HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12426 P 411TIllS INDENTU RE, ~ BETWEEN i st ,fuy of No~n~' 2005 and CONNIE LOU BOCKLET, an Individusl residing st 100 Hilton Avenue, A~t. 421, Garc~J City. New York 11530 puffy ~f the tint purl,, and 1991 Tv"dst b' Tamar and 1991 Tms~ for liana, D, Neuer. Esq., 1875 McCefll' H~hwsy. Newlf~, Now Jarley, 07104 purl.)' of'l)~ s~%~nd puff- BE~INN~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ LaM ~t il at a ~e n~ ~ ~ ~ 22 d~ 02 ~ ~d~s~ ~ ~n ~ ~y i~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~p ~ P~ ~y ~, Map ~. ~ 8~ ~ ~y line ~ ~ 10 ~ uld map: RUNNING THENCE, ~ 73 d~s ~ ~l~ ~ ~s Eas~ 2~.~ f~ E.W. ~; THENCE, S~ ~ d~ 07 ml~Ms 50 so~s ~st, a~ ~ hst me~ Io~, 320.36 f~t ~ ~ ~ln8~ ~ wot~ Ilno ~ M~o P~c ~ ~ENCE, ~t~y a~ ~ ~ ~ wat~ I1~ ~ ~1~o P~ by. THE~E, ~ ~ d~ ~ ~ ~ s~s West, a~ng ~ la~ m~ la~, ~.22 b~ ~ 8 ~nt; THENCE, ~ 65 e~ 46 ml~t~ ~ ~s W~t, s~ ~ ~st~y ~o d ~fl ~; THENCE, ~y o~g ~ ~y ~e d ~ L~ r~iu8 ~ ~5.~ fo~. 8 dJs~ a~ ~M ~e ~ 1 ~.00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s~ ~ ~GINNING. ~ng a~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ume 18~ ~nvo~ ~ ~n~. ~ ~ ~ d~ ~ as ~ ~ ~, 2002 .~ 9~. 'I'(X~ETIIER with all HShl. till~ am! inler~x~ if an): ~l'th~ purl.)' at'tho first puff. in ami k~ 3ny ~ ~d n~ 3hmtin8 ~ p~i~ a~ i~ ~%~t ~ lim~ ~l~ ~IIEK ~th ~ a~fl~%~ ~ all t~ ~ ~ d~ ~the ~fly ~fl in ~.d t~) ~M ~mim~ TO I L%VE AND 1~ I[OLD (~ ~s hemlll ~nEM unM thc ~fl)' ul' fl~ ~ond ~ff- ANI) the parly of Ih~ first [Mitt coveilafll~ that the pan). of the fiFst puff h:ls i~.)t tlt~,~ or ~ulTeO.'d :til)ChinLl whe~by lIte ~hl pn..tlnia~ AND lite puffy t,f I]g fiat puff- in ¢~nl~ianct with ~.~tiun 13 of the Lien I..~v4 tx,w~'mnt~ that th~ patty filM. purl v'ill N~:el'.'~ tl~: ¢o~i.jerntiull for this cfln~:y~mce and will hold d~ nsht m t%'~t~ such cfln~derdlL~ as a trua fund t,~ be applied fiat lb( th~ purp,p,.e or r~)~flft the ¢,x. ,,rthe I[nl~,vcn~l and viii apply II~ .~tll~.. firlt h~ Ih~,' pu)'lll~ll I Of the ,:O~ *d'dM ifllim ,vknnt, nl bct~,wv., k'~ing UUy purl of the [,~l of tll~ fame for any ,.nJk. r TI~ w~i'd "puff)" shall I~ ~:; m.qm~'d al il' il ix-nd "pafllt's" w~ fle'.q.'t the ~:n~t. ;~fthi:; indeflt,m ~u rtNuiR.n. ItN WI TN I';S ,r4 W I I ERE( )F, Ihe pally of Ih,: liter part has duly ex,.~ut~l thi~ dc4.'d the ,~ay arm )T.a~ Iir~ ah,'~ vfl'ilten. CONNIE LOU BOCKLET Ac~ledgemont taken in New YoI~ 'State. Statoof New York. County of NewYork Onthe 1st dayof November .Intheyexr20OS,boforeme. rite undersigned, personally appeared CONNIE LOLl BOCKLET personalty known la me or ixoved to me on Ihs baals of satisfactory evidence to be the Indiviclu~l($) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowiedgad to me that he/she/~ey executed the same in hie/her/their ~apacity(ies). and that by hie/her/their signature(s) on the Instrument, the Individual(s) or the person upon behalf of which the Individual(s) acted, ~Fecuted the Instrument. KRISTA HALPIN Nota~ Public, State of New Yodc No, 02HAG104g~8 Qualified in Kings Cou .nt_~_ ~ ~ Acknowledgement by 8ubeoribing WItn~ea taken in New York State State of New York. County of . ss: On the day of , in the year the uedersigned, personally appeared , bede me, the subscribing wimess to the foregoing InsthJmant. with where I am personally acquainted, who being by ma duly sworn, did depose and say, &mi he/she/they ms(de(a) in that he/she/they know(a) to be the Individual described In and who executed the laregothg instrument: that Mid subschbing witness wax pteaent and saw Said execute the Same; and that said wlthesa at the same time subsc~bed his/her/their name<a) as a witness thereto. 