HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12211 P 4922002. ~ SAM RODL.AND. TFU. S UqDEN:i'URE made ~qe 10t~ O~-~, Pv...~ogue 11~. New YoUr. pa~y ofth~ second pan. WITNESSETH: ~ the party of the ~ parc, in oo~fiaa oFTen DoL__Isrs (SlO.00)htwftd ~ oftl~ U~ Sm~ ~ O~h~ ~ ~ valu~e ~~ ~ ~¢ O~e lany or'the second lan. does ~ 8sI~ and r~ unlo the pnrty ofl~ secon~ pe~ ~ hei~ o~' ~ end ~ ofthe SuWatk Count, New Yof~_., ~ known as U~t 2 u ~ on ~~ ~n ~ C~i~am' ~ i~ ~ ~1~ C~ ~'a O~ ~ ~ ~ Cp 142, us~ any pan of~'~ totaJ of~ sa~ne for any o~her p~,pose~ The wccd "~ ~ be construed as if it re_~ "paniea' w'r, eaever the ~ cd'the i~de~ru~e ~o requires. Ueb,8 and L~ to be tim ~ pmn~_ses coaveyed m the ~:zmor bccein by .J _ _.~_ dated 4/29/2~ and ~ext in ~he Suffolk Co,~_nty ~'s ORSce on 5dr~ l/'20~ in ~ i2045 cp 830 SC~DU~ C Fo~k ~h C~niurn" r~or, J~ ~n ~ ~ffoLk Co~_,-~. C~-.rk's Office I~b~ 9L99 cp 142. T¥~ ~ on wh~h FOR ~ORbLATION ONLY ~ ~.!0 0~0 002.000 STATE OF NEW YORK COLr'NTY OF SUFFOLK SS O~ OMNI TITLE ~ENCY TOTAL CPF TIx l~.~t Co. & ~d-o~sc,~ ,! SUFFO~ CO~ CLE~K UCORDS OFFZCE RRCORDZI~ PAGE l~--r of~ Pages: 4 TRAI~S~ TAX b~KR; 02-08611 1000 AtT 135.01 01.00 ~AHD ~A~ FOY.~OW8 $5~,000,00 Rece:Lved ~ F~ollo~/,ug Fees :r,A-C'I~ ~-584 02-08611 For Above ~C. rumenr. NO F,A-STAT'g No SClm NO Ccnn~. Pre a A ~AIT OF T'~ /~JU-~ County Cl~k, Suf£oZk Country 09/26/2002 11~38145 AN D00012211 492 002.000 $S,00 NO $15.00 NO $25.00 NO $0. CI0 NO $0.00 eK) $0.00 NO $310.00 1. Property Location ww~v.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518} 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP- 5217 CI~ OR TOWN VILLAGE I t4IC~.gb AND A~l~;Ir, lm,iA 3. Tax )ndicote where f~ture Tax Bills ar~ to be sen1 Bi#fog if other than buyer address (at bottom of forml . Address I if of Farcels OR ~ Part of a Parcel Planning Board with Subdivision Aufl~ Exists [] g. Sali~ 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer [] 4C. Parcel A~proved for Subdivision with Mao Provided [] B ~ 2 or 3 Family Residential C [.~ Residential Vacant Land ~[)U .Non-Residential Vacant Land I1. ~le ~ontriet Date I r~ /'!1:~ ,'/ ~? I 12, Date of Sale / Transfer $52,000. 13. Full Sale Pri~e J I I r I , I I I , 0 , O , (Furl ~le Pri~ is the t~al amount ~id ~r ~e pmpe~ i~ludi~g personal pm~. mo~gag~ or other oblig~o~s,) Please round fo the ~ whole dollar amount. 14. 8. Ownership Type is Condominium [] 9. New Conatru~tion on Vacam Land [] that the pro~rty is in an/~gficultural D?~i~ ct BU~'ER'$ A'rrORNEY StLV~ LAST NAME M/~2IN (R31) I 435-~700q