HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12371 P 952I0eO I THIS INDEIVllJRE, madethe // ~ day of February RI~FWEEN . in dtc yc~u- 2005 MERRITT W. MILLER,. residingt al 395 Oak Drivc, Southold, NY 11971 party of the first part. and MERRITT W. MILLER AND CLAIRE A. MILLER, as I lusband and Wife. residing at 395 Oak Drive. Southold. NY 11971 puny of thc st~ond purl WITNF~'~ETH, that thc p~ty of ~ £u'st pan, in comddcrndco ofTen Dolla~ and olhor valuable ccosidcrafioa imid by the party of tie r~cond part, does 'hereby grant and mJ~m.qc unto the party of thc ~ pm'L thc hcim or suc~n.~.qora and tmaigm of thc puny of thc ~econd part forever, ALI, da~ cmain plat, piece ea' pan:el of land, with ibc buildings md improvemcnLq tJeflxm cmanL, d, sim~c, lying stud ~ i~ lie SI?;E SCI IEDUI,F. "A' ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE PART I-IERI:'OF BEING and Intended to be thc same premiss conv~'ed Io grater by deed dated 11/30/95. and rc,corded in l.iber 11753, Page 094 on 12/6/95. YOGI':TH ER with all right, tide and interesL i f any, of ibc puny of the f'ust part of, in and to any stzem.n a nd m abuaing ~e above-derca'ibnd I"~",ise$ to the center lines then'of; TOG~.Tll ER with thc appuflenaucea and MI thc camm and fighm of the party of thc first pan in and to said ia ~,.;t.~: TO HAVE AND TO HOI ,D the p~miaes herein ~ unto the pan7 of tim second part, thc belts or success~ and nssJgns of thc puny of the .,~xnn d putt fof~,~r. AND. de party of the first part covenants that thc patty of thc I'm4t pan has not dcoc or mffemd anythiflg whc[cby Ihe said prcmJr~q have been iuctunhared in any way whntever, eXCClM, as aforesaid. AND thc puny of lbo tim pan, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covcnaflla dmt the patty of the first pan will mccivc thc cor~idcrsti~a for this conveyanco and will hold the right to m:cive such cmtsidcmtion a.s a u~,~t fund m be applind fie~t for the purpose ur payiq the cost of tim impmvenk'nt and will apply the same tim to the payment of the coat of the inlpruv~mcot heroin using any Fart of the to,al of the same for any other pu rpo.~. The wonl "puny" shall hc consttund an if it read "parties" whene~r the sense of this indenture ~o requires. IN WITNI,LS8 WllEREOF, ~he patty of the first pan has duly executed this deed the day and year first nbeve wduen. MERRITT W. I~ILLEI~ - ~ ,Slale of N~ew York, Courtly of ,,~ ,).v,~,.,c On thc//~*ay of February in Ibc y(~r 2005 bcf(Nc n'~. ~ und~r, ilntd. IZ*~ma]ly MERRITT W. MIr. LER pem~mlly known u) nc or proved to mo ~u ~ bw~ of ~fn~o~ cv~k~cc m hc 0~ indi~du~(s) w~ names) ~ (am) ~b~! m ~c dm ~unc m h~he~heir cnpncity(iez), nnd flint by hi~hcr/thcir ~gnalu~S) en 0e i~umncn~ ~c individu~s~ or thc pe~on upon hchaKof which ~e indiv~ml~s) acmd. cxecmed ~c insmmenc /NOTAR~/P~BLI C execuxe Ihe same;, and thai said whne~ at the .*mae fim~ subscfil~d hi.*~-*rhhek nan.(s) ~ n witne~ Ihemo. fin.Ten the cio' or (#her polithYd md~i~(u~an and the state t)r cowrie, w' t)ther pluce the ¢~c~d~m~nl ~Yu taken). 7'ffl,~ NO. BARGAIN It SALE M I LLER TO MILLER FIDELITY NATIONAl. TI'ri.lC INSURANCE OCOMPANY OF N£W YORK SUFFOLK/SOUTHOLD RECORDED AT P,F, OUEST OF I,~leflty Nad(mai TilJe Imumnce ~ of New York Paul A. Camtnitt, Esq. 53345 Main Road P.O. Box 846 Southold, NY 11971 SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plo1, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Soathold. Suffolk County, New York, and known and designated as Plots Nos. Thirty-nine (39), Forty (.40), Forly-One (.41) and Forty-two (42), in Block "C". as shown on a certain map made July 22~, 1930, by Daniel R. Young. P.E. and L.S., entitled "Map of Reydon Shores, Inc., Bayview, L.I., N.Y., and in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" and filed in the once of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, Riverhead, New York, on July ISt, 193 I, as Map No. 63 I. TOGETHER with the fight to use for bathing, boating and lishing all that portion of Beach lying in front of Sections A and B as shown on said Map, in common with Reydon Shores, Inc. and with others svho now have or hereafter may acquire rights in the same, subject, however, to such reasonable rules and regulations with respect to the use thereof as the said Reydon Shores, Inc. may from time to time put into effect. TOGETHER with a right of way over the roads, highways, streets or lanes shown on said map, and over a mad or highway Imown aa "Reydon Drive", which runs through other property of Reydon Shores, Inc., said right to be in common with said Reydon Shores, Inc., and with