HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12305 P 604THIS INDENTURE, made thc 3RD day of ' ~v~ offi~s-at 100 ~ter ~i~,: ~r~,-.~ York. ~t '~r, ~a~ ~ 19, '2003 ~ fil~'~ ~, 2003 ~ ~ ~k'of ~ffo~ ~ty ~w I~ ~: 0J-J6813 York, party of thc second part. WITNKS~-I'tl, that the I~trty or the firm Daf~ in considamtion of tcn dollars and ollaw viluable cofaidcmdon paid by the parly of th~ second pan. does hcveby grunt and rnlens~ unlo thc Daffy of thc second part, the hcir~ or successors and nssisos of thc party of the t'cond par forever. ALL that certain pbx. piece OF parcel of land. with Iht Ixlildinp nad imptovmne~s thereon t.N~:t~cI, situate, lyin~ and hclnllintheTovn o£ -qoutho~d. Su~£o~ir ~ounL'yo Hey Y'o'~k, bounded lind described ag £o~Lo~s: BKOYmM~G ac a monument sst ma **ha southwesterly l{n~ O~ ~ h~ ~ aC cb mcer~ eomr of ~ of M. & V. ~h~t ~ ~ ~rtb~ eomr o~ c~ pr~ea bah deecz~b~: ~ THWACK axons sa:id ]:Lue o£ N~in Bayviev Road; South 51 dasreefa 00 ud. nutss 120.60 £est: t:o a ant end ]Jmd of n.H. hz'zeD; THKHCE said land o£ Darnel1 South 41 dos~eee 52 -v-..ce~ 50 seconds West, 3~0.63 East I:o ocher ~and p~esentZ,y or foraorl.y ouned by Ann ~o Woodhou~ OeS-11~Lvoa and/or Rose M. I~M~dhouae BretaX:lna (2) (3) North &8 dssroas 07 u.bmtes 10 seconds Vest 60.23 £est; chance South &! degreos 52 m~,nut:ee 50 Heconds Weac 8.O2 £eet; thence Rort:h J&8 desrees 07 m:Lnutes 10 seconds #ese 60.22 £sec co Zand 'L'IISlir'~ 8].oo~ sa:rd 1,nd and ~ land o£ M. & minutes 50 seconds Kast 362.69 £ast Co the pod.ut Bein$ the marne preud.oos kno~ as 5740 ltafn R-x,,,tm~ Raid. Southo]xl. NY. BK3MG AND I][TKBDI3) to be tho nmmm prantLees eoavs:~nd 'Co she lOFt7 o£ Cb £1rot part by dsed d~ted l(ay 30, 1995. mud Eueorded in the 0££ice of thc Suf£ol~ County Clerk on June 8, 1995. in Ltber 11728, Fage Deed ~ exmcuted by OLder b£ the Slzprem Gougt of' the Sf~tte o£ Hew York, Couuey of Suf£olk, dm:ed Novembar 19S'h, 2003. Xndex Mo. 0].-16813. 'I'O~I~*THER with all right, title nnd interest, it' any. of the Daffy of tike firJt part, iff and lo any street# and rtmds abutflntt thc nbove-daAcribed premiMs to thc center lines thereof; 'i'O~WIN4ER with the appufleosnc~ and all the estate and rJahts of the party of the firm Daft Jn and to said prcmih-.s: TO HAVE AND. TO IIOLD the premise*~ herein granted unto the puffy of the M:ond Dart. the heir~ or succcssom and asians of thc Daffy of the second part forever. T' 'L~'ND ,~ p~rl':~J'~h~ first pn,'l covenants khat thc party oithe firsk [~krt ,us rko, don. or .uffcrod aflykhin, whereby ~i~' suld.[*r~mideh have been encumbered in any way whatever, excelR us aforesaid. ' iN~k~{h% ~li'tS~Yof the first part. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenams that the party ofkh¢ first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance iud will hold the risht to rccclvc such consider- ation ns a trust fund to be applied first for thc purpose of payJflS the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to Ihs payment of thc cost of the improvement hefore uslnB an)* part of the total of thc same for any other purpose. · Thc word 'party*' ~hall be conslrued n.q if it rend "partJos" whenever the s~nsc of this indenture ~ rcquire~q. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc party of the fii~t part hal duly executed this deed the day and year first lli~)ve *79 '~- DONALD S. ~-- '.~ .%.;M~)?GP~ FI~UED U~ INDE~ NO.: 01-168~3 State of New York, County of Su.~£6.1k . 1_' ° ,~' ,~,se.' On the ~ day of °~ ~,,.'ln tho year 2004, before ma. the undcmigned, porsoflally, aplMaI~od 'I~) ~bl~,D~ .~$..=~...:]~f .,~'VA personally known ta me or pr~v.-'d',to, mi'iSa t.h, et-b"~,sta of satisfactory evlclen~e to be the Indl~k:lubi(s),who~jL ~an~a(B) Is (are) subscribed to th~ wtthln Instrurn~nt-~u~:l' acMtof~edged to me that he/she/they executed thc same in hls/hadthelr capacity(ils), and that by hie/her/their slgnaturets) on the Insbument. the indhrldu°l(s) ot' th~ pem(xi upon behaff of which the individual(s) acted, w,,~:l 1he Instrument. AdmowJedgament by Bubocdblng Witness taken in Now York State Stats of New Yo~k. County of On the day of , in the year the undersigned, personally appeared tl~e ~ul).crt~ Wltne~ to Ihs ~ Intlrument, v,~h ~ I em personally acquainted, who being by me duly sworn, did dele end ~ay, thst he/shehhey rsllde(s) in that be~benhey knew(s) foregoing in~h'ument; that ~ld .ubecrlbing ~tne~ ~ pre.est and saw laid execute the same; and that said witness st the lame time Sul~cri~ed