HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12213 P 718mst 1000 COI~I~,.T yOI~R LAWYER B~YOIRE $1G~ING THIS INDENTURE, made thc ,,~'~ day of BETWEEN gi[een Antonie[tor residing at 350 Senator Street 6rook[yn~ NY 11220 party of the second par,.. WITNF.,SSEIH~ tiaa the patay ofthe tlm pan. in midcra~n ofTen Dollars and mher v~ comidgmtion , of fl~e second pan f.'.,rever, ALL ~ ==r~in plo~ piece or pmcel oflird, wit tie builds sad impro~wnents the~on e~ecied, situ~c, lyi~ See Schedule "&" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The grantora herein are the same parties end the premises herein ia the same es deecrlbed in deed gated July 30~ 2~1 and recorded August 26, 2001 in Liber 12137 cp 898, Eileen AnConiello Stn~ af New York~ Cmtn~ of J mi. BARGA~_N & SAL~ D~ Eileefl AnCon~ello TO Peter Vekiarellla. FI~F.I,ITY NA'I'ION~J.,TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF N£w Yosut 1000 135.01 01,00 003. 000 CO~JNT'f OIS~I~ o [ Suffolk Nddl~y Nmtlenal Title hlmr'-nn Company of New Yedt l~d.~t tr M~t.t. Pacricia C. Moore, Esq. SI020 Hain Road Southold, NY 11971 SCHEDULE A ALL that cer=ein plot. piece° or parcel of land siCua=e, lying and being in the Town of Sou=hold, Suffolk County, Nsw York, being know~ ss Unit Number 3 as shown o~ Condominium ~lsn entitled "Ror=h Fork Beach Condominium', filed in the Suffolk Coun=¥ Clerk's Office on July 12, 19~S, as Map No. 119 and 'Amended Map o~ North Fork geach Condominium," ~il~d December 11, 198$, es Hap No. 119 =ogether with an undivided 2.37% in=eros= as =ena~= in common in the ~lements of =he Condominium deacribud in =he Declare=ion of Condominium en=i=led. "Notch Fork geach Condominium", frecorded in the Suffolk County C~erk~s Office in LIber 9~290 Page 142 s~e~ded by ~ibur 993~ ~age 468. Numtxr orr Peges , Sexial # , Certifgslc ~ Prior Cfi, # Deed / Munsagc Irmnmm~l Deed / Mm'tgagc Tnx Stamp FEES Filing EA-52 17 (Coum. y) ~bTe4al ILP,T,S.A. Camm, of.Ed. ^fl'alavi~ fled Copy Copy Sub Toml GRAND TOTAL REO0~ F_.d~ rd P. {baaaine CLF~0F L IXYOO1221~ P C, TJ 02-10~? 2. Additional Sub Total SpecYA~iL s~e~./A~L TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town,__ Dual County ~ Ileld for Apponim~mem ~ ~i~ Tax r~ p~fly ~ by this m~e is ~ will be improved by a one or two family d~il{ng ~ly. ~ NO~ S~m~ Date la~b~ls 7 Real Property Tax Service Agency Verifi~tlon Dist. Se~ion B I~ 02039578 xooo x3so~, ozoo oo3ooo ~o SMI ^ Preservation Fund Consldcration Amount $ 6,7 ~000.00 CPF T-.a= Due $ -0- RECORD & R~TURN TO: Hichael Jude Jannuzzi, Baq. 775 P,.rk Avenue, Suite 205 HuntingCon~ NY I17&3 ', Suffolk Vacant Land TD Title Company Information Co. Name First Ney York Title and Abst,ract LCd. Title # 02-7362-S & Endorsement This page fom~ par~ or the attachod TO 0eed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INS'IRUMEhrI' ) The premises ~e,~in is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. in the Town~. 'p o£ $outhoid in tie VILLAGE or H~AML~F of Southo made by: BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED ~t BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RFCORDINO OR FILING. lOVER). I llllllmllmlllll[m lllllllmlllll I lllmllllllllllll]l SUFFOLK COURTY CLERK RECO~.