HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 75WCB-2 Rev. ~9 (unif~rm Diet. 1000 Sec. 081.00 Blk. 03.00 Lot 025.000 024.00L CONSULT YOU~ LAWYIR BE~OII! SIGNINa TH/S INS~BI/MENT--INIS INSTBUMENT SHO~I.D Ii MSIm BY LAWlflRS ONLY. 'rH~ INDE~r%%IB~ tn~e the /~, ~ day ~d May , in the yew 2005 Mark E. Miller, 2645 Reeve Road, Mattituck, NY 11952 and garen L. MiLle~, 900'Paradise Point Road, $outhold, NY 11971 A~y E. Schar£ 45 Cushman Road Scaredale, Iff 10583 party of the semnd pa~, ~meus'~ersa_ ,~,+ the ~ of t~ 6m m~ in ~ 0f T~ ~1~ m~ ~er v~e ~ --~:~--"~=~_ L~::'~ _~ d~ ~ ~ ~ ~ onto ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~, ~ ~rs ~s,~---~- ~d ~ of ~ ~y ~ t~ ---~ ~t t~, lyi~ ~ ~ h ~ SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED HERETO ~ HADE A PART HEREOF. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by Deed dated February 10, 2004, actual date of conveyance March 25, 2005 and recorded in the SuffoLk County Clerk's Office on March 28. 2005 in LLber 12378 Page 926. TOGETJIER with ell right, title and in?rest, ii an),. of the party o( the first part in and to any streets end nuds abutting the above deserihed premlsez to the center lines thereof; TOGET.HER wkh the a.l[pu, rtenances and all tim estate end rights o! the party of the first i~I in and to said premises; TO ~-IAVE HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party o! the second part, the h~rd-q6~i _L~..~[~[~ ~ o! s,,~ F,~,l ,~ ........ t'-. ...... tom u~a: "~l~.;e ~uS ~f ' ~40' On:.:... .,~.. ,.: v t.~OI~ !.'..' - · "'t~ WYtJL~JEJ. AND the part)' o! the first part eovct~t,s, that the;pa, rty~o( t.l~. first part ~ not done or ~tTeznd esyt~ng whereby the sa:d 'prem:ses have hecn ez~umhered m any'~,~J~r wl~ttever. _ ~ as ~orssztd. AND the party olthe first part. in eom, pliance with .~'ctlon 1.3 o( the t,len Law, coven~ts thet the party of the first part will zece~ve the consideil, tmu [or this conveyance and will hold the rt.'Iht to receive such con~id- eratlon as · ~rnst tund to be applied first for the purpo~ si payin~ the cost o! the :mprovemcnt and will apply the ume first to the [m)'n est o( tho cost of the improvement before usln~ no)' part o~ the totul of the ~me for any other purpose. The word "l~rty" shall he construed as it' it read "parties" whenever the sense of thL~ indenture is requlre~ IN M~fNILSS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and 3rear I~rst above ~~ ~ark E. ].,~ ,atri:ia C. ,sore. h~s Karen L. Miller ',NRY 16 2B85 ~=57 R~ FR HETROPOCIS RgSTRRCT 59~ 15SB TO I53Z7654B43 P.84/13 Title No. MAC.434.22217-SO AMENDED MAY 1~, 2O0S - TAX LOT8 n~,r ~ & _n_~A___M_I ~ ofo Tax I..t 024.(]MI New York bound~l .nd d~,~dlxKI ~ follow~: BEGINNING ~t a point on the mmtedy side of Pmadim~ Point RoIKI, di$1~flt 864,97 feet Northerly front the tamer fom~d by the ~ of the nortJ'mdy ~d~ ~ Cedm' Beach RUNNING THENCE along the ea~edy ~dde of Paracll~e Pgdnt Road, Nontt 24' 53' 2(7' THENCE 8outh 65° 14' 59' ~ 591.53 feet I~ the m~n high water m~rk of Shelter I~md Sound; THENCE Mong the mean high water mark of ~heiter I~nd Sound, the ~low~ng two (2) and dlst~n~e~: South 20' 11'26' West. 124.93 feet; 8outh 16' 48'48'We~, 100.97 feeC THENCE North 65' 17' 30' We~t, 6t6.04 feet to lhe eaMetlY side of Paradise Po(nt R~ad and the point or Ida;e of BEGINNING. * STATE OF NEW YORK) ) s~: couwrv OF .SUPYOI~ On the I~.~of Nay i~ ~ 200fi~,~ * STATE OFNEW YORK) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the/.~day of May m d~ vest2005 before me, the mxlemi~ed, pet, soonllys~penred Eaten L= i4iller . personally Imown ~o nm or proved to me on the basis of sadsfa~o~/ evidence to be ~hs individual(s) whoua name(s} is (are) subscribed to thu wiibin in~t and admowledged to me that he.a~he~h~/ his/her/their alsnalure(s) on the instmmem. ~e individual(s), or the pemon upon behalf of which the indlvidualCs) acted, execmed the iuat'nm~m. Signature and Office of Individual laklng acknowledgment Nouary Public * For acknowledgments Itkeu In New York State. No~ Fubi~ SIIO of NM/M NO. ,488~SR8 ** StIte, Dlstrkt of CohImbh, Terrlto~, PuMessien, m* Foreign Countr? individual takll~ ldmowledlmmt Notary Public On~e__ day of in the yem' before me, the underligond, ~*qy a~ pcrmflslly k~avflt to mc or proved to me o~ the basis of