hl~/~er/the~r name(s) ss a wilness.themto. Aekn(w/M(~lmTtent taken In New York Stets State of New York, County of , SS: On the day of , In the year , before me, ~dho undersigned, personally appeared pbreonally known to.me or prove.d to me on the. basis of ea~.feclo~ evtdence to be the Individual(s) whole name(s) 18 (am) ~b~crlb~d to I~e Mthin instrument and &~,-,~vleclgod to me that he/she/they executed the same In hie/her/their capacity(les), find that by hie/her/their slgnsture(a) on thc Instt'Lm3ent. the Indhfldual(s) or the pe~on uGmn behalf of which 1ha Individual(s) acted, executed the Instrume~tt. · State of , County of · (or insert DlstllCt of Columbia, Terrltary, Possession or Foreign Country) 88: On the day of . in the year the undersigned, personally appearbd . before me, personally known to me or proved tO me on the basis of ~ti~aolory evidence to be the InoVN'rduaJ($) WhOSe name(s) is (are) s~ lo ~e ~ln In~nt a~ ~ M me thst he/uh~they ex--ted the ~me In hl~orllhelr capacity(loB), that by hlllher/thelr signature(I) on tho I~t~. ~ ~(I) ~ ~ ~ u~ ~ ~ ~h t~ in~l(8) ~, ~ ~e Ino~. a~ ~ o~ I~W ~ s~ ~a~ ~ ~ u~ ~ ~ (add the (dry or political subdlv'~ofl end the state or country or other pta~e the ack~emont was taken), Title No.:. Distributed by Chlcag° Title lnsu ra,Tce C°mpanY 11 SECTION 078 BLOCK 0400 LOT 041.00! COUNTYORTOWN SUFL~OLI[ COUBTT RlrflJRN BY MAll. TO: CLA33~ TOY 5740 ~AT'a BATIr'~I~ ROAD SOIJTBOLD, ~ YORE 1197! II SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Znetrument~ DEEDS/DDD l~-~her of Pa~es~ 3 Receipt Number ~ 04-0025171 TRANSFER TAX NUMBERg 03-32389 ANTHONY N TOY CLAIRE TOY 1000 Deed Recorded~ Att LIBER= PAGE= Section= Block~ '078.00 04.00 EXAMINED AND CIL~GED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Received the Following Feee For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COg $5.00 NO NYe 8RC~G EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies RPT $30.00 NO 8CT~ Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~,Pree Fees Paid TIU~NSFER TAX NUMBER~ 03-32389 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRDMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Rc~aino County Clerk, Suffolk County 03/05/2004 04t37~19 PM D00012305 604 041.001 $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $50.00 NO $5.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $129.00 Number OF pages TORRENS Serial #. Certificate # Prior Cfi. # Dead I Mortgage Instrument Page / Filin# Fee _~ Handling Notation EA-$2 I'/(County) ~ Sub Total EA-521'7 (Slate) ~ Deed / Mmagage Tax Stamp FEES R.P.'I:S.A. ~O ~ Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Other ,~ __ Sub Total ' I Oi~.._ I Seai~ I e ~k I ~. ~.~ -. 04009761 2ooo o~8oo 0400 o4xoox Initials ~ Satisfa~ioa~Oi~Tg~ol~9~s List~fly O~e~ ~ailin8 A~ I~CORDB) CLERK OF ~FFOLK L I)00012305 OT! 0;3-;32'589 Recording, I Filing, Stamps IVlorts~.e Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./Assit. Or Spec. 1Add. TOT. MT(~. TAX Dual Town.__ Dual County~ Held for Appoflionmen~,.~].~.__ 'lYaaxfer Tax % I J Mansion Tax The properly coven.'d by this mortgage is or will bu improved by a one or two Cnmily dwelling, only. YES__or NO If NO, see appropriate tan clause on page # of this inMrumeot. Community, Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ [mlnoved Vacant Land TD TD 'I'D Title Company Information Co. Name Title Suffolk County Re ording & Endorsement Page This page forms Ix~rt of the atlached ~. made by: (SPECIFY TYPE Cfi: IN:si KUIVlI.:2~ r ) Thc j~cu6ses hcsein is situated in. SU~FOI,K COUNTY. NEW YORK. in theTowmhip of ~.~(M~/ In the VILLAGE or HA/vILE'. r of BOXES 5 'll IRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BI,ACK INK ONLY PRIOR 'iE) RECORDING OR FILING. lOVER) REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE SOARD OF REA[ PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 PLEASI= IYPE (JR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR CdUNTY USE ONLY PROPER~ INFORMATION ~ 1, Prope~y 3740 r ~ ~Axvt~ ~ IsO~O~ I TOy { At,'T~O}iY I B 2 or 3 Family Re$[dent~aJ F Commercial J+ Industrlel SALE INFORMATION ~ 12. Date of Sale / Transfer 13. Full Sale Price { -?'~ r :0,01 19. Suhooi District Name L Southold Suffolk County Tax H au Number 47388q 78.-~-41.1 Roll Section I Dist. 1000 Saetton 078.00 Block 0400 Lot[O4L00! CERTIFICATION { BUYER BUYER'S A~TOHNEY SOUTHOIJ) I ~ I 11971 SELLER NEW YORK STATE COPY I~DEX # J 01-168~3 USURY, NEW YORK PURSUANT TO JUD(~'/EN'i' 5740 I MAI~ BAYVIE~ ~OAD