HomeMy WebLinkAboutORIENTAL AVE (Alteration) FISHERS ISLAND 1937TO THE TO~I~ SUPERINTENDENT OP HIGh~YS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NE~ YORK: The underslzned, liable to be assessed for highway texas in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to alter a portion of Oriental Avenue, Fishers Island, in said Town, by discontinuing that portion thereof described as follows:- Ann that certain tract or parcel of land located on Fishers Island, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded end described as foll~t~s:- Beglnnin~ at · mere stone on the Northerly line of Oriental Avenue, said stone being located 6Z0.59 feet North and 200.0~ feet East of the United States Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PR~Se end mm~in~ thence North 65°35t34s East 65.$4 feet; thence, runnin~ North 65°27'10" East ~90.81 feetj the last two lines abuttin~ Northwesterly on lend of the Grantee; thence, South Z~30' East 50.~1 ~e~t; thence, running South 65°~1'45" Nest ~5.6~ feet; thence, North $~ $5 5 West ~4.07 feet to the point of beElnning. The above described tract contains about 3~/lOOths of an acre and being a portion of land known as Oriental Avenue. and to include within said highway the following described premises:- Beginning on the Southerly side of Oriental Avenue at the Southeasterly corner of the premises above described and running Easterly to lend of Fishers Island Farms, Inc., said new portion of said highway being described as follows:- ALL that certain tract or parcel of land located on Fishers Island, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described aa follows:- Be~lnning at a merestone on the southerly line of Orients/ Avenue, said stone being lecate~ $50.45 feet Northerly and 16~.~ feet Easterly of the United States Coast & Geodetic Triangulatlon~Ztation "PROSa end running thence North ~$e~l~4~a ~ast' One lmmudred forty and 00/100 (140) feet; thence, running South ~5~" East three hundred, forty-one and 11/100 (341.11) feet; thence, South ~3°30~ East sixty-four and 4/10~ (64.4) feet, this line abutt~n~ Easterly on land of the Fishers Island Corporation; thence, running North 81 1E~O" West four h~nd~ed, n~nety-two end04/lO$ (492.04) feet to the point of beginning, the lest line abuttin~ Southerly on land of the UnSted States Government~The foregoing described tract of land contains about 6/lOths of en acre~ ~hich proposed laying out will pass through lands of Fishers Island Farms, Inc., only. ated 1937. FISHSRS ISLAND FAR~S, INC., ~ President.W WE, the undersigned, Town Board of the Town of Southold, of the County of Suffolk, New York, hereby consent that the Town Superintendent of Highways of said Town of Southold m~ke an Order discontinuillg the following described property being that portion of Oriental Avenue at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and described as follows:- ALL that certain tract or parcel of l~ad located on Fishers Island, County $£ Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:- Beginning at a mere stone on the Northerly line of Oriental Avenue, said stone being located $20.§8 feet North and 200.02 feet East of the United States Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS" and runnln~ thence North 6§~38~4" East 65.54 feet; thence, running North 65°27t10" East ~0.61 feet, the last two lines abuttl~ Northwesterly on land of the Grantee; thence, South ~$°~Ot East 50.01 feet; thence, runnlng South 6~°~1~4§~ West ~?§.68 feet; thence, North 8~°~8'~" West $A.O? ~eet to the point of beginnin~. The above described tract contains about ~6/lOOths of an acre and being a portlon of land known as Oriental Avenue, be abandoned and that the said highway be altered and c~mnged by lncludln~ the following described real property:- ALL that certain tract or parcel of land located on Fishers Island, County. of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:- Beginning at a merestone on the Southerly line of Oriental Avenue, said stone being located 5~0.46 feet Northerly and 16§.