HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12400 P 200WCB-2 Rev. I unil%.en uck. I Consideration Less than $100.00 District: 1000 Section: 078.00 Block: 03.00 Lot: 056.000 CONJULI' YOUR LAWYIR B~OBI SIGNING ~ INSTI~AiENT--THIS INSTI~MENT SHOULD BI ~ BY LAWYERS ONLY. ~ql~nm~the 30 ~y~ July ,inl~ycor 2005 fILLIAM A. PENZA and CHARLOTTE L. PEHZA, residing at 9 Walnut Place; Huntiegton, New York 11743 ~r~ of their~pafl, md CHARLOTTE L. PBNZA, residing at 9 Walnut Place~ Huntington, New York 11743 part)' of the second part~ W~lqtgm~l i'1, that the party of the Erst part, in comlde~ztlon of Ten Dollirs and other valuable consl.de?i.~ paid by the party of ~ ___~_~ part, does hereby grant an.d release unto the pa~y of the second part, the ne.s or successors and umgns of the puff7 of the second part forever, ALL thsl cert~n ploL p~ce or p~cel o! hud, with the b,,~ld~s and hnprovements thereon ~ sku&re, lyb~ and be~n~ h the See Schedule A attached hereto and made part of hereof. Being and intended to be the same premises as conveyed to the party.of the first part by deed dated September 3, 1971, and recorded by the office of the Suffolk County Clerk on September 9, 1971 in Llber 77001 Page 427. TOGETHER with all right, title ami interest, if any, of the party of the firstpart in and to mty streets and rna.ds,,ab_u, tting the aba, ye. descti?~, premises to the center lin,es thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances aug an tile estate anu rights ol'the party of the first pats in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO llOl. I) the prentises herein granted unto the party Of lite second Fart, the heirs or succe.uors and assi&,ns of the party o~ the secoud part forever. AND tim party o! tie: first part covenants that the party of the first pltt~ has not done or suffered, an)thing ~.'.h.er..eb¥ the said }~remi..ses here .been enc~..mbered in any way whattwer, except un afore.~aid. ' .~. pl~ tile party...otthe, tirst part, ?,com. phunce with Scc~ion 13 o( th,e, Lien Law, covenants that the pm'fy of tng.O~t Part **'lit receive the constuemtion for t~sL,c~llxe),. ~an~e' and~qlP, h-6ld the right to receive such consid- '..~.e~,~n aa a trust fund to be applied first for the ~.rlSq~e.*. 'ofil~iy~nE ~l~%cot of the imm*ovement and *.iii .t.nq ?~.,m nrst to the ixlyment ut the cost of the ~mprovement before using any part o~ the total o~ the same for ,9n~ other purpase. 'The word "lsarty*' shall be construed aa if it reaul "parties" whenever the sense o! this indenture so requires. IN WITI~IW-~q WHF~, the party of the first ~ ha~ duly executed this deed the day and yenr first above written. CHARLOTT~ L. PENZA, SCH~DUL~ A All that certain pl:ot, piece or parcel oflnnd, situated at Laughing Water. near Soutbold. in Southoid Town, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and des~'ibed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of Hhiwatha's Path, 665.09 feet northerly along said ensterly line from Nokomis Road; running tht:n~e along said ~:asterly line of Hiawatha's Path, North 8° 47' West 105.09 feet; thence along ~ of the po~,. y oftbo first pnrt, North 83° '12' East 141,42 feet to land of St Patrick's Roman ~f~ttholie Church,~ thence along land now or formerly of the Pa~. Y °fthe lust Part. South 83° 32' ~Vest 137.18 fe~ to the Ixtint .o~ ,bnginning. , w~tmn the bounds of Hmwatha s Path adjacent to the said premises to the center line thereof, TOGETHER with any and nH rights to the use ofrondways and beaclx~ above mean high water. jointly owned by the Laughing Water Property Owne~ Association, our used jointly by nH laughing Wate~ property owners. STAT£ OF NEW YORK) COU~TY ~ th~y of ~U~y in the y~200 ~ ~. the uMmi~, ~lly a~ ~~~, ev~ m ~ ~ i~ividu~(s) ~ ~s) is (~) mb~i~ to the wi~in ex~ ~c ~ m hi~r ~i~), ~ ~1 by high, heir sisals) ~ ~ in~k I~ indJvid~](s), ~ the Individual inking nnknowledBmeut ~/~]~dull laklnl acknowledgment "For acknowledgments ttkm Il New York Store, '** Store, District of Colnmbh, Territory. PonessJon, or Fordp Cormt~ On d~ -- dly of'. in the yar ,__ before me. die