HomeMy WebLinkAboutSKUNK LANEdesignation of Skunk Lane. ./ We the undersigned,residents of Bay Avenue,Outchogue,New York hereby petition the, To.w~:~ Board of Southold Town to cha~ge the name of Bay,, Avenue to i~s f6rmer designation of Sku~k Lane. I( /I New York, hereby p~tition t~a Town Eoard of oout,old Tow~ ~o chants ~1~ n-~m~ of B~y aw~i~u~; to its for~r d~sigaation of Skunk Lane. 112 Hr, Supervisors wet as res~dentss taxpayerss and voters of $outhold Towns have coma to demand that the Town Board take ~mm~d£ete action to reverse one of ~ts decLsionss a dec~sion which is re~arded as d~sa~r~eables ridicul°uss end arrosantly inconsiderate by a vast majority of us, ~ts decision was to chanse the name of the streets formerly known as Bay Avenues to Skunk Lane, We fend Et incredible and outraseous that the Town Board shoulds by Ets action, seek to force the residents of street to refer to Et as ,*Skunk Lane"--a nama which is ludLcrouss unpleasants and defamatory to anyone livir~ or ownin~ property on the street, We fend Et incredible and outraseous that the Town Board should have aeted on this matter w~thout personally every resident of the streets and every owner of property on the street, We find Et incredible and outrageous that the Town Board has hOC acted in asreemant with a petitions havin~ 99 which requested the restoration of the name Bay Avenue. ~nese 99 signatures were those of residents and property owners on Bay Avenue, ~hey were no~ the signatures of people randomly scattered about the town, They were no~ the sisnatures of people anxious to become known as antiquarians and clever such as have insisted on the present use of the name 'Skunk Lane#, Let us examine the arguments of those who w~sh the street to be called Skunk Lane. Firsts we be$in with the so-called arsument0 We hear Et saids #The street was called Skunk Lanain the pas~l therefores ~ts name should be the same nowo~ But by analosys thens woman should not be allowed to vote because they wer~ no~ allowed to do so a hundred years a$o, Thuss we see tha~ historical arsument needs to be made much more precise in order~o avoid bein~ based on heinous nonsense. Even if we accept the nol:ton chac the name of a street should be one ~Ch historical slsnificance~ we are hOC oblised Co asree~ in this case~ ~haC the s~ree~ In question should be called Sku~ ~ne. ~e na~ ~Bay Arena*~ has b~n in use for aC leas~ 78 years. ~entC ~hose 78 years as ~ch a ~rC of hiSEo~ as anyChi~ chaE ca~ ~fo~? Perhaps a toC has happed d~ chose 78 years Cha~ dese~s ~e a~Cen~ion of local sxie~les. IC was d~i~ ~hose years ~ha~ Ehe lace ~1~ W. boule ~he HorCon EsCa~e~ a~ so o~d more fron~ase on ~he s~ree~ ~han anyone is ever likely ~o o~ in the fu~e. He didnS~ call ~he scree~ "Sku~ ~"~ he called i~ ~Bay A~nue"l and ~he ~ny ~ople ~o bou~ his land ca~ ~o ~ow t~ as Bay A~n~. ~us ye see Cha~ the na~ "~y Avenue" has S~eaC historical significances as ve~ ~ch associa~ed wi~h ~he ~i~ ~en ~ny nemours ca~ ~o e~ich ~he life of SouChold T~s and contribute ~o l~s prog~ss. ~e ocher ars~en~ tn favor of usi~ ~he na~ "S~ ~ne" emp~sizes its ~cognizabiliCy a~ uniqueness, l~ ~s pointed ou~ ChaC there are ~hree Bay A~nues--one in G~enpo~s one in Cu~osue~ and one in ~cCi~uck--and a Bay Road in CuCchogue. BuC as uniqueness o~ sCree~ na~s Is considered Co be so im~r~an~s ~y no ac~en~ion been gi~n Co ocher i~e~ularl~ies in ~he ~mi~ of screens? ~ere a~e ~wo Firs~ S~ree~s; one ts tn ~w Suffolk; ~he o~her, on Flee~s ~ck. ~ere are ~wo Brid~e ~sI o~ in~ersec~s Rou~e 25; the o~her is in ~ssau Point. ~e~ are ~wo Broad~a~er o~ is ~n ~he Broadwa~ers Cove areal ~he o~her~ o~ ~ssau ~ere a~e ~wo ~k SCreens; one is ~ ~w Suffolkl ~he o~he~s aC ~e e~ of Harbor ~ne; a~ an ~k Dri~ in ~he Broa~acers 6o~ area. Confusion is also possible between New Suffolk ~ a~ New Suf~otk Avenue. Bu~ even if we a~ree ~ha~ alt ~h~s confUSion shoutd be e~eds -3- why musc ve have the name #Skunk Lane#, tn particular? Nhy not choose & name ~hLch would be Maccepcable co the ma~orLCy of residents? We quesCLon Che sincerLCy of Chose who have fussed over Che number of Bay Avenues while remaLnLn$ lilenC about ocher, possibly more The arsumenCs In favor of Che name t~Skunk Lane~ all have one chir~ in common: chey compleCely tsnore Che quesCion of how offensive and ridiculous Che name ii, &nd how a~roganC LC Ii for the Town Board To force anyone co use ic. We possess Che wriCCen opinions of Two lawyers, one of Chem a real esCaCe IpeciallsT~ sCaCin~ ChaC the charge of screeC a~l~e~ If hoc undone, will be a sreaC nuisance co Che residenCs and properCy owners on Che screeC, because of char~es~ ~hLch LC would be hishl¥ advisable Co makeB tn lesal documents. We have 81yen copies of chess opinions To Che Town Board. Unless Che name of Bay Avenue is restored, iC will be a great nuisance for us Co nocify all our correspondents of Che new sCree~ name. Since Che Post Offices are hOC legally obliged co deliver mail ChaC is incozTecCly addressed, we could run Che risk of never recei~n~ some of Che leCCers ~hich may be sene Co us ~n che future. "Skunk Lane" ia so ridiculous and ouCland£sh an address ChaC iC is possible Chac people livLr~ tn ocher areas of The counTry wou~d doubt Che seriousness o~ someone who lisCed "Skunk Lane# as an address. The very mencion of Che name evokes derision. This poinC is amply ~roved in The newspaper accounCs which invariably make some reference Co bad smells, l~any people have laid Chat Chey signed the original peCiCion for Skunk Lane only because They ChoughC ic was a Joke. The name could also impair Che marketability of real esCaCe~ because outsiders mLg~hC be reluctant Co ~isC "Skunk Lane" as an address. This possibLliCy it hOC far-fetched;. Chars are businessel and private persons who deltberacely mainCaLn a poaC office box tn Princetons dignified. Jerseys because l:he address is considered very In conclusions ~e feel ~ha~ since a vas~ majority of proper~y owners and residen~s demand ~he res~ora~ion of ~he name Bay Avenues The Town Board should ac~ in~nedia~ely. By almos~ anybodyms no, ion of Justice, e majority should no~ be ~rea~ed arrogantly and inconsidera~ely. CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 0ctc~er 2, 1972. Hon. Albert Nartocchia, To~n of $outhold, 16 South Street, Oreenport, N.Y. Supervisor A newspaper announcement appeared in the Long Island Traveler and Mattituck Watchman on September 21, 1972 stating that the Town Board approved a change of name "Bay ~venue" Cutchogue to one ~hich in older times was called "Skunk Lane". As President of the Nassau Farms Association, Cutchogue, I have received many telephone and house calls by property owners and resi- dents of "Skunk Lane" (Bay Avenue) as well as others in the adjoin- lng area expressing their diesatifaction with this change. I have been informed that a second petition is being circulated requesting the the name of the road should remain "Bay Avenue" as it was since 1894. It is our feeling that this c~ange is not beneficial or desired by the majority of the property owners and should be reviewed by you. 7ery truly yours, Henry Schmeckpeper President. ~blishcfl in ~ue Fwbreary 6,1975 ir~ 2'~ply to t~!e iszu of the Sk~'~nk Lane Cutcho~E,~, i?ow fork 11935 February 12, 1973 De~r ~,'~r. Klein, The pul-pose of this lo~Ser is %o inform you of our satisf~ctioI~ ,.'