HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 941 · wCB-~ · ... ~nifp('m ack.) OlJ. Ooo 51]ndard N. Y. B.T.U. Form 8002 · MT YOUR LAWYER B~Olll SIGNING Tiffs INSTRUMENT--THIS INST~ SHOULD BI USID BY I,AWYIRS ONLY. THISh~IDF..NTURE, midethe 8 d&yof June ,in.eye= 2005. BETWEEN ZOUMAS CONTRACTING CORPORATION, 263 Route 25A, Nading New Yopk 11792 River, M~yofthefu'stlm%mul BARTOLOHEO PISELLA, New York. NY 10028 residing at 1501 Lexington Avenue, purty of the second imt, ~ that the party of the first plrt~ in consideration of Ten l~.lhrs and .ot~.er valnsble consideration p~id by the ~ of the ~ putt, does hereby grant an.d. relea~ unto the lx~rty oz um second part:, the heirs or successors and Issirns of t~ party of the second put forever, 'ALL that certain pi_ok piece or plrcd of land, with the buildings and bnproven~-Gts ihe~eon er~___~, situate, lying and beinf in ~de ~ SEE DESCRIPTION ANNEXED This conveyance is made in the ordinary course of business conducted by the grantor. TOGETilER with ell fight, title and interest, if an~, of the party of the first part in and to m:y streeu and roads almtting the above described prendses to the center lines thereof; TOGETIIER w~th the appurtenances and all the estate and fights of the puffy of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein gray,ted unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the p.xrty of thc first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything .he_reb.y the s~id ~)remise, have .been en~..mhered in any w~y whete,'et, except as aforenid. ' NL; tt~e party, or the. first part, :.n complmnce with Scction 13 of the Lien L&w, covenants that the party of the first part wsll recewe the consldei-~tion for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- tlon as~ trust .(und to be app. li.ed first for the .purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply mae nrst to the pa)'me~!t ot the cost ot the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "part}'" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN ]A~TIqESS WJ~:.RF..OF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the d~y and year first above written. IN PRF. SL'NCE OF: Title No.: L 2531334 SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Bayview, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk nnd State of New York, known and desisnated as Lot No. 21 on a certain map entitled, "Map of.Angel Shores" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on August 23, ! 995 as Map No. 9729, which said lot is more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Water Terrace distant ! 45. i 6 ~cet westerly from the extreme westerly end of an arc of a curve wltich connects the westerly side of Pavilion Court with the southerly side of Water Terrace; RUNNING THENCE South 15 desrees 14 minutes 48 seconds West, 219.69 feet; THENCE North 60 de~ees 03 minutes 56 seconds West, 190.65 feet~ THENCE North 34 degrees 43 minutes 38 seconds East, 203.01 feet to the southerly side of Water Ten-ace; THENCE Southeasterly along the southerly side of Water Terrace along an m'c of a curve bearing to'the left having a radius of 350.00 feet, a distance of ! 19.00 feet to the poim or place of BEGINNING. · o~: Convwyenc4ng on~.~,, (Toltetherwithall~ght, title and interest of; in and to any st~eets and :Z~ ~nt;onded t:o be ~onveyed. (roads abut~in8 the nbov~ descn~.~ premises, to the cente~ line thcr~o£ and Report of Titlo - l~/ew York STATE OF NEW YORK) couT'ffY o~S U F F 0 LI, on d...O_ day of June in the ye~ 2009~ore me, the undmigne~pemnallyappeamd IflANNIS 70UNAS . personally known to me or proved to me on the basis ofsmisrKtory evidence to he the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) sub,'bed to the within in~t and acknowledged to me tim he/sh~they executed the nme b hisCfledtheir capncJvy(iesL nd dui by his/her/their siBnnture(s} on the Jnslrmnent, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf o£wb~ch the individual{s} acted, exec~ed the instnnnem. ~ SiLmnture and Office of individual taMng aeknowkdgmeut · + For aeknowledgments taken In New York State. Natmy PVblf~ Siam of New ~'m4t 8uffoa Conmy No. 6~4S0e88S · * State. District of Columbia. Territory, Possession, or FoMEn Country ) IL*. STATE OFNEW YORK) ) COUNTY OF ) -' On the__ day of in the year' '-'- before me, the undmiped, pemomtlly appeared ,; .... pemmally known to me or proved to me on the bans of satLsfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose atone(s) is (are) subsedbed to the within insmmlem and acknowledged to me tim he/she~hey executed the ssme in his/her/their CSpKity(ies). nd ibm by his/herAheir signmure(s) on the insmunem, the individual(s), or the pemm upon belmlfofwbich the individual,s) smd. executed the Sipttqre and Office of hdlvJdual raking acknowledgment On the __ day or in the year__ before me, ~he undersi~, penonally appmed pmonally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satJshctor~ evJdcnce tu be d~ individual(s) whose nmm.