others who now have or may hereafter acquire rights in ~hc same, but it is expressly understood and agreed that Reydon Shores, Inc. reserves ~o itself, its successors and assigns tho title to the land laying wilhin the bed of all of said road, called Reydon Drive, and the fighl to make improve- ments and Io lay, erect and maintain water, gas and electric and telephone systems thereon and thereunder, in all of said roads, steers, highways or lanes, as shown on said map. SUBJECT to covenants, restrictions contained in former deeds of record and fights of way as contained in deeds of record to other lots on this map. TOGETHER with any right to the reasonable use and enjoyment ofthat portion of thc inland harbor owned by Reydon Shores, Inc. and to the use ora portion of the northerly line of the bulkhead and to such other portions of said bulkhead as may be set aside in common with other plot owners to date and others who may hereafter acquire title ~ land from Rcydon Shores, Inc., subject !o such reasonable rules and regulations as Reydon Shores, Inc. may from time to time put into effect, it being exprcssly understood that Reydon Shores, Inc., shall not be held liable in any way whatsoever for any accident or accidents that may occur in connection with the use and enjoyment of said bulkhead and harbor front any cause whatsoever. ,I Nmnbcr of pages ~ TORRENS Scfial # Cenificatc# Prior Cfi. # Eked / Mortgage instrument Page / Filing Fcc / ~ Handling TP-584 ~ 5. O0 Deed I Mongagc Tax Stamp FEES Notation EA-52 17 (County) ~" Sub Total EA-5217 (State) R.P.'I:S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other Real l~sparty Tax Scrvice Agency Verification 5.~ 15. tM Sub Total ~ Grand To,al 05006630 zooo oeooo ozoo 033000 6 I Satisfaction:qDi.~hargcs/Releascs List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RE~URN TO: RECORDED 2005 Feb 16 09=42~35 F.O~a rd P. Roaalne CLEI~ OF 9JFFOLK COLHTV L DO0012371 P 952 OTi 04=29068 Recording I Filing Stamps $ Consideration Amount $ Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpccJAssiL or Spec. 1Add. TOT. MTG. 'FAX Dual Town __ Dual Couuty Held fur Appoimntcnt l~ansfer Tax ~ 0 Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be intpmv~nl by a one or two family dwelling only. or NO. If NO, ~'c appropriate tax clau.~ on page # of this instrument. Community Preservation Fund CPF Tax Due S hnprovcd t/ V~.'ant Land '1'1) /0 I'D 'rD BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 'IX) RECORDING OR FILING. u s (over) or IIAMLET of The premiss herein is situatc'd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In thc Town~ip of In thc VILLAGE (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 3/. fie& This page forms part of the auached ;'.- q,' I l? J Title Company lnfoi:iiiation J Title # Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instruments DEEDS/DDD ~er of Pages: 4 Receipt ~m~er : 05-0019533 TRANSFER TAX ~ue/BER= 04=29068 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Recordeds LIBER: PAGE: Sectionl Blocks 080.00 01.00 EXAMINED ANDCHARGEDAH FOLLOWS $o.oo 02/16/2oos 09:42:35 AM D00012371 952 Lot: 033.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Exempt Page/Filin~ $12.00 NO Handlin~ CeE $5.00 NO NYe SRC~G RA-CTY $5.00 NO F~-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiee RPT $30.00 NO SeTH Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm. Pres Fees Psid TRANSFER TAX NUMBERz 04-29068 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TH~ INgTRU~ENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.oo $o.oo SO.OO $152.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward County Clerk, Su£folk County .... PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpg/www, orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY sw s cod. C2. OmDo*dn*,,o,d.d I ,~.z.//&' PROPERTY INFORMATION I '-~P,,W 395 [ OAK DRTV]~: REAL PROPERTY TRAI~FER REPORT RP - 5217 I I ~1971 I MERRITT W. CLAIRE A. SO~THQLD MILLER MILLER 6. Deed ,,.,,-. I Ixl IoRI . 8. 81 e. souo~ I MILLER I I ,J MERRITT W. I SALE INFORMATION (~Md~ tho bo~es bdow es thW reply: 8, Ow~'Type b Co~irdum [] I 02/ /[ / o5I I 02/ /// os I A B C' D E F G II [ J ,..FMSd. P.. I ; ~ _ · . (lull Sail P~:e I~ the t~ll amount ~ fm t~ ~ I~1~ ~1 ~y. 1~~ I ...... fl , O , ~ ~S~ME~ IN~R~ - ~ ~ ~ the b~ Final ~s~nt ~11 a~ T~x B~I I 18. Preplfly ~ 12.1,01-1 I 1.. ~ ~ Name I SOU'I~OLD Add Spouse to Deed , ,5 .9. 0.01 000-80-1-33 I L J I I L J I CERTIFICATION J I}¥YER ~)"X~MERRITT/W. MILLER -- 395 i O&K DRIVE $OUTHOLD NY 1 1 9 71 I BUYER'S ATTORNEY CAMINITI I PAUL 631 I 765-5900