HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12386 P 911THIS INDEKT'OREq ~ the Int ~ of Ap~l in the year BETWKEN DOMINIC NICOLATZ] ud ANNA-SIGGA NICOLAZZ& ms hmhmd md wi~, Ix~4h rmldb~-~ $1 l)inulm Avame, Fnnn~lr. ~ DOM!NIC NICOI. AZZI raidinl n~ ~1 Phzmi~ Avatar, F~ NY 1 I?'J& peny oflhe m:on(I pen. WrFNESSETH. thru i!~ pafly of the firJt pail, M aJrdMalfiOu of tm doilms and olbn' vahabb ~snd beb~ h the SEE ATFACHED DESCRIPTION BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same pflsnJms axweyud to gomini~ NJoda~d and ~ Nicobzzi by deed dined Mmh t2, 2004. nd receedaJ Apil I..2004, in liber 12311 ps~ 173 h the County ofhf~lk. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lbo inusds~ benin ~ unlo tho imll~ o~'lM sls:ond prat. tim boits m' sm:cem~ and assi~s of the psrty~of tho mcaad psn forswr. AND the party of JM tim pe~, in compllnnce with Sa~Jon 13 oflh~ Uen Law, covenaflts that ~he pafly oF canldaltlOa as a Imst fund to be appbd first b be puqmse of p~in8 tim c,,m orb improveaunt and AND ~ ~ orb tim ~ covaums u fo~ ~ ~ ~ of~ h ~ h s~ of~ saL4 enjoy the said pnsnbm; thsi the said pnsuises a~ b ~nm m excq4 as afomaM; ilar tire perry of ~Jo fn~ pail will execuM or pflmu~ any further nKessaJy auurance of the tltb to said Jxmnises; and tha~ said party of the tim pm~ will roK*ver wammt the ~ltle to sam pmnises. Tho word "1~ sbII Ix: oomlmod m if k rind "pm~s~' wha~b~' lbo s~rdo ohhis indmlu~ so m~ IN WlTNL~S WHEREOF, h'~o p&-ty oflho tln~ pl~t hu du~ 8xeculod Ihb da:d ~he ~y and y"~" fu~ In prcsenns of'~ · Safe Harbor Title Agency, Ltd. 8chedqle A, Revised: 03/17/2004 'lqile Number 81'1220786 Page Undenwiter 838-8-7410 ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being'l~ the'l:own of Southctd, County of Suffolk and State of Now York, being more particularly bounded and described ss fellows: BEGINNING at the ~omer formed by the intersection of the Northeasterly side of Main Bayviow Road with the Northwesterly side of Watarview Drive; RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning along the Northeasterly side of Main Bayview Road the following two (2) courses and distances: 1) North 59 degrees 01 minute 00 seconds West, 465.78 feet; 2) North 51 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, 14.24 feet to land now or fermerly of Henry; THENCE along said land. North 24 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East, 239.91 feet to the near high water line of Goose Creek; THENCE along the near high water line of Goose Creek the fellowing tie line courses and distances: 1) North 43 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds East, 61.14 feat; 2) North 10 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds East, 157.23 feet; 3) Nbrth 34 degrees 57 minutes 10 seconds East, 95.51 feat; 4) North 85 degrees 10 minutes 26 seconds East, 37.93 feat to land now or .formerly of Kaminskl; THENCE along said land the following two (2) courses and dhtances: 1) South 32 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds East, 305.00 feet; 2) South 71 degrees 30 minutes 50 seconds East, 111.05 feat to the Southwesterly side of Waterview Drive; THENCE along the S~)uthwesterly, Westerly and Northwesterly sides of Watervlaw Drive the feliowing courses, curves and distances: 1) South 15 degrees 01 minute 30 seconds East, 118A5 feet; 2) Southerly along the erg of a curve, bearing to the right, having a radius of 175.07 feet, a distance of 146.39 feat; 3) South 32 degrees 53 minutes 10 seconds West, 239.56 feet to the comer afemsaid at the point.or place of BEGINNING. REGULATED TIDAL WETLANDS 8ssoclatad with Goose Creek em located at Suffolk County Tax Map Number. Dlatrlot 1000, Section 78, Block 07, Lot 09, otherwise known aa the pmperlles of Estate of J. Zebroski and his heirs, assigns, or successors. This property is subject to the provisions of New York State Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) Art~le 25 or its successor, and the conduct of regulated activities may oecur only pursuant to ECL Article 25 If prior approval is given