HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12426 P 413 0.oo 1921 Trust for Tamar and 1691 Trust for liana, as Tenant~ in Commm, with no rlghl of sur~ivom~p, c/o Philip D. N~Jet. E~q,. 1675 IVlcOaflar Highway, N~vark, New Je~ey, 67104 party of II~.. ~.*con d pan, W ITNI.:SSI.:'!'II. that tl~ fay ol'~he ~at i~n, i,, con~idumti, m of am dollM% and o111~r v~luabl~ Al. I. ~1 ~mln p~ p~ or ~1 of ~ wilh I~ ~i~in~ ~1 i~l~ ~m~n BEGINNING at 8 point on the ees~My side of Robbtmm Lane where same is in~a~ec~ed by the division lirm belween Ihe snuthedy side of Lot 22 on the map of Peconic Bay Oaks, Map No. 3434 ;md the nmlttedy line of the Ilm'elru~m' de4~bed premises: RUNNING THENCE, North 73 degrees 43 rnlr~,_~_e_~ 30 seconds East along the last monlioned divisJon line, 207.71 feel lo a poinl o~ land now ~ formedy of E.W. Wood; THENCE, South 19 degrees 44 minutes 50 seconds East along the last mentioned land, 99.68 feet point: THENCE, South 73 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds West 203,71 feet to a poinl; THENCE, ~ 22 degrees 02 minules 10 ~)ncl$ West 100 feet along the ees%~ly side of Rol~n~on L~ne lo the point o4' pl~ce of BEGINNING. Being and Intono'ing to be pa~ of the me land conveyed by Cl~'les Bo~t ~d Conni~ I_~ Boddet, his wife, to Connie Lou Bocldet, by deed dated as o~ October 1,2002 mid receded December 8, 2003 in I..iber D00012288 at page 563. T¢.~HTI IF, R with nil ri~k title ami iill~n..sx, ir ~, ot*l~ ~n)* ,,r ~ Ii~ ~. in and lo any ~m~ ~ m~ls a~ttinl lbo a~ ~ ~m~ h, t~ ~x.n k'r li~ I~m~f: 1T~iI~'HER wmlh ~ u~ a~ :11 I~ ~' and ri~ uflhe ~y of ~, tim ~M in n~ h, ~hl ~lz~ TO I(AVI{ AN])'[ t) I R}l~ tim pmlni~ he&~ ~n~l un~ lbo N.)' of ~e ~x~ml ~n, I~, I~i~ ~w AND the party of ~ flna iva~ co,.'~ nanls ihat the pall. y Or the I1rsl ~ott has no4 done or sulfenxl .q~q ylllJtt[~ wht*B.-b.v die said pn..mi~:~ haw ~%'~ encu uhetx, d nuny w~y wlmte,,x.r, ex~'pt AND the Ivey of tl~ tim pan. in ~.'~m~pliance with .'~lmn 13 of I1~ I,i~n I~% ~x*~xmn~ t~l I~ ~rty tim ~fl ~ll ~i~ ~ Of ~yi.~ I~e c~ of Ihe il~m~l and ~11 a~ly I~ ~ fi~ h~ Ihe ~)~nl or~. ~ of fie im~l ~f~ ~ng any ~fl or~ u~l ,f~ ~ r~ any o~r pu~', I N W ITN ESS W II ERE( )1~ t~ ~ny of Ilw tlm ~n ~ duly e~ u~%l tlz~ ,k%~l the t~y aM )~ar l~ a~ ~Tll~n. Acknowledgement taken in NewYork State State of New York, County of New' York Onthe 1st deyof November .Inlheyem'2OOS,ba~ereme. the undemigned, personalJy appea,-ed CONNIE LOU BOCI~.ET personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the IndNIdual(s) whnae name(a) ia (are) ~ubscdbed to the within instrument and ackonwledOed to me that be/she/they executed the same In his/her/their cepaclty(ien), and that by hls/her/thoir signature(a) on the Ins~'ument. the Individual(a) or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. 1~IaTA HALPIN Acknowledgement by Subscribing Witness bikln in Now York State State of New Yerk, County of On the day of . In the year t~e undersigned, personally appeared the subscribing witness to the foregctng Instrument. with v/eom I .am personally acquainted, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say. that he/she/they renide(s) in that ha/she/they know(s) to be the Individual dsacdbed In and who execu~d the foregoing Instrument; that said sub~chbing witness was present end saw said execute tho same; and that said witness at the same time subscribed his/her/their name(s) as a witness thereto. TiUe No.: Title # UST-S-33882-NY-S 1991 Trust for Timer and 1991 Trust for liana, Tenants in Comm(xt Chicago Title Insurance Company AGknowledgeraM~t taken k~ NewYork Slate State of New York. County of On the day of , in the year the undersigned, personally appeared , before me, personally known to me or Woved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be Ihs individual(s) whose name(s) Is (are) subscribed to the within inslmmeflt