$$ feet ~aterly of the United States f~ast & Geodetic Trian~lation Station "PROSaand rlhuning thence North 6~°31~45" East One hundred forty and 00/i00 (140) feet; thence, running South ?~o24~56s East three hundred, forty-one and 11/100 (~41.11) feet; thence, South ~°30' East sixty-four and 4/105(64.4) feet; t~e line abutting Easterly on land of the Fishers Island Corporation; thence, running North ~1o1~0s Nest four hundred, ninety-two and 04/105 (4S~.(~)feet to the point of beginning, the last line abuttln~ Southerly on land of the United States Government. The fo~egoing described tract of land contains about 6/lOths of an acre. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we h~ve hereunto set our hands and seals the of reh, Ninete.n .=dred and thirty-seven. pervisor. ~ ~ ~ Superintendent of Highways. )Justices ) of the )Peace. FISHERS ISLAND FARMS, INC., a corporation having its principal office a~d place of buslness in the Town of Southold, Suffolk Cotmty, New York, in~ consideration of the sum of OErE DOL~ to it in hand paid by ~larold E. Price, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, and in further con- slderatlon of discontinuing a portion of Oriental Avenue on Flshers Island, in said To~n, described es follows:- ~LL that certain tract or parcel of land located on Fishers Island, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described es follows:- Beg~lnnln~ at a mere stone on the Northerly line of Oriental Avenue, said stone being located ~0.~8 feet North and 200.02 feet East of the United States Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PR(~ and runnln~ thence North 65~6'~4s East ~5.~4 feet; thence, ~unnln~ North 65~27110" East 290.81 feet, the last two ll~s abuttin~ Northwesterly on land of the ~rantee; thence, South 2~°~0~ East 50.01 feet; thence, runnin~ South ~5°~1~ 45" West 27~.89 feet; thence, North 6~°~51 5a West 94.0? feet to the point of beginnln~. The aoove described tract contains about 36/lOOths of an acre and beir~ a portion of lend known a~ Oriental Avenue~ end in further consideration of the layln~ out of a new portlon of said Oriental Avenue leedln~ from the present Oriental Avenue to premises of the Fishers Island Farm~ I~c., end described as follows:- iLL that certain tract or parcel of land located on F~ehars Island, County of Suffolk ~ State of New York, bounded and described as follows~- Beginnin~ at a merestone on the southerly line of Oriental Avenue, sa'id stone being located ~.45 feet Northerly and 165.88 feet ~sterly cf t~ United States Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station uPROS" and ~mnln~ thence North ~§o51~ 45% East One hundred £orty and 00/100 (140) feet; thence, rtumlng South 77 ~4'55e ~ast three hundred, forty-one and 11/100 (341.11) feet; thence, South ~°30' East sixty-four and 4/10~ (~4.4) feet; this line abuttin~ ~esterly on land of the Fishers Island Corporation; thence, ru2~uin~North ~o 12' ~0" West fou~ M~dred, ninety-two and 04/100 (492.04) feet to the point of beginning, the lest llne abutting Southerly on land of the United States Oovernment~ The foregoing described tract of land contains ~bout 6/lOths of an acre, ~hlch proposed laying out passes through the lend of Wishers Island Fanms, Inc.,- only, does hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold all land hereto- fore o~ned by it and included within the p~emises last above described and does hereby release said Town from all damages ~ cessation with the dis- contlnuin~ of the said portion of Oriental Avenue as above described and to save the said To~n h~r~less o~ claims for