HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12410 P 235Tills INDENTURE.[n~t~ ~dayor ~oSt, 200~ , BEFWEEN Je~Erey fi. Haise a~ Tract Jane] ~re ~aise. his wife, ~esidin~ at 4515 ~rtb Bayvi~ ~oad, Soul. Id, N~ York ]1971 party of the ~ir~ pan. a~ I~llen 3. Love, residin9 at 5]5 East 89th Street, ~ York, ~w York 10128 party of the .,~.'cund pan. WITN E.~;EI'H, that the party of Ihe I~r~t pan. in con.,;idemtion often dollars and other valuable considetntiun paid by thc party of the ~.cnnd pan, d~ hereby grant and relca.~e unto the party of t~.' ~.'ond pan. the heirs ur ~a~.'~es...or~ and a.ssigns of the t~uly of the .~cond Pan forc'~er. Ln~g'lhat certain plot. pit',.',: or parcel nf land. with 1he buildings and improvements therc'.n emet~, siluate, lying and in the T~wn ofSouthold, nt Bayview, County'of SulTolk. ant[ State of Nt'~' York. bounded and described as Follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of North Road to Ba.vview, distant 710.06 t~et southerly 1¥om a monument set at ~he southwesterly comet of land now or tbnnerly ofF. Harold Sayre. from said point of beginning: RUNNING 'H-IENCE south 68 degrees 37 m~nutes 30 seconds east. 180.53 l'eet along land or fom~erly of Beeker. formerly of Reee Gendron; RUNNING THENCE sooth 26 degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds v*..st` 127.93 feet along land on Map of Bayview Woods Estates. to the notlhe~t cornet of land nov.. or formerly of PotonskL tbrrnerly of Clive E. Tyrer.: RUNNING THENCE noah 68 deg~es 37 minutes 30 seconds vest, 170.06 feet along last'mentioned had to the easterly line of abe Noah Road to Bayview: RUNNING THENCE north 21 degrees 22 minutes 30 seconds east, 127.$0 feet along last mentioned mod to the point or place of BEGINNING. Premises known as District 1000, Section 079.00, Block 03.00 and Lot 01 $.000 and also known as 4315 North' Bnyvlew Road, Southoid, New York. ~l'remises being the same conveyed to the party or the tim pan by deed dated 8/I 8/04 and recorded 9/'//04 in the Suffolk County Clerk's office in Liber 12341 page 762. TOGETIIER with all right, title and illtert:Ki, il' uny. ,,1' th,.' party t,f the ~r~ part. in and t. uny :.[rcct~ Ilfltl roads ahtllting Ihe ah.ve-dc..crihcd prerni,d..s It) the center lines thereof: T( R'iETHER with Iht appurtenances and ;ill Ihe e~tatt: and rights of the parLv c~f he ~r,t Pan in and to ~.aid premi.~.%: TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD thc premises herein )_.'rant~.'d nnl. lhc purly.l'th¢ ~.¢cond part. the heirsor,nJccc,,~.t.r..,und a....~,ign,.[~Flhe Parlw)l'lhe ~,ecm d part 'omver. AND Ihe pmly .f die first part ctwcnunts that Iht' purly of thc find purl ha.,, not done .r .'~ufi'ered anything whereby Ihe said prc'lnihc~ huce ~cn encumbered iu any way w~utcve~, except u~ u~ure~id. AND thc imrly o1' tile ~rsl pa~. in compliuncc wit~'S[.t'li.n I .t of Ihe I.ien I.uw. co~ cltanlh Ihal thc puny of Ihe ~r~t pun will receive thc c.nsidcrution far this c.nveyunee and will h.ld Ihe right to receive ~uch considcr- ution as u trust t~nd to he applied fir~l fl~r the purpose of puying thc cost of Ihe impnwement anti will apply thc same first lo the payment of thc c.st of thc ilnprovrnJent hct~re using uny purl o( [he It)Iai .f rise SUlllC ~or. Thc word -purty" ~hull he cuns~ed ah it' il ~nd "purlics" whenever I~ ~n%e u~indentu~, Ko rcquirc~. I~ii~i~':~NESS WIIEREO~L thc party ol*thc l~rst pan hu~ duh, executed this~ec~thc dav und vt.'ar firs[ abpvc Astml~ri~l~mlnl taiel In I~lw ~.t~ ~tata State of Now York. County of T~J ~ ~ On the ~..O "clay of August . In the year 2005hefors me, the undsrstgned, personally appeared Jet: LCre¥ S · Halsa and ?tact Jane] LVJoore Halsa personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be Ihs individual(s) whose name(s) Is (ars) subscribed to the within Instrument and Wedged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their cepaclty(ies), and that by his/her/their stgnaturs(s) on the ~nstrumect. the Individual(s) or the person upon behalf of which ~ ROBEnT e. FISHm~ '%\ T,T U~\'~\II ~1 Not.fy Pub,o, state of N, ~.