HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12368 P 418THIS INDENTURE, made d~ 12" day of January, Two Tho,_~_,~d Five, BETWEEN S'IT~VEN M. SCHOC~,T and MARGARET SCHOCHET. hi. wife, rHidin'g at 425 Sleel~ Hollow Lane, Southold, New York, 11971, pafly of the first pail, arKJ JOHN MEYER and GAlL MEYER, hh wife, residinn at 446~2 ~'AT~/ ~ _ Southold, New York, 11971 patty ofthe second part, WITNESSETH, that th~ party of thc fu~t pan, in comideratitn of Ttn Dollars and other valuable :onsidemtion paid by the patty ofthe second part. ~ hereby grant and rd~ unto tho ptrty of ~he second pan, the heirs or succe~or~ and a~signs or,he party oftl~ ~econd par~ forever, ALt, that eemb plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvenunts Ihereoa ~,..~l, situate, lyin$ end being at SQatboid, in the Town of Southokk County of SIIf~olk and Sthin of New York. bounded and described ns foHown: Sns atinehed Sehedule '* A" abo how. ns uo .' .th", d,.New vo . Seine lind Intended to be the same premim couve/ed to the Grantors by deed rode by LAURE, N J. PRAUS and 14ARK K. SCHWARTZ, doted December 21, 2ooo and recorded January S. 2001. lB IAeher 1209S. rOGETflER with all fight,'~le snd in~-~k ifny, ord~e M of the tim im-t in and m ny t, Ut t~ ~ med~ shitting the ~ ~*sadl~l ~,~.iii~ to the ce.~et line~ th~eo~ TOGgTHF. R with lh~ appmmnan~ and all Ih~ ~t~ and ~ of h: pmly of the tim part in and to mid pmnis~: TO HAVE AND TO 1 IOLD die i,. =,,,;m herein ~ulted unto the party .f the haa,.[d Prat. the h~ir, or nax'eao~ w,d -~i~m of th~ [m~ of the R, cmtd pm forever. t ND tho puny of the firit pan covenards dial.the p~ly ofti~ tim inut im not done or sufftrul ~nything whereby ~h~ ~ kND the puffy of the fir3t pail. in compliance with Section 13 of the t,ien Law. covennms that the purly of the first pm will ,pplied first for Ibc purpose ofpuying the oost or'the improvunent nd will apply the same Fu3st to Ihe payraent of the cost 'fd~ impmvunem hefom ~lng 'ny pm of the mud ofthe u for any ~h~r pmlm~. ' ~he woed 'p~" shall b~ ~uued ns if it ~ "1~". w~ Ihe ~ offlfi~ bdentum m r~quir~. N WITN .~ WIIEREOF, the putty of the I~w~ p~t hns duly ex~ ~hi~ __,~__ lh~ day ~ ~ fi~ ~ ~. N PRESENCE OF: STATE OF NEW YORK · COUNTY OF SUFFOL'K ) ) On the 12' day of J'enu~ry in thc year, 2005, before me, the p~t-rsigned personally appeared STEVEN M. SCHOCHET and MARGARET SCHOCHET personally known to me. or proved to me on thc I~sis of sndsfactmy evidence to be the individmd(s) whose nn~e(:0 is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me th~ heYsheYlhey ex~u~d the same in hi~her/tbeir cap~ity(i~s), ~ Ibm by his/h~/lbeir signature(s) on the inslrume~, tbe individual(s), or the person on belmlfofwhich the individual(s) nclnd, ex~uted the instmmt:nt. Bargain and Sale Deed wrm cov~,~A~r A¢:AmSV OmA.vroa-s Ac'r TITLE NO:. ~ · I'EVFAV M. SCI IOClIET pJ~'O MAR~ ~CIIOCI lET JOl'~l MEYER. and ('JAil. MEYER SECTION: 78 BLOCK: I COUNTY: SUFFOLK RECORD & RETURN: Richard W. Vandenburgh, ESQ. 4 Montauk Highway Wesflmmpton, New York 11977 SCHEDULE A All that cervain plot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of SOU'I~OLD, at SOUTHOLD, County of Suffolk and State of New York being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of a 50 foot Private Road known as Sleepy Hollow Lane which point ~s 'the southwesterly comer oftbe premises herein described and the southeasterly comer of.the premises now or formerly of Milford; said point of beginning being the following courses and distances from th~ southerly terminus of the easterly side of the public highway known as Willow Pond Lane; south 76 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds east, a distance of 365.00 feet; THI~CE from said point ofbe~nning, ronning along the easterly side of land now or formerly of Milford, north 17 degrees 07 minuo:s 20 seconds east, 277.18 feet to the land now or formerly of Southold Development Corp; TH]~CE north 77 degrees 05 minutes 20 seconds east, along the said land, 26.30 feet to the land of the Nature Conservancy; THENCE south 64 degrees 10 mlntli~s 40 seconds east, 132.72 feet; THENCE along land now or formerly of Dare, south 21 degrees I $ minutes 00 seconds west, 263.27 feet to the northerly side of Sleepy Hollow Lane; THENCE nlong said northerly side of Sleepy Hollow Lane, north 76 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds west, a distance of 135.