and admowiedged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hls/her/thMr capacity(lex), and that by hJs/herltheir signature(s) on the insl]'ument, Ihs Individual(a) or [ne person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, execubKI the Inst~Jment. Acknowledgement laken outside NewYo~ State 'Stale of , County of, *(or insert District of C~umbla, Territory. Possession (x Foreign Country) ss: On the day of . In the year the undendgned, personally appeared . before me. personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfaclc~y evidence to be I~e individual(a) whnae name(s) Is (are) subscribed to the within Inal~'ument end a~nowieclged to me that ha/~e/they execuled the same In hlsther/ttmlr capacity(lex), and that by his/her/thOr signature(s) on ~'m Instrument. the Individual(s) or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument, end that soch Indlddual made such appearance before the undersigned in the (add the city or Political subdivision and the sate or counlJ'y or other place the e~nowledgement was taken), DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 098.00 c..o 'T BLOCK 05,00 LOT 04.00 COUNTY OR TOWN TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHOLD RETURN BY MAIL TO: Philip D. Nsoer,Esq. 1875 MeCader Highway New'ark, NJ Zip NO, 071O4 Number or pages _ ~ TORIIh'N$ Serial #__ Certificate # Pdur Cir. # Deed / {'vlertgage lnslrumenl 4 Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES I"age / Filing Fee I land ling __ l'P-Sg4 Notation I.~-52 17 {County) -- - ~ 8ubTolal E'A-5217 (State) Comm. or F.d. ~ on Afl]davit Certilied Copy Recording / Filing Statnpa e Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. A, dditional Tax Sub Totul Spec.lAssit. Or Spec. ladd. _ TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town. Dual Cnu,ty Held fur Apportionment TransFer Tax ~. ~ lViansion Tax Reg. Copy The property covered by this ntortg~or will be improved by a one or two family Other Sub Total dwellin8 only. -- ~.~, t:~ r YES. orNO GI~.ND'rOTAI. ~::7(,,~/ / ' a.,~ JfNO, see appropriate tax c~nuse olt a e# ' Real Properly Tax Service Aaencv. Ve,.{ f;~,,i,,., I"-z ~ ---- ~ 5OO 004000 : ' mount $ Iq,/J/)O /acant Land ~_1 Salis{hction~Dischnrges/Re{easea Lial Property Ow'~c~s~vl~iffn~-A-d~re~.~ · RECORD & RF. TURN TO: TO 9 a e ' ..__ made by: ~(SPr-(Xf,'y 'I'YPE OF 1NS'I'R~) 'll',e pretmses hcrein is situated in SUFFOLK COUN'I'Y*, NEW YORK. 1'0 In the Township o£ .~O,.qT~o},o {OVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDINa PAaE Type of lns~rumentl DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt ~,mher I 05-0131417 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-20004 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded= At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block= 098.00 05.00 EXAMIh~ ~ CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $10,000.00 12/20/2005 10~37=26 AM D00012426 413 004.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $30.00 NO SC~M Transfer tax $40.00 NO Co~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER T~tX NUMBER: 05-20004 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BXLL $5.00 $15.oo $165.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2?9.OO Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY PLEASE TYPE[ OR'~PRESS FIRMLY WREN'WRITING'Old'FORM :" ' ?' '~"~ ' ~"~' '" INSTRUCTIONS: hEp:J/~N, orps.$tate.ny.us or PHONE {518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP- 5217 I ~ I Ixl Io.I , , .~.~'1 & SMIet I C'~OC, ~-' (''~ '''( Co~n i~' ~°u[ I Name I 11 / ( / A C One el the Ilu'~ D Buylr ;1' I~llat fi ~ Agel;i' or Llndlng lll~Jtufl(x1 ne--M- 'rype nM W~mnW or BI~M1 and Sale (SPe(~Y I~l°w) Sahl (~f Fmc~onll M L~ll thin Fee InZemel (Spe~ BMOw) ~ ~w~e In Pm~m~t ~ Taxa~e ~tus a~d S~e Oat Othm' L~u~ual FKm~ Affm:~ng SaSe ~ (Speci/y w) SELLER