HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12219 P 248THIS INDENTURE, made the =,'~ I & gy o£/~]C {..O~.e ir_ in thc year,.300 .2... BETWEEN ' J- ~ ~ resid/n~ at: 3706 Grom-r~ty $1~-eet:· I~,t~m, PA, ~ffo~ ~ty. ~ di~'a ~i~t ~ 1/9/02, File ~371 P 02~'3/1~/02 ' .~, ~ of~ fist ~, ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~~ at 101 ~lit ~, 11732, ~ ~,~ ~ Wife 0'i '"/. O0 0 .oo W! .TN.. ESSETH, that the party o fthe fi'~t I~ by virtue ofthe power and authority I/iven in and by said Iai w/il and te~u,,ment, and in consideration of ~hree }Rm&'ed Tl'a~sar~ Dol'lara ~ 00/100 .. { $300 · 000.00 } dollars. paid by the party of the second pan, ~oes hereby grant and release unto thc puffy of the SeCond purl. the heirs or succcsso~ and assigns of the parly ofthe second part foeever. ALL that certain plot~ piece or parcel'ofland, with thc buildings and improvements thereon erected, siD~ate, lyin8 and being in the ut Laughing Water, near $outhold. in the To,va of Soulhold. County of Sufiblk and S~tc of New York, bounded and described ~s tbllows: BEGINNING at the corner formed hy the mter~.cdon ofth~ easterly side uf Minnchaha lieu Icvard wilh the southerly linc u f Opec hoe A ~,~enuc; RLINNING THI:NC£ along sa.id southerly linc of Op¢chee Avenue the £oltowing t~'o courses and distances: ( I ) No~h 8R deg~x~ I 1 minutes ~ast 87.50 f~: thence (2) , Noah 77 degrees l0 minulcs ~t 59,30 l~m to I~d now or R~rmerly of 0, Y'a~; ~IENCE ~uth t I degass 19 minutes ~ ~conds Eas~ along ~id Ias~ mentioned land 110.75 t~t 1~ land now or fo~eriy ofA. LaG~la: ~IENCE SouIh 8~ dc~es 38 minutes 30 ~:on~s Wes: along ~id ~1 menfio~d 1~ 14&77 feet ~ the ~dy si~e of Minnehaha Boulevard: TIIENCE Nurlh I0 degrees 34 minulc,~ 00 seconds West along the easterly side of Minnehahe Boulevard 100.5 Ib:t ~o the comer aR~resaid, to the paint or place of HEGINNING. TOGETHER with all fight, title and inlerest, if any, of thc party of thc first part in and m any slrecta and rosd~ abutting thc above described premises to Ibc center hncs thereof; TOGETHER with fl~e appurteflaficcs, and also all the estate which thc said decedent had at the time of decedent's dealh in said premises, and also thc estate therein, which the party of the fi~,t pan has or has power to convey or dispose of. whether individually, or by virtue of said wil! or otherwise: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pmmises~ herein grunted un~o the paxty of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party oflhe second part forever, AND the party ofthe first pan covenants tha~ thc party of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the pacy .of the first park in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenunts ~haz the party of the first ~ntn dT~lL~c:~,:~ ~c_o_ .n~i d~a_, Ii o~ ,or this.con.:c~ _an_ce and will ho!d thc ,Sbt to n~:ciyc st~h con.ide~adon as. trust l'p F9 nr~x [or tnt puq2osc otpaymg thc cost of thc smpmvcmm~ and will apply the same first to thc payment of tt-,c Cost of lhe iraprovemant before using any part of the total of ~he same for any other purpose. The wo~d "party" Shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WlIEREOF, thc parr~ of Lbe firs! part has duly executed this deed ~e day and yea~ first above EXELtUTOR'S DEED 8~G 5-2202528 TO II ii Ft'DELITY NATIONAL TITt. E INSURANCE OCO]~[PA:Ny OF NEW YORK D~sr~cr 1000 S~..c-r;ox 87 BLOC£ 3 ~I~I:]O~R Tows of 5outhok~ 2000 ~ AVE/~UE LA/~ SUCCess, NY 11042 8 t ~umbe~ of TORRENS Certil'tcaz¢ # _ Cfi. # .......... Page / Filint{ Fee TP-~I{4 No~,ation Ccnifi~ ~y Reg. ~py ., ~ oo Dee~ / Morlgage T~ S~'np FEES Suo To{al Sab Tola~ Recording / Filing I, Basic Tax 2. Add}lionel Tax Sub To,al TOT. MTO. TAX O~ To~.., D~I co-ray HeM for Apponi~ment Tra~fet Tax will be Jmprove~ by. on, or fWD family YES~ NO~ GRAND TOTAL ~, "' If NO, ~ appfoptiale lax ¢lau~c on page ........ Y Preservation Fund ] 0~165 1000 O8700 0300 0~000 {0 ~FF T~ Du~ {niiials 7 { Saris factions/Discha~.-.-,~ReJeasm - ..... John Graham, III, Esq. Thomas & Graham, Esqs. 2000 Harcus Avenue Lake Success, NY 11042 9 Suffolk ]]mis PeSt for~ pan of the at~eh~d J. Scott Gilford ilmpmv~ / Vac~t Land ,, TD TD as sole Title any Information Co, Name STOA ' S BOC:L~tt:e& Title # & Endorsement DEED (SPECIFY TYPE OF ~VSTRUMENT) ibc prenuses hemm is situa~-d in SUFFOLK ~, NEW YORK. 4/24/85 and Scott Oifford a/k/a Scott J. Gilford TO as Exec of Est of In~eToar~Mpof~ouChold J. Royal Gifford, late of Suffolk Coun~Lh~V]LLAGE Mark M. Nardone and Elizabeth Nardone or FuMMLETo£ I]OX~5]HRU9MUSTBE]~PEDORP~,NTEDj~KiNKONLYP~ORTO~oRiqLiNO made by: (OVER} I il lllllillilllllllllll flilllllllllllllll I IIlllllllfl Hllillllll SUFFOLK C~;TY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE P~-CORDING PAGE ~_wpe o£ Zns~um~nt: D~DS/DDD ~"~r of Pages: 3 ~RAieSF~q, ~1~ NU~B~Et: 02-Z4608 Dis~rict: Section: Block: 087.00 03.00 EXAMINED AND C~ AS FOLLOWs $300,000.00 Received 'the Following Fees For Page/fftltn~ $9.00 COg $5.00 g~-C'Z~ $5.00 TP-584 $5,00 ~ $30.00 Tzan~fer t~x $1,200.00 02-14608 Above Znot~-ument Exempt NO Handling NO ~ZS SURCHG NO EA~STATE NO SC~ ~.Pres A PART O~ THE INSTR~M]~T ~orc~d: At: LIBER: PAGE: Lot: $5.00 NO $!5.00 $25.00 N0 $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $3,~000.00 NO $4,299.00 ~/~2/2002 10:13:49 ~M D00012219 248 050.000 gdvs=d P.~ne County Clerk, S~ffolk Ccmnty ' Southold PLEASE.TYPE ,OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM NSTRUCTIONS: ht ~:/? wvvw,orps,state,rW.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ~r~na Blvd REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 ~ 1971 ] _ _~...EIiz~th '"'~ fcott (as ~cutor} SELLER Scott .~ ?' 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