HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12398 P 737Staadm'd ~ Y.a.'F.U. Farm 8002 - Bazpia am] Sale Deed. ~ Co,,'cnam CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 12th day of July, 2005, BEI~VEEN ROBERT OVERTON DAY, CLAIRE OUIGNAN DAY, hi; wife, MADEMNE DAY ~/Ida .blADELEINE DAY, infant telue of ROBERT OVERTON DAY end CI. AJRE DUIGNAN DAY, ahd. HARRY JAMES DAY, Infant Issue of ROB.ERr OVERTON DAY end.CLAIRE DUIGNAN DAY, ea tsnenfa in, common, residing at 7055 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, New York 11958 and JAMES H. RICH, JR., Guardian ad Utsm pm Ism for the infants MADEUNE DAY I/k/a MAOELEINE DAY.and HARR~.~ME8 DAY, . i. residing at 341,5 W. elis Avenue, Southold, New York^11~t , :. 1o$, ,: . ~._ ~ ~Z47C'"-~.,:1.4 ~ -, ~ .~. ~-.-...~:.~. ~, .. ~bd~,~tha first p..a~, ·" -' .~' '.":w'. ' - -- -- ..... .~, -o--~, - p~. o~ th~ second WFffi~..SSETH, ~at the ~tty o! ~he first l~d, in mn~ders~on of ten {$10.00) and o~'~' ~aluabia mnaid~mt~on paid I~"the party of the second pa~ does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second parL the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, s~tuato, lying and being in the Town of So .u~hold in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described on Schadu. le 'A' annexed hereto and mede a part hereof. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as conveyed to the party of the first part by deed fr~m Louise Overton Day, dated 2/1711999 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 3/12/199.9. in Liber · 11950 at Page 789. " .. By deed from Louise Ovation Day, dated 12/~6/t998, recorded 1/26/1999 in Liber 11~tl at Page 736. By deed from Louise Overton Day, Robed Overton Day, Claire Duignan Day, his wife, Madeisine Day and HarpJ James Day, infant issue of Robert Overton Day and Claire Duignan Day, dated 12/1411995, recorded 1/29/1996 in LIber 11760 at Page 258. By deed from Louise Overton Day, dated 12/2711993, recorded 1011911995 in LIber 11746 at Page 591. TOGETHER with all dght, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof;, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, lha heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a ~uet fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party' shall be construed as if it read 'parties' when ever the sansa of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly execute, d this deed the day and year first above IN PRESENCE OF T~) RE ii~F~ ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE State of New Yon% County of SuffoJk ss: State of New York, County o Onthel2th dayof July intheyear 2005 Onthe' be~'e me. the undersigned, personally appeared Robert Ovedon Day and Claim Dulgnsn Day personally kno~m to me or p~oved to me on the ba,.is of personally se0$factor/evidence to be the individual(s) ~Vnose name(s) is {are) subs~the~ to the within Instrur~e.nt~and a~ged to me ~t~ that helche/they executed the sam~inlh~s/her/thek capacity(wa). and that by his/bedthalr signaiu~e(~)lt~n the inalrument, the .~th~t by thdMduM($), or the perion upon b~dt'~)T~ the indivklual(.) acted, executed the ins~ment~'~ ac~ed, '~ Oj~ Of individ,;al taking "r, kna~l~ e~ment). of July In the basis of = whose name(e) is .~d acknowtedged to me on the ~t. the State (or District of C~lumbia. Te~tofy. or Foreign Country) of as: On the d,,y of in the year before me. the undersigned, personafly appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the b~is of caUsfKtory evidence to be the individual(s) who~ name(a) is (are) subsc~ed to the w{thin instrument and acknoMedged to me that he/she/they executed the name in hi~ne~hheir cap,Kity(ies), and that by hisrner/theb' algnatum(s) on the in~ument~ the individual(,:), or the person upon behs]l of whk:h the individual(s) Wed. executed the in,.tmment, .nd Ihat such in,fi~clual made such appear, hca before the undersigned in the (and in~rt the State or Co~nW or othor p~aM the ~Jmo,Medgment was ~n) · ' .