uafisfacto~ evidence to be the individual(s) who~e name(s) is (me} subscribed to the ' within instTumcflt Ind acknowledged to me iii he/she/they execut~ thc same in his/hcr/their capacity(its), that by his~heTIthelr siIfmure(s) on the inl~rumont, the individual(s), ~ the pe~on upon behalf of wfdch the individual(s) acted, executed the insmnnent, and shat such individual nude such appearance before the undersigned in the · (Imm the city o~ oth~ political subdlvinon and the state ~ COUltt~y or othea' place the acknowledgmefll w~s taken). Slpature and Office or RECORDED AT REQUES41nt~ldesd tsking ackno,,ledptent ** For lCknowJedllmL1ts tlkee outside orNew Vor'~l~OPOU$ ABS_TRA .CT CORE 570 Taxter HO~ Eimsford, Newyerk 10523 (914) 592-0003 W[II-I C~)VENANT AGAINST ~RANIOR3 AC~ Mark E. Miller and Karen L. Miller 081.00 03.00 025.000 & 024.001 couwrvx~onmm SufEolk Amy E. Scharf First American T~tle lns~ranc~ of New York RecoMed At R~qtms~ of FbJt Mfl 'llfle Imuranee COmlm~y d Ne~ IITUIN BY Ii&IL Jay Newman. Esq. Newmafl & Newman. PC 460 Park Avenue - 21st Floor New York, NY 10022 Number of pag~s .'" -/ TORRI/;N$ ~rial # Certificate #, Prior Qt. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Page / Filing Fcc ~ ~ ' Deed I MorlSage Tax' Stamp FEES Handling ~,. __ TP-q84 ~ Sub Total Notation FA-52 I1 (Courtly) F..A-5217 (State) Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other 2005 Jun 07 10:37:49 PJ~ Edward P.Rc~aine Q. EI~ 0F SUFFOLK C0UUTY L D00012:~91 P 075 Reoording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2, Additional Tax Sub Total. SpecJAssit. Or Spec,./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX R.P.T.$.A. Dual Tow...~.:.~_ Dual County'~ Comm. orEd. :~00 Held for A~6a rtionmo~/..~.~// The property covered by · ~ gageqs or/ will be Im~(ovc_d by a ~ne~/r _two t'am~y dwelling only. GRAND TOTA.L. ....... of thls. ifis~umenL~, · 5 I Real Property Tax ScrviceAgeacyVeriflcation t 6 Conununity Preservation Fund , 0~02'1437 looo 08100 0300 025001 CPF Tax Due $~,,,~ Stamp '- Date I Improved ~ Initials Vacant Land__ _~J Satisfactions/Discharg-cs/KeleaS~RECORD &Li~t'Pmpert~RETURN To:Owners Mailin~ Afdress TD / ~ Jay Neuman, ESq. TD Ne,a~an & Newman, PC ~60 Park E~enue - 21st Floor Ney York, NY 10022 '. %; .{'S I Title Company Information " "lCo. Nama Metropo~.ta Abntracl: Corp. ...r------lTitle # HAC-&3&.22217-SO Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page Th~s pase forms part of the attached Deed ' made by: (~F..~ Pz' T'ff.E OF INS' ~,UMENT ) Nark E. H/.ll~'r and Karen L. }l.i. ller . ' ' -' . The p~cmises hercJn is situated in SUFFOL~ COUNTY, NEW YORF~ TO In tho'Township of Southold Ahy E. Scharf ' In the VILLAGE ,.: . · or HAMLET of Southold · BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED'OR P .RI]q'IED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~er of Pages: 4 Receipt N,-~er ~ 05-0060743 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 04-43766 'Dtstrlct~ 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: At~ LIBER: PAGE= Section~ Block: 081.00 03.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AB FOLLOWS $3,507,000.00 06/07/2005 10~57~49 AM Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling tOE $5.00 NO NYB SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SC'~ Tranafar tax '$0.00 NO C~.Prae Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER~ 04-43766 THIS PAGE iS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL D00012391 075 Edward P.Ro~aine County Clerk, Suffolk County Lot: 025.001 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $67,140.00 $67,292.00 F, xem~C NO NO NO NO NO NO · . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHElid WRITING ON'FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE 1518) 473-7222 · C~ SWlS Ce4e ........ i REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT · "" " . RP - 5217 Paradise Point Road Southold { $outhold [ 11971 Schacf [ Amy E. Hille~ [ Mark E. Miller [ [aren L. C DI 'u. OmdS.b/?,..d, I 5 / /~ /2005 I ~s.~ I , , ) , 8 , e ~ [ ~E~ENT IN~R~ON - ~ts ~ould ~1~ the ~t Final ~m~m ~ll nfld T~ Biff ltYmd~m ~ i 0 51 . 2~. T~m Map ~ I Rell Mse~SeKs~ ~ nmm than few. at~s~ shMt wSh addRlaMI ids~l I 1000-081.00-03.00-025.000 & 026,.001 I I Jay F I[&'r M 37/-9&00 I NEW YORK STATE COPY