HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 74wcB-2 ' ' ' Rev. ~ lunifm'm Kk Dist. 1000 Sec. 081.OC Blk. 03.00 Lot 026.000 CONSULT VOijll LAWyiB ii/Oiii W 11GS ENSTRUMiI~--YH~ MTIEUMENT SHOULD M U~ID BY LAWYIBS ONLY' THISINDEN3'ORK, made the .l(~:'"dayof Hey ,inthe yc= 2005 Spoke, Inc., a Ney York eozporetion vSth principal place off business c/o ~iZlianD. Moore, Esq. 5L020 Hain Road Southo~d, HY 1197l paflyoftheh'Mpart, and Charles ~. ScharE Cushman Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 party of th: s6~nd .~ Wr1'lq~qS~'l~ that the nifty of the first Dirt, in coneMeution of Ten Dollars and qth. cr valuable ~ '.~. i? pald by tim i~.t~, of ~e secon.d part, doe. s..,[~eb_y_ _ ~g ~r~_._. ~an,d_ re._l._k~e unto the pa~ty ot or ~-,_,__c¢~__~r~ aim asm~ts of the larry oz me tyinf nd bei~ in ~he SEE SCHEDULE A A't~J~ACHED HERETO AND t,~E A PART HEREOF. The conveyance is made with the unanimous consent oE all shareholders accordance vith Section 909 of the Business Corporation BEZNC AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by Deed dated Hay 2~, 2002 end recorded in the $ufffoZk County CZerk*e O~fice on Hay 31, 2002 in Liber 12t89 Pase 9~. TOGETIIER with ell right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and Ia any streeLs and ~ls abutting the above descrihed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER w~th tke appurtenancu and all the estate and right~ of the party of the first part in and to said premises; 'TO HAVEAND TO HOLD the premises herein Branted unto the DaVy o! the second ixu't, the heirs or succenors nad a~ of the party of the second ix~rt forever. AND thc Im'D' o! fl~c first i~r~ covenaMl~MU)theq]erly.o~fl~..C~ppaTt ~ not done ne suffered anyd~in~ whereby the .~id 9mnises I~ve been e~cdb~MiYM~')~.~x~.~w~'er, exnept ss ~o~eMid. ' A~D the party olthe first part, in compliance wi~h Sec~ioo 13 of the Lie~ Law, covenanU, ~h~ the par~y o~ the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the ri~t to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to he applied first ~or the pu ~*T~--- of paying the cost of the imWovanent and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total o~ the same for soy other purpose. Thc word *'Taffy'* shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the ecnee of this imbntore 1o requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the l~rty of the first Fart has duly executed this dccd the day ~d year first above written. ~arl~ t, PJ.[ fer,- Preb'ldent 7 TIUo No. MAC-434.22217-80 ~IaI=nULE 'A' Page1 PARCEL I - TAX LOT 020.000 AJ_L that certain plot, piece or parsel of land, with 1he buiklinga end Improvements thereon erected, slluete, lying and being in the Town of Souttmld, County of shff(dk and State d New YOrk, bounded and deacrlbed aS tollow~: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Paradise Point Road, distant 704.97 feet Road wilh the Msfe~ dde of Pomdbe Point Road; RUNNING THENCE South 85" 17" 30" East, 643.25 feet tO the high water line of SheJter Island 8ound; THENCE along the high water line of Shelter Island Sound, North 14' 36' olr west, 152.36 feet; THENCE No~th 65" 17' 30' West, 616.04 ~et to the .e~egly side of Paradise Point Road; THENCE along the easte~ side of Paradise Point Road, South 24' 53' 20' West, 150.00 feet to lhe point or place of BEGINNING, * STATE OIF NEW YORK) ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLI~ on the~'__f~a.y or ~uy ~ ~,~oo~ ~.~ ~i~,~ly~ ~rk Hiller ~~ m~~m~sof~ inset STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ~-: COUNTY OF SUFFOL~ On the ~ day of Nay in ihe yeor 2005 hefore me, the [~'~onally known to me ~ proved to m~ on the hes~.o f sausfactoo/ evidence to be the individual(s} who~e name(s} ~s {me) subsc~hed to the within imwument and acknowledged to me the~ he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(les), and thai by his/her/their si~mmr~s) on the inmrmmnt, the individual(s), or the person upon behelf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. * For aeknowledgtnma taken in New York State. ~ PuI~io, 8~te Q~ I~w ~ · *Stnta, District of CoinmMs, Torrlto/y, Possls~oo, or Fo~qgn Country Signature and OilTen of individual t~kin! ockn~wledpuem Notary Public