~.~ (l~gnatum ~nd offi=e of individual teking KknoMedgn'mnt) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WiTH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Day to Carrus SECTION 88 BLOCK 6 LOT 26.1 COUNTY OR TOVVN OF SOUTHOLD STREET ADDRESS Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPNdY RETURN BY MAIL TO: OL~ributed by monwealth Quinn and EaGumina John LaGumina, ES. 2500 Westchester Avenue Purchase, NY 10577 ACKNOWLEDGMENT s~^~ o~ N~W ~o~ ) )ss.: cou.~Y o~ ~~- ). · · ~. . ~- On the ~ day of ~ ,200~, before me, the undersigned, b Notary Public i~t a~1d for the Siale of New York, personally appeared ~ ~-~ ~r. . , persqnally known lo me or'proved !o me on Ihe basis of ~alls~actq~ ewdence lo be lhe Individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the wllhln Inslrument, and acknowledged lo-me thai . he/she/Ihey executed the sdme In his/her/Ihe[r capaclly(ies), and Ihal by his/her/Ihelr signulure(s) on lhe Instrument, lhe individualCs), or lite person upon behalf o[ which Ihe Individdal(s) acted, executed the ~nslrumenl. . . .......... .~,m,~,~,~ ,.~ ~ ~,. . . Fidelity Natiosial Title lnsurarice Co~pany '.: Tille No. ~/7,,.-66.~ 15:-S SCHEDUI.E A All that certain plat, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Pecouic, Town of Southold, Connty of Snff(dk and ~qtate of New York, bounded and described as folh,ws: BEGINNING at a point on the Easterly line of Indian Neck Road adjoining lauds couveyed by the party of tile first part tn Winds Way Building Corp., said point being lite fallowing four courses along Indian Neck Road from its intersection with the Easterly line of I'arker's Landing; I. RUNNING THENCE Nartb 89 degrees 18 minutes 10 seconds EnM, 209.91 feet; 2. TII ENCE South 73 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds F,~t, 342.79 feet; 3. TIiENCE North 89 degrees 3 ! minutes 30 seconds East, 274.10 feet; 4. TilENCE South 26 degree~ 28 minutes 50 seconds EaM, 225.0 feet to said point of beginning; running thenco aloag said lands of Winds Way Building Corp. two enur~es: i. TIIENCE due East, 305.0 feet; 2. TIIKNCE North 19 deg.rees 00 minutes West, 407.0 feet to ordinary high water mark Richmond Creek; TH ENCE F. nsterly along Richamnd Creek tel n point whieit is Norlh 74 degrees 06 minutes 20 seconds East, 283.58 feet from .the last described point; TIIENCE ahmg lan(I of Emersan Estate two courses: I. THENCE SlEuth 85 degrees 3.3 minutes 20 seconds Ea.qt, 270.0 feet; 2. TIIENCE South 0 degrees 16 minutes 20 seeends East, 362.0 feet to mxlinary high water mark of" Indian Neck Bay; THENCE ~outhwestedy along Indian Neck Bay 600 feet uzore or less, to a Imiut on tl~ ~. asterly lille of Indian Neck Road which i~ South 50 degrees 14 minutes 40 seconds West, 605.~ ~et~from the last described point; I~ L~ ' FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY Together with nil tile right, title nad interest of, In and to any streets nnd Ix~nds nbnlting the above described prcmlses. Fidelity Natioaal Title Insurance Comp-qny ~ Title Nd. VZ.-66513-$ SCHEDULE A THENCE along Indian Neek Road two courses: I. 'FHENCE North 42 degrees 06 minutes 21) seconds West, .