HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12369 P 398THIS IND~I1JI~ made the c~ day of January , in the year. 2005 House painting by Robert Toman~ Tnt., a New York corporation, having its office and principal place of business located c/o Robert To.an, 2165 Gabriella Court, M~ttltuck~ NY 11952 Robert Toman and Susan Toman, husband and wife, . i%~ 2165 Cabriella Court Mattituck, NY 11952 Dist. 1000 Sec, 078.00 Blk. 02.00 Lot 013.000 See Schedule A attached hereto and m~de a part hereo~. Being end intended to be the same premises conveyed to the Grantor by Deed dated January 24~ 2001 and recorded February 6, 2001 in LIBER 12101 PAGE 163 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. This conveyance has been amde rich the unanimous consent in vriting of all the stockholders of the party of the first part. TOGETHER with ell right, ti0e and interest, il any, of the party o! .the firstpart in and to any streets and ~,acls abutting the above described premises to the center lin,es thereof, TOGETHER wkh the appurtenlnce~ and all the estate and rights of the party of the first ~ tn and to Mid premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of ~e second part, the heirs or successors ~nd assigns of the party of the s~.ond part forever. · )' AND the party of tim first part coven&ntt that the party et the first part ~ not do~e or suffered anything wh,ereby the said premises have bren encumbered in eny way whatever, except as aforesaid. ' AND the pa~y of the firs~ part. Jn eompiiauee with Section 13 of the Lien the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance ~nd will hold the rlfht to receive such consid- eration as a trust quad to he spglied first for the purixxe of payin~ the cost of the improvement and will apply =he same first to the payment o! the cost of the improvement before usir~ any part of the total of the same for say other purpose. The word "l~ny'' shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture co requires. IN WITNESS ~4EREOF, the party of the first lXUt Ires duly executed thi~ deed the day and year first abo~e wriltes, Re ' ' man. ~ Ih · R~ert "~man, President ' - · STATE OF NEW YORK) ) COUNTY OF g6[ £olk) O~lhe~dlyorJanuar~' in~hey~200-5 boreceme, ihe permmlly known to me or ix~.ed to me on the hsls of ecdsl~ctary evideone In be thc individu81~) who~e tame(s) is (~re) albecrihed to the mlhin insmmum and ecknowledsnd te me then he/she/th~ execuml the mae in hisiher/~heir ~(/es), nd dm by hJs/he~/~helr s/finmure(s) on Ihu ins~umeng She individul](s), or the perlofl upon behlf of which ~he ifldividuo](=) tcled, execuled Ih= SIBniture ond OIllm or ludlvJduM liking leknowledlmont Notary Public * STATE OF NEW YORK) ) s~ COUIqTY OF ) On the__ day of in the year before me, the undnu~ned, pc:sonnlly nppem~ penoMIly known to mc or proved to mc on She bras of misfactery evid~r.,~ to be the individuil(I) who~e name(s) il lore) subecfibed to Iht whhin insumuni nd admowledged ta me thai he/shc~ey executed the same in his/her;their mlmci~liec}, and that by his~*Ahek nisnnmre(s) on the insmlmont, She individual(s), or the pcmm upon behelf of which the iedivMualin~ acted, txeCuled the inbNmment. * For nrknowbdgmemts taken In New York State. ,~. ~&~R8/-.~, c. J~URCELt · Jq~FARY PL~[.I(";. =lite of k~e'md, N~ .. ,r C.,.mb ~0, Signature and OHke of Individonl taking acknowledgment On the__day or in the yur before me, ~he on4emsmnd, pelmmlly nppoornd IX'hOmily known is me e~ Iroved to me on Ihe bui= of smisrsctmy evidence to be the individual(s) whose nm~e(s) is (nrc) subscribed to die ' wiihin in~umem ond acknowledged m me Ihm he/she/ihey executed the mae in hi~m~Ih~ir eJl~iVA i~), thai by hi. er/their signammis) on Ihe mslxumong Ihe individual(s), or the permn upon bdudf of which the individual(s) acted, executed Ihe in.run'gal, and ~hm such individuM made such appoarm~ hero~ the undersigned in ~he . (Inst~ Ihe oily or o~her politicai ~ubdivision and d~ role or connUy or olhor pinee the acknawledgment wa~ taken). · * Fur nrkuowiedpnmts taken outside or Row York State. Slluture and Office er Individual taking acknowledgment WI 1'14 ~OVF~AN*r AOAIP, IST GRA~ ~3 House Painting By Robert To~n~ Inc. Robert T~n and Susan Toman, Husband and wife ~rg Am~imn:~lle I~ra~ ~m~n~ of Ne~ York ss, ct'ioN 078.00 slope 02.00 LOT 013.00 COUNTT Ot--'MWN- Suffolk Recorded At Reqecll or Fl~t ~n TItb Insulin COmlmny or f~v Yo~ Patrlcia C. Hoore, Esq. 51020 Rain Road Southold~ NY 11971 Fidelity National Title Insurance Company PolLy'No: 26-03 ! -92-60022' .;,; Description Tide No.: 00-3704-3063~-SUFF Amcnded 1/23/01 : ALL that certain plot, piece o.r parcel of land, si,._,,t,', lying and being in the Town of Southold; Count~ .o.f Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and dcscn*l:~l as follows: '. BEGINNING at a point on the No~erly side of Main Bayvicw Road on the division llne between the premises herein described and lands now or formerly of McAsian; RUNNII~. G ,'ITIENCE along the Northerly sid~ of Main Bay'view ~ North 50 d~gre~ 06 minutes 40 seconds West ..