HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12221 P 671FRANCIS J. WERBEI~ residing at 430 E. 20~ Stras~, New York, New York 10009, as to an ur~ivided 36 % interest, ROBERT WERBER, residing at 95 Webstm'Avenue, Po~t Washington, New York 11050, as to an ~vided 32 % interc~t, and JOHN C. WERBER~ residing at 36 Plaza Street East. Brooklyn, New York 11238, as to an undivided ~i2 % interest, as tenants hi common, party of the second part, WiTNE~ETH, ~ the po~ of the f~ prat, in consid~,'at~n of TEN and 0G'100,, {$10.00) ~:loUats, and ~ gond and vatual~e cone~eralion paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and releeae unto the party of the second pm1, the heim ~r successors and assigns of the party o! the second pm1 fm~ver. AU. that ~ ~ plem or parcel of land, wl~ the buildings and Improvements therecm erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southokl, County of Sulfolk and Stere of New Yod,., bounded ar~l described ~s fotlows: BEGINNING et e point on the boundmy line between rand now or fon'nedy oi' Anne M. Wed~r and land now m' fon, ne~ of Tmnz, South 12 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds East, 938.98 fee{ e~mg said bouncla~ line from the southerly line of Indian tU~ck Roa~; From said Ix~nt of beginrdng runn~9 aJong said land now or fom',~ly of Tmnz, South 12 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds East, 727.77 feet; THENCE along said land now or forme~y of Anne M. Wether, South 77 degrees 16 rmnutes 40 seconds We=J, SS.0 fee~ THENCE ak~ng said land now = formedy of Anne M. Wether, being along the easterly tine of an 18 fo~ dght of way, North 12 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds West. 727.77 feet; THENCE along said ~and now or formerly et*Anne M. Wed~t, No~h 77 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds East, 55.0 feet W ~ p~n! or piece of BEGiNNiNG. TOGETHER with a dght of way 18 feet m w.~lth from the southwesterly cemef of the premisas nertherly abo~! 1,666 feet to Indian Nec~ Road. TOGETHER with a right of way 5 feet in width, for pedesty~an ingress and egress only, to and from Little P~JC ~t over ~J'~ O~$te~ side of other pmmisas now or formedy of Anne M. W~ber from the southeaste~y ~ of the premises to ~ Pecontc Bay. BEING AND.iNTENDED TO BE the same premises as conveyed to the granto~ herein by deed dated March 11~ 2000 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk o~ March 31, 2000 in Liber 12031, RESERVING to the pa,fly of the flint part a life estate in lhe ixermses. TOGETHER with a~ ~t, flue a~'~ inte~'eat` if any, of the patty of the first prat in and to any slreets and roads abut~ng the above described premises to ~e center lines b~eo~, TOGETHER wi~ the appu~anances and all the estate and rights of the pmly of the first part In and to said prem~; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the ~'emtsas herein granted unto the party of the second part** the h~ m' ~ and ~signs of the party of AND the party of the flint p~rt covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anyth~ whereby the said peen~sas have been encumbered in any w~y whatever, except es aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law~, covenants that the pad:y of the fi~st part ~ receive ~he co~s~Je~l~un for th~ conveyance and ~ ~ the right ~o receive such co~S~n as a trusl fund to be applied first for the p~rposa of paying the cost of the improvement and wiJl apply the same fl.4'st to the payment of the or~-*t of the imlxovement before using any pml of the total of lhe s~rne for any other purpase. The ~ 'party' she~ be construed es if it mad 'parties' when ever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pa~ of the flint part has ,~uly executed I~s deed the day and year first above written, TO BE USED O.