HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 Crime and Fidelity CoverageJanuary 26, 2009 SOUTHOLD FIRE DISTRICT P.O. BOX908. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 (631) 765-4305 FAX (631) 765-5076 R~CEIV~D Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville Town of Southold Clerk's Office PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Southold Fire District Dear Betty: Enclosed please find a copy of the Southold Fire District's Crime and Fidelity Coverage indicating that the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer are covered for a total of $1.6 million. If you should have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, District Secretary POLICY NUMI~ER:MEPKO6218603 CRIME AND FIDELITY CR DS 03 08 07 CRIME AND FIDELITY COVERAGE PART DECLARATIONS (GOVERNMENT ENTITIES) The Crime And Fidelity Coverage Part (Government Entities) consists of this Declarations Form and the Govern- ment Crime Coverage Fo~n. Coverage Is Written: [~Prlmary Excess [] Colndemnlty ~ Concu trent i Limit Of Insurance Deductible Amount Insuring Agreements Per Occurrence Per Occurrence 1. Employee Theft- Per Loss Coverege I 100,000 NA 2. Employes Theft- Per Employes Coverage Not Covered NIA 3. ForgsryOrAItemtlon NotCovered NA , : 4. ~nslde The Premises - Theft Of Money And Not Covered NA ~ ~ ~ ~ - Securities ..... -';. Inside The Premises - Robbery Or Safe Burglary Of Other Property Not Covered 6. Out_=!~e The Promises Not Covered NA 7. Computer Fraud Not Covered NA 8. Funds Transfer Fraud Not Covered NA 9. Money Orders And Counterfeit Money Not Covered NA If "Not Covered" is insert, ed above opposite any specified Insuring Agreement, such Insuring Agreement and any other reference thereto in this policy is deleted, If Added by Endorsement: Umlt Of Insurance Deductible Amount Insuring Agreement(e) Per Occurrence Per Occurrence Employee Theft Schedule See Schedule NIA IEndoreements Fon~gng Part Of This Coverage Part When Issued: See attached form GU207 CR DS 03 08 07 © leO Properties, Inc., 2006 Page t of 2 POLICY NUMBER: MEPK06218603 CRIME AND FIDELITY CR 26 34 08 07 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADD SCHEDULE EXCESS LIMIT OF INSURANCE FOR SPECIFIED EMPLOYEES OR POSITIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL CRIME COVERAGE FORM COMMERCIAL CRIME POLICY EMPLOYEE THEFT AND FORGERY POMCY GOVERNMENT CRIME COVERAGE FORM GOVERNMENT CRIME POLICY and applies to the Employee Theft Insuring Agreement: SCHEDULE Name Schedule Coverage Item Excess Limit Of Insurance No. Names Of Covered "Employees" Each "Employee" Position Schedule Cover; ge No. Of Excess Limit Of Item Titles Of Location Of "Employees" Insurance No. Covered Positions Covered Positions Each Pesltlon _ Each "Employee I I Treasurer ; '. Southold, NY 1 $1,250,000 2 Deputy Treasurer '.'. · Southold, NY 1 $1,250,000 Information required to complete this Schedule. if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. C:R 2~ 34 OR ~}? ~ IRC} Prnn;=rfi~ Inc ?(~(~R P;~n~ I nf 2 POLICY NUMBER: MEPK06218603 CRIME AND FIDELITY CR 2i6 lg 0~; 06 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADD FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF DUTY COVEI GE FOR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: GOVERNMENT CRIME COVERAGE FORM GOVERNMENT CRIME POLICY and applies to the Insuring Agreements designated below: SCHEDULE Insuring Agreement Limit Of Insurance I X Employee Theft- Par Loss Coverage $1,350,000 __ __ I Employee Theft- Per Employee Coverage I $ - nformation required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. t. The following is added to the Employee Theft Insuring Agreement designated above: We will pay for loss or damage fo "money", "secu- rities" and "other property" resulting directly from the failure of any "employes" to faithfully perform his or her ,~utlas as prescribed by law, when such failure has as its direct and immediate result a loss of your covered property, The most we will pay for loss arising out of any one "occurrence" is the Limit of Insurance shown in the Schedule~ That Limit, is peri of, not in addition to, the Limit of surance shown in the Declarations. 2. The following exclusions are added to Section D.2. Exclusions: a. Loss resulting from ~he failure of any entity acting as a depository for your property or property for which you are responsible. b. Damages for which you are legally liable as a result of: (t) The deprivation or violation of the civil rights of any parson by an "employee"; or (2) The tortious conduct of an 'employee", except the conversion of property of other parties held by you in any capacity. The Indemnification Condition is replaced by the following: We will indemnify any of your officials who are re- quired by law to give bonds for the faithful per- formance of their duties against loss through the failure of any "employee" under the supervision of that official to faithfully perform his or her duties as prescribed by law, when such failure has as its di- rect and immediate result a loss of your covered property. Part (I) of the Termination As To Any Employee Condition is replaced by the following: (1) As soon as: (a) You; or (b) Any official or employee authorized to man- age, govern or control your "employees' Issm of any act committed by the "em- ployee" whether before or after becoming employed by you which would constitute a loss covered under the terms of the Em- ployee Theft Insuring Agreement, as amended by this endorsement. CR 26 19 05 06 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2005 Page t of 1 ICancelletlon Of Prior Insurance Issued By Us: By acceptance of this Coverage Part you give us notice cancelling prior policy Nos. ; the cance at on to be effective at the time this Coverage Part becomes effective. CountersiGnature Of Author[zed Representative Name: McNeil & Company, Inc. Title: Presiclent Signature: ~ , __~_~ ~_~_ ~ Date: 03112/2008 Page 2 of 2 © ISO Properties, I~c., 2006 CR DS 03 08 07 1. The Excess Limit of Insurance shown in the Schedute applies to each "employee" who is named or v/no holds e pceilian shown in the Schedule opposite that limit. 2, The Excess Limit of Insurance applies only to that pa~t of any covered loss that exceeds the Limit of Insurance shown in the Declarations for the Em- ployee Theft Insuring Agreemen{ plus any apoli- cable Deductible Amount. 3. The Excess Limit of Insurance applies only to loss caused by an identified "employee". 4. If the Excess Lim/t of Insurance is scheduled on a position basis, the most we witl pay for an 'ern- ployee" holding more then one position is the larg- est Excess Limit of Insurance in effect and appli- cable to any one of those positions at the time of loss. Page 2 of 2 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2006 CR 26 34 08 07