'RUe NO.: 'R0e iV UST-S-.33862-NY-S ~ Leu Bocldel TO 1991 Trust for Tamer and 1991 Trust for liana, as Tenants in Common II. Distributed by Chicago Tide Insurance Company Acknowledgement taken in New Yor~ State Slate of New York, County of , ss: On the day of , in the year the undersigned, personally appeared personally known la me or proved to me on the basis of sstlsfacton/ evidence to be the IndNIdual(s) v/~osa name(s) Is (ara) soblG"iped to the within instrument and ack/tow;edged to me that he/she/they executed the aeme in his/her/their capacity0ea), and that by hie/h~'/their signature(s) on the Insti'ument, the ledlviduei(s) or the barnes upon behalf of which the individual(a) acted, executed the instrument. Acknowledgement taken outside New York State 'State of , County of. · (or insert District of C~umbla. Territory, Possession or Foreign CounW) On the day of , in the year the undersigned, personally appeared personally knOWn la me or proved la me off tho basis of Satisfactory o~lence to be the Indivtduei(s) whoso name(s) ia (are) subscribed to tho within Ins~ument end act(newiedged to me that he/she/they executed the same In his/her/their cepeclty(lex), and that by hleiher/their signature(s) on the instrument, the Individual(s) or the person upor~ behalf of wilich the individual(s) acted, execuled the Instrument, and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned In lite (add the dty or prdiUcal lubdivisto~ and the sate or counb"y or other place the acknowiedgernenl was taken). DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 098.00 BLOCK 05,00 ~..~.~ ~ LOT 02.00 COUNTY OR TOI~I TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHOLD RETURN BY MAIL TO: Philip D. Neuer,Esq. 1875 McCa'ter Highway Newark, NJ Zip NO. 071O4 Number of pages 'rORREN$ Surial #_ Ccrli;Jcale # Prior Cfi. t1__ RECORPL~ 2C05 Dec 20 10:37:26 E~-~a rd P, Roaaine CLER~ OF SUFFOLK CCUHT¥ L D00012426 P PT# 0~-20002 Deed / IVlon{{age ]nslrument 4 I'agc / Filing Fee Haudling Tf'-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA.-5217 (Stat() IL~[UI'.S.A. Ai~davJ! Certified Copy Reg. Copy Oilier Dale Initials Deed / Morlgage Tax 8talnp FEES Sub To~al Sub Total GRAND TOTAL Real ! Agency Verification 05047244 zooo 09800 os~d 002000 Satis£uclions/Dischargcs/R¢leases Lisl Property Owners Moil[ RECORD & RETURN 1'O: -. . Recording / Filing S~amps e Amt. I. Uasic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecdAssit. O~ Spec. ladd. TOT, MTG. TAX Dual Town. Dual County Held for Apportionment ~ Tnansfer Tax .~ ql~e pro. ny cover~g~Tor will be improved by a one or ~wo family d~lling only. or NO~ IFNO. see ap~ropriata tax clause ou page Consideration Amou CPF Tax Due 1proved ~ Land TD 'rD Suffolk Court 'Ibis page forms part of the hO. ached Title Cmnpn.y hffornm/iop Co. Name Title/~4 made by: BOXES 5 q}tRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. " lOVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PACE Type of Instruments DEEDS/DDD l~,m~er of Pages: 3 Receipt l~m~er = 05-0131417 TRANSFER TAX ~02~BER: 05-20002 LIBER: D00012426 PAGE: 411 District: Sec tion ~ Block: Lot: 1000 098.00 05.00 002.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $4,080,000.00 Deed Amount Recorded= 12/20/2oo5 10:37:26 AM Received the Following Fees For Above Instrunmnt Exempt Exen~t P&ge/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COS $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $16,320.00 NO Mansion Tax $40,800.00 NO Com~.Prss $78,600.00 NO Fees Paid $135,869.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 05-20002 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.R~naine County Clerk, Suffolk County WREI~'WRITING.ON;FORM' - :' i .; ~..-, . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY INSTRUCTIONS: http'~l www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONI~ (518) 473-')~22 [ -'r,~ ~ -~ ~. 2 ~'1S REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 6. DMd RP- 5217 ,,J I DOne Family Relk~mhll £ [] Agriculture, '| [] Community ~ 2 er 3 Family R~lden~l F ~ Cornmeml~ J ~-I indultrbi [_.J R~i~e.dai vK~m Land O~J Ammmm K~..~ Public Sewica DU Non. Red, demlalVacanlLa~d HLj Enterleinma~tI,Nt~emeat LL..J I II / I / O5'1 ~ ~ ¥~ D Bum. m S~let Is Go~mrnent Age~-'~ or LmMing In~itut~, DNd Type m Warranty or Bargain and SIlo (~;y Bek)wl i: ~le of Fr~onM or LMi tMn FN Inte~lmf (Sfm(~ty g~Jav~ J INFORMATION - Data ahouid reflect the btm Final As~ol~aT~nt Roll and Tax Bill ltVwMMMMmentMfm~ [ C) ~'1 17. TdANMNdVMIM.~I~wM) J ~pELLER I NEW YORK STATE COPY