~Y WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT. IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE S~aM oi ~ Yod[. County of Suffolk s~: Stete of New York. Courtly o~ Safi'o~ ss: FLORENCE M W~RBER n~idm::~my evJdaflo8 to bo 1he dndJ~du81(i) ,6'~oso flmm~(I) Is s~l]s~ 8,,fldofloo ~ bo tho b~J~duM(s) ~ fmmo(8) ~s (...-m) ~am:rtMd ~o the within instmmm~ and ~clumwledoed to (re'e) ~ubscdi:e~ to the wfmin Irmmment m~d ~Axvledged to me b'mt he/she/Ihey executed Ihe ~anm in his, P. erAhe~ me Ih~ hefd~,'~ey exm:uted ttm same in hi~nerAheir capKtb~m~), nnd ~ by t'~,'m~ sl~a~um(s) o~ t~e c~D~:lty(*m), ~nd Ltmt by his,~er/lhe~ sll~mt~-u~s) o~ t~ tnsl~omamt. ~he..indlvtd~$). ~ t~ ~ opon ~ of whic~ Ins~unva~l. the Irm~lvid~$). ot~ ~ ta~on tmh~lf of v/t~ ~.~_~[~ EH THE AGKNOWt. EDGMENT I~ MADE OUT, DE NEW YORK .STATE S~tte (or Ofslric~ of ~. Ten't~. or Foreign Counlrf) of Onth8 ~lay of in Ih,e year 2002 before me. Ute un4~ned, petlonaJ~. penally known to me or proved to me on Ifle b~is of M~G~ry evidm'ce to be the individual(s) who~e na~($} is that by hls~erflheir Ngnntum(s) o~ the I~rne~. the lndividuaK$), o~ l~e per',on u~ behelf M which ~ individual(s) (.lg~emre .Ad offce of (fair, ual raima m:knowledOnNmq BARGAIN AND SALE DEF. D W~TH COV~.NANT AG~AINST GRANTOR'8 ACTS Title No. JOSEPH ARENA AND MARl°N G. ARENA TO THOMAS P. ARENA, JO ELLEN DELUCA, Commonwealth SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS ~ at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO: ~umber of'pqes3 TORRENS Serial # .......... ~ of~ ~ Od A~vR 2J~2 ~ 25 09:17:4;1 Ed~rd P.~ine ~OFFGLK CO~TV L D00012221 P 671 DTJ O2-16548 Sub Tolal 2, Additlonnl Ts~ Sob Totil 'rOT. M'rl3. ?AX Dual Town Dlml County He~l for Appoflionmmt Tmns fe~ Tax , ,-'"~ ...... Mansion Tax · Tho propa~q cove~d by this monpse il or will bn Improved by a one or two family Sub To~d dwelling only, , ., ..-, YF.~ .... orNO OKAND TOTAL ~ if NO, see a,l~mropria~ t,ax e{aule o~ pa{e # 0204~526 1000 09800 0400 022002 Co. Name Tide # WICI04AM. WICKHAM & MAIN R~ PA 8e0t 11~I, . ~tq~ gT. IIM~ Consideration Amount S CPF Tu Due lTDpr°ved lc~nt Land .......... Title Company Information 9 Suffolk ( & Endorsement ThisPaseformslmdoftl=atthchad ~a~:c~a~n and ~le,,,,,,,~d, ,,,, m~e by: Florence N. ~er~r and Oo~ C. ~rber or--of I IIIiIIIIIIIIIIIiIE IIIIi IiI IIIIiIIIiIIIlIIlIIIIi I lll, llllllllllltllillll SUFFOLK COUNT~ Cn~RK RECORDS OFFZCE RECOP. DING PAGE Type of Znstz'ument: Dw~8/DQD TRANSFER TAX N~ER: 02-16548 D~ut.~=~: ~000 Sec:t::Lon: Blook: 098.00 04.00 $o.oo the leo:l, lo~.~ng p~ Poz .Page/F~ling $9.00 ?co~ $5.00 · 'EA-C~ 05.00 TP-584 $5.00 ~ $30.00 Transfer ~ax $0.oo 02-16548 TNIS PAGE IS Above Instrument NO Kaad~g N0 NYS SURC~G NO ~-ST~ NO S~ NO C~. Pres A PART OF THE INSTRUI~NT LIBER: PAGE: Lot: Ectwazd P .R~nalns County Clerk, SuffoLk County 11/25/2002 09:17:44 ~ D00012221 671 022.002 $15.00 $25.00 $o.oo $o.oo $0.00 Sg~.O0 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www,orps,state,ny, ~s or PHONE [5t8) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 i *wop~nv 5090 Dzdlan~,!?ck Lane ~ Sou~hold N~,,~ ~'RA~N C I S J. j WEREER ROBERT { WERBER JOH~; C FLORENCE M. 002 , i Wickham Abigail New York L .?Y ,_[ 10009 ,-,,~ ..... m- FLO~RENCE M. WERBE~ ~ r NEW YORK SI,\tF COPY