~ 187.3:.2 feat to the Easterly side of Main. Bayvinw Roa~l; .: RUNNING TI-I~qCE aloe.& the .F. asterly side of Main Bayview Road No~h 00 degrees 2~ minutes 10 _ _~'_~_~._. ds 171.04 feet to the Southerly line of Lot 3 on Map No. 't 848; RUNNING T'd. ENCE along the division line ~etwean said Lot 3 and the premises herein.dascribed South 65 degrees minutes 00 seconds East 228.63 feet to lands now or formerly of McAsinn; RUNNING THENCE along said lands South 18 degrees 31 minutes 00 s~.onds We~ 207.0 I' feet to the point or pin~e of BEGfiq~IING.. Schedule Owner's Policy P~e2 Number of pa~es TORRENS Cmi£w~te # Prior Of. # Deed I Mo~sage Instntment Deed / Mofl~age Tax Stamp FEES Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Co~m. of Ed. Affidavit Ceflified Copy Reg. Copy Other __ hbTotal Sub Tom] GRAND TOTAL Stamp Dale Initials 7 Red Prop~y Tax Service Asmcy Verification Disc Section B lock Lot 05004655 xooo 07800 0200 o~3ooo SatisFaction~Dischar~e~l~t~e~ L~i Pmpe~l RECORD&RETUIUqTO: Patrlcla C. ~oore, Esq, 51020 Hain Road SouchoLd, NY 11971 RECORDED 2005 Feb 02 11=09:07 Ed~rd P. Romeine O. ER~ OF SUFFOLK COUI41'V L D00012~9 P 3~ DT# 04-27i07 Recording / Filing Stamps 2. Additiomd Tax __ Sub To~l SpeeJAs~it. Or spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Du~l Town Dual County Heldfj°~ Afp°~i°nment ""~ Mansion Tax The proper~y covered by this moflMge is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clsuse on ~ofthis instrument. ' Preservation Consideration Amount $ -0- CPF Tax Due $ -O- scant Land-~ TD Suffolk This page forum part oftl~ attached House Psintln~ By Robert Toman! Inc. TO Robert Tomsn and Susan Tonmn, husband and wife Title Company Information Co. Nsme Southampton Abstract Title # SH-70056-06-S & Endorsement Deed - ,~ J-.~ nmde by: (SP .EC1FY TYPE O~ II~iIiUIvlENT ) *Ibc premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNI~, NEW YORIC In the Township of Sourhold In ~ VILLAGE or HAMLEYof Southold BOXES $ TI IRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINt ~ IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILINO. (OVER) SUFFOLK COU~T~ Cr.ERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument~ DEEDS/DDD ~m~er of P~tges~ 4 Receipt ~,--~er : 05-0012207 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-27107 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Section: Block: 078.00 02.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED A~ FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NY8 8RCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO FA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Trans£er tax $0.00 NO C~mn. Prss Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBERz 04-27107 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A RILL Recorcled~ Att Edward P.Ro~aina County Clerk, Su£~olk Coun=y 02/02/2005 11:09:07 AM LIBER .* PAGE: Lot: 013.000 D00012369 398 Exempt $5.00 No $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $o.oo NO $0.00 NO $o.00 NO $242.00 pLEAsE-TYPE OR-FI~ES-$'~JRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM · . INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps, state.ny.us.or PHONE (518) 4'/3-7222 I Fb. cou~ use o.,v · ' -- - -- -- ~ ~' REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT · cl. swm cam. ..~ tA ~.&_.~ &'TA~ m: Nk'W YmJ c,- '. 1. Pmem~ 36,80 I Hal. n Bayvlew Road I Sou:hold I SouChold I ]]971 J z.~ I Tnman I Rnh~r~ [ ~'~.. I Susan eL FIWe~ Board v,~h Su~ik~k~ ~ blm [] &S~k, ] llouse palntlno bv Robert Toman. lac. I I I I I '~ /~ /n~ I Cemmm~ity S~vlc~ A B C D E F ~0 , mO,OB l& r'ull ~hl IJflM I ~ ; · , , ,0,01 14. la.afl tltt wlu~ M ia~aal I ~ ~SSME~ IN~N~ON - ~ta ~uld m~ ~ late~ Final ~mem ~fl and Tax Biff J l&VrogJtyCkm I 3, I ,L I-I I le.~.lmelDiltdetlilmeJ SouChold J I t 000-078.00-02.00-013 · 000 I L J I I ! J I CZ.T,F~O. I BUYER S;I.LER BUYER'8 ATTORNEY 631 J 765-6,330 Patricia C. NEW YORK STATE COPY