dsm~e by others by reason of the discontinuance of said portion of sald highway. ~sted ~arch //~ FISHEES ISLAND FAR~S INC., STATE OF NE~ YORK, On the ~/e~/~/~ day of ~ch, 1937,before me c~e ~NRY L. ~R~USON, to ~ ~o~, who, being by me duly swo~, did de~se ~d say, that he resides In Fishers Island, New York; that he ls the President of PISH~S IS~ F~MS INC., the corporation described in, ~d which execBted the foregoing lnstr~ent; that he knows the seal of said ~rporatio~; that the seal affixed to said l~t~ent Is such corporate se~; It w~ so ~flxed by order of the board of directors of said ~rporation, and that he sl~ed his n~e thereto by like order. Notary Public, ~1~~~_ County. (2{DER ALTERIN~ A HI(}}{I%AY WITH THE CONSENT OF THE TOWN BOARD. Written application having been made to me, Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by the Fishers Island Farms Inc. for the alteration of a highway known as ORIENTA;. AVENUE, in said Town, at Fishers Island, and the including within said highway certain lands to be dedicated by said Fishers Island Farms Inc., and the Southold Town Board at its meeting held at Greenport, New York, on ~arch b~vlng consented to grant the application of said petitioner, now, therefore, in pursuance thereof, it is ORDt~Fj) and DETERMINED that the following described portion of Oriental Avenue is hereby abar~doned as a highway and its use for highway purposes is discontinued and closed to the public use. That portion of said highway hereby discontinued is described as follows:- Ai~ that certain tract or parcel of land located on Flahers Island, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:- Beginning at e mere stone on the Northerly line of Oriental Avenue, said stone being located ~O.B~ feat ~orth end E00.OE feet Nest of the United ~t~tem Coast & Qeodatie Triangulation Station ePROS~ and rtmnlng thence North 6§~36~Aw East 65.~4 feet; thence, running North 6§v~?~lO" East ~0.81 feet, the last two lines abutting Northwesterly on land of the Grantee; thence, South ~°~0~ Eas~ 50.01 feet; thence, running South 650~1~48w West ~78.8~ feet; thence, North ~2 3~" West $A.O~ feet to t.he point o~ beginning. The above described tract contains about ~6/lOOths of an acre and being a portion of land known as Oriental Avenue~ m~d the written consent of said Town Board of the To~n of Southold having been given as prescribed by law, and releases from H-mages having been executed by the owners of the land through which the proposed highway is to be laid out, copies of which are hereto annexed, and nothing t~avlng been paid to any claimant for such damages, it is hereby ORDERED and DETERMI~D that the following described real property shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as a portion of Oriental Avenue as follows:- AT,~ that certain tract or parcel of lend located on Fishers Island, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:- Beginning at e merestone on the Southerly llne of Oriental Avenue, said stone being located ~BO.46 feet Northerly and 1(3~.$8 feet Easterly of the United States Coast & ~eodetic Triangulation Station "PROS" and running thence North 6§°51'45t' East One hundred forty and 00/100 (140) feet; thence, running South ??°24t~" East three hundred, forty-one end 11/100 (~41.11) feet; thence, South ~$°~0' East sixty-four and A/iO~ (~4.~) feet, this line abuttin~ Easterly on land of the Fishers Island Corporation; thence, running North 81°lR~O" [[est four hundred, nlnety-two and 044'100 (492°04) feet to the point of beglnnlng~ the last llne abutting Southerly on lend of the United States Government. The foregoing described tract of land contains about 6/lOthm of mn acre~ which propoawd laylnE out will pass through lauds of Fishers Island Farms Inc., only. Dated this /~ ~- day 0£ March, '~ Towh SuPerintendent o~ Hlgh~Z .' