HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12399 P 972THIS INDENTUR~ reade thc /c/7'/'' day of June . in the year 2005 BETWEEN Elcfiherins Knpsis nnd Katherine Kapsis. Ids wi£e Residingat 3203 Johnson Avenue. Bt. on.v. NY 10463 pa~' of thc firsl part. nnd Richent Viers and Rosemary. Viers. ns husband and wife, P,'..siding nt 2160 Poe Avcnne, East Meadow. NY 11554 party of the sacond WFFNESSETH, Ihat the party ct' the firsl purl in Consideration of TEN dollars paid b.~ the pmly of the second part. does hereby.' grant and relausc unto the ptmy of the second pall. tile heirs or sacc~_~s and assigns of lite pa.~y of the second pa~x forever. ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thei'~on elected, situate. lying and being n the See Schedule A Attached Hereto and Made a Pan Hereof. Being and intended to bi: the same premises ns conv~'cd to thc part).' of he first part herein by deed to the grantor recorded in Llher 9371. pa8~ 202. Premises also known as: 1570 Jacobs Lane. Soulhhold. NY 11971 TOGETHER with nil right, title auri interest, if any, ct' the pai'ly of the first part in and IO any streets and read~ abuuingtheaheve descrihed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and righls of the part.,,, of the first pan in and to said prcnfise~: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thc premises herein wanted unto ~ party of the second part. die hcirs or successors and a~igns ofthe pm'ty of the soeond part forever. AND thc paffy or the first part covenants thai the party of the first part has not done or saff~'ed anyfldn§ when/3~* the said p~miscs haw hecn cncumhemd in an)' way wlmtever, c.xo;~t as aforesaid. AND the patly of the fl~t part. in compliance with S~clion 13 oflhe Lien l..aw, covenants that the patty of the fit~t part wilt receive tim consider'orion for this ~on,,v~.ance and will hold the fight to receive such considcretion as a trust £und Io he applied first for thc purpo~ of pnyin8 the cx~t of the imprm*arneart and will apply thc saree first lo thc p-'tymenl of the coal ofthe hnprovcment hefor~ using any part of the Iotul of the same for any other purpose. Thc' word -party' shall he cOnslnw, d ns il' il read "part/ns* whenex~r thc scnsa ct' Ibis indcnlut~ so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc party of Ihe first part has dui.,,' executed this deed thc da_v and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: El~hefi~ 'Kapais ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN IN NENV YORK STATE S~te ofNew Yo~k, Count).' o{' Bronx , ss: before me, the und~g, ned, penotmlly appeared Elefthe~os g~p~d s and Katherine KuPs~s tv, ads of sa,l.rn,-~my evidence to be thc individual(s) v.'hosc nan, s} is (arc),~,~.~ibai to thc vdthia i~ and acknowledged to me that he/shcRhey e~=:uu:d the sumc in his/ba'/their capacity(ica), and that by hisAan'/th~ir ai~mua'~s) ua thc ir, alnunml, t]~ individual(s), or thc Ix"mm upon Ix~lfof vddch tho individual(s) -,',~. oxcr. utal ACKNOWLEDGKMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE State of New York. Couab' of Onthe dayof inthe ?car be f~"e rog. flxo undersisn~d, personally appgmed (nrc) a,~6bed to th~ withia instmmenl and m:knowl~g,.,I to me tim he/she/th~' ~ thc r~,n~ in ~r cnpncit)~ics), ~nd that by his/horAhoir sisnaturc(s) on ~ imm~nmt, the individual(s), or the l~n~on upon behalf'of which thc individual(s) ar. ted. ~xecutaJ ........... M ,~ .a . 7 .~'~-'~ 7 ~al, llry Public, Stme O' ~ew ~ . ~ ~ No 4 79b~9: '~ TAKEN O~E NEW ' ~ ~ff~inWn~cnv,au, C~'~,~ ~ YORK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY SUBSCRIBING WITNESS TAKEN ILN NEW YORK STATE State of N~w York. County of Ou ~.~ day of ia the year ~tbr~ me, Ihe ua&n~gned, n Notary. Public ia nnd for smd State. p,m~onally appeared subs~ribu~ witm~ Io Ihe foregoing inslrumcut, with whom I mn ~lly n~'quaiated, w~o. beia~ ~, n~ duly sv.~orn, did depo~ s~,.' that 'b. dshd~'y reside(s) in thai I~ .aheAh~. to he the individual descd~'d in and who ex,.~t~d the foregoing instrument; tim said sul~cribi~ wito~ss was present and saw said ~,xocate Ibc ~mg; nad that said witn~sa at Ibc same time sut~:vib~l hi.qh~/theh' nmne(s) ns a v,'itn~.~s thereto * SVa~e of . Count)' of , ss: *(Or ~ District of Columbia, Te, nitory. P~,=,,..'