HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12399 P 62079- QUITCLAIM D~.g.D (INDIVIDUAL) STATUTORY FORM D THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING INSTRUMENT. IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, WE RECOMMEND ALL PARTIES TO THE INSTRUMENT CONSULT AN ATTORNEY BEFORE ..,.--~SIGNING' : , ,. , '~'~,.0 x~ . '.' ...... THIS IND~NTf/R~, made the-June=3~, 2005, between Jane F.. Hughes, of 300 Metro' StteeL #16M, New YorlL New York 10003, pray of. the feat past, and Brian J. Hughus, of 210 Brook Lane, Suuthold, New York 11971, patty of the second pan: WITNF_.S~ETH, that the party of'the first ~ in corrs~eratiun of one dollar and other good and valuable consideration, lawful money ofthe United States, paid by the party ofthe second prat, does hereby remise, release, and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, Brian J. ! lughes und assigns ~ forever, all at Bayview. Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Sate of New York, being known, as Lot No. 7, on "Map of Reydon Court", filed in the Suffolk County CleriCs Office on September 17, 1987, filed Map No. 8395, Abstract No. 1059 I, said premises being more particol~rly bounded and d~sctili~d as follows: BEGINNING at a point being the ext~me sonthedy end of an arc which cooneols the ~rly side of Reydon Drive, with the southerly side of Brook Lane; ' RUNNING THENCE northeasterly alon8 said are having a radius of 40.00 feet, a length of 62.83 feet: THENCE thc following 4 coursus and distances along southerly, southw~atcrly und westerly side of Brook Lane; I. South 81 dcgrccs 41 minutes 49 seconds east, 15.00 feet; 2. Southeasterly along un nrc having a radius of 245.00 feet and a length of 200.06 feet; 3. South:dy along an ag having a radius of 25.00 feet, a length of 27.27 feet; 4. Southerly along un ag hnving a rndius of 60.00 feet, a length of 48.46 feet; THENCE South 71 degrees 18 minutes 11 seconds West. 225.00 feet; THENCE North 81 dcgreus 41 m. inulus 49 seconds West, 41.63 feet, to a point on the,-i_~b.rly side o'f geydon Drive.; THENCE North 8 degrees 18 minutes I I seconds 'East, along the easterly side of Reydon Drive, 211.81 - feet. to the point or place of BEGINNING. PREMISES KNOWN 210 Brook Lane, Southold, New York 1197 I. DIST. lO00 SECT. 079.00 05.00 Being and hereby intending to convey the same premises as conveyed to the parties of the first pan by Deed dated June 27. 199], and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerks Office on July 19, 1991, in Liber 11302 at pagc 241. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and righls ofthe pnn'y oflhe first pan in and to said premisas. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the p~emisas herein granted unto the pmty of the second prat, Brian J. Hughes and assigns forevcr. ~N W~NK`~s WHE~F~ ~h~ pany ~f the fu~ pa~t has h~.~mto sat her hund und s~a~ the day and year first above writlen. In presence of: 016.007 ~ NYSBA's R~.iden~l R~I ~ Foflns (9/~0) -I- J O 2004 klmfl~v Bend~ & Co,, & nzmbe~ 0f the Lo.i~efi~ Gn~p. Acknowledgment by n Person OuL~ich: New Yor~. Stale (RPL § 309-b) STATE OF MARYLAND ~ .. ) ss,.' COUNTY OF ~=Af~ ~.,~ . .) . " On the 21~t day or' July, 2005, before me, the undersil~ pe~3~nully appeared Jane E. Hughes pe~onally known Io me or proved to me'on'lbe basis ~f sati~, or~t.evidence to be the individual(s) whose frame(s) is (ar~) subscribed to. the within inst,.merit nnd.acknowledlt~d to me that she ~xacated the same in her capacily(ies), and that.by her sigtiatun=(s) on ~ instnnncnt, thc individuaJ(s), or the person upon bel~ofwhich the individual(s) acted, executed thu instrument.. ...