HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12208 P 483Tiffs ~DF_~ mede ~ 29 ~y of Au~us~ ~ 2002 ~aN~ ~ES, ~C, vl~h O:[~Ce~ l~te~ on ~ou~e 25A~ in J~ON J. Shoreha~, ZAFFINO and JENNIFER New York 11706 943 See attached Schedule intended ~o be the aa~ premises conveyed Co the g~an~ors center !i~ ~: T~R ~ [mrm ~ en~ eU {N W~N~$ ~EREOF, I~ ~ of ~ ~i~ ~ ~ duly John So.dale A D~,.cript|on ,, T*ll~e ~uml~r I. TNY-I~I~2 Page .~J-L tha! certain plot, piece or ~m.~ of land. w~h ~ buildings a~ tm~e~nts ~ embed, situses, lying ~d being ~ ~e T~ of S~d, ~u~ of Suffo~ a~ S~te o~ N~ Yo~. b~ ar~ d~ ~ fo~: BEGINNING at a ~rtt on ~e ~uU',erty side of e prrvate f'~ht of wy at the no~easterry comer of land forrne~y of BoYtrnan, Belancic; Sa~ ~int being dts~r~[ 150.00 fee~ easterly from the ~t~ of the ~uther~y side Of ~Id pdvam ~h[ of wey and easterty side of Wate~ RUNN(NG ~ENCE along satd ~ht of ~y, the fo~owing ~ courr, e and South ~ d~ees 0g minutes 40 seconds East, S~th ~ d~re~ 39 m[nu~es 00 seconds West, 211.57 feel to land n~-.~v or THENCE No~ 39 d~rees 09 minu~ll seconds West, al~ said la~ of ~, 249,~ feet to land formerty of Bergen, now or formerly of ~w,n & Maryel]en M a~_hae~, THENCE North 57 degrees 42 minu~ O0 seconds East, along said la~ of Ma~aei & Belanc~c, 200.00 fee~ to the southerly side of said right of way at Slmm al Hew Y~ C~ane. faf TO S~CT~ON 078.00 a~cK 07.00 LOT 032. 004 COUNt' ~ S~f~oik STR~A~E~ 295 P~ivate Road ~27 $outhold, NY 11961 Daniel J. OeRosso, Esq. Feld~an, Kta~e~ & Monaco, P.C. 330 VanCe:buelL ~otor Parkway Hauppauge, Ne~ York FF.~$ ~J~ P~ {)Ti Sab Tota{ ORAND TOTAL O~ {000 07800 0700 0200¢ R~E ^ R~CORD & TIU= # L i~uic Tax TOT. MTG. TAX ~ Town ~ C~ty ..... NO. ~e ~1~o~ ~ cl~ ~ ~,~ ii, TD /'D Ti) TO I ill!lllliiilllll SUFFOLK C(~JN"~Y RECOP~S RECC)RD ]~ ~E TRANSFER TAX }~JMBER: 02-06260 100o ~ ~unt: Reco~: LIBE~R PAGE 078.00 07.00 EXAMINED A~ C~D ~ 09/12/2002 03:0i:29 P~I D00012208 483 032.004 ~ceivad th~ Follow:n~ F~a For 930.00 TRANSFER TAX ~£R: 02-05260 NO EA-$TATE NO Ce=t. Cop~es NO C~. ~ea Fees Paid THIS PAGE IS A PART OF T~ INSTRL~NT 85.00 ~0 $15.00 ~0 $25.00 90.00 NO 90.00 NO $3,110.00 NO Edward P.~ne County Clark, Suffolk County