HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12390 P 373· 1000 079.00 04.00 025.000 THIS INDENTURE, made the ~ ~ day of KeV, 2005 ~nnt BETA~EF, N ~]Ct4AS P.juI~AN an~ AE~I~i'i~ ~, ~Ls wife, ~ ~esic~Lng at 222 BayvJ. e~ AV~ZlU~t Berkley, MA 02779 puttyofthefir~tlXm, and P/CHARD C[,IVO, =e~i~n~j at 285 Route 25A, Rocky New ¥~k 11778 party of the second p~m. WITN E.~ETll, ~ the i~tty of the tim ~ in ~nsi~m~ of ~n ~lln~ a~ o~r ~]e ;=i~n~on ~d by I~ ~ of ~ ~ ~. ~ ~by ~t ~ =1~ u~ ~ ~y of t~ ~ ~. I~ ~ or ~ and ~signs of~ ~y Oft~ ~ ~ f~r. ALI. t~ ~nain plm. pi~e ~ ~1 of la~. wi~ ~ ~iidi~ a~ impm~n~ ~n ~. situs. I~ ~ I~[Q~G N~ ~TOI~ t~e same property ~ to ..t'nt14AS P. 'JOrDaN ~ ~=~= ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2~, 1989 ~z~,, ~t~e ~ ~1~, I~. ~ ~ tn ~ ~f~ ~ty Cl~k's ~fl~ ~ ~ 29, 1989 ~ ~.,~ 1~ ~ 511. TOGETHER with all right, lille and i,tcrcsl, if any. of the p~rty of the firsl putt. in and to any streets and roads abutting the ubove-described premi..es lo the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the uppurtennnecs nnd all the estutc und r~ghls or the puny of the I~rst pan in und lo said prcnti~s; TO I lAVE AND TO HOLD thc premises burcin t;rnuted unto the party o1' the s~cond pu~. the heirs or successors nnd us~i~ns or' thc patty of the second pun forever. A/'~I) lhe putty of th,: fir~.t pun eovcnunts that the putty of thc fi~l l~,tt he.*. not done ur suffered anylhing whereby ~he suid prcmi~c~ have ~cn encumhc~d in any way whatever, except u~ uFo~uid. AND ~hc party of thc I%r~l pa~. in compliunce with Suction I 3 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party of thc firsl part will recclve {he con~idcrulion for this conveynncc and will hold the right lu ~ceive such consider- adon us = trusl fund to he uppli~ first for ~he purpose of paying Ihe cost of the improvement and will apply t~c same first ~o tee payment of the cost of the improvement befo~ usin~ any part of the totul of the ~umc for uny other purpose. ~e w.rd 'purly" ~h=ll ~ cons~cd us i¢ it ~ "panics" whenever {he ~nse of this in~nlurc ~, requi~s. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th~ puny o1' thc ~t ~n h~s duly executed thi~ d~d the day and year firsl abuvc' written. Iv I)~l~Sl.~~ 1000 SSCTION 079.00 BLOCK 04 · O0 025.000 /~th~ix~r1~np~t~K~pen~nd~w~th~n~smd~n~.~ve~nuthera~n~ecmc~s~mi~ind bd~x at Ba~ev, Torn of Southold,.Cgupty o~ .Suf~olX &nd o~ ~ev Yo~, Xnovn and ~eo~gnated ~'~.*.~ ~-~vo'on.a.*cer~azp. map entitled, "Hap of Ha=bo~ Light. ~s~'~'~c~on ~hree." ~n~ 'filed 'the Sut~olk County Cl.~k'. Ogl/ce 6fl;~8~..'7, ~g68"as':H~p ,o. ~HBR.MITH ~ho =$gh~ =o uso, In co.on w'~h o~eFs, ~he beach having fFon~age of appFoxl~a~ely 900 fee= on Pec:o~c ~oy and a o~ no lo8o ~ha~ 50 geo~ f=o~ ~ho ave=age high.w~e= mark as shovfl ~he subdivision map~ ~oge~ho= with the adJacen~ pa=kSn9 o=ea hav~9 fFon~age on HaFbo= Lights DF~ve and%being located adjacen'~ ~o Loc ~o. 7; 8aLd b6ach and paFktng'a=ea aha11 ~ ~o~ ~he ~o~e ~.e o~ ~he denta of aa~bo~ LLghC~ BeCICOI; comp=il[rig a devoL~pmen~ of approxi- mately 125 ac~ea. ~rn~nt tolmn In N~w York State State of New York. Courtly of Suffolk On the ~ day of May , In the year 2005, before me the undersigned, personslJy, appsomd TrlC:Z4~ P.u'C~D~I and At~u:;J.'rK ~ personally known to ma or proved to me on the basis of oa/Is~actory evidence to be tho Individual(a) whose name(s) is (am) su__h~'_r~bed to the w~in Instrument and ack.,x~edged to me that he/she/they executed Ihs same in bls/har/tbelr uapa,~ity(les), and that by hls/har/ths/r signature(-,) on the instrument, the individual(s) or the i~mofl u~on behalf of wNch the ind~Hdual(s) actnd~nlmJT~.. / / NmmyPuU S / / No. ( / GuaEIbclln-~ Acknowledgemem by Subscribing WIInesa taken In New York State State of NewYork. Countyof , SS: On the day of , in the year the undersigned, personally appeared , defom me, the subsudbing witr, esa to the foregoing Inetrumeflt, with whom I am personally acquainted, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he/she/they roslde(s) in that he/she/they ?mow(e) to be the ind'n~idual described iff and who exKutad the