undersigned, pemmally appcL-cd personally rmow~ to me or p~ovnd to me on the b&sis of s~isf~to~y evidence to be Iht indivJclual(s) whose nenx~s) is (L'e) subscrJbnd to the ' 'wflNin inslmment and ncknowlndgnd to me thai he/shehhey executed the sL, ne in his/her/their cuixlcity(ies), thru by his/her/their sisnmurc(s) on the instmmcnt, thc indwidual(s), or thn p~;~c~ upon behulf of which the individuul(s) 3crud. executed the inslmmem, ~nd that such individual made such 8ppemmlce before the undo3isncd ii thc __. (insert the city or mher political subdi%'rsion ~ the mtn or country OF other place the aclmowled~ment was takcfl). · * For acknowledgments taken outside of New York SaBre. SJ~nalure nad Office of IndlvMunl Inking acknowledgment ~tn an~ tlMle ~tt~ , WITH COVENANT AGAINST GIAN10Jt~ ACIS T~ ~ WILLI~ A. PENZA and C~ARLOTTE 'L. PENZA CHARLOTTE L. PENZA First American Title Insurance Comp/thy of New York SECTION 078o 00 BLOCK 03.00 Lot 056.000 counTY m TOWN Su£fo].k Re~orded At R~lUeSi of First kmmicen Tree Insu~oe~ Cbmpany d' Ne~ Yogi( IETUIN ty MAIL TO: Carl M. Lawrence, Esq. 23 Green Street Huntington, NY 11743 Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mortgage Inslmmem Page / Filing Fee H',mdling TP-584 5. IX) Deed I Moflgage Tax Stamp FEES Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (Statel R.RT.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other Sub Total 15. IX} Sub To~al Or dTotal Real Property 05028948 tooo o?eoo oaoo oseooo T.',x Service Agency Verification (~LPA A) Satisfactions/Dischargc.qRelea~s List Propany Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: ~WR~NC~ & ~, l~SOS. Green S~-~eet Hun~lnc~.on, NY 11743 2005 Jul 2? 0~;11;14 PH EO~ard P. Romain~ SUFFOU< OX~ffV L 000012400 P200 DT# 04-51048 Recofding I Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Addititmal Tax Sub Total Six'c JAssit. Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Aplx,intmcnt Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by Ibis mortgage is or will be in(proved by. a one or two family dwelling only. YES. or NO If NO. see appropriate tax cluu~ on page # __ of this insUument. 5 Community Preservation Consideration Amount $ A CPF Tax Due / Improved V.',,'.~nt Land ,/~ TD ~[ O TD TD (631) 423-7500 Co. Name Thle~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the mtachcd (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: ~llliam A. Penza and C~arlot~e L. Pnm,~ The prcmi,~s ben:in is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of i, kmklmuj~sm~~ In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERI~ RECORDS OFFTCE RECORDZNG PAGE T~pe o£ Znst~ts DEEDS/DDD Number o£ Pagees 4 Receipt ~,m~er z 05-0078026 TRANSFER TAX NUNBER: 04-51048 1000 Sections Blocks 078.00 03.00 EXA~/NEDAND CHARGEDA~ FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Foll~i~ Fees For ~ove Xnmtz'ument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COS $5.00 NO NYS BRCHG F~-CTY $5.00 NO F~-BTA~E TP-584 $5.00 ~ C~2.Cop~mm ~ $30.00 ~ S~. T~mEmr t~ $0.00 ~ C~.~rmm Fees Pm2d T~FER T~X NU~BSRz 04-51048 Record~ds Edward P.Ro~aine County Clerk, Su££olk Count~ 07/27/2005 03~11s14 PM LIBER: PAGE: Lot ~ 056.000 $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $o.oo $0.00 $0.00 $242.00 D00012400 200 NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpW www.orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP- 5217 I 11971 I ~'"~" I Penza I Name I I I I Io, 1 . I B. Deed isa., I Penza Charlotte ~.. Ixl [ Penza [Charlotte [ //--"¢//o~ I ',~.rdlS, berh. I , , ; ..... 0- .0.91 ! 14. lndlMt, t~o...~U, Ml~mO,~ I· .... O , 0 I I ~SESSMENT IN~RMA~ON - Ds~ ~ould r~Kt the Int~t Final ~e~nt Roll ond Tsx Bill 1L~ 13,I ,I I-I I IB.~N~I Southold Z~. T~ MI~ kJi/~MM} I R~D klmm~Ml~l {if mm~ ~mt ~, I~Kh M w~h idd~M~M Id~) I 1000 - 078.00 - 03.00 - 056.0QQ I I I I I I cE.~,;~o. I I ~-fIJ~' IJmt IR d tl~ I~ns d kafanimJoo mt~nM (m IJik~ funn line ~ and fm'T. K4 flu ~ ~ ~ ~ k~p ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ BUYER Hub.tin.ton I Ny 111743 gELLER BUYER'8 AI'rORNEY Lawrence iCarl M. 631 423-7500 I I NEW YORK STATE COPY