HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12407 P 775P hi'iai,il iud ~ ~ wah Covtnantl Apimt GriilOr'l Ai;U. I ndiwiduid or ( ~N~orallon CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING Tins INb'rRUMENT - THIS [ N~Ill UM F.N,'T ';i[OULD BE I]~:D BY LAWYEP~ ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the _'~1 s~* day of __~i~[~, 2005 BETWEEN PAUL E. HALE, residing at 49 Lawrence Hill Road, Huntington, New York, ! 1743; and IADELAIDE M. HALE, residing at S132 North Bayview Road, PO Box 339, Southold, New York, 11971, as tenants in common without right of survivorship, party of the first part, ADELAIDE AL HALE, residing at S132 North BaFview Road, PO Box 339, Southold, New York, ! 1971 party of the second pan, WITNESSETH, that the pm'fy oftbo first pa.% in consideration ofTEN (SI0.00) dollars, lawful money of the United States paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party ofthe second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point thc following two courses and distances from a monument on the Northwest side of North Bayview Road (a/k/a North Road to Bayview) at the southeast comer of had of $. and A. Chgen, which said monument is 30.76 feet nonhaast ora monument marking an angle point in said North Bayview Road: I. North 42 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 203.13 feet; 2. North 68 degrees 37 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 307.90 feet to the point or place of BEG/NNING. RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning, South 21 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 145 feet to the extreme notlharly end of an an: ora curve; THENCE along said arc ora curve bearing to the tight ia a general westerly direction having a radius of 25 feet, a distance of 39.28 ~-et to a monument; THENCE North 68 degrees 37 minutes 50 seconds west a distance of 235.00 feet to a monument and the extreme easterly end of an arc ora curve; THENCE along an arc or a curve bearing to the leR in a general westerly direction having a radius of 101.17 feet, a distance of 40.0 feet to a monument; THENCE North 2 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 230.69 feet to a monument; THENCE South 68 degrees 37 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 375.00 feet to a point; THENCE South 21 degrees 22 minute~ 10 seconds West a distance of 40.0 feet to the point or place of BE(3INNING. TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive tight of way for purpose of inl~reas to and e~'ess from thc above described land to and from North Bayview Road (n/k/a North Road to Bayview), and also for the purpose of installation, maintennnce and re'pair and replucement of public utility lines, pipes and conduits, above the surfuce, below the surface and on the surface of said right of way in such a manner so as not be interfere with thc surface travel. Said tight of way being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at n point on the northwest side of North Bayview Road (a/Ma North Road to Bayview) at n monument at the southeast corner of land of J. and A. Gagen, which said mo,~umant is 32.05 feet north of a monument marking an a~,le point in said road; RUNNING THENCE North 42 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of203.13 feet; THENCE North 68 del~ees 37 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 307.90 feet to premises herein conveyed; THENCE along p,=mises herein conveyed, South 21 delFees 22 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of 20 feet; THENCE South 68 del~'ees 37 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 303.23 feet; THENCE South 42 delpees 19 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 208.34 feet t~ the northwest side of North Bayview Road (n/Ma North Road to Bayview); THENCE along the northwest side of North Bayview Road (a/Ma North Road to Bayview), North 21 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 22.31 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING of said riF, ht of way. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the parties of the first part by deed dated November 2. 1995 recorded ht the Office ortho Clerk of the County of Suffolk on November 13, 11995 in Liber ! 1749 at page 77.8. TOGETHER with nil right, title and interest, if any. of the party of the first part in and to any streets and fonds abutting the above dcscribed premises to the center lines thereof. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and ri~ts of the party of the first part in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Rte premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party oftbe second purt forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the pan'y of'the first part hn~ not done or suffered anything whereby th,- sa/d premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND THE party of the first part. in compliance with Section 13 ofthe Lien Law, covenant~ that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost ofthe improvement, and will apply the same first to thc payment of the cost of thc imprevement befurc using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. Ti~' word "purt~ shall be construed es/fit read ~rties" whenever thc sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc party of the first ~ has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE Ol~. STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF ~;fl~-'i)k,K) ss: appeared PAUL E. HALE, person~y'known to me or proved to mc on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he lexecu d the ~me in his .capacity, and that by his signature on the insu. ument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the ,ndividual ac'ted, executed the instrument. TIMOTHY MCQUEEN ROBINSON NOrARY PUBLIC. STATE OF NEW YORK NO. 01MC5047804 QUALIFIED IN KINGS COUNTY - COMMISSION EXPIRES DEC. 10, 20 ~J STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss: On the ,,~ day of ~U.~.~4 ,2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appem~ "~DELAIDE M. HALE, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence Io be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within inslrument and acknowledged to me that shc executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signaturc on the insUumenL the individual, or the person upon bebelf of which the individual acted, executed thc instrument. Number of pages "'T TORRENS p- Serial # C.=rtificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed. Mongage Instrument Page I Filing Fee Handling 5. O0 Notntion EA-5217 (County} EA-$217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other 4 I Dist~ct 1000l Section Verification ~ Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES I Sub Total o79.oo] Block Sub Total Grand Total ~ 02.00[ Lot 006.00{ 050362'/:~ ~oo6 0?90o' ~2oo oo6ooo Snti.qfaction/Discha~xer,/Relense List Pmpony Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RE'fURN TO: Jennifer B. Gould, Esq. PO Box 177 Greenport, NY 11944 Recording / Filing Stamps Moflgnge Amt. I. B~ic Trix 2. Additional Tnx Sub Total Spee. I ,~qsit. Spec. / Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dunl County Held for Appointment Mansion Tax The property covcmd by this motgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO __ If NO, see approprinte mx clause on pagc ~ of fhis instrument. Commnnit~ Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $. 0 Tax Due $ Q Improved Vnennt l~nd TD I co. None qltle # None Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This p~e forms ~ of thc =tncbed Barnnln and Sale Deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT} Paul E. Hale nnd Adelaide M. Hnle The premisi$ hcrcin is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Toweship of Soulhold Adelaide M. Ilale In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Southold BOXF. S 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRJ'NTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FiLING {over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PA~E Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~m~er Of Pagest 4 Receipt ~lm~er I 05-0093691 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-05476 Dietrictl 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded~ LIBER: PAGE: Section: Ulockz 079.00 02.00 ~MINED AND CHARGED ,%5 FOLLOWS $0.00 09/07/2005 01:06~08 PM D00012407 775 LOt i 006.000 Received the Followin~ Fees For Above Instrument P&ge/Ftllng $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NY8 BRCBG gA-=-a'~ $5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $30.00 NO 8CTM TranB£er tax $0.00 NO C---~,Pres Fees P&~d TRANSFER TAX NUMBE~: 05-05476 THIS PA~E IS A PART OF THE INSTH~MENT THZ8 I8 NOT A BZLL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $0.00 $o.oo $152.00 Exm~t NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:Jl www.orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 [ Notch Bayvtev Road [ Soul:hold ] 11971 [ Adelaide H. [ tO, md I 63i ,=,,-~ I {xl {~l , , , · - · a s,u,, { t{a2e Paul E. and Adelaide I [ I Community ,~ ~i=~ Publ~ e-rvk~ I, OMtmINp TR)I il CodvJomlnkJ m [] L Mgw CnMtrudiofl on V~t t.~ld [] 1~. Pmpe~y Lommd wtthln am Agr~-~ltuml Diiz~t [] A B NONE 0 , 0 I 14,1mJgl~ltlmvduedpMemill I , , , i~O~E , , 0 , 0 I [ ~ME; IN~R~N - hm mM m~ tM ~ RMI ~ ~1 and Tax Bill 2 1 0 SouCbold Oth~ Unarm Faetm~ ~k)g ~ale P~e l ~G~,~ Below) None 85 0 0 I ½ ~ ' . ~ · . I 1000 - 079.00 - O2.00 - 006.OOO ] L [ I L J I c~m'~,cA'no. I PO ~ox 3~9 Souctmld Lq/' 11971 Gould, Esq. 631 I JenniFer B. I &77-8607 I NEW YORK STATE COPY