HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12369 P 181THIS INDENTURE, made tho ~,,~"~'~ d*~; of ~ BETWEEN 2005 PAUL A. CAMINITI AND SHIRLEY CAMINITL as Husband and Wife, residing at 9S0 Watervlew Drive, Southold, NY 11971 ... ' party of the first parC, and ' ' THOMAS J. LANDI AND I.IND~, G. I'.~NDI, as Husband and Wife, residing at 61 I Prange Street, Bellmore, NY 11710 party of second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first per in consideration of ten dollars end other valuable consideration paid by tho patty of the second part, does hereby ~ant and release unto the party of the second parc. tho heirs or s~ccnssore and assigns of tho party of'the second part forsve~, ALL that certain plot~ piece or pareel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being i~ AT BAYVIEW, IN THE TC)WN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK, MORE'PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF TIlE EASTERLY LINE OF WATERVIEW DRIVE WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF A PROPOSED $0 FOOT HIGHWAY; SAID FEINT OF BEGI~,T~qG BEING 350.00 FEET SOUTHERLY AI.ONG SAID EASTERLY LINE FROM THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID WATERVIEW DRIVE; FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING RUNNING ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF WATERVIEW DRIVE NORTH 57 DEGI~EES 42 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 100.00 FEET; THENCE ALONG LAND OF THE PARTY OF TIlE FIRST PART. TWO COURSES AS FOLLOWS: I. SOUTH 39 DEGREES 09 MINUTF. S 40 SECONDS EAST, 150.00 FEET; 2. NORTH 57 DEGREES 42 MINLrfES 00 SECONDS ~ST, 100.00 FEETTO SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID IIIGHWAY; TIIENCE ALONG SAID NORTIIERLY LINE NORTH 39 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 40 SECONDS WEST, 150.00 FEET TO THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 078.00 BLOCK 07.00 LOT 028.000. BEING TIlE SAME PREMISES DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE GRANTORS RECORDED IN LIBER 8998 PAGE 396. TOGETHER with all right~ title and interest, if any, of the party of the first pan in and to any streets and reads abutting the above described premises to tho center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances end all the estate and righus of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted ante the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of tlie first part has not done or suffered eny'~hing whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except es aforesaid AND the party oft. he first part, in compliance with Section ~.a oft, he Lien Law, covenants that t.% party ortha first pact will receive the consideration for :his conveyance un.d will hold the right, to receive such consideration os.e treat fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the coat of the improvement end will apply the same fits: to tho payment of the cost of the improvement be£ore using any part of the total of the same for any et. her purpose. The word *party~ shall be construed aa if it reed "partials" whenever the sense of chis indenture aG requires. IN WITNESS W'd~REOR ~he party of the first pert has duly executed this dasd the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: SLate of New York, County of ~uffolk O. dK: 'by of Jar,,,:,ry in I]~ year 2005 bcfom mc. the undcrsigf~l, personally appe~mJ PAUX.A. CAMIm.'r~ At~) ~ CAM]~-'.'I' , pe?.m]%, k.ow. to n.~ or proved to ,n~ o, ~ basis of cv~de.cc o be thc..h.klual(s) wl,m~ n~"(s) ~ (am) subscribed within insU'umap and ~cknowledged to me that hc/sbe./d~ exacumd the ~mc in hiwhet/~zir capecity(iem), and that by hirdbet,l~.ir signature(s) on ~he in~umcm, the i.dividual(s), or the persm upon behalf of which the indivldaal(~} ~cted, execumd %he instrummc OAMILLE LUCAPdNI Nu::-¥ Publk:, 6~e of Nsw Yo~k No. 4910722 4.