HomeMy WebLinkAboutSOUTHCROSS ROADTO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGRWA~ OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE ¢OU~TY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF ~gW YORK: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southeld, hereby apply to you to lay out new highways at Fleets Neck, Cutchogue Suffolk County, New York, to be known as as shown on a certain map made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Engineer end Surveyor January 30th, 1934, and described es follows:- 1. The southerly line begins at a monument on the easterly line of Holden Avenue esnow laid out, at a point distant ~43.54 feet, more or less, northerly along s~dd line from the northerly line of West Road; running thence N. 57°48~ E.-1019.46 feet, more or less, to a monument on the westerly line of Fleet~s Neck Road at a point distant 500 feet northerly along said westerly line of Float's Neck Road from the northerly line of said West Road. HIEhwey to be 50 feet in width measured northerly from above described line. 8' The southerly line ~begins at e monument on the easterly line of west Creek Avenue at a point 42 feet northerly from the first turn in said easterly line of West Creek Avenue northerly from Dick's POint Road; running thence N. 65°40~10" E.-~9.67 feet; thence N. 50o03t~0" E.-663.41 feet, more or leaS; to a monument on the westerly line of Fleet's Neck ROad et a point 48.49 feet southerly from the first deflection In said line northerly from the northerly line of West Road. Highway to be 50 feet in width measured northerly from above described line, which p__r~oposed laying out will pass through the lands of the Netate of George H. Fleet, only. 1938. Exec~to'r~ of the Estate of Gsorge ~ted H. Fleet, deceased. ~E, the undersigned, a majority of the Teen Board of the To~n of $outhold, havlr~ ~et at the office of the Supervisor, at /~reenport, In said To~n on the day of ~~/~, and considered the applicatlon of DeLancey S. Pelgrlft and LeRoy S. Reeve as executors o£ the last' WIll and Testament of ~eorge H. Fleet, deceased, for the laying out of new hlshways at Fleetts Neck, Cutcho~ue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New ]/ork, to be known as do hereby consent that such layln~ out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. Supervisor Town Clerk. ~ .,~,~.~., , ' ~,~,' ~0..,. ,, , ~ 0£ theFea¢eo , ) · Superintendent of Highways. WE, LeROY S. REEVE, of Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, and DeLANCEY S. PELGRIFT, of Hartford~ Connecticut, executors under the last Will and Testa-' ment of George H. Fleet, late of the Town of Southold, deceased, in consideration Of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to us in hand paid by Harold E. Price, Town Superin- tendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of thel laying out of new highways at Fleet~s Neck, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as as shown on a certain map made by Otto W. VanTuyl, Engineer and Surveyor, January 30th, 1934, and described as follows:- 1. The southerly line begins at a monument on the easterly 1ins of Holden Avenue as now laid out, at a point distant 343.64 feet, more or less, northerly along said line from the northerly line of West Road; running thence N. 5?o . 42' E.- 1019.46 feet, more or less, to a monument on the westerly line of ~ '' Fleet's Neck Road at a point distant 500 feet northerly along said Westerly ii line of Fleet~s NeCk Road from the northerly line of said West Road. ~ Highway to be 50 feet in width measured northerly from above described line.. 2. The southerly line begins at a monument on the 'masterly line of West Creek Avenue at a point 42 feet northerly from the first turn in said easterly line of West Creek avenue northerly from Dick's Point Road; running thence N. 65o40'10'' E.-?~9.67 feet; thence N. 50o03~20I' E.. 663.41 feet, more or less, to a monument on the westerly llne of Fleet~s Neck Road at a point 48.49 feet southerly from the first deflection in said line northerly from ~ ~ the northerly line of West Road. Highway to he 50 feet in width measured northerly from above described line, which proposed laying out passes through the land of Estate of George H. Fleet, only,do hereby dedicate end release to the To~n of Southold, all land heretofore owned by said George H. Fleet and Included within the premises above described, and do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of the said new highways. Executors of~'~he Estate of George H. Fleet, deceased. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, ~ COUNTY OF~ SS:- On this 7/'''~/ day of ~ 1938, before me personally came DeLANCEY S. PELGRIFT, of Hartford/ Connecticut, as one of the executors under the last Will and Testament of George H. Fleet, deceased, !personally known to me and known to me to be one of the persons described in end who executed the foregoing instrument and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same as such executor. Notary Public, I, Lucius P. Fuller, Clerk of the County of Hartford and of the Superior Court of said i State within and for said Count , which is a Court of Record, and kee er o.f the Seal thereof, Y P whose name is subscribed to the certificate or proof of acknowledgment, affidavit or oath on the annexed instrument was at the time of taking such acknowledgment, proof or affidavit or administering such oath, duly authorized to take or administer the same and was a Notary Public within and for said State, dwelling in said County, duly appointed, commis- sioned, and sworn, and authorized by the laws of this State to administer oaths for general purposes and take affidavits and the acknowledgment or proof of deeds to he recorded in this State; that I am well acquainted with his handwriting and verily believe that the signature to the said acknowledgment or proof, affidavit or oath is genuine; and that such certificate is not required by the law of said State to be under Seal. foregoing ln~trtunent and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same aS such executor.