~itn the Town Boar~ of oouthold. !;e feel that ~h8 Town Hoard naa acted in = jus5 and proper maimer. La~:z su~,~ner t~e youn6 ledy w,~o circulated the petition was rolled as a fres'm,~an in Southold Nif~a School. She circul~ted tbs oetition in a sincere and serious manner,with th~ mpproval of parents and somo neighbors. She was carefal to have only c~ners ~,nd residents of ~he L~e sign net pstitien. The yo~g lady's reasons for wantinc Sk~k L~e restored were: Ail her life ~e has heard %ne road r~ferred ~o as Skunk L~ne by her fa~ly,neigi~bo~s and many residents of the town. She looked into the history of the name ~d fo~d she shared She same desire as many residents to have the name restored. Sk~k L~ne is not a nickname or a Joke.The name appears on offical m~ps and d~eds. Our To~n Clerk checked back in the Town records and fo~d no record of the name having been legally ch~uged to Bay Avenue. ?~e feel that Sk~k L~e is an honest and indi~enous n~me. The proponents~are not mischi~f-~kers,~m~ers city people,' history-fixated f~natics or a ~roup of cr~uKs. Some years back Miss ~inifred Billard, a tax payer and resident of %ne L~e, %~ote a history of Sk~k L~e ~d its residents, The Historical Society Izad her freeent n~r history at oar lecal schooI. Th~ auditori~ was filled with interested spectators~ ~iss Billard has retired f~on teaching and is now ssrvlnc a year enlistment with the Peace Corps in Ealaysia. The pro B~ay ~v~nue ~ople f~il zo mention tk~.t they go% people to c2mnge th~ir sxde by t~l!inb %non th~t it woa!d cos~ 5non ~ac~ ~J0D.D0 5o nave tho n~me o~ C~unk Lane restored. The 2own Scar~ k~d thoir ~ttorney c~ec~: i~r5o chis ~nd it w:~z f~u_~d f~voring Si~:lnk L~le. Th~ TC~L Bc .!,f id no ~e~d in ~n~ irregular manner. The affici~l Town Paper publisi~d the fact ~nav ~ petition karl ~resentod to ~,~ ~vor3 0n~ l.~.t~ of '~h[lnk Lane to the then Bay ~v~aue. After ~aiting 5wo eont~s and hearing no objec~iea ~hey officially changed the name. Tk~ circulation of the pet$~ion ~d the offici~-~l nam~ cn~ge ~,,;ere bo~h done in a sincere ~d honest ~ma~er. The United Fire Company ~o.1 of C,~tchogue sent a letter 5o the Town Board favoring o~e name of Skm~k Lane for efficiency reasons. Tho Town of Southold h~s ~m%~y B~y avenues, Bay Roads The Officers of the Cutchogue Historical 3ociety also the Board a letter favorin~ the name of Sk~k I_ane for historical red, sons. Th~ Southold Town Historiun is a residents of S.~2 and favors tho L~ .vour letser fro~.~ t~e ~ro Bay Avenue people?you wer~ ~o!d that no l~t%~rs ~;ere read from their side ~at the January ~3 m~ting. They failed uo mention that no letters w~r~s~re,~d t~ other sid~ either. i.~r. L[artocchia conducted, o~e .~ectln~ ii~ vary dignifiwd .... ' Thc reason I~e calle,1 ~or ~ h~it to' the '' ~-' 0 f- l~and. This letter has be~n compiled and approved by a number SKunk L~e z-esidents. Sincerely, Co~ies of tnis letter i.~. John Klein The N~sRovicw The Souti~old Town Board ./ 4' ** Southold Town Board Southold,New York TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The names which appear on the attached petition~ are residents or vacant property owners who pay taxes on their property on Bay Avenue,Cutchogue. TO : TOWN BOARD, Town of Southold We, the undersigned, hereby request to have our signatures removed from a document that concerns the changing of the name of BAY AVenUE to SKUNK LANE. Upon fUrther and careful consideration we realize that since no benefit will be derived from the change, it does not warrant the cost and inconvenience it will cause. PROTEST TO : TOWN BOARD, Town of Southold We, the undersigned, hereby protest the changing of the long established name of BAY AVenUE to SKUNK LANE. Buch change has no merits nor will be beneficial