On the~ daycf, in the year before me, the undersigned, permnally aMx-ami pemmally knov, m to me or proved to me on the basis of satisinct0~/evidence ~o be the individual(s) withe name(s) is (s~e) subsetihed to the ' within instrument and acknowledged to n~ that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacit~ies), that by his/her/their signature(s) on the tmtnJment, the individual(s), or the person upon behelf of which the individual(s) acted, exccmed the inslmfn~lt, nad thai such indzvidual made such &ppeamnce before the undersized in the . ( Ios~1 the city or o~her polittcal subdwision sod the state or counto' or other plsce the acknowledgment was taken). Signature and Ofllce of Indlvidul.mking actmowbdgmem For acknowledgments takeu outside of New York State. RECORDED AT REQUEST OF METROiSOiJS ABSTRACT CORE 570 Taxter Road EImsford, NewYork 10523 ~NT'~ahl ~ ~plgle ~Bffb (914) 592-0003 W I l H COVENANT AGAINST GR AN"roI's ACI S SECTION 08 ]* · 00 TITt. E NO. st.oc~ 03.00 cot 026.000 Spoke, inc. COUNTY OJ~Yi~/r~ Suf:folk Charles W. Scharf First American Title lnr~rance or,Veto York Recorded At Request of Fiat Aetedan Tide Imanna {blnjmnf ct New York ItITURLq BY MAlL TO: Jay Neuman, Egq. Newman & Newman, PC 460 Park Avenue - 21st Floor New York, NY 10022 Number of page4. TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Ct£ # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Notation EA-52 I? (ComB,) EA-5217 (Stets) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. $ OD Affidavil Certified Copy Reg. Copy ,," Other .sI Stamp Date E · Deed / Mortgage Tax' Stamp FBF.8 8ubToal Initials ASaris factions/Dis~ha r$~s/Releas~'s ~i~t.P~op6r~'O~ers RECORD & RETURN TO: Jay Newman, Esq. Nemean & Newman, PC /+60 Pork Avenue - 2lot FLoor Ne~ York, l~ 1.0029 Sub ToW · 1000 08100 0300 026000 '-- 2005 Jun 07 10:57:49 Edward P. Ib:~lne CLERK OF SLFFOIJ( COtlqW L DO00I 2'591 P O74 DT! 04-4~'/65 Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Buic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJA$$it. Or ... $pe~./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County ~ Held for Appor~ionm~ent Mansion Tax" will bo im~ro~'ed by It' oj(o dwelling only,/ ~ YES or NO~ If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page , or ~i, ~.,~,.n,..~_/6 ~ Community Preservation Fund Considoration Amoum $~///t,o ~J~, CPF T~ Due °S~~v~~ tm r P Vacant Land TD -"1:81 Title Coinpnny Information ., ...l¢o.N.me ,e~::~.:ol,o ,.,bo=r,e= corp. · I Title # ~ 3~.22217-S0 Suffolk County Kecording & Endorsement Page This page forms part ofth~ attaehcd Deed Spoke, Inc. TO CharLes ~/. Scharf~ mede by: · BOXES S THKU 9 MUST BE TYPED'DR PRIN. i¥.D IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO P,.D~ORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK CODlv~'f CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE ~pe of Instruments DEEDS/DDD ~,~sr of Pages= 4 Receipt ~,~er = 05-0060745 TRANSFER TAX ~u~BER: 04-43765 District: 1000 Deed Amount~ Section= Block= 081.00 03.00 $2,168,000.00 Reoeived the Following Fees For/~bove Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO COB $5.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO Trans£sr tax $0.00 NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 04-43765 Recordedz 06/07/2005 At= 10=57~49 AM LIBER: D00012391 PA~E: 074 Lot ~ 026.000 Edward P.Ro~aine County Clerk, Suf£olk County THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Exempt Handling $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-STATE $165.00 NO Csrt. Copies $0.00 NO scm $0.00 No C'"w~,Pres $41,860.00 NO Fees Paid $42,102.00 · ° PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'J/www, orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IF-OR COUNTY USE ONLY m. sw,~ Cod,' ~ I ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT """ RP-5217 l. Propmty I ParadSse Point ~oad Spoke, Inc. I 1LMMvMMW [ I i s ..... O , 0 I I ~SE~E~ IN~N - ~M ~u~ mfl~ ~ lal~ F~I Amfl~nt ~1 and Tax Bill l~Vwd~M~I O, 5 I t Owne~hip Type b Cmldomirdum [~ I. New Co4~ on V.cam IJad [] I I000-081.00-03.00-026.000 I I I I I I I I CERTIFICAllON I BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY Nevman I Jay 212 I 371-9400 I NEW YORK STATE COPY