- . .... .-.... · -" ~,,. A~:kno~l .~gmem by a Subscribing Witness Outside New York State (RPL §.309-b) STATE OFMARYLAND ) )s~: .. - .. ) ; .On thc 21st da~ of July, 2005, before me, the underlined, pe~onnlly nl~ Frnnces M.' · -" Albertoli, the subscribing wimess to the fi~"going in~rumcnt, with whom I am penmnally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose nd ny that she resides in 7700 St. George Place, Ijamsville, Mn~,land 21754; that she knows Jane E. Hughes to be tho individual(s) described in nnd who executed the roregoing/{nstmmenl that said sul~lcn'bi~ wi~ss was pr~nt and snw said Jsne E. Hugbes cxocutc the same; nnd/~ ;~ ~ ' -/'~--that said wiu ..~ at the same time subscribed her namo as.a witnes~ ther~o.. (sig~nnt~..re. and ofr.~.:~t' in, dua] laking acknowledgment) NYSBA~ R~sidentinl Rea1 F. stn~ Fetms (9~0). O 2004 Mnfl0u.q IJcnd~ & Co., a munber of tim l~isNexb Gmal~ -2- Namber of pqes ~ Serie] # Certificate fi Pflor Ctf, # Deed I Monpsn imtnunent 4 Tax Stamp 2005 ,Jul 2~ 04;~2;04 Edward P, Romaine CLER~ ~F SUFFOLK COUHTV L lX)~012399 P 620 DT# 04-505D2 Page I Filing Fee Handlins TP-584 NotVlon EAo52 17 (Count/) Sub Total gA-e21? ILP, T,S.A. Corr, m. of Ed. J O0 Affidavit ~ __ C~nlf~d Cop/~_~/ ' Other GP..MqD TOTAL I~V $ ~ Pmic~y Tex Service Aga~cy Section B lock Lot Stemp 0~028550 1000 07900 0500 016007 I. Buic Tax Add~omd Tax To'mi SpecJA~sit Or sp~ I TOT. MI'G, TAX Dual Town Due] County Held for Apportionment Transfer Tnx l~en~ion Tax "t~e prope~ cove~d b~ this mo~n~e is or will be improved by a one or two family orNO If NO, see appropriste tax chuse on pqe # ~vation Fund Consideration Amount $ O CPF Tax Duo $ I:o.[~amn Title Company Information Title # Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page Thls pege f~w-.; pad o£ the attached [~ ~.v~C*--,~' 'A TO SUFFOIX COUN~, NEW YORIC In thc Tovm~ip of Intbe V~T.~ AGE or HAML~of mede by: BOXES $ THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINt'I~ IN. BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILII~. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE T~pe of Instrument; DZEDS/DDD ~lm~er Of Pages; 3 Receipt Number s 05-0077058 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-50582 District: Sections Blocks 1000 079.00 05.00 ~Ya~MI~mmAND CHAI~EDA~ FOLLOWS Deed Amounts $0.00 Received the 'Following Fees For Above Instrument F~.t Page/Filing $9.00 NO llandling COE $5.00 NO NYS 8RCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-HTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cort.Cop~es RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Co=ri. Pres Fees Paid TRA~SFIR TAX NUMBER; 04-50582 THIS PAGE KS A PART OF '£~ INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Rc~aine County Clerk, Suffolk County Recordedz 07/25/2005 At~ 04=32=04 PM LIBER= D00012399 PAGE= 620 Lot~ 016.007 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $5.00 NO $0.00 HO $0.00 NO $154.00 ......... PLEASE 'T~PE OR PRESs'I~IRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;//www,orps,state, ny,us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY -- I // ~ ~2) ~'~' ~ I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT c~. sws c~. ~ I ~ ~. D~te Deed RKo~bd STAI~ BOARD OF REAL pROPERT~ SGRVICES · "' _ RP - 5217 1'~1 ~%~ I~- ~"-- I I K~y ~ Prat d I Pmc~ Chec~ Is tMy Ilq~v: dlC, P4~I ,~prmmd Ior Sub~sh~ wftu Mip Pm~icI [] Year C D E F ,LP,~.~c~, I"~' I, ~l-I I lO. Seho.llXm,ktN~[ Deed TVPO nm Warr.~/o~ B.~dn .nd SMo (Smd fy Bamw] ~11 M Fm~)~d o~ L~I tim1 Fm IJ~fO~ ISpe~[y BMow) BUYER BUYER'S ATI'ORtY I NEW YORK STATE COPY