~D S OFFICE RECORDING PAQE T~pe o£ Instrument, DF3DS/DDD TRANS~ TAX NOMBEP.: 02-10357 1000 ~eea Beco~, At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 135,01 01.00 $47,000.00 X0/0./2002 11=31=17 AM D00012213 718 003.000 ~ceiv~ ~ Foll~g Peem For ~ve X~trument ~t Page/FilLng $12.00 NO Hlmdl~ng COE $5.00 NO NYe EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STAT~ TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Co~iee PLPT $30.00 NO SCTM Tranm£er tax $188,00 NO Comm. Pree Fees Paid TRANSFI~R TAX ~BERt 02-10357 THIS PAG~ IS A PART OF THE INSTP. QMENT $5.00 NO $X5.00 NO $25.00 NO $o.oo ~1o $o.oo NO $o.oo NO $290.00 Edward P. Itc~a~ne County Clerk, SuffoLk County INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 RP - 5217 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES 1. Property 52325 North Road Lo=atior ' STREET NUMBER STREET NAME I SouChold I Southold CI~¢ORTOWN VILLAGE ' ~ ~' I ~]~TZZip CODE 2. Buym' I Vekiarel lis Peter Name ~*r NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME ~AST NAME COMPANy FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where f~ture Tax Bills are to be sent / ~-'~/~-- 7/</o' ,/ /') ~-/~/Z 7 ~ /,.; J Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form)I I Address U~ST NAME / COMPANY FIRST NAME .hi ? I ~?~ >-~/~ ;~; , ,~/,"X'l ~//~'/ CITY OR TOWN STA~ ZIP CODE I (Only ff Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: ]' I # of Parcels OR Part of a Parcel 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision AuthbdtV Exists [] 4B. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer [] 4~ Parcel Approved for ~ubdivision with Map Provided [] ,L ,J- // STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME 4, Indi~at® the number of Assessment Roll parcels t~ansferred on th? deed 5. Deed X[ ORI .... ~ .3 .8 I Property ,. Size FRONT FEET DEPTH ACRES 6. seller I Antoniello I EileeD Nanl~ LAST NAMECOMPANY FIRST NAME I LAST NAME COMPANy FIRST NAME 7. Che~k the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of ~di®: A~ One Family Residentia ~ I~ 2 or 3 Fami ~ Residentia C ~ Residentia~ Vacant Land DLI ~Non-Residential Vacant Land I SALE ~N~Om~TiON I 11. Sale Contract Date 12. Date of Sale / Transfer Commercial Industrial Apartment Public Service Entertainment Amusement Forest I os / z9 / oz ] Month Day Year /o/ / / D Month Day Year 13. Full SalePdce , I I I I 4 I 7 I 0 t 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I iFull Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including ~ersonm proper[y. ] This payment may be in the form of cash. other property or goods, or the assumotion of ,] mortgages or other obligstions. I Please round to the nearest whole dofiar amount 14. Indicate the value of personal property In~uded in the sale I , 0 , 0 , 0 I ! · Check the boxes below as 1hey al~ly: 8. Ownemh o Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Property Located w~hin an Agricultural District 10B. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating tnst the property is in an~?gricultural District 15. Check one or more of the~e conditla~s as apflli~abla to trar~. A B D E F Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sare of Fractional or Less than Fee tnterest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Includbd in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) 16. Year of Assessment Rdil from I 0, 21 17. TatalAsse~sedValualofallparceleintransfer) l which information take~ 18. Propert~ Class I~ , [~ [I-r I 19. School District Name . $outhold 20. Tax Ma~ IdentifierIs) / Roll Ideatifier(s) (If more than four. atto~ sheet with additional identifier(s)) 1000- ! 35.0 l-O 1.00-003. 000 6 8 5I ~ ½ ½>' , /35.1- I- 5 CERTIFIC~'I~N ~: ! I certify that all of the itoms of fl]formation entered on this form are t~ue and co~ i~ ~ ~t ~ my ~1~ ~ ~ ~d i ~d~ ~t ~e ~ any wflkenl false statement of materhd ~act herein wi sub]eat me to the provisions of' the penal law relative to the maE;ag and filing of false instruments. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY t C~P¢ OR TOW~ Zip CODE ¥~ . SELLER ~' SEL[:E~ S~ ~ ' Jannuzzi Michael Jude 631 I 385-8182