in any way. We forsee that the Official Ohan6e of Identification of BAY AVENUE will cause much inconvenience to property owners and residents who will be obliged to have all their legal documents, business stationery, applicable vehicles, etc. altered to reflect the above change. We hereby ~th. restoration of the name BAY AV~2~UE. TO ~ TO~ BOARD, To~n of 8outhol~ the undermLsnedt hereby protest the ohan6~~ of the lon~ established n~e 9f B~Y &V~UE to ~E ~oh ~e ~ ~ me~t~ no~ w~ll be beneficial ~ ~ forage ~t ~e Offiolal ~e of Id~fioatio~ ef AV~E vXll c~e ~oh Xn~nTe~oe ~ p~rty o~eri ~ resX~entl vho rill be obl~se~ ~ ~Ye ~l ~e~r le~ doo~entB~ ~l~nese I~t~one~, We hereby ~the reatoration of the name BA~ AW~E~ T To. Town BOard, Town of Southold. We the undersigned, hereby PROTEST the chan~ing of the long established name of BAY AVENUE to ~k'UNK LANE. Such change has no merits nor will be of beneficial in any way . #e f0rsee that official change of identification of BA~ AVENUE will cause much inconvenience to property owners and residents who will be obliged to have all their legal documents ,stationery applicable vehicles etc. altered to reflect the above change. We hereby request the restoration of the name BAY AV-~UJE. iii t January 29, 197~ C. Whitney Booth, Editor 'The Lon~ Island TraMeler Southol~,/"N~',Y.~; · er~ !for your editorial ~ Skunk 'Lane vs. Bay Avenue. of Jauu~ And speaking of lack of local character, who namedthe~following thoroughfares ~ sudden and severe rush of shit ~gue: Vanatou. Road, Griffin Street, Moore's Lane, ~l~ah, s 'Lane, Eugene's Road, Cox' s Lane. ~'.New Suffolk: "~.. Fred Road, George Road, Grathwohl R0ad, :' 'Tuthitl Road, Wicks Road, Kouros.Road, Jack- ,, sou Street. Southold: Boise eau Avenue, Young ' s' Avenue, Gr~eenport: Albertson Road Mattituck: LIPCO~ Road '~'~'~ 0la ~Juie Lane .(Jesus, this one has got to be the worst name for any road in ~ n e whole oomntry). It would seem to m ...... those who are in the position ,to name new roads would have a little more imagiustion than to use the names of a bunch of old farts who have probably contributed uo more to the community than merely adding to the wealth of their children, ..grandchildren and great grand- children. y, I would really like the dual high- from Msttituck ~o Southold renamed "THE TOWN 'B.~'J~. R. ETERNAL HEH- ORIAL HIGHWAY. (hah, hah) ~r Albert Hsrtocch~a of. Highways Ra~Deau r't FF~DER K SOUTHOLD, L. I., IN. ¥. 119'71 Thomas C. Hunter, Jr. Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer Department of the Army New York District, 26 Federal Plaza Dear Mr. Hunter: April 9, 1976 Corps of Engineers Re: Application No. 75-556 Public Notice No. 8407 Craig Lehmann J'At a meeting of the Southold Town Board held on April 6, 1976, the Board adopted a resolution to oppose the application o,f/Craig Lehmann, Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, New York for permit~on his completed pier, ramp and float arrangement on the grounds Mr. Lehmann failed to secure the necessary permits prior to commencing the work. Christopher 'P~der sen 212 Re: Public Notice No. 8407 Area Engineer DELAY, REFERRAL, OR FOLLO~.UP NOTICE ! OFFICE OF TI- COUNTY LEGISL JANET CAMPBELL CHIEF DEPUTY CLERK BETTY G. OETRANDER DEPUTY CLERK March 19, 1976 Mr. Albert M. Martocchia, Supervisor Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 D~.ar Mr. Martocchia: Enclosed herewith please find a copy of Public Notice No. 8407 from the DeFartment of 'The Army w~th regard to a Completed Pier, Ramp and Float Arrangement, Broadwaters Cove, Great Peconic Bay, Village of Cutchogue, Town of Southold. Very truly yours, Betty G. Ostrander Deputy Clerk Di.:p~I~'TMENT OIF THE ARMY APPLICATTON N0' 75-556 --- PUBLIC NOT'ICE NO. 8407 To WHOM 1TMAY CONCERN: This District has received an application for a Department of the Army per- mit pursuant to Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403); Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (86 ~tat.