HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12397 P 345 07900 0300 I.o~(s) 04000 THIS [NDENTURE, madathe21'~ dayofJunc, in the ycar two thousand and five BETWEEN JOHN-L. HANNA, executor of thc last will and testament of ELIZABETH E. LOEFFLER, thc surviving Tenant by the Entirety of ARTHUR L. LOEFFLER and ELIZABETH E. LOEFFLER, his wife. late of 1805 Ships Drive. P.O.B. 734, Southold. NY 11971 · party of the first pan, and JOHN L. HANNA. residing at 1805 Ships Drive, P.O.B. 734, Southold, NY 11971. Trustee of the LINDA B. HANNA TRUST, created by Elizabeth E. Locfficr on March 30, 1999, party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that thc party of the first part, by virtus of the power and authority given in and by said last will and testament, and in consideration often Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by thc party ofthc second part. docs hereby grant and release unto the patty of thc second part, the heirs or successors and assigns o£the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot,, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate ,lying and being at Bayview, neat Southold, in the Town ofSouthold, I County of Suffolk and State of New York. known and designated as Lot No. Twenty (20) on a certain map entitled, "Subdivision Map of Bayview Woods '-----------------Estates," filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on September 9, 1970 aa Map No. 5520 (Abstract No. 6669), which said lot is more particularly bounded and described according to said map as follows: BEGINNING at thc comer formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Ships Drive, with the easterly side of North Road; RUNNING THENCE North 63 degrees 51 minutes 40 seconds -Fast along the southeasterly side of Ships Drive, 101.62 feet; RUNNING THENCE northeasterly along the southeasterly side of Ships Drive, along an arc .ora curve bearing to the left:, having a radius of 242.93 feet and a distance of 40.14 feet to ii 19 according to said map; RUNNING THENCE South 57 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds East along said lot, 163.04 feet to, land of, Reesc; RUNNING THENCE South 27 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West along said land, 101.45 feet to lot 21 according to said map; RUNNING THENCE North 62 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds Wast along thc nonhcnsterly side ol'lot 21 a distance of 244.03 feet to thc comer, the point or place of Beginning. SUBJECT to covenants and restrictions and egreementa set forth .in a certain Declaration dated June 29, 1970 and recorded in Libor 6776 of Deeds at page 194.. BEING and intended to be the same premises conveyed by JOSEPH A. SCI.IIPULE TO ARTHUR L. LOEFFLER and ELIZABETH E. LOEFFLER, his wife, by Deed dated Saly 17, 19g0 and recorded jn the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on July 23, 19g0 in Lther 8856 oI' Deeds at page 497. BEING and intended to be the premises sometimes known as and by the strcet and post office address 1805 Ships Drivc, P.O.B. 734. Southold, NY 11971 NO CONSIDERATION TOGETHER with all fight, title and interest, if any o£the party of the first pan of, in and Io any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center line thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estalc and fights of the party of the Iirst pa~ in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND HOLD the premises hercin ff~anlcd unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assil~ns of the party of the second part forever. The word "parly" shall he construed as if it read "parties" whenever thc sense of'this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~he party of the fu'st p~ has duly executed this deed the day and )'c~' first above written, ha, ~ecutor ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU On thc 21 z day