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. IN THE NATTER OF THE APPLICATION -of- FISHERS ISLAND FnRMS, IN~., for the alteration ~f the highway known as ORIENTAL AVENU£, at Fishers Island, Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York. APPLICATICN, CONSENT OF TOWN BOAED, RELEASE AND ORDER. TO TB~ TONN SUPERiNTB~_'DENT OF HIG~.~AYS OF TEE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COU_~y OF Sb~FOLK 22~D STATE. OF I~,W YORK: The undersigned, liable To be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold~ hereby apply to you to alter a portion of Oriental Avenue, Fishers Islemd~ in said Towm, by discontinuing that portion thereof described as follows:- ALL that certain tract or parcel of land located on Fishers Island~ CounTy of Suffolk aha State of NewYor~,' bounded mud described as follows:~ Beginning a~ a mede stone on the -- ~ '- ~, - Nort,~erCy line of ~r~ntal Avenue, said s~one being located 8~0.59 feet North and ZO0.OZ feet Eas~ of Che United States Coast & Geodetic Tri~gulation S ~ ~pR~ +~ North 55°35~~ East 65~54 feet~ thence, Punning Nomth 65°Z7~10~ East Z90.81 fest~ the last two lines abutting ~ thence, South 23°30~East ~.~_~ zeet,~ ' ~hence~ Pum~zD~ ooutn~ ' 85°31~5 ~5.69 feet~ thence~ ~ ~ ~- ~ - No. tn 8~ 35~5~ ~est ~4.07 feet to the ooint of ~ above described tract contai~ about 36/!OOths of an acre ~d being a portion of t~d ~o~ as Oriental Avenue. and to include ~ithin said highway the following described premises:- Beginning on the S~herly side of Oriental Avenue a~ the Southeaszerty cornem of premises above described and runni~ Easterly to l~d of Fishers Island F~ms, inc.~ said new portion of s~d high~,~ being described sa follows:- A~L ~h~t certain tract or p~cel of land loaazed on Fishers Island, ~o~.y of Suffolk mua State of New Yo~x~ bounded and described as follows:- ~ ~Begimning at a me~es~one on the southerly line of Orient~ Avenue~ said s~on~ heine located 5~.46 feet Norther, ly and 165.88 feet Easterly oz nltec ~ates Coast & Geodetic Trimng~lation~Station ~pRos~ ~d running thence North 85°31~45~ ~st One h~dr~d forty ~d O0/lO0 ~140) feet; thence, ~ing South 7~°~55~ E~st t~ee h~udred, fort -one ~d 1 ~ ~ _ · South ~3°30~ East =~*~ ~ ...... ~ ~/~ /~ ~ I/lO0 (~-.l~) feet~ ~encs~ ~ ~ ...... ~-~-~-~.=~,~ =/z~ ~.a~ feet~ this iin~ ~utt~n~ Easterl~ ~ =~ oz ~ne fishers Isls~ Coroo~at~on~ +~ .... ~ :,; ~ ~O~i fo~ t~red, nLuety-~wo ~d ~/100 ~492.04) feet ~o =he point of beginning, ~he l~t line abutting Southerly on land of the United States Gove~ent~ i~°regoing ~escribed tract of l~d contains about d/lOtbm of ~ acre~ which proposed tayi~ ouz %¥1tl pass =n~ugh i~ds of Fishers Isled Farms, Inc,, only~ ?resident ~-E~ the ~udersigned, Town Board of the Town of Southold, of the County .of Suffolk~ New York~ hereby consent that the Town Superintendent of Highways of said Town of Southo!d make an Order discontinuing the following describes ~property being that portion of Oriental Avenue a~ Fishers Island~ Town of Soutb~ld~ Surfak Counzy~ New York~ and described as ~llows:- ALL that certain tracr or parcel of land located onF'~sners' Island, C~nty ~f Suffolk ' ~ - aha ~tate of New Yor~ bounded and ~e~cr~b~d as follows:- Begir~ing a~ a mere s-~ ', ~ · ~ne on th3 N?~herly line of Orlen~al said svone be~a~ aoca~ed 6~0~69 feet ~orvn and ~00.08 feet East of the United St~res Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station ~PEOsx and running thence North 65 ~8~84~ East 66.8A feet~ thsnce~ ~nning North 88°27~10~ East B90~81 feet~ Souththe last~5o~0~tw° Eastlines$0.01abuttingB°r~nwes~erly~ .