HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12450 P 630 wcp-2 I; . Rev.,aN9 (0%0 ! LAWYEII B~IK)Ri SIGNBdG THIS INSTIEUMENT--TNIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USEO BY LAWYERS ONL~ THl~DEl~l~II~.made the ~ days! ~ .i, lhcycar two thousand five bl:,l WEEH James Coultanidia and Emanuel Coultantdia, 208-56 15Ch Road, Bayside, New York 11361 party of the first pan, and James CoulIantdis and AthanasIa Coultanidte, hie wife, as to fifty (50Z) percent, and Emanuel CouXiantdie and Athanasia CouXtantdts. his wife. as Co fifty (50Z) percent. 208-54 15th Reed. Bayside. New York 11361 party of the ~ WIT--s ti, that the party of the first pa,'% in co~sideratiofl of Ten Dollars and et. h. er valua~l, e tonal.de .r~ti.on paid by the party of the r~,d part, does hereby grant and release unto the party et me secona part, tl~ hers or successors and assigns et the party of the second part forever, ~')') .OO .ooo All that certain plot, piece or pa£cel o£ land, situate, ly£nG and bein~ In the To~n of Sou;hold, County et Suffolk and State of Ne~ York, being bounded and described as Eollo~s~ BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Ed's'Road (Private Road) where same ia intersected by the easterly line of land now or formerly of Patriots A. Byrnes; Satd potnt being diatang 325 feet saeterXy .gro~ its intersection with tho easterly side sE Victoria (Ro~d) Drive (Private RoSd); RUNNXNG THENCE south 60 degrees 02 minutes 40 seconds east, along the aoabherly side of Ed'8 Road, a distance of 125 feet to land now or formerly of the Town of Soabholdl THC.CE south 29 clecjrees 57 minutes 20'seconds west. along said land. 100 feet ~o land now or formerly of Eiringl THENCE north 60 degrees 02 m/nurse '4~ seconds west, along said land and land now or formerly o~ Okula, 125 feet to land now or formerly of PatrI¢ia A. Byrnes; T~ENCB north 29 de,roes 57 minuces 20 seconds east, ~long said land, 100 feet to the southerly side of Ed's Road the poin~ or plaoe of BEGINNING. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: SAID PREMISES k~own as and by 660 Ed's Road Sou;hold, llew York TOGETHER with all right, title and interest il any of the party of the first part n ami to ~y streets and roads abuttmg the above described premises to the center lines thereo~; TOGETHER wkh thc appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAV£- AND TO HOLD ~,he premises herein granted unto the party of thc second part, thc,heirs-or.successors and assiRns of the part} o/the second ..E~'..t forever. .:,. .... ;~ .: .... '.,',-~- ,' ,;" :' *"~.'~3~ AND the party~ of lite first pa,~- ,c~.v.ena~ts t~ tiff/party of the fir~ parl ha~ not done or suffered anythins hereby the sa~d j~remtses have .b~n enc_u, mlk~/'ed, in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the imrty et the first part, n tempi anco.w,th Sectmn 13 of the l.{en Law, covenants that the party thc first part will receive the cons/deer{on'for.this conveyance and w I {told the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for ihs paquose o! paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost o! the improvement before us{zig an~; part o! the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "pa.)'" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN %VITNESS %VHF.,REOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the written.~ tbe *~rsi~-'ed, lX'rg~ll~al:~l gee uouliaatdie . ~ly ~n to ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ the ~ of ~f~ ~ m ~ ~ i~i~l(s) ~ ~s) ~ (~ ~ m &e wi~in i~t ~d ~knowl~g~ to ~ ~ ~ cx~t~ the ~ ~ ~e~ ~i~i~ ~ ~ by hi~eir si~s) ~ ~e ~ ~ i~v~(s~ ~ ~ ' ~ Sl~alu~ ~d ~ ' Individual LtkinljJ~O~el~ * STA'~E OF NEW YORK) couple,, OF ~.~(~ ~~ ss.: On the.~day o f ~L~/"in the ~ 2005 ~fare ~, the ~gn~. ~lly ap~ Emanue~ Coul~an~d~a. ~lly kno~ lo ~ ~ ~ov~ m ~ on ~e ~s of ~tisf~to~ ~id~g m ~ ~ individ~(s} ~ ~s) is (~e) ~ to the wi~in in--mt ~ ~l~g~ to ~ ~ h~ey ~e~t~ the ~ ~ hi~/their cast.am}, ~ ~t by h~e ~s) ~ ~e ~L ~ i~v~(s), or ~e ~dl~duM ~ffinl ac~owl~g~nt ** .qtite~ District of Colnmbh, Ttrrl~o~, Pasmsia~, or Fordp Country ) ss.; On die __ day of, in Ibc year before me, the underei~ned, persona]ly'appeared . personnliy known to me m' p~oved to me on the basis of satisf'ectory cvklencc In be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within insist and acknowledged to me thnl he/she/they executed the same in his/b~/their capeclty(ies), that by his/htr/their s~nature(s) on the instrument, the indivJdualfs), rjr the person upon behelf of which the individual(s) ac~ed, executed the instrument, and that such individual nude such appem'ancc before thc undersigned in ~he . (Inscfl the city or mhtr political subdivision and the state or country or other placc thc admowledgmenl was t~,,c~ ). · * For acknowledgments liken outside of New York State. .