HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12219 P 586THIS iNDENTURE, m~ tho t~-' day o{ O~,,f'* ~ ~ . B~EN R~RT ~HUPLER ~d J~PH SCHU~R. ~ j~nt ~n~ ~ ~h~ Of su~v~p. ;~i~ al ~ w~ ~. P~ N~ Y~ 119~ ROBERT SCHUPLER an~ ELIZABETH SCHUPL&i I~'~h residing at 3635 Wells Roa~. PeConi¢. New York party ot the sacond parl. W~TNESSETH, ~a! the pauly ol' the first part. in cons~femt~on of ten d~ars pakl by the pariy o! the second part. does hereby grant and release unto (he party of I. he second pail. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of fhe sec~'~ part forever', ALL that cedait~ p~ot. piece o; parcat of land. w~th ~ buildings and [mprovemants thereon e~ected, s~tJ~ate. I~ and bei~ ~ ~ Sa) attached "Sch~aule wilh a~ righL Uae and interest, if any. Of the party of ~ firsl part in and ~o any atreets and roads ~ting the above deso'ibed pi'ernises 10 Ihe Cenle~ lines the;'eo~: TOGETHER with the appurtanances and afl the estate and rights Of I,he ~3arty of the ii;si part in and Io said p~emisas; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lhe granted uno the party of the secOnd part, Ihe heirs or successors and assigns o! UM party of AND ~ party of ~ne first part covenants that the party of the flint part has not done o~ s~ffemd anyOnE whereby the ~ premises h3ve been encumbered in any way whatever, excepl as aloresa~. AND lhe I:m~y Of lbo flrat part. in compliance with Section 13 of U"m Lien I,.~w, covenants 1~! ~ party Of the first pa~ wil~ receivo the ooc~stdm*atien fo*' Ibis conveyance and wtl~ hold the fight 1o receive such considemlion as a Imst fund to be applied t'tr'sl fo~ the pu~ or paying Ihe COSl of the improvement aJ'~ witl a;~¥ ttte sa,fie J'~rn~t to the PayJ'fle~ of iAe cosl Of the impro,,,emenl befot~e using a~¥ pa~l of the to(al of the saflM for any' other purpose. The word 'party' shell be c~slrued es ff Ji teac; 'parties' when over ~ sense of th;s lmJenture so requires. iN wFrNESS WHEREOF~ the party of the Erst pail has du¥ executed this deed the day and year first above ROBERT SCHUPLER St~n~rd N.Y~B T~U, Form Form 3290 TO lie ~ ONLY ~ll~N THE A~ENT IS I~ Ill NEW Y(;~K ~rAIF ~menL t~ ~l(z). or ~e ~ u~ ~lfo~ the I ' a~ed. e~u~d ~ insolent. hero.re m~. the, undorsJgnecL pa~'sonatty ~.ppe~,rea salistect~/~e~ m ~ ~e ~s) ~ name(s) me ~a~ h~ ~ed ~ ~ iff high. ir ~stmmem. t~ i~dividual(s). 0~ I~ ~ u~n ~lf~ the ~lvlduol(s) ~. OxOC~ ~he ~nsl~nL TO BE USSn ONLY WHEN ~ AC~ c~'_,C__~_ ~ IS MADE OI. ffS~DE NEW VO~( STATr' S~aIe {or O~tdc~ a~ Columb~e. Terfito~. or F~ret~n Cou.~'y) of On ~o ~av ~ in ~e ~r ~y ~n m'~ or ~ m me off the ~sis ~ ~sfa~ ~ ~o be the Ifldt~uol(s) w~ ~s) ts (ere) ex~ lhe Instant, and thai Su~ ~ndi~ual made s~h ap~nce BARGA~ AND SALE DEED 9WI'H COVENANT AGAJN~T G~'$ ACTS ROBERT SCHUPLER a~ JOSEPH ~UPLER ?O ROBERT ~HU~ER ~d ELIZABETH SCHUPLER DiSTRiCT SEC'nON 086 BLOCK 02 LOT 011 COUNTY OR TOwN Suffolk STREET ADDRESS 3635 Welts Road Peconic, NY 11958 Recycled at Request of THE JUDICIAL TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY LLC RETURN aY ~ TO; ~I~E ~J D~J~ ~ INE4JRANCE AGENCy ~ ~5~ ~NECK AVENUE ~ NY 1~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schupler 3635 Wells Road Peconic. New York 11958 T~e N~. TSS-2213000 ~EDU~ A PoJ~y No.: ~ ~e