~ on t~d of the ~rauvee~ thence~ zee~ 5nence~ running South 68o~1~46 feet; thence~ North 8a°~8~8~ Mast 94,07 feet to the point of beginning° The above described ~rac~ ~n~ains about 88/100ths of an acre and ~ing a portion of land kno~m as Oriental Ave~ue~ be abandoned ~ud that the said higb~'ay be altered and ~uged by including the following describes re~ proper~y:- ALL that certain ~ract or parcel of land loc~taa~' on Fishers Isl~nd~l County of Suffolk and State of New ~ork~ bounded and described as follows:- Beginning a~ a meresvone on the Southerly line ofOriental' Avenue~ said stone being located 850.~8 feet Northerly and i8~.a8 feet Easterly of the United Sta~es C~ast & Geodetic Triangulation Station xPROS~ and rmnnlD~ thence North 88o$114~~ East One h~ucLred forty and 00/!00 (1~0) feet; thanked' ~ rur~uir~ South 77o~58~ East three h~hudred, forty-one and 11/100 (841.!I) feet; ~qence, South ~8°$0~ East sixty-four ~ud 4/10~(~.~) feet~ this line abutting Easterly on land of the Fishers Island C ' - ~, - o~Doratlon~ ~nence~ r~nnlng North 81Ol~Zo~ Nest four hundred~ ninetv-=wa~ ans~O~/!O~ (4@Z.04)feet to the- point of .... begim%ing~ the last line ~nutting Southerly on l~ad of the United States Government. The foregoing described vrac~ of l~ud con=ains about 6/lOths of anacre~ ~a~NaSS ~HE~OF, we have herem]~o set our hands and seals the of ~r~n~ Nineteen Hundred end thlrty-seven~ FISHES tS~Z~N'D PArtialS, iNC., a corporation having its principal office and place o£ business in the Town of Southcld, Suffolk County, New York~ in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLL~2{ to it in hand paid by Harold E, Price, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Soutnold, and in fUrther con- sideration of discontinuing a portion of Oriental Avenue on Fishers Islmud, in said Town, described as follows:- -%LL that certain tract or parcel of land located on Fishers Island, County of ~uffolk and Sta-ce of New York, bounded and described as follows:- Beginning at a mere Stone on ~heNor~herly~ line of ~rzentai~ ' ~ ~ stone beinE located 8E0.~9 feet North and ~O0.OZ feet ~ ~venue~ said ,~ast of the United States Coast & Geodetic T~iangulation Station ~,PROs~ and r~nn~=~, +~ .... ....... ~ ~n~e~ ~ No~th 65-2T~10~ East 290,81 feet~ the last two lines ~butting [opthwesterly on l~nd of the ~ee$ South 23°30w East ~.01 feet~ thence, ~nirg South 85°31: 45~ West feet~ thence~ North 8~°35~ 5= West ~4~07 feet ~o the point of begimu~g~ ~e moore described tract con~ains about 38/lOOths of an ac~e and being ~ poet!on of l~d known ~ Omienu~l mud in ~rth~r consideration of ti~ !ayip~ out of a new portion of said Oriental Avenu~ laadin~ f~m the present Oriental Avenue to premises of the Fishers I slanm Far~ I~c,, ~d described as ' ~ fo.lows ,- ~L t~mt ceftin ~ract or parcel of land tocased on F~hsrs Island, Oo~ty of Suffolk ~d State of New York, bounded and described as Beglnnl~ at a mer~stone on the s~therly line of Oriental Avenue, said stone being located 5~.4~ feet Northerly ~d 155.88 feet Easterly of United States Coast & Geodetic Tri~.~lation Station ~PROS~ ~nd ~uing thence Nort~ 55o3t~ 45~° East One h~dr~d ~o~y ~d O0/lO0 (140) feet~ thencs~ rm%nzng So=th 77 ~55~ East three h~udred~ forty-one and lt/lO0 (~1,11) feet: thence, South ~3°30r = . ~ ,, ~a~ s~V.foa~ ~d 4/~ (84.4) feet; this line abut~g E~terly on l~d ~_ ~ne ~i~ems Lsz~nd Corporation; ~hence~ ~ingNorth 8i° !~~ 30~ ~est fo~. h~ed~ n~ety~wo ~d 04/100 (49~.04) feet ~o the point of beginning~ the !~t line ~butting Southerly on land of the United StatesO/lOthsGovernment~of ~ ~c~e~ The fo~egoing described t~act of:a~ nd contains ~bout which proposed laying out passes throuEh the land of Fishers Island Fa.