HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12221 P 287THIS INDENTURE, made the 7'~day of~~, two thousand and ~ ~*-~ ~ BETWEEN BEVERLY E, BURKHARDT, residing at 170 Wabasso Street, Southo~d, New York Executrix under the Laat Will and Testamoqt ofWi~lam H~ Burkhardt, who died a resident of Suffolk Co~, New York on Novemb~ 25, 2001. the party of the first pan, and ROBERT LEONE, residing at 234 Lake Avenue South. Nesconset, New York 11767 and ELLEN LEONE residing at 234 Lake Avenue South, Nesr, o. user, New York I 1767, his wife puny ofthe second pan, WITNESSETB, that the puny of the firs~ pan, to whom letmrs testamemary were issued by the Surrogate's Court, SuffoLk County, New York on March 22. 2002, and by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said Last Will and TestamenL and in consideration of Two Hundred and Fifty Four Thousand and Nine Hundred ($254,900,00) United States. Paid by Dollars, lawful money of the the party ofthe second pan, does hereby grant and release unto the party ut'the second pan. the heirs or suec.~..sors and assigns ofthe p~'ty of the second pan forever, ALL thai ceftin plot, piece or parcel si ' ' of land. w~th zhe buildings anA impro.,;emems thereon creeled, tuate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York being more particularly bounded and desc~hed as follows: BE-GINNING at a point marked by a monument on the southwesterly side of Bayview Road said point also being the northwesterly comer of land now or formerly Toy; , i RUNNING THENCE South 4 ! degrees 52 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 304,03 feet to land I'~retofore conveyed to John W, Burkhardt; RUNNING THENCE North 48 degrees 07 minules 10 seconds West along said land heretofore conveyed to John W. Burkhardt a distance otrg0 feet to land now or formerly of Gardner. formerly of Caccavo: RUNNING THENCE along said land of Gardner, North 41 degrees 52 n~nutes 50 seconds East a distar, c~ of 300 feet to the southwesterly aide of Bay~ew Road; RUNNING THENCE along the southwes~teriy side of Bayview Road South 50 degrees 58 minutes 2 I seconds East in a distance ofg0 l0 feet more or tess to the point or place of BEGINNING. Subject to a right of way in common conveyed to $ohn W. Burid~a~-d~ in Liber 6205 Cp 43 L ~£THER with ail dght, rifle and interest, ifany, o~ ~ r~s ~t~i~ ~he ~o~ ~i~ ~o the ~r ~ETHER ~th ~ ap~n~ ~d ~ ~1 ~e ~mte ther~n, whi~ or h~ ~w~ W ~nv~ ~ di~ o~ wh~her ~Mdu~ly, or ~ ~e of~d will or ~h~i~, ~ ~VE AND TO HOLD the pre~ h~n ~ unto t~ ~y of~e AND the party of the first pan covenants that the party of the first part bas not done or su,~Fered anything whereby the sa/d p~scs have been encumbered in amy way whe. tevex, except as aforesaid, AND thc pany ol~the first pan, in compliance with Section 13 ofthe Lien Law, covenanls that the pany o£the l~rst pan will receive the cor~deration for this conveyance and wi. Il ~old the right to receive such cor~deration as a trust fund to bc applicd first for the purpose ofpayin8 the cost of*thc improvement and will apply the same first to the pa!anent or'the cost of the improvement before usin8 any pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shat[ be construed as it'it read "parties" whenev~ thc sense orthis iodenture so requires. IN WITN ESS WHEREOF, the party of'the first pan has duly executed thds deed the day and year first above written. IN i~E~F'.NCE Bi~'ERLY £. BUR~T Executrix 5Lite of N~w Y~, CH~ of ~-~' } ~: Slate ofN~ y~ Coun~ of } SL: ~ the ~y of in ~e y~ ~M~m~,W~ ~S~ meduly~,dM ~ Trl*t~. NO. [~XECUTOR~S DEED FIDELITY NATIONAl., TITLE |NSURANCF. C.4COMPANY OF ~EW YORK Lot CO~d~rv O~ TOW~ TORRENS Serial # ,, OmiP~ # Prior Cfi. # D~:d ! Mortgage Instrumem Mongagc Tax Stamp FEES 2002 Nov 21 01:10:48 ~F~K P Recording / Filing g~amps Page / Filing Fee ...... l lan'Jling _ TP-584 Notation EA-52 )7 (Coam)) EA-5217 (S~al~} R. ET, S.A. Comm. of F~L ^ffidavit Cmilled Copy Reg. Copy O~r __ Sub *l'ot~l .... Sub To~al GRANDTOTAIo 102 ~:~ Real Properly Tax ~i~ A~cy V~ifi~li~ B I~k ~I 0~8 ~ooo o~oo o~oo os~oo ~ At~rney at Lay 180 Bast Uain Street 11787 I. ilaslcTax 2, Ad~iitional Tax Sub Total Spec~ IAd~ TOT, M'FG TAX ])ual Town P, mal Counly Held fu~' Aplxnlioomen! _ . ' covered by tiffs m~e is or will be im a one or two family Y~ If NO. see ~ :lause on page # .... of Ibis i Communiv Considernlion Cl)F Ta.v. lion Fund ~sq,qat3.trO TD I Ord"O TD 'I'D Suffolk ( This page roms l~-t or,he allach~J Title Company Information Co Nflme Title # & Endorsement Dg]~D (SPEOFY 'lYPll OF' INglRLIMj~i'q'i' ) Mill and ~sta~nt o~ Willta n. S~O~K~U~,~Wy~ Bur~bard~ TO ~gbert,,,Leone,,and Rl~en leone, In the Township of Sou~bold his vtf'e InIheVILLAGI~ or 1 IAtvFLET of_ Soul,old ......... made by: BOXES 5 'll'tRU 9 MUST BE TYPF_.D OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RI.CORDING OR FILING. lOVER) SUFFOLK CODNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Ins~nt: DE~DS/D~D Number of Pages: 4 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-16268 District: i000 Deed ~ount: Section: Block: 078.00 04.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWs $254,900.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling ~COE $5.00 NO NYS SUaC~G EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-$84 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies ~T $30. O0 NO SCTM ~.r&nsfer tax $1,020. O0 NO CO~. Pres ; Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-16268 TalS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUNE~ l~ecorded: LIBER: PAGE: Lot: Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County 11/21/2002 01:10:48 PM 900012221 287 039.000 Exempt: $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 NO $0.00 NO $0. O0 NO $2,098.00 NO $3,220.00