of June in the year 2005 before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and ~or said State, personally appe~u~ JOHN L. HANNA personally to me k~own to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidcnce to be the individual(s) whos~ name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/h~/their capacity/(i~s), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the inslrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, cxecuted the instrument Notary Public JOIIN L. HANNA, Ezecutror Estate of Elizabeth E. Loeffler, deceased TO JOHN L. HANNA, Trustee LINDA B. HANNA TRUST I)ISTRICT 1000 SECTION 07900 BI.OCK LOT O40OO COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOI.:K RETUP~' BI' MAlL lQ DONALD S. HECHT, ESQ. 666 OLD COUNTRY ROAD GARDEN CITY, NY 11.$30 Numbc~ of'p~c~ -- TORRENS ~i~' Cfi. # Deed I MoflSqe Inslmment Hendlin~ ~,~ 'TP-584 __ NolMJon EA-~2 17 (Coumy) P.A-5217 (S~e) R.P.T.S.A. Corem, of Ed. Afl]davlt C~dfied Copy Re~. Copy '1 I Deed I Mmtgnge 'Fax Stmn9 F£ES ~ECORDF_I) 2005 Sul 13 10:56:13 P~ EO,~rd P. Ro~aine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012597 P 345 DTI 04-48732 J~%~ording I Filin& Stmops Mortsngc Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./Ansit. Or Spec./Add. Initials tions/Discherses/R6l~sbi'l;ist Pro~rty OWtle~S'Malhn~ Addrese RECORD & RETURN TO: TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Cm~nty Held for Apportionment 1'rnnsfer Tax Mmuion Tax The properly covered by this mortga&o is or Will be improved by a one or two Family dwelling only. YES__Or NO If'NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # Real Property Tnx Se~tico Afl/racy Yerificution [ S Communi~ P~e~atiot~nd ~ I sm,~ .. _ ?~ . I._ ~t lCo..id~rationAmountS ~ 0~25905 zooo ov9oo 0300o4oooo '' ) CPF T~ Due S ~  Im~v~ ~ Vacant Land TD TD Suffolk Coun Recordin' & Endorsement Pa e 'l~is pase Pu,.,~ puff of thc attacl~J ~ ~ . made by: BOXES 5 'n. IRU 9 MUgI' BE TYPED OR PRINTED IH IlL,ACK INK ONLY PRIOIL TO RECORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLEI~ RECORDS OFFZ~E RECORDZNG PA~E Type of Znstrumen~z DBEDB/DDD Number of Pages= 4 Rece~ptl~-~er = 05-0072463 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-48732 D/strict= 1000 Deed Recorded= At= LIBER~ PAGE: Sec~lons B2ock~ 079.00 03.00 EXAMIHRDAND CT~IARGEDAB FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/F~ling $12.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYe EA-CTY $5.00 NO RA-eTATE TP-584 $5,00 NO Cert. Cop~es RPT $30.00 NO H~L'M Tranm£er tax S0.00 NO C~n~,Pres Fees TPJtNBFER TAX ITdMBER: 04-48732 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF TH~ INSTRUmeNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County o7/13/2005 10z56s13 AM D00012397 345 040.000 $5.00 NO $15.00 HO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $152.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WR. ITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hep://www, o.rps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ONLY REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT · ' '" RP - 5217 l, m~.. 1805 { Ship's Drive j Sou(hold I J. Buyer J Linda B. Hanna Trust I j 11971 I ~lJ JJ~ Il oJhllr Jill1 J~l~ JlJdJllllJ J J oJ (QJmJ I I ~q,~,,d.t,.,,.~,,.~.,,t,..d.,.d I .1 J #oIP~c:QIS Off S. Demi r~.... I Ixl Io.I .... . 5.0 I t~ J Estate of Elizabeth E, Loeffler j mTha~l ~rlm~urlll I I I Communlly~ Entenalnnl~ltlAmu~ment L~] ForHt ~ / 2% / 05 I 6 121/05l 0 0,01 ; It~ev~d~ I 0 0 0 I J ~$SME~ INFOR~N - ~ ~uld mll~ t~ lal~t Fi~l ~ment ~1 a~ Tax Bill J ltV~~I O, 5 J ~7. T~V~.ldd~h~)J ltl~emvoau [2 . LO[-I [ 1..sd~d~mm[ Southold Executor's Deed from Estate 8 7 0 0I j , , ½ , , ~ , , J sec 07900 J I blk0300', j BUYER ~~.~ , ..7'a,.,s?~ 1805 I Ship's Drive I 6/21/05 POB 734 Southold I NY j 11971 B~R ,~&~'7~h~-, I 6,21/05 BUYER'S AI'rOflNEY Hecht I Donald 516 794-7400 I