~ms~ Inc,: only, does b~reby dedicate and release ~o the Town of ~outhold all land hereto- fore o~med by it and included within the p~emises last above described mud does hereby release said Term from all damages ~u congestion with the dis- continuing of the said portion of Oriental -&venue as above described ~ud to save the said Town harmless of claims for damage by others by reason of the dlscon~lnu~nce of said portion of said highway. Dated ~farch ///~ 1937. On the g/~/~/-~ day of ,Narch~ l@3?,before me came i~i~R¥ ~. -wERGUSON~ to me known~ who~ B~ing by me duly sworn~ did depose ~ud ~ay~ ~hat he resid~s in Fishe~s Island~ New Yo~k~ that he is ~he Presid~nt of FISHerS IS~ND F~ES INC.~ the corporation described in~ ~u~ which ~xscu~ed the foregoing instr~en~; 'that he ~nows the seal of said ~poration~ that the seal affixed ~o said i~tm~ent is such corporate ssat; it was so ~flxed by order of the ooard of directors of said corporation~ and that he signed his n~e tneret~ by like order. Notably 3ublic, ~ ounzy. ORDE~R ALTEEI~ A H!G~Ay ~ITH THE CONSENT OF THE T0?~!q BOARD. Written application having been made to me, T~#n Superintendent of Highways for the To%%m of Southold~ Suffolk County, New ~ork~ by the Fishers island Farms Inc~ for the alteration of a highway k~uovm as ORIENTAL AVENUE, in said To~m~ at Fishers Island, and the including within said highway certair~ lands to be dedicated by said Fishers islmu5 Farms Inc~, and the Southold Town ~oard at its meeting held st Greenport, New York, on ~arah / f lS37~ having consented to grant the application of said petitioner~ now, therefore~, in pursuance thereof~ it is OltD~Wd~D mud D''~ .rv,~ ~o ' ' ET~R~.~ED thet the ~ liowzng ~oscr~bed ~ ~ o~lon o~ ~venue is hereby ab~qdo~d as a highw~ and ~ts use for hi~.hway~ ~u. po~es~ ~ is discont!nu~d ~d closed to ~he public see~ That portion of said b. igaway' hereby dlscoa~inue~ is described as foliowa:- ALL that cerzain tract or parcel of t~d located os Fi~eps Island~ County of S~fotk and State of New York, bounded ~nd described as Beginning at a mere stone on the Northerly line of Oriental Avenue~ said s~cae being located ~0.59 feet -orth ~ud ~00.0~ feet E ~ ~-~ ~ Geodetic Tri~gulation Station ~pEos~ and runn'n ~s Coas~ & ' as~ of th~ United 85 36~34~ East - " o -~g o~ence ~or~h the last zwo t~es abutting ~%orthwes~er~y on i~d of the Grmntee; thence, a3,~SO~ E~ ~9.~1.feet; thence~ running South 55°31,45;e ~?est th ,,~e~ r~Or~n ~ 3o:5~, ~]est ~4~OT feet to the point of begl~ing~ ~e above describe~ ~acz contains about 38/ICOths of~ acre mud being a portion of land ~nown ~ Oriental Avenue~ m~d vhe written cons~nz of said 2own Board of the To,~ of Southold havir, g been given aa Prescribed by law, ~d releas~ from ~ages having been executed by the owners of tho lmud through which tho P~posed highw~ is to be'~_~d ou~ copies of ~hich ~e hereto munexed~ mud nothing having been paid vo claimant For such d~magas~ it is hereby ORD~ED and ~aT~,,~IN~ tha~ the ~ol_ow~ng described real property shall be and the s~me is hereby laid ouz is said Town as a portion of 0rien~ai Avenue as follows~- ALL that certain tract or pamcel of land located on~'~s~ers~ Islana~ County of Suffolk ~nd Stav~ of ~ew York~ bounded and described as fo~lows.- Beg!rmlng at a meres~one on the~bouther~y~ line of Oriental .~venue, said stone being located ~- ~ .- · _ ~00,.5 feet Nortaerty and t65.88 feet Easterly of the ~nlted States Coas~ & Geodetic Trimn. gulation Station ~PROS~ ~nd running thence North 85°3!~45~ Es. st One h~dred fomty mad 00/100 (140) feet; thsnce~ ~mnning South 7~°~4t5~ East three ' - =, n'm~r~m~ Forty-one ~d !!/t00 feet~ thenc% South 23°30~ East s~:ty-fo~ ~d 4/1~ (~.~) feet~ t~s line =butt~m~ ~astemty on land of the Fishers ~ ~slana Jorporation~ thence, r'umning o North 81 t2~30~ West !'our hundreds ninety-two and 04/I00 (49~.04) feat to the point of beginnin United St~- ~ g~ the last line abutting S~Utherly on tsm. d of the --~ uove?nm~nt. ?~e £omegOin~ descmibed tract of la,id contsi~s about 6/lOths of ~n a¢~e, which proposed laying out will pass thpou~h lands of Fishers island Fs/~s Inc.~ only. Dated this day of Eamc£~ 1937.