-\~J~\~t. ~UI I~/ NO.02FI6312625 ~ -- ~ ~/~ Smd'Hied In Nassau C( v ~ Commlsalon Expires Januar Acknol~edgem~ by Subicrlblng WItnase taken in New York Stats State of New York. County of . SS: On IhS day of , In the year tho undersigned, personally appeared ·pefors me. the subscribing witness to the Iomgoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who being by me duly swam. old depose and say, that he/she/they rss~e(e) In that ~,he/they knew(s) to be the Individual dasc~bed In end who executed the foregoing Instmmefll: that said subecrrolng witness was present and saw sam execute the same; end that said witness at the same time subscribed hla/her/thair name(s) ss a witness thereto. T~eNo.:. aeff=ey S. Raise and Traci Jane] t,~ore Raise TO gl]en J. ~ove Acknowtodgeme~ taken In New York State State of New York, County of On the day of , in the year tho undersigned, pemonaliy appeared , before me, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis al' satisfactory evidecon to be the individual(s) whose name(a) is (ars) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hie/her/their cepecity(ias), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s) or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed tho ins ,th.~erff. Acknowledgement taken outakle New York Stats · State of , County of · (or Insert Distdnt of Columbia, Tsrrltary, Possession or Forslgn Country) On the day of , in the year the undersigned, personally appeared , hefofe me, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfoctory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (ars) subscflbed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(les), that by hie/her/their signature(s) on tho Instrument. the Indlvin'ual(s) or the person upon behalf of whim the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument, and that such Individual mede such appeamflce before the undersigned in the (add the city or political subdivision and the state or country other place tho a~nowladgomant was taken). SECTION 079.00 BLOCK 03.00 LOT 015.000 COUNTY ORTOWN RETURN BY MNLTO: Katz 8 Kreincea, LLP 170 Old Country Road - Suite 316 Mineo]a, ~ 11501 Attn.: Lawrence Katz, ~scj. 7JpNo. Number of pages TORRENS ,~u~al # Deed I Mo~.,....~ Tax Stamp 2005 .~ 20 01108-.31 PH F.d~ard P. I/m~ine CLE~< OF L D00012410 DT# -n---~-- lng I FUing Stamps Page I Filing Fcc · Haudling ' Notation EA-52 I? (cotmty) EA-521 ? (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Codified Copy Reg. Cop)' Other Sub Tmal Sub Tmal Peal Property Tnx Se~.ice Agent, V~ficnti~ D~.. Section B S~mp I 05036904 tooo 0?900 o3oo ozsooo lnitiab ~ctmns/L~lschar_t~s/Rol~ Li~t Pm~' O~=m Mailin~ Addm~ ~ R~O~ ~ ~U~ ~O: Mortgage An~ I. Basic Tax 2. Additimud Tax Sub Total $1~cJA.~ic Or Spec./Add. Consideration Amount CPI= Trix Du, Du~l Town Dual Coumy, Hold for Apponionm~t -.----- Transf. Tax Mansion 'lax Thc prol~t~j ¢ove~d by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES o~ NO, If NO. see appropriate t~x clause on pa~e # of this insmnaunC COmm-qity Preservation F.nH Improved TD I~ I ~ I Title Co,re. party Information Co. Nam? "~ ~.~.~j~ .pj~ ( '~ Endorsement ~s ~e fo~ ~ of~ ~ m~ by: TO (SPEQF3' TYP£ OF ~XS'TRUME~) The. premises h~rein is situat~ in In tl~ Township of or HAMt .bT of BOX;ES $ THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIN j ~ IN BLACK INK ONLY PRI OR TO RECORDING OR FILING. ~iu~,-~-OLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFF'rCE I~CORD'rNG PAGE Type o£ :l:ns~:Ftunent:s DBEDH/DDD RoceIDI: Number : 05-0098434 TRANSFER T~X NUNBER~ 05-07458 Recorded z 09/20/2005 01;08;31 ~M L'rBER: D4str4ct ~ 8octlon t BLock s Lot z 1000 079.00 03.00 01S. 000 ~ ~*ND CIL~RGED J~ Fei,LOW8 $696,000.00 ReaoAved ~.ho FoXlowAng Fees For Above TIt~NHFER TM[ NU~BER~ 05-074,58 THTS FAGE TH A PART OF THE ZNBTI~IlsrmUT THZS Z8 MOT & BZLT~ Edwaz-d P. Romaine County Clerk, S'u££olk Count:¥ D00012410 235 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'J/www, orps.state, ny. us or PHONE (518} 473-7222 COUNTY USE ONLY . ~lO~Bffi¥ I~ORMA?ION I 4515 · I North Bayview Poad Southold I ( Ellen 3. I I Billing If~hm'thmbu~raddm~(Mlxgtemdfen~) I Addles Holl pame~ t~ndmed en t~e and I Ixl 1l #ofPl~;~ 'O.q P&'~c~aPamel I 4C. Petal APPmmJ f~ e'~,m wth MaP Proek~d [] I 3el frey S. Traci Jane] I 4 / 29 / 05 I 051 14.1ndica~ethevMueMW I , ~. , .... 0 , 0 I I Diet: 1000 I L sec= 079.00 j I Block: 03.00 L Lot: 015.000 j i c~..c.,'no. I BUVER 515 East 8~th Street - Apt. K New York NY I ,g 05 10128 BUYER'S ATTORNEY Katz I Lawrence 516 I 741-1710 NEW YORK STATE COPY