HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12414 P 508THIS INDENTURE, ido ur tho- and nyc BETWEEN GUY C. HEATER & VIVIEN HEATER 6130 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, New York ! 1958 party of the pan, and GUY C. HEATER !!1 as TRUSTEE OF THE HEATER FAMILY IRREVOCABLE TRUST 33 Tughollow Road, West Kingston, Rhode Island 02892 party of &'~. ~ par~. WITNESSETII, ~hal Ihe paRy of fl~ first pan, in consideration of Tee Doll~r~ ~ o~.'r valuable comideration pa~d ID' thc party of the second party, does hereby grant and release unto the linty of the second part. thc hei~ or s~cc_,~sors 'and ~ of Ibe pa,'ly of thc second part forever, ALL ~ ~rlain plo~, piece or parcel of land. with thc buildingS ami improvemenm thereon em:ttxl, situme, lyiag and being ~1 Indian Neck, mm' Pecon~. in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being beunded and deseribed as follow~: BEGINNING at a monument set in the southerly side of Indian Neck Road where the west~ly side of land now or formerly of Helen RtW. intersecm the southerly side of Indian Neck Road, said monument also bein~ dis~nt 143.44 fe~l easterly, from the interaectinn of the easterly line of land now or fonnerty of Kelly wlth Ihe southerly side of Indian Neck Road; RUNNING THENCE from the point or pince of beginning, Sooth 24 degrees 42 minutes 20 ~econds East along land now or formerly of Helen Ru~, a dis~nue of 420.71 feet to Innd now or formerly of Rms: THENCE Sutah 65 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West along last mentioned lands n distance of t30.19 feat to the em~eriy side of u 16 foot Right of Way; THENCE North' 24 degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds West alon~ the easterly side of a 16 foot Right of Way a c~istnuce of 443.00 feet to I~e southerly sid~ of Indian Neck Road; THENCE North 75 degrees 22 minuU.'s 20 st, conds Eas! along tl~ southerly side of Indian Neck Roa~ a distance of 127.22 ft~to u mouun~.'nt set at the point or place of I~innlno, TOGETHER with a non-excinaive eo.~.'meat in c,-.m~n with olh~s for ingre.~ and egress to and fm~ &e above d~oribed premises to Indian Neck Road over the 16 foot Right of Way adjoining the westerly line of I1~ above BEING AND INTENDED TO BE ~1~ same premises conveyed to the party of the first pan by Deed D',~d January 14, 1983 and recorded in the Suffolk Count). Clerk' s Office on ]anua~. 18, t983 in Liber 9301 at Page 253. TOGETHI'Xt with all right, title and interest, if any, of Ihe p~ty of the firsl part in and to any streets and rond~ abu~ng the tbove deserlbed premisu~ m the center lin~s tbereof: TOGETHER with the ~pportennnces and all the ~tat~ and ~'i~hts of 0ze pa~y of the first part in and to said ps.nisei; TO IIAVE AND TO ilOLD IlZ, premiss herein 8rantnd unto ~ party of the second pan, the heirs or succe~ors and assigns of the puny of the ~'ond pan forever. AND the i~ty of th,. first ~ covenant~ that the puny of the first lint has nm done or suffered anything v,'hcreby the said premises have been encun~ered in any way what~..ver, exCept as aforesaid. AND the party of the first pa~ in compliance witiz Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenant~ that the puny of lhe first ~l~al~ ~. ~ the~e~ts'za~=""r~ion for this conv~anue and will hold the right to receive. ~ cnn.~le~tion as a u'u~t ~ ....... f the to~ of tbe s-,me for an other ~e p~ayZL~ee~o[~!li~,.~l[tmpsuvemeet before u~in~ any ~ o y piano . '~l~V~v"l~o'ffpasty.."oshallbe-coasm~:d as ff ~! read pafue~ whee~ver the sense of tins indenture so requu'cs. IN WlTNE. SS WIIEREOF, the puny of ~he f~'st part has duly c.,w-cmed chis ~,_,,_~_ the day and yenr fiwt above written. in l~esunce of: GUY .C. ~.~ATER .,,."') , / VIVIEN HEATER STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS.: On the [ ~' day of Augtm, 200~, bcfurc me, thc undersigned, i~-rsonally appcatcd GUY C. HEATER & VIVIEN HEATER, pcrsonally known to m~ or proved to mc on the basis of satisfactos7 evidence lo be lh~ individual(s) who~e name(s) is (arc) subscrlbcd to the within insmmam[ and aclmowledgcd to me that h~she/they ex**,cutcd the same in his/her/their capacity(ks), and ~ by his/her/their si~tore(s) on the instrument, ~e individual(s), or the person upon Ix.,half of which the individual(s) acted, cxccmed the insll~ll~flt. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS.: On thc day of 2005, before me personally ~ to rne kltown, who being by me duly sworn, did dcposc and say that he resides at No. ; that he i~ the .the corporation dcscriix~ in and which executed thc foreRoinu iustnlmcut; that he instrument is such eorporatu seal; that it was so al~fixed by order of thc board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. · STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS,: On the day of ,2005. before me, the undersigned. personally ~ , pe~o~ly known to me or pro~'d to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose nanE(s) is (are) su~bed to the within insmunem and ~nowh.'dgcd ~o rne that be/she/th~.? executed the same in his/herltheiF capa~Jtyfk's), and that by his/berAhdr siguamre(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or thc pers)n upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrcment. ,'fATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF SS.: )n the day of 2005, before me, the undersigned, pemmally ~ , the subscribing wimess to the foregoinlz insu'ument, with whom I am personally acquaintcd, who being by me duly sworn, did &..pose and say that h~shc/th~ reside(s) in (if the place of t~iden~e s in n city. include the sm:o and street number, if any. thereo0 that bel~eltbey know(s) to the individual deserlbed in and who executed the foregoing Jnsu'urnent; that said subsaribing witness wa~ pre. ut and snw snid ~:x~'uto the same; and ~hat said witocsa ut the same time subscribed his/her~eir uamc(s) ns witness thereto. QUITCLAIM DEED GUY C. HEATER & VIVIEN HEATER 'to GUY C. HEATER I11 ss TRUSTEE OF THE HEATER FAMILY IRREVOCABLE 'I'RUST s£c-nos 098.00 m.~.x 05.00 ~or 017.006 cou~ OUTOW SUFFOLK RETURN BY MAIL TO: Nancy Burner, P.C. 46 Route 25A Suite 4 Setauket, New York 11733 Nurab~r ~{pages TORR~.NS Serial # Prior C~. # Deed. Mortgage Instrument Page / Filing Fec Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp ,FEES Handling TP-584 Notation EA-5217 (County) Sub Total EA-S217 (State) R.RT.S.A. · Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Cet~fied Copy Reg. Copy Other I 1000 4 IDistrict Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification. Sub Total Grand Total 05039295 ~ooo o~aoo o5oo o~oo6 Satisfaction/Discharges/Release List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: NANCY BUR_NER, P.C. 46 ROUTE 25A SUITE 4 SETAUKET, NEW YORK RECORI~D Oct 14 10,":~;47 RN Edward P. Re.sine CLERX OF ~L~'FOLK C~_ _t~TV L 000012414 P508 DT~ Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional. Tax Sub Total Spec. / Assit. or Spec. / Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County __ Held for Appaintment.~::~. Transfcr Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this motgage is or will bc improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES orNO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page ~. of this instrument. $ Consideration Amount CPF Tax Due Communit~ Preservation Fund Improved Vacant Land TD BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING The premisis herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of Southold In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Peconlc Guy C. Heater & Vtv/en Heater TO Guy C. Heater III an Trustee of the Heater Family Irrevocable Trust This page forms pan of the attached QI. JIT(~I.~AIM DEleD made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PA~E ~e of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD l~-~her of Pages z 3 Receipt Number s 05-0107984 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-10832 Districts 1000 Deed Amount= Recordeds LIBER: PAGE: Sections Block~ 098.00 05.00 EX~=~XD ANU C~AR~D AS FOLLOWS $o.oo lO/14/2oo5 10s38z47 AM Received the Following Feee For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO H~ndling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-~-z'~ $5.00 NO EA-STATB TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies HPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Co~.Pree Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUmBERs 05-10832 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INETRUME~iT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.R~naine County Clerk, Su£folk County D00012414 508 017.006 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $149.00 Exen~t NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps,state,ny.ua or. PHONE (518} 473-7222 FOR COUN~ USE ONLY REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I Mb ll;!RP- 5217 I , /, . S~T""~6130 J Tndianswmxi~Neck Lane [ Southold ] Peconic [ 11958_ [ Cuy C~ ~at~= III as T;ustei of the Heater ;=ily Irrevocable T~st [ I I I I Ixl I~l , 1.3.Ol Heater I Guy C. Heater I V:f.v:Len tx /x / xI A E F G H I J D~d Tvlm r~t Wanimy M Basin end ~Me (Sped/Y B(d(xv) Slgniftrj~ Qm41g~ in pmpmty Botvvq~n T&~qbie S~tus I~d Sd. D~e. Transfer to Trust 1 70 0 I i ' ' i ~ ' ' L 1000 - 98 - 5 - 17.6 I t I [CE"TIFICATION I Bt, WER 61~0 I I.d~-- Neck Lane Peconic I ~q/ I 11q~g 8EU. r~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~urner [ Nancy 631 I 941-3434