~. ~Jatfza/n ama dbale"~erb · '-.' · · . %VITII COVENANT AGAINST GRAN'IOR'S Ad:IS TITLE NO. James GouJ. t. an:Ld:Ls and Emanuel Ooul:Lnntdle TO ~ames & Athanasia Coulian/dis & F. manuel & Athanania Coulianid/s i']rst American Title Insurance Compan~l of New York Sls~nalure and Office of [ndlvldnal ttlrlno_ acknov, ledgment sEcn~ 079.00 E~OCK 06.00 LOT 036.000 cout~vY ox TOWN Southhold, Ney York Recorded At ReqUest of Fh! Amerh:nn T~ffe Insurance Gompany or N~w Yo~c tnTUBN BY MAlL TO:. Paul J. Petras, Esq. 60 Hillside Avenue ltanhasset, New York 11030 't Number of p~es ~ TORRENS Sera #, Ce~ificate #, Prim Ctf. # Deed I Morll~ge Ip.~urnent FEES RECORDED 2006 r~au.l? 01:24."57 PM ,.TucJiti~ A. Pascale CLE~ OF .,~JFFOI_I~ COUI'tTV L 000012450 DTg 05-38908 Reeording I Filing Stamps . I~e I Filing Fee Hnndling TP,-584 Notation E^-52 17 (~ ~-5217 (~e) R.P.T.5.~ . ~ c~ :1 Initials ._~J Satisfactions/[ __ SubTolal Sub Total GRAND TOTAL. Re~ Ihx~pmy Tax Sen'ice Asmcy V~fi~al~ 05049240 tooo 0?400 o6oo 036000 RDTY Paul J. Petras, Esq 60 Hillside Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030 I~e Ami. 2. Addilion~ Tu Sub To~l 6 : Co. nslderation Amount $ CPF T&x Due $ Imlx'uved SpecJAasit. Of S~ee./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town Dual Counfy IleM for ^~ionm~..~ Trimeter Tax Mansio~ Tax 1~c Fl'opert7 oovor~d by this mongaM is or will be improved by a one or two family dwellins only. YES ~ or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause o~ pa~e CommunJD~ PreservutJon Fund ~acant Land T~ 'ID ...... Title # _ RTO-2005-37 Suffolk Coun Rccordin & Endorsement P c ' This page fonas pan of the attached ~Eo (SPEO FY TYPE OF INSTRUIvlENr ) ,James counanl~s The premises hen:in is situated in ~ ~ls SUFI~.K COUNTY, NEW YORK. mLde by: TO In ~ Township of SOOTTtO~ Emanuel CouEnnidia, Athnna~n Coulfnnid~ or ~ of SOUTHOLD UUXI iS 5 'Il IRU 9 MUST lie TYPED OR PPdNTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PITIER TO RECORDING OR FLUNG. (OVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Xnetrmnent~ DEEDS/DDD ~,m~er OE Pages: 3 Receipt Number = 06-0049052 TRANSFER TAX RubBER: 05-38908 District: 1000 Deed~nount= Recorded= At: LIBER = PAGE -* Section = Block = 079.00 06.00 F..v._~INED ANO (mAR~ AS FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Instrmaent ~xempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiee RPT $30.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~.Pree Feee Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 05-38908 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Paecale County Clerk, Suffolk County 05/17/2006 01:24:57 PM D00012450 630 Lot= 036.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $149.00 NO NO NO NO NO ; , · PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM · · INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY c,...a;. ,;q, 7,0, 660 I Ed'. Road Southold ] f.~-' _ .L [ 11971 Coulianidis Coulianidts -% Jaaes & Athanasia Emanuel & A~hanasia ~ I 1o0 IxL 125 Coulianidis [ Couliantdis I aofPirc~ll OR O Partofa~ IOIdv I[ Pll~ d a PIK4~ Chec~ as they ISdn. 4~ ~4nr~ng Bo~ ,dh Subd~s~ ~ ~am i~~ James F..a~nue 1 DI I Nmt*-R~ldmulaJ Vicam Land /n Communit~ Service 12. D~te M Sob I T~'a..~. C D ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Oats should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill, I' j Nora 1LYwafJ~ua~a~tSdllmm I 0.~ I 17 Tmal~ssamadV~dueCd-apamelsintmmlm~l laP, m.~Cb. I ~[-~-t I l&Sd~dOb~N.m. [ -~outhold 6 0 0I ~0. T.~ Mq) 14~.~ I Rd 14.1~ III mm~ Stun gore. a'Bach sheet t,~ -'-~-~.,.al kl~) Dist. 100; Sec. 079.000 Rlnek 06.00 Lot 036.00 I I J I I I I 660 I E~I'e Road Sour'hold I ~' I 11971 ~,ELI.BI PeCras Paul I 516 869-8866 I NEW YORK STATE COPY