~dlfied in Suffolk Oounty ~'~11mi~don Expires ACr.,VOWLF~GMBVT FOI~ FO,~ US8 WmII# NEW YOI~ ~I'A Tg ONLY: [New Y.r~ Sub~rib[~s Wilagt~Adtno~ledllra~m Cenl.[L~e} Stale or New York, Counly or } sa.: On the ~y of ht thc yc~' hci'~.c me, die undersign~l, pe~mflally appeared t~ su~bin8 wi~ m me r~going i~ ~ w~m l ~ my ~t hds~ ~i~(s) in $'"leorNewYork, Counlyor Suffolk I~.: On dm 7 day or January i. thc),cm' 2005 ~l'~,'~ hz, dm undc~ig.ed, m-'~,'~~ ~o me on me basis or sa~sruc~ cvklmc~ us hc thc individuul(s) within instmmmt and acknowled~.d to mc that be/she/d~, executed the same in his/lerAheir capacsty(ics), and that by hb~er/their signature(s) off the instmmcn~ the individual(s), or thc pe~,on upon bcha]f of which thc i,dividual(s) acted, cxe~dted ~e insmuncm. ( l~serl I1~ cit~ .r ¢~l~er Iw~lilicnl ,vubdi~isba~ amd d~ State or ~nunlry or ml~r place tl~ acknnwL.~n~n~ wc~ tal~n~ BARGAIN & ,.~ALE DE~D Tir~Mo. OLTCRGO #3804-01160 L~ql')I FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE OCOMPANY OF NEW YORK DISTRICT 1000 SECT;ON 78 BLOCK 7 Lot 28 COUNTYOKTOWN ~ / ~ PAT~ICIA ~, ESQ. DZ~um~r.T.T & D~A'4PSEY, ESQS. 737 ROAZ'i0~ AVE:. PO BOX 488 RIVI~.HEAD, NY 11901-0000 Number of paEes .V ~. 00 No.tadon EA-52 17 (County) Sub Tdal 2005 Feb 01 02:37:52 PM · Eduard P.l~ine .~CFOLK ODUHT? · .. · ' L..~2~9 P 18~ . ~on~ ~ To~. .. S~./~. ~.o~. ~. oo~ ~)~ I~-~'/~ -. ' ' ~:~/ I~°"~., ~vit , - ...... ' ' ~ed Copy · . ~ · [ or .~ ~ ~p~v~ :by a o~ or ~ · [ ~y d~ ~. :.. 4 D~t. [S,~o. {m~ I~, '~ ' ~x, ' . I . ;"-- . ............ I ..... Tax Servic~ ~ · Agency Yedfication E~alisfaclio '.I~)i,~ha~¢~a.ses List Propeliy Ov,'n~l~ .M~-fling A~.aa · · - RECORD & RETURN TO: V~cant LtM Suffolk £ )a~c forms pan of the at~chcd " & ·Endorsement (SPECIFY TYPE OF.INSTP.~ The premisc.s hereto m _~ ' -"'dm $ .UI~FOLE COUNTY, Nb'W YOR~ SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDIN~ PAGE Type of Instruments DEEDB/DDD Receipt Number ; 05-0011810 TRANSFER TAX H~MBER: 04-26949 Distrtctz 1000 Doed Amounbz Recordedt LIBER: PAGE: 5ection= Block8 078.00 07.00 EXAM~NEDJtHD CHARG~DAH POLLOWS $475,000.00 o2/ol/2OO5 02=37z52 PM D00012369 181 Lot ~ 028.000 Received tho Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYS BRCHG EA-CT~ $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart. Copies RPT $30.00 NO Transfer tax $1,900.00 NO Fees Paid TRANSFer TAX NO~BER; 04-26949 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Ex-~.t $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $6,500.00 NO $8,549.OO Edward P.Romatne County Clerk, Su££olk County .--rPLEASE 'r~PE'O~"~L(S$'FIRML~7 WHEN'WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hEp:J/www, orps.state,ny, us or PHONE (518i 473-7222 950 I T~/P.-£~VZI~/ DRZVIC I I ~ I 'DC74~ C~' SOL,"~T.n I 11971 I Bling ifmhwtthanbu~mddmmlwtlx~dfmm! [ I ~ Rolpa~MetmndmTedonthed#d I '1 #ofPmrceb OR PmrtofmPmrcel I LDNd P.N.dy I Ixl I0.1 ..... ~ .4 I ~. s.a~r I Ga.H.T.~'~ I pRUT,., A. I I [~ Cemmunily ~e~tee ~. New Co~ltmcUo~ on Vacant J I~ Indus~'lal '.~ Pmpe~,Lemeld wilhkl in A~d Diltri~ A B I 01 /~f-I- / 05 I D F l~.r~dlbel~e I , , , ? , n , n , n , I) , 0 I G ~- . _~_ _ _. H 1Lbldleetethevab'mdPiri°nM I , 0 0 Q I I ASSE~SIVIENT INFOR&~TION · Dwtn Ihould ndMct the lat~t Final A~ent Roll end Tax Bill I Sole M BulJnelo is Indudod kl Sore Pflce Otho~ Ueumd Fi~om ~g S41o P~e !~y blow) None ~ ~ .6,3,0,0 I! ~ Tig( Map l/nlJG~d I Reg Mild III ~,~ thin leur, attaeh daet with eddidoed kiattilMtdl 000-078.00-07.00-028.000 I I I I I I I CEM 1 iPICATION 9A[J'~ A. C_J~LT~ITI I NEW YORK STATE COPY