~16, P.L. 92-500); Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries. Act of 1972 (86 Stat. 1052; P.L. 92-532)' as appropriate, as described below: 'APPLICANT: Craig Lehmann Skunk Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 WORK: Completed Pier, Ramp and Float Arrangement WATERWAY:~ Broadwaters Cove, Great Peconic Bay LOCATION: village of gutch0gye, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY A detailed description and plans of the completed work are inclosed to assist in your review of the proposal. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact of the completed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the completion must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. Ail factors which may be relevant to the completed work will be considered; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, historic values, fish and wildlife values, flood damage prevention, land use classification, navigation, recreation, water supply, water quality, and in general, the needs and welfare of the people. No permit will be granted unless its issuance is found to be in the public interest. . --~ o~ waterways NANOP-E PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 8407 A preliminary review of the application indicates tha Impact Statement will not b ye · rSXon of the Nati -al ~ ~_~repared. A revi t an Environmental o ...... glster of His~-~- ~w of the latest or absence of registered -~u ~laces and ~ ~ published Version of the · properties or properties · ~ the presence · ' Register as ~ ........ 1Xsted in th ~.~ pren~storica~ ...... resentlv unk .... be accom6]{.~ ~ slStor~cal data ~ "~ arcneologicaL scientific, --=--oueu Unde~ ~- may be lost ~- ~- ~ ' ' ~ reguested permit. ~ u~Scroyed by Work to The fOllowin- - · 9 government authorization has been obtained or will be obtaiQed prior to the issuance'of a Department of the Army permit: '1. Permit from New York state Department of Environmental Conservation. 2. Water Quality Certification from State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation. Any criticisms or protests regarding the proposed Work should be PREPARED IN WRITING AND MAILED TO REACH THIS OFFICE prior to 11 April 1976 otherwise it will be presumed that there are no objections. , It is requsted that you COmmunicate the foregoing information COncerning the pr'oposed Work to any persons known by you to be interested and who did not receive a Copy of this notice. If you have any questions COncerning this application, you may COntact ~.~r. Christopher Pedersen of this office, Tel: (212) 264-0182. THOMAS C. HUNTER, JR. Colonel, Corps of Engineers 2 Incls District Engineer 1. Description of Work 2. Plans NADNy FL_129.2 June 74 NANOP-E APPLICATION NO. 75-556 PUBLIC NOTICE 1~0. 8407 DESCRIPTION OF WORK~' The ~aPPlicant requests Department of the Army authorization to maintain an existing open timber pile supported pier, ramp and float arrang~n~'extending approximately 26 feet into an exist- i~g boat basin. The float (16' x 6') is held in place by two (2) anchor p~l~es; The purpose was to provide dry access to the applicant's pleasure craft. it should be noted that the above was completed without prior Department of the Army authorization. The New York District Corps of Engineers, having reviewed the matter, has declined at this time, to initiate legal proceedin~ for the undertaking 'of the unauthorized