by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC).or its successor. Regulated activities include, but are riot limited to the erection of any structure(s); excavation; dredging grading and filling; olearlng of vegetation; and application of chemicals. For ConvoyflflGIng Oflly'~ If ~.dlKI to ~e convoyed. Together wl~ all righl, title and Infarct or, In and lo any streets ~ made abutting tho above dasgrlbed premises, O Safe Harbor Title Agency, Ltd. 8'rATE OF NEW YORK. OOUNTY O~~ mu~m~ lira mm; mi dtiml tumid witmm m dm m~ ~nm -,h-',ilmd M~tmm~hir mmm4s) m m v~d~ tJmnlo [sld lb Jbbl iflb dsmlsdpm b Ilim mddt Ny SmB] and tm mid ~ witnm msd~ sod: qqxmtme befmt the undmisned in the (btm d~ city er otha' p~ Ilbdi~llimm W dm ~lmk) m "~mm')' m dimr idlmm d-- Wm Imlm). . ~lmom Io mmlm)~mJ ~me m tbp Ii of mili~ talin to be lie iodividdl) lbo rise(m) is (m) dlmb:l to dlo wilhbl inn mi .dmowlndSnd to ms tim ho'didih~ _--__~_ __.~__ die reno In hls~xr/ih~ eqmd~ks}, md thd b,/~ si~s) en the Inslmmm~ the indivtdu~s), or the IN~0n m bl~dfofwhi~ tim indivi~s} noted, mmouted tho stol lb Sum ar eaenay or aCbcr phae th- Mvm Idim). to me Imovm, v/re. bei~ ~ nm duly prom. dkl dqxe md my dm k.. ii dm that Ibc sod Mrmd to ssld ImUmnmt is such ~me stol: that It wus so aflixed by onler of the boerd of ~ ~ {Warranty Deed rmm~vnh NY.ZZ .~_8. ~ ~0 Title In~urtno~_C~mim__nL__L Number qt' paaes TORRENS Serial # Ceflificate # PdmQf.# Deed I Murtilage Instrument Deed / Mortp&e Tax Stump FEES Race. in8 / Filbt8 Staml~ Paae / Filin8 Fee HandlinS TP-$84 Notation · EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) P,.P.T.S.& C,.,,., of Ed. Affidavit Certified Cow Other Date Initials ~Sub'l'o~al ~ I. Bmie Tax 2. Additional 'lax Sub Total SpecJA~sit. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dud Town Uual~ounty,~ I. teld for ~R~,~io~,/~ Tmaxfar 'l~ ~ I~io~ Tax The property covered by this mot~ is or ~ will be improved by a one or two family Sub Total dwellin8 only.  YES o~NO ORAND TOTAL If NO, see appropriate tax clause on pal~c # ~of this inst~ment. ' ., ae.I Propm~ T~x sm, i. ~ Ya'iflc~ioa I C,ommun,t~, i r~s°rvallon~, und  CPI'' rex Due S,.-.~1~-~ d__ Land Saiisfactions/DischarsedReleases List Propefl RF. CORD& RETURN t=',,?.< ~, ,,u/- ui~.(-E TD TD (t'/3 8 18 I ~'itle Company Information Co. Name <: T /.. · ,, - I Title # '~ H ~2. 07 ~, Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page ' This pose forms part of th~ attached TO (SPECIFY TYPE OF IN:fl KUMENT ) The premises he.in is situmed in SUi:FOLK COLI~I¥, NEW YORK. In th~ 'rov,mhip of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of made by: BOXES $ THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 10 Rr'.CORDING OR FILING. (OVER) I lllll[llllllt]lllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllll[ll] BUFPOnK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instruments DEEDB/DDD ~--~er of P&ges: 4 Receipt ~--~er : 05-0051260 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-40558 1000 Deed Amoun~t Recorded: At: LIBER: 078.00 07.00 $0.00 os/12/2oos 12,56,28 D00012386 911 009.000 ReceLved tho Following Fees For Abo~e Instrument Exempt Pegs/Filing $12.00 HO Handling COB $5.00 NO N~S BRCHG EA-CTY $5,00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30,00 NO SCTM Transfer t~x S0.00 NO C~---~Pres Fees P&~d TP~/~SFER TAX NUHBERs 04-40558 THIB PAGB IBA PART OF T~E INBTRUMB~T THZB ZB HOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $242.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Su££olk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htip'~/www.orps.ltate.ny.u8 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR C~OtJNTY USE ONLY ,~, I 'l ...,~c.. 1"/',7,-&g,~.')', I ',~ .~...O~TW=,~..~.O.T I I ~& gll ~. ~TAIEMmwYom I C2'DaleD~mlRem)rdKI ~ I ~ ~ ~ ' RP - S~17 I .~OGI'HO(-~ I .To,.~nJ o~, ~O~)T~O~O litq~l I I I I SALE INFORMATION ,,. kk c~m Dm io~-// ol io~'1 A B C D I J I I I I I ~z,..:,~'no. I ~'~ MII~ M~. M~Im~M d mwkl kd Im~k ,~1 MiNd m lo Ik. m~M~x~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ml~ k) IM ,Mkl mi ~ ~ m BUYER W MA~/dl NEW YORK STATE COPY