HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12403 P 970CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BE~ORIr SIGHIHG THIS INSTRUMF~T - TNt% 4HSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USE) BY LAWYERS ONLY TH~INDENTURE, rnade~ August ~ 2005 BE~ KLAAS HONIG and RUTH HONIG, his wife, both residing at 745 Watersedge Way, Southold, New York 11791 Party of the first ~fl, and KLAAS P. HONIG and RUTH HONIG, both residing at 745 Watersedge Way, Southold, New York 11791, as tenants in common. party of the second part, WI'I'NF. SSETH, that the party of the fir~ri,.~in ~orisiderution of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration Paid by the part,' of the second Par~.~.ra~t and release unto the larry of the second Part. the heirs or successors and alias'ns of the Party~~w~w~j~ i forever, , ALL that certai,, plot, piece or Pa_ he huildin~ arid impr. vements thereon erected, situate, . · d,on Town of Su 1 1958, by Otto W. Van ~yl% ,~S~}~eliCensed La~d Surveyors, Greenport, New York, a~d filed in'the~.- of the Clerk of Suffolk County on the 22nd day of January~91 ] . ~ Map No. 2910. . TOGETHER with a right o~ ~.y~..o~:rs~y2;v. en ~.ane", Watersedge Waym, and "Gin Lane", as 'si ' RESERVING nevertheless unto William Wells, his heirs, administrators, executors and assigns, the fee to the said "~ay Haven Lane(., UWaters- edge Way"'and "Gin Lane", and all franchise rights therein and the right of dedication of said streets to the proper governmental agency for street purposes. SUBJECT to the provisions of the'declaration recorded by William Wells on February 10, 1959 in the Suffolk County Clerk's OFfice in Liber 4584 at page 346. BEING the same premises conveyed by P~ter W. Riebling & Catherine K. Riebling, his wife, as grantors, to Klaas Honig & Ruth Honig, his wife, as grantees, by deed dated May 22, 1969, said deed having been recorded in the Suffolk County Clerkts Office on June 6, 1969 st Liber 6561, Page 34. SAID PP~EMISES being known as and by 745 Watersedge Way, Southold, New York 11971 TO~I..'*I'!I£~ with all risht, fid.e, and interest, if af, y. -I thc party of the f~rl part in and to a,:.v str,cts and roa,ds..ab, uttm.g.the a, bo~'e, dear!bed prem'.m? to. the center lin? thereof: TOGETHER with the nppurtermnces ann all the mate ann ri~ht~ of the party o! the brat part in and to said premises: TO HAVE A~D TO HOLD the premises hereJ, granted unt- the party of the ret'and Part. the heirs or su~essors and assiFns of the party of the sneontl jarl f(,revt. J'. AND.the party, of the first part eovenant~ that. the party of the first part has riot done. or suffered nnythin. ~ whereby. the sai.d pren,sos heys been eneumhered m any way whatever, except as aforeqtrd. AND the party of the &rst part, in eomldiance with Section 13 of the Lien I.aw. covenants that the part)' ct lite Part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the risht to receJ,'e such eonsifleratton as a t.rust fund to he applied first for the purpose of Paying the cost of the improvement and w;ll apply the sam first tu the payment of t.,he cost of the improvement before usinK any part of J4~e total of the same for any other purpose The word party .~hall he construed as ~f tt read Purlins whenever'the sense of th:s indenture no requrres. Is w. 3s ws oF, th. (,r the he, d.l,. .nd rst · ..Xlaas ,chit M}m~WLalXiMUNT n~ saW YORK STAT~ ffpt. ~ State of New York, County oF N&oa&u ss.'- On Augu. st 4, 2005 before n~. ~c und~isned. personally ap~nred Klaas ~onig & Ruth Honig tory evidence to be the individun]ts) v,~xse atone(s) is (arc) ~ubscfihM to the wi~in imtmment and acknowledged to me that he/shd~hey executed the same in his/her/their cupacityt'~), and that by hi.~/herltheir signatures! .the instmmem, the indi- vidunlts), or the person upon behalt~ Which the ilxlividu,~tf~) iA · _ State of County of ss.: pe~o~ly appeared before me. the undersigned, personally known to mc or proved m su~ ~ ~ ~Jn i~ · nt hd~ey ex~ ~ ~ h hi~r ~ty(~), ~d ~ ~ h~ir si~x) ~ vidual(s), ~ ~ ~ u~ ~f ~ which ~ individuals) ~, e~ ~ im~m~ ~d KLAAS HONIG & RUTH HONIG KLAAS P. HONIG & RUTH N. as tenants in common HONIG, State of ~ ss.: County of On peroonally appeared before me, the un&'rsigned. the subscribing wimess(es) to ~he fmegoing instrument, with whom ! am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did dep~qe and say that he/sbe/tbey reskk.'