-',,ion or Fon:i~n Cmmty) (add ~ city or politic~ ~ubd~vi~ m~d th~ state or countq' or othea' ptace the ~knowle~oen".e~ v-ns Inkm). Bargain and Sale Deed with covenant against Grantors Acts Title No. Elcflhefios Kapsis and Katlz~inc Kapsis To IUchord Viers and Rosczmuy Vi, ts ~ulf~lk Cmmty RETURN BY MAIL TO: DISTRIBUTED BY Deborah Do.ty A;tomey at [=aw 670 W~st Creek Avenue P.O. Box 1181 Cutchogue. Nc~. York 11935 Title NO: RH05303.277 SCHEDULE A - DESCR/PTZON ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Bay~iew, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known end designated'as Lot No. 22 on a certain map entitled, "Leeward Acres at Bayview', filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 4, 1971, as Map No. 5599. TOGETHER with an easement and right of ingress and egress over any roads described in the subdivision map to and from the nearest public road, subject, however, to the right of ingress and egress grant~l or that may ' hereafter be granted to other owners of numbered lots on said subdivision map and others to whom the same may be granted over the reads and extensions on said map. Further subject to the right of the party of the first part, Its successors and assigns, to dedicate the lands Included therein'to the Town of Southold as a public highway, which right of dedication is hereby reserved. Upon such dedication to the easement and right hereby granted shall terminate. Certificate of TIUe _J Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Ccrtif'mate # Prier Cfi. # ' Deed I Mortgage Instmmenl Deed / Monlr,~e Tzx Stamp F£1]S 2005 Su! 27 10:~:46 aH Edward CLERK ~: SUFFOLK P 9?2 DT# 04-508?? Recording/Filing S~amps Page / Filing Fee Ilandling TP-584 Notation F.A-52 17 (County). EA-5217 (State} ILP. T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Al~davil Certified Copy Rag. Copy O~her ,~ O0 Sub Total Sub Tolal -- GRANI) TOTAL ,.',~L{ &'~ Merlgage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec,/Assit, Or Spec. 1Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town~ Dual County__ Ilekl for Apportionraent I 'lYans£er Tax Mansion Tax ~ ._._ ql~e property ~vered~g~e is or will be improved by a one or twu family dwelling only. YES~ · If NO, sue ~ on page # of this ~ Real Property Tax Service Agency Verificalion Disl. · Section B lock Lot 0~0273¶0 ~ooo oTgoo oToo oszooo Date . F~(~4~ 71 Salisfactions/Dischnrges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address ,~1 RECORD & RETURN TO: ComnlL Oll Fund Co,sideration CI'F Tax Due Improved VD I0 TD 'I'D I. I ~itle Company Information - co.~,~, ~ - - Z Suffolk Cowry Recor ng Endorsement-Page This ixt§e £om? part of the atlached TO (SPECIFY' ,FYPE OF INSTRUIvlBVI' ) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUN{'Y, NEW YORIC · In the 'l'own.~hip of. In the VII.LAGE or ~.~U.~Tor made by: · BOXES 5 'I]'IRU 9 MU$'F BE 'I'~TED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y. I'PdOR TO RECORDING OR FIt.lNG. {ovER} SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDIN~ PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~mher Of Pages= 4 Receipt Number = 05-0077703 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-50877 Districtl 1000 Deed Amount: Section~ Block: 079.00 O7.00 EXAMI~AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $312,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling CeE $S.00 NO NYH SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT ~30.00 NO SCTM Transfer t~x $1,248.00 NO Co---.Pres Fees Paid T~ANSFER TAX NUMBER= 04-50877 THIS PAGE IS A FART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ro~aine County Clerk, Suffolk County Recorded: 07/27/2005 At: 10:35:46 AM LIBER: D00012399 PAGE: 972 Lot~ 031.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $4,740.00 NO $5,230.00 ..... PLEASE'TYPE-OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRIT'IN~ O-N ~=ORM "- INSTRUCTIONS: http'JI www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY PROPERTY INFORMATION I 4t Pmml AppnMd fur Subd]~ion M~ Map Pm~dmd [] I I I l"a-- Pml~nV ,~axa~h"lOfia m A~z~'~ Di~i~t [] C O~e M ~e Bu~ k iJlo 1 61~r t ' ' i I I I NEW YORK STATE COPY nf nny ~dllfnl hilt dn~nnu~ ~r malmrbd hd hmreh ~ md~ mm to {hi mmmvW~ e~ O~ Demi Mw rdmlw to tho mmMnl[ mod ~im8 d hke fnmiflmumL BU~EIFS A17(X~NEY