, as Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold, to alter or discontinue so much of the highway known as Equestrian Avenue, Fisher's Island, Suf- folk County, Yew York, as passes through the land about to be acquired by the United States government as a part of the military reservation at ~isher's Island, New York, which said portion of said highway is described as fol- lows:- Beginning at a stone monument on the southerly boundary line of the Linderman property on Fisher's Island which point is distant four hundred and eight feet (408.~ in a course S. 46° §8' E. from Long Island Sound; thence running S. 42o §9' W. ninety-one ~nd seventy-five one- hundredths feet (91.75') to a stone monument~; thence S. 18° 18' W. two hundred and sixty-nine and four-tenths feet (269.4') to a stone monumenT; thence S. §1° 13' W. one hundred and sixty-two and one-tenth feet (162.1') to a stone monument; thence S. 19° 35' W. one hundred and forty-seven feet (1445) to a stone monument; thence S. 17° 38' E. one hundred and twenty-five and eighty-five one-hundredths feet (125.85') to a stone monument; thence S. 36° 06' W. one hundred and fifty-three and seven-tenths feet (1§3.?') to a stone monument; thence S. 15° 33' E. two hundred and forty-one and seventy-seven one-hundredths feet (241.77') to a point; thence S. §4004' E. three hun- dred and five feet (305.D) to a stone monument; thence S. 26o 41'E. ninety-four and fifty-five one-hundredths feet (94.5§') ~ a~polnt; thence S. §7° 13' E. seventy- -2- nine and eighteen one-hundredths feet (79.18') to a point; thence S. 82o 34' E. one hundred and ninety-eight and twenty-five one-hundredths feet (198.25') to a stone monument; thence N. 44~ 44' E. one hundred and ninety- five and three-tenths feet (195.3') to a stone monument; thence directly across the said Equestrian Avenue in a northwesterly direction fifty feet (§0.0) to a point; thence S. 44o 44' W. ~one hundred and fifty-seven and ninety-two one-hundredths feet (1§?.92') to a point; thence N. 82° 34' W. one hundred Md sixty-two and twenty- six one-hundredths feet (162.26') to a point; thence N. §?o 13' W. fifty-four and thirty-one one-hundredths feet to a point; (54.31')~ thence N. 26° 41' W. ninety-three and nine-one- to a point;' hundredths feet (93.09')~ thence N. §4o 04' W. three hun- dred and one and seventeen one-hundredths feet (301.17'); to a point; /thence N. 18o 33' W. one hundred ~nd ninety-nine and --- to a point; ninety-two one-hundredths feet (199.92')~ thence N. 36e 06' E. one hundred and fifty-three and nineteen one-hun- to a point; dredths feet (153.19')~ thence N. 17° 38' W. one hundred and thirty-four and thirty-one one-hundredths feet (134.31 to a point; thence N. 19° 38' E. one hundred and sixteen feet (ll&0) to a point; thence 51° 13' E. one hundred and sixty-~wc and seventy-six one-hundredths feet (162.76') to a point; thence N. 18~ 18' E. two hundred and seventy- three and twenty-six one-hundredths feet (273.26') to a point; thence N. 42o 59' E. seventy and fifty-four one- hundredths feet (70.54,) to a point on the bounda~ of Linderman's land; thence in a course N. 35~ 24' W. across said Equestrian Avenue and along said Linderman's land fifty-one and four one-hundredths feet (§1.04') to the , ) /- .OF AP--E~, OWM A~ ~>EACH <2 P ~2 -,0 , l/ ,~? :.:, -: . -'~ ' ' ~ -"::!'-"~ - ' $0 of the Town of Southold, Suffolk ~, .:'~ County, New York, to discontinue. portion of Equestrian Avenue, ::. ~Fisher's Island, Suffolk Co., N. U. S. Attorney, - :~:~:' ~ ~, Federa~ Building, . . m:~.:V~. ~'.~ - Boro ~of Brooklyn, N.~Y. '~ ::'- v' ': '-~' ~z~ /:-~ '~ ~ ~ ' . . . : : =~'~ :-.~ _ .. .. - .. . . ..:..:' :? . ".: :.-::~ '_ ~. _ :