work . The applicant has been directed to submit an application for approval of plans for the existing structure. The decision whether o.r not to grant approval will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact on the public interest of either allowing the work to remain as constructed, or requirimg its modification or removal, public comments in response to this notice should be directed toward these alternatives DATUI4 ADdACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: ~ROF~LE VIE~J c~ 8 gCALE 1~4 ~'EET I& At'. JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 May 26, 1976 Mr. Christopher Pedersen Area Engineer Construction Permits Section Department of the Army New York District, Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10007 re: Application No. 75-556 Public Notice No. 8407 Craig Lehmann Dear Mr. Pedersen: The Town of Southold wishes to withdraw their objections to the granting of a permit by the Corps Engineers to Craig Lehmann. In view of the fact Mr. Lehmann has the proper permit from the Board of Southold Town Trustees, we no longer object. Our original disapproval stemmed mainly from his failure to secure all of the necessary permits, which included the Corps of Engineers. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk NANOP-E DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NEW YORK DIBTRICT. CORP~ OF ENGINIE"rR~ · e FEDERAL pLAZA NEW YORK. N. Y. 1OOO? 30 April 1976 Ms. Judith T. Boken Town Clerk Office of the Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Boken: ~ Inclosure is furnishecl for your information. J~] Coal $ ~a~rment BhOUlCl be mstte inclosure ~s ~o this office 'Dy check or money o~cler d_~n l~e~able 'Go ~ "~-e~surer of the United. S~tes." forvarde8 sha~ly. Inclosed is a Board of Southold To~m Trustees Permit. Kindly submit your comnencs on the inclosures, so that we might proceed with the timely processing of this application. Incl 2 1. Cpy permit did 7 Apr 1975 rrm B.S.T.T. 2. Cpy ltr did 9 Apr 1976 frm Office of the Town clerk Sincerely yours, C~t~ISTOPHER PEDERSEN Area Engineer Const~ction Permits Section 17 Jan 69 FIF~DERK SOUTHI"ILD, L. I.. N. Y. 11971 Thomas C. Hunter, Jr. Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer Department of the~ Army New York District, Corps of 26 Federal Plaza Re: Dear Mr. Hunter: April 9, 1976 Engineers Application No. 75-556 Public Notice No. 8407 Craig Lehmann At a meeting of the Southold Town Board held on April 6, 1976, the Board adopted a resolution to oppose the application of Craig Lehmann, Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, New York for permit~on his completed pier, ramp and float arrangement on the grounds Mr. Lehmann failed to secure the necessary permits prior to commencing the work. Very truly yours, Judith T. Boken Town Clerk SOUTHOLO, NEW :0~( .., Pr,.~h ,~0. ~060 ...... iSSUED TO ............ G~a~ ~itted '~ULAT1N~ AND TH~ PLAC'~ O~ O~STRUCTIO~S IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and ~E~OVAL O~ SAN~, ~RAVEL O~ O~HE~ ~ATE~iALS LANDS UNDE~ ~OWN WAbaSh" ~d ~n ~e~ord~nc~ w~h ~sotu~on o~ Th~ ~o~rd ~dop~d ~ · me~ing held o~~:~ 7 .1~~ ..... ~d i~ ~o~s~d~r~on o~ ~h~ ~m o~ ~ ~.00. p~ ........................................ 9~ig...~.bD~ ............................................... T~rms ~.d Conditions I~ded o~ the reverse ct Sou~oJd Town TrusSes aufhorzzes a~d'permifs fha o~ ~o~e~[~ o~ ~=oa~a~ ~ove, o=[ b~u~ ~a~e, Cu~c~o~e, ~e~ ~o~. ell in acc~dance with fha de~ai~d speclflcaflons ~s pre~n~ed fha orlglnaflng appllca~ion. IN WITNESS WH~O~, The said Board of Trustees here* by causes ifs Cor~rafe Seal fo be a~ed, and these presents be subscribed by a maj0ri~ of f~ said Board as of :.