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with a fight of way (in common with others) over the aforesaid 50 foot private road, the northerly side of which extends from the southeasterly comer of the premises above described and nm~ north 76 degrees 08 minutes $0 seconds west, 500.00 feet to the easterly side of said 50 foot Private Road~ which easterly side extends north 13 degrees 51 minutes ~0 seconds east, 200 feet to the southerly terminus of the easterly side of Willow Pond Lane, said right of way being for the purpose of ingress and egress to and from said premises and to and from the said public highway known as W'fllow Pond Lane, and for the purpose of installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of public utility lines, wires and conduits below the surface, above the surface and on the surface of said · right of way in such manner as not ~ interfere with surface travel. DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 0078.00 BLOCK: 01.00 LOT: 0039.000 imber ,~,f Imgns TORRI]N$ ~ rjnl # . ,t lificnte fl Deed / Mmlgnge iaalm~te, nl tge I Filing ~n~Jllng "-584 outtioi! ~-$2 17 (COUllly) RECORDED _2Q05__ Jan 27 02:28:15 Pti F. duard P, Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COLI4T¥ L DOOO12~S8 P DT! ITccofdiJiB I I:ili,,g.~Jt~pipq ~n~. & Endorsement PaRe, _  1SPECIITY I'YPI~ OF INSTRIJMF. N'r) ~,,--r% J__--'''~ --(~'~' X'''' ~'0(''* Tile prenllW,~a Immin in #iluatetl ill I SUIq'~OLK COUNTY.~N~EiW YORK. THRU R MU~T ~rt TYPED OR. PRllTI'ED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR'I*O RECORDING OR FILINO. " I ~,-5217 (8biLe) *~ ~ ~ , ..D~n. i.',.bwn . , .,. ,Llunl .Courtly I or wil~ ~. &~ by ,~ .m ~ two I" Y~ , ~ NO. · . .-., ~z~ ~ . '-",, .'-.-' ///~ · I r~ "W~I' "~t'"'"" ...... ! ~ '""'' ..... '~"" ' I I Di~lfict S~tlon . . .Bl~k;. . ~ S Comm~~~n ~d 0~033~9 xooo oTeoo oloo oasooo ' ...... ~ ~nt ~ ' / SUFFOLK COUSin' CLERK RECORDS OFF'rCE RECORDTN(; PAGE Type o£ Xnstrumenh: DZRDS/DDD Number o£ Pages: 4 Receipt ~ar I 05-0009893 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-26358 Recorded: At: Deed Amount: 01/27/2005 02:28115 PM LIBER: PAGE: D~strict: Se~ion: Blockl Lot: 1000 078.00 01.00 039.000 ~Y~J(INEDANDCHA~GEDA8 FOLLOWS $695,000.00 Received the Follow~ng Fees For Above Instrument P~:Je/Ftltng $12.00 NO Rind. ling $5.00 COg $5.00 NO NYS SRrmG $15.00 EA-CTY $5.00 NO FA-STATE $75.00 TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies $5.00 RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 Trans£er tax $2,780.00 NO Cmm~.Pres $10,900.00 Fees Paid $13,837.00 TRANSFER TAX NI]MBER: 04-26358 THIS PAGE I8 A PART OF THE INBTR~EHT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Roamine County Clerk, Suffolk County D00012368 418 NO NO NO NO NO NO ........................ FiL~E~-r~E'0R-PR'ES~ FiRMLY-WHEN W~U'I'{NG-ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;//www.oqm~.$tate.ny, ua or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IF OR COUNTY USE ONLY I' '=~~ r'~'~ ~,~"'..mc4.,~,l . '~/'~ll ~~ RP- 5217 I ~o~ ~.~. I ~" ~ ~ ',.~, ~ , ~ ~ L,~ , I ~u~ I I~ q~l I tDMd S~.=l 2 or 1 Family R#ldeqtlll F ~ {q._.{ el_] ...~.~. ~.~ ~d O~1 ,...-- ?_l--J Ol I Nan-II.Idm~lV~centLmd HI I EJ~eminff~m/Arnuiemem I.I I F~ I ~'~ INFORMATION I 11.8de Centr#~ Ebro ~ A B C ,zam~,--b~T~.~, lC) ~ / [~. / 0~'1 D ~,q,.~ h*,d,d i. e. ,,b' i { ~Aa~::a~MENT INFORMATION - Data .J~oukl reflect the btesI F{nil A~ Roll Tax B{lf I '& Ve"~ M AMMm"ant Ra4 fm11L 0 ~ 1" TMII M#e#d Yd'm 'M 'a ~'de klt'Mded.wNdl ~ mba ,..,,... ~.. ~L__~-u ,.,,~.,,.,.._ t ,.C' o,,TI-N I , I I 40nly I Pa~ M m P~dl Che~ m tlmy q~t: · BUYER INEW YORK STATE COPY