(s) is (am) subsm'bed to the ' within insmmJent and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(iff), that by his/ItL. T/their signature(s) on the inmumem, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument, and that such individaa] made such aplxmrance before the undersigned in the . (insert the city or other political subdivision and the state or country or other place the nclmowiedgment was taken), ** For acknowledgments taken outside of New York State. f Signature and omce or Individual taking aeknowledgment WIIH COVENAHT ^GAIIqS'I' GKANIOI'S ACTS SECTION 088.00 POC~ 06.00 u~ 013.000 COtmT~ Oi TOWN Southo1 d F~t America 7'it~ Insurance ¢ompan~ Fkst American Tllb Innnnn~ OHnlmny et' New Yolk lrrURN BY MAIL TO: David Prokop, Esq. 131 Route 25A Rocky Point, NY ~1778 'FIJi( I1 I,-' N,~ S.,:rial ,f :.'rrfifi,-:,l= :i IYiur (' h". ,'; i'~ed: ,MoilLu,~u '1 iix ~il,,up FI:I-L~ i';0~c / Fili,g Fcc I iundling ,~ '1'1'-584 . q N.t-',tion I:.A-52 17 (Cnunlyl I';A-5217 R.P.'I,.S.A. Conlm. d' Ed. Ccrlificd C~l)y Reg. Copy --" ~ .qub'rulal __ ~¢~7. Real Propt"ay Tax ~crvicu ..\gcncy Vcrilicati,,u Dis! ..... .'4P,'li,,n __il I...t .... # 050225?0 zooo · ~alisi'acfions/I)i.~hnrBe~Relea.~.~ I.isl I~n~pcrly Uwners Mailing A, Idre.~s '1 I.I I('0. ~ ;till L' :~ i,k: ,7 RECORDED 200~ ,Tun 22 02130.'35 PH Edvard P. Ro~ine CLE~ OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L D00012393 P 941 DT0 O4-4,5988 I<u~-rdi:,E/' Filing I Ikdt- lax ~ ,~.dclilumal 'I':D: ~I,ID l'ot~l '1 ( ¢1. M'I fi. TAX I lual 'l'm~ n I hml Comnly__ ..... I lehl Ii. Al~pt,~immlcnl ....... l~;ni~lk~ Fax ~ ~ ~ O '1 h~' PTolemy uoverud I~ tl.~ morl~l~v i~ ,)F will I,c ilnproved hv o ttltC or two I~mily ~, NO .... __ .. -f lifts i~ll~lll~lll. ~. t'l'l' I'ilx I'~uu' ]ml~rnvcd ',,' Suf 'olk Cou, nty Recording & Endorsement Pag,e SI IH:t Il .K C( IUNI~'. NEW YI V,'ic al~t I,alld '11} q'i') Title Cmnimny lnfi~rmatiou _. made by: ~__ in tl~ VII.I..AL;I! _ or I IAMI.ET t,f ' fOVE~) I SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument= DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages= 4 Receipt ~er = 05-0066008 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-45988 District: 1000 Deed Amount= Recorded~ LIBER = PAGE = Section = Block: 088.00 06.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $940,000.00 06/22/2005 02=30=35 PM D00012393 941 Lot = 013.023 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO FA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $3,760.00 NO Comm. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 04-45988 THIS P~E IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Exempt $5. oo NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $15,800.00 NO $19,712. O0 Edward P.R~naine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpff/www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ,,~ ! ~ I ~a ~1 ~. 8TA~ OF ~W YO~ ' . , _ ~ - ~1~ Dead Size Fn0NT PUT Dram* ~ Ar. Jqu ' ' I I LAST IMIM I (~MPANY W~T IMM[ 7. Chet~ the bo~ bsiew whieh most aeeuratd,/dose~ the Wle M tho plworty it the time d ~e: A~Ckm Family Ita~idomlal b J~ 2 or 3 FAmily Rmiden~l ~' J~ Re~lladal V~nt Land DI I Non-I~mideIM VK~nI IJnd I s~ ,.~.^~o. I 12. Data of EnteflMnmeflt / Amulomont Community ~ce Pub~ie Service lfl~ Ibl I~(~t El in am Agdoalturol Dmrl~ C F ,,.~..~. ~ , , ,~.Nt,o,o,6,o,, o,ot ! ! · (Full Sale Price i~ the total amount paid for the propMty it~ludlng persoMI propmly. ] TN. payment may be in the loan of cash. other properly or OooclL or fha Msumplion of j mo~gagm or other obligatlonLI PtNde mead 1o the nmmst whole Mr emounL 14.1nl~MtmthevaJuedpormmsi I. . . , , , , O, 0 I mqm~/Indudod Jn the trio ASSESSM..,EHT INFORMATION - Dom should rofloct tho latest Final Asuessmoflt floiJ and Tax B|H J SLYgarMAmemm~Mfmm IC~). ~ 17. TatdAmmedVdueiMsillmnmluinl~andMll Sale BatwNn ~ ~)mpardm or Plrmers in Business One M the Buyers is also a Sellor Burr or Sebr is Gowmrnent Agency or Lending Inl~Jtlon Deed Typo not W~ramy (w bruno sfld Sale ~_.,~e__!fy bi hie ol W o~ LM~ tham Fee Inlorest ISpecify Below) Sl~ilk:~nl ~ in Propmty Bewpmen TN~ Statu~ -~ ~ Dam 01her UnusuaJ F.r, tors Affe~ Sale P~h:e (SpKify Below) 2e. Tu Map ~s) I Roil identifle~ Of mm thaa fe~, at.eh ~ ~ addil~mai iisi) I I I ByYER ~ mr.~Al'U~ , m, BUYER'S. ~I'FOltNEY INEW YORK STATE COPY ·