Insw;~e ~ I~ ~ ~ al ~, T~ ~ ~, ~ of Su~lk ~ S~ ~ ~ Y~. ~ ~m BE~NNING at a I~n! ~ the soulheasten~ side of Wells Road distan13605.08 feet soulflefiy and sobqlr*esle~/~m the comer fonrdH by lhe in~'seclJon of Ihe soulflerly sk~e o~ Main Road ar~ ~ and land now or l~medy of William Dansker, THENCE running along sa~l division lire south S1 degrees 44 minules 00 seconds e,~t 162.00 feet Io the ordinary ~hwater mark of Riclmend Creek; THENC~ sou~ along ~ ordinary highwater m~ o[l~o~ Creek on a ~ line course bea,ing soulfl 55 degrees lg minules SO seconds west 145.30 feet to a monument THENCE norlh 31 de~*e~ 08 minutes 00 seconds west 144.20 feet to the soulheasledy side of We~ Road; THENCE nor'dmasterly alor~j the soulheaste~ side of Wells Road along a curve bea~g to Ihe (eli having a radius of 256.60 feet a ~e along sa~ c~e of 90.00 feet to the p~nl or ~ of BEGINNING, Block 02,GO Let 0il.O00 This Schedule A has ~ made accessible via our webs~e f~ review ordy puflaoses. The final Schedule will be included with your Title Comrr~tment. Any ~ matte to l~, SCI'~KIUlO which have nol been sanc~:med by T~, [r~. ~ rot be in~d in U',e title policy and lflerefom wi~ not be insum~. (~IG) 7~g~oo (;o3) 8.11-07oo 8c:~ule A aldude~ Page I ol 1 TORRENS Serial #,, Pr~'OL # Deed I Mon~ag~ Ins;rumor Deed / Monlpr,¢ T~x Slamp ~ Sub Toud §RAND TOTAL IOA ,/ RECORO~) 200~ Nou 1~ 01;31109 P~ ~rd P. Roaaine CLEI~ ~ L D00012219 DT# 02=14871 Mongage Amt .. 2. AddMon~l Tax Sub ToI~I Sp~cJAuJL Or TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Couruy: .~ timid for Apponionm~l Transfer Tax ~ ~li~ Tax ~ ~ ~v~ by thi~ m~e ~ ~ will be improved by z one or two family d~llin8 ~ly. . YES m NO If NO. ~ a~mptlme t~x close ~ page ~ ofth~ i~. Real Property T~ Serviee · ',,-. .- e~;.. ' -~ ~ Lot 0~0 ~ooo oeeoo 0200 o~zooo - ', - . ,,, I Sa,,sfaction~D~.~Rel,~ L;~ P~ ~ M, ilin8 Ad~q Suffolk Th~s FtL~ fon'ns p~ of I1~ att~h, ed l reservation Fund Consideralio. Amount Tax i')ue acant L~nd TO *ID TD Title Compnny Information Title # Recordin & Endorsement (SPEC] FY TTPE OF INS"~LJtvll~r) 'Hie preflroses heroin is sil~{~ in SU~OLK COUMIT, NEW YORK In ~1~ VI~GE or HAMLET of made by: l lt).XE$ 5 FHRU 9 MUST BE TYPED L,'~. PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO I~.CORDING OR FIt.lNG. III I SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK ~CORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE ~f~e o£ ]:nstz~men~_: D~DS/DDD N,,~r of Pages: 4 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-14871 District 1000 Deed Amount, Saotlon= Block: 086.00 02.00 $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Exit Page/Ftlln~ $12.00 NO COE $5.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO Tm-584 $5,00 NO Cern. Copies R~ $30.00 Tr~fer ~ $0.00 NO C~.Pres FeeB Paid T~FER T~ ~ 02-14871 ~IS PAGE IS A P~T 0F ~ INBTR~ Rscorded~ LIBER= PAGE: Lot: EdWard P.Romaine County Clerk. Su£folk County 01:31:09 PM D00012219 586 011.000 $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $25.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $102.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htto:/www.otp;;,$fate,ny,us or PHONE ~518) 47372:22 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NE~¥ YORI( RP - 5217 YORK STATE (70PY