(s) in ~ ,,/;e~e b in .. oily. ire'lade Iiw ~ and ylrtct tf nrsy. thai he/shdthey know(s) to be the Jndividunl(s) described in and who execuk'd the fme- 8oin~ imtrumk'm: that auld subscribing witnesstes) was twere) present and saw said execute the same: and lhat saki witness(es) al the samc tim sul~'Fibed hLVheF/their name(s) as a witness(es) ~hmto. witne~es) made such appearance ~fore the undc'~igned in ) SECTION Map of Bay BLOCK IO1' 52 COUNTY OR TOWN $outhold Haven at Southold RETURN BY MAIL TO: ANGELA SIEGEL, ESQ. 1205 Franklin Avenue Garden City, New York 11530 Zip No. i i,q~r of pages :rlificatc # ior Qr. # I~__~ I Mortgage hmtrument ,I Deed/. Mortgage Tax Stump l,~.Eq '1 RECORDED __?~_5 ~ 16 12:4,5:02 PI'I Ecl~rd P. Romaine p _o~ · "~ Recordinj~T~-~O'4~J~hps Lgc I Fili.g Pee andlipg P-584 ~. UO oration A-52 17 (Cou,ty) A-521'7 (Stale) .RT.S.A. omm. uf Ed. fl]davit ertified Copy Sub 'lbtal eR. Copy Sub Total MoLt§age Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additio,mi 'l'nx _- Sub Total SpecJAssit. of Sp~. 1Add. 10'1: MTG. 'FAX - Dual Tow. ,, _ Dual County ~ Held for AppoinUnenl Trnnsfcr'ru _~_~'__. M.,,sio. Tax 'Jl~c property covered by Ibis mortaage is oA will be improved by n o,m or two family dweJling o. nly. or NO ~ qhcr Grand 'ibml _ {qOI,- ~isUict .ea! [upurty nx Service .ge,cy 'erificntiofl ] o.~.oo i Lo~.oo o I ~ectiou Block 05031978 tooo o~oo osoo o~=ooo dSatisf'nctio, u/Discharges/Relcases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN 1'0: 5 l[ NO, see appxopriate tax clause un · commnnlty Prenervntion Fund C. onsi~eration Amom, t $ '~' CPF 'Fax Due Improved · Vacant Lalid _ '11) TD 'rD I? I T,.._¢o.,~.,,~ infurmutlon Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page, by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 'llte premises heroin is situated itt SUffFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. i,s d~e 'lbwnship of__"~°O in the VILLAdE 'iltis page fo,i,s pm1 or. the attached ~OXF..S ~ 'rlIRU e MUST'b/E TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 1'O RECORDINO O1~. .I II SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages · 3 Receipt Number ~ 05-0085367 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-02442 1000 Deed Amount~ Recorded; LIBER: PAGE = Section~ Blockl 088.00 05.00 ~U~T~XD AND CeA~D AS FO~LOWS $o.oo os/16/2oos 12~45:02 1~ D00012403 970 Lot ~ 062.000 Received the Foll~ing Fees For ~ove Instrument ~em~t Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG F~-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCT~ Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~aan. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NU~BERz 05-02442 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TF, E INSTRUMENT T~IS I8 NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo $149.oo Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P.R~maine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl, WIS Code ~ Dwy Yw PROPE~T~ IN~OR~TIO~ I PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hRp://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE {518) 4~3-7222 WateF,sedge Way $11~E? NU~i~ Southold OIY OR 1~ =~' I .__ _. Honig, NItle ~I IMME I CQMf~M~ Honig I I Klaaa P. Ruth F~T NMM ~_.~ ~tofPemel~ OR I'~ Pl¢ofePm*MI F.,P,~ I Ixl IORI .... ~ I Size Fno. r 11971 I ~T i lilATE Z4) C{X~ & ~U~r I Honig I Klaas I Hontg I 7. Check l/bex below ~ mewt m~uratMy dewmibm the u~e M the Iweemny mt the time of mak: BI__J 2 or 3 FandJy Riiidentlal C I---J Mid~lial V/Gini IJad I')Lij Nm-Re~len~l VKam [and I1, Sale C4mrm~ Date AQricultuml i~ Commerr~l Ap~i~moR! £menainmem I Amu~4mlm Public SenSe lZ. Dm d ~ i Trinalir - D~ Yea' ..r-ds.~,~. I , , , , ~ , O, 0.0 ,0. 0 I ThlR I~yment m~y ~ In ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~ or ~ ~ ~ a~m~n of 14.~vMMW I a ' ' ,0 ,0 ~. ,, 0 , 0 1 [ ~ESSMENT INFOR~N - Dam .h~M ~ the bmr nnat ~;~m ~1~ end Tu Bill 1..~~ I 2. 1, 01-~ le.~~~ I Southold Ruth~ SouthoXd I NY I 11971 BELl. ER 516 7'41-6100 I I NEW YORK STATE COPY 745 I Watersedge Way SlllJ:E% ~# ~nf. ET ~ (~-IER 6ALF. I