Iomgolng InsmJmen~ that said mJbSC'flblng witness was present end saw said execute the same; and thai seJd witneua et the same time sub~cdhed hls~nm'/thsir ns.me(s) as a witness.themlo. Aof~gement take~ In HewYor~ State State of New YoW, County of On the day of , In tho year the undersigned, personally appeared , before me, personally known to me of proved to me on the basis of xetfMactory evtdence to be the Individual(s) whose name(s) is (am) 8ubsorlhed to the within instrumsot and ~edged to mo that he/ahs/they executed tho xemo in hls/hor/tholr capacity{los), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the insL, umo~, b~e IndNtduel(e) o~ the pdraofl ubon beheff Q~ whk~ iI.I.IVAN ate st New Yon< ~074805 ~knmvlndgOlllOflt tlkM'l OUtSide New Yo~k 8tota · Stale of . County si · (or insert District of Columbia. Territory. PuasosMon or Foreign Country) On the day of , in the year the undersigned, pemonally appeared , before me, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evide~ua to be the Individual(s) whoso name<s) fa (ars) subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the lame In his/her/thofr capacity(les), that by hls/herlthelr signature(s) on the instnJmeflt, the individual(s) or Ihs pemon upon behalf of which the indMdual(a) aotad, wed the InMmment, and that such individual mede such appearance before the undersigned in the (add the cry or political subdivision and the smta or country or other place the acknowfedgemeflt was token). D1:S'13~C'1' 1000 SECTION 079.00 BLOCK 04.00 LOT 025.000 COUNTY OR TOWN ~dlc'tCCFJ</~ II ClOcag°~Dt~:t:ibUnsutersdn~ebYc°mpany 11 a,'J.~,'~fl~4 G. P.E~JZZI, ,J~., ESQ. 465 ROO~PO//~, NY ZIp NO. ' 1.1778-0465 l'4{J~Tber of pa&. TORRB.N$ ~rinl # Ceflific&te #. Prio~ Qf. if ~05 Jun ~ 10=11117 ~ Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF S'UFFO~K COLQ, ITY L 1~]0012'~90 P ~$ DT# 04-4~234 Deed / Mortgage lnsb'ument 4 Pa~e / Filing Fee , Deed / Mortgage Tax Steep I~:cordlng / Filing Stamps Handllnn I. lhsio Tax · TP";n4 ' 2. Additional Tax Notation Sub Total EA-52 17 (County) .... SubTotal Spec./Assit ' F~t,-J217 (State) 0r ' ' · . --~ ~ 8p~c./Add. . . R.P.T.S,A. ._._..~.~(,~.____ .~p.,..~% TOT. IVtTO. TA~ ~ of'Ed. ~ O0 ~&~v[ ~:~,..'-r,~ \~, Duel Town Oual County-- m ted Copy ~ ~ /] Man~lon Tax RcL Co ~ I I Tho propen'y cover~l~psn i,s or P~ [ ! will bo Improvod by nonn or two fnmliy ~,.. 3ob Total . - , I [ dwellln8 only. , .,"-~0 f ~ I I ES. - orNO_.~., O~NO TOT^L ~ ~ J/trNO,.~.~.,~in,. tan.l.,,, on p~o # ..... ? TO: 'lln8 Address lTD 5'J.~-dl~ G. I~XJZZZ,JR., ES0. TD I:~ 465 ~ l~)IlTl', HY 11778-0465 ~s J ~itle Company Information This pq~e fom,.s pnr~ of tho ettac]~ n~:,.~, ~' (s~mmw rn,~ OF .tN~ TO In ~ Township of., In th~ vn .t .ABE or HAMLEt of BOXES $ THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILINO, made by: (OVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Inmtrument: DEEDS/DDD ~her of Pegesl 4 Receipt ~er : 05-0059123 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-43234 Districts 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: 06/02/2005 At: 10111:17 AM LIBER: D00012390 PAGE: 373 Section: Block~ ' 'LOtz 079.00 04.00 025.000 EXAMINED AND CHA~GED A~ FOLLOWS $250,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NY8 SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $165.00 NO TP~584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,000.00 NO C--~,Pras $3,500.00 NO Fees Paid $4,742.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER; 04-43234 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Rc~aine County Clerk, Suffolk County "- '. ' - ' -- PLEA'SE 'l~'pi= OR PRESS'rmw, L~ WHEN WRITING'~I~Iq~M .... · · INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I.~ ~nT ~ I SCXT~H~EZ) 111971 I 2. euyer I ~ I t~Ct~,~ I I I I · I [] [] [] [] Oth~ Unmual F.cW~s ,4,ffec~g 84Je Prim ISporA~ Belowl ! I D-1000 ] I S-079.00 I I S-04.00 I I [.-025.000 I ICi:. IIPICA'rlON [ citriC" IM dl ag die Itlnlf' dgla~ORliathm enttq~dd Im lldh fogm B.N' It~t' lod ':en't'd Ik' ~ ~ d ~ ~ d Iw.'lk4'lm[ I 11971 I~ELLER os/~'2oo5 FiN1 I 744-N6'4~ INEW YORK S'I'ATE1 COPY