$22.0 feet~ 2. '['HENCE North 26 degrees 28 minutes 50 seconds West, 77.15 feet to the paint or plnco of BEGINNING. ~! FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY Together with nil the right, title nnd interest of, in and to nny streets nnd roads nhutting the above described premises. Our polldel of lille luY4trnnce include such bulldink'q nmi Impruvenleull thereon wbirh I,y L'tx~ rn~litun real property, unlestq Number of pages *' 0"' TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Of. # Deed I M~rlgege Inslmment 4 Deed / Morlgage TBx Stamp FEES RECORDED 2005 Jul 20 12:14:~2'PR Edvla fnd P.Romaine r_LE~ ~ SUFFOLK COL~ L I)00012~9~ P ~7 ~,T~ 04-49L~89 Recording / Filing Slamps Page I Filing Fee Ilandling 5 TP-584 fi Notation EA-52 17 {Count.v) ER-5217 (Slate) ILP.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy O~her 5 I Real Prop:ny Tax Scrvice Auency Verification '~,' I Section [ B lock [ Lot - 0~.~.27_312 zooo oa600 0600 02600z Stamp //F~ T '~'~, initials 3 Satisfactions/Discharge~Rek'ases List Properly Owners mare.8 ~udrcss RECORD & RETURN TO: John T~]~-~, .~C/. Ouirm & T.,aGumJna~ 2500 Westchester Avenue P~rc~, NY 10577 I. l]~ic Tax 2. Additional Tax i Sub Total Speu./,k~sit. Or Spec./Add TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County~ Held for App~lionmem __ Transfer 'Fax /~l~ Thc prope~y covered by flits mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelliog only. YF.S or NO  I f NO, sca appropriate lax clause on page # 6 Community' Preservution Fund Consideration Amount $ L. CPF Tax Due ~ $ . ,~/~UUU.U0 Improved Vacant Land '1 'D l'D TD I s ] Title Company Information Suffolk Cowry ccordJns Endorsement Parc ll~is page fbm~ IX~ or the attached made by: (.SPI';CIFY TYPE OF INS"fRUMI:2qT Bober~ O~erton Day, C]a4re Duignan Day, issue and Harry J~.s Day, infant issue TO Janet Carrus 'lhe prcndses herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUN'I¥, NEW YORK. In the Towmhip of Southold In the VILLAGE or I~.MI.EI' of BOXES 5 114RU 9 MU$'I' BE 'IYPED OR PRINIED IN BLACK INI~ ONLY HUOR 'lO RECORDING OR FILING, (OVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE RECORDZN(~ PAGE Type o£ Instrument; DEEDB/DDD Number of Pages; 6 Receipt ~,m~-s= ~ 05-0075181 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 04-49889 D£strict= 1000 8ectton~ Block~ 086.00 06.00 EXAH~NEDAND CHARGED ~B FOL~3WS $3,000,000.00 Received ~lm FolXmeing Fees For ~bove Znshz~mmnt Page/Filing $18.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYB 8RCHG F~-~-,-z $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copiss RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer ta~ $12,000.00 NO ~ano~on Tax C~.Pros $57,000.00 NO Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBERz 04-49889 THIS PAGE Z8 A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IB NOT A BILL Edward P.P~matne County Clerk, Suffolk County Reoordedz 07/20/2005 At~ 12t14t32 PM LZBER= D00012398 PAGE~ 737 026.001 $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $30,000.00 NO $99,158.00 IFOR COUNTY U~E ONLY I~-~ C1.8WIS Cede ~'~1 7055 I PLEASE ~YPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www, orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP- 5217 Southold 11958 I Billing Ifoe~'~h~nlx~d~m~ibo~om~fom~ { I I IlU Ente~'~t I AmLmimm~ I 4 / 20 / 05I ,7 / //-/, 051 C D E F G H I j' l~k FaB Be~' Prkl, I 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..... , . .O.#l IFil ~b P~ · t~ ~1 ~ ~ for I~ ~ i~u~ ~1 ~e~y. I ~ESSME~ INFOfl~ON - ~ s~utd ~r~ me late~ Final ~ent RolJ and ~ax Biff 16800 I 1000-086.00-06.00-026.001 I I I I I I I 52 West Ardsley Avenue T~ I teZ I ).0533 SEU. ER 914 253-6554 I NEW YORK STATE COPY