HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12397 P 538 TAX MAP DESI(JNATION Disc: 1000 Sec.: 075.00 Blk.: 02.00 t.otfs}: OO&O00 Executor's Deed This Indenture, made thc 10th day of May, Two Thoasand and Five, BETWEEN BRENDA CICHANOWICZ, residing at 155 Halls Creek Drive, Mattimck, New York 11952 As Executor of the Last Will and Testament of FRANK CICHANOWICZ a/ida FRANK A. CICHANOWIC2.. late of Mattitock. Suffolk County, New York, who died on the 18th day of August, Two Thousand and Four. party of the first part, and NEAL J. CICHANOWICZ, residing at 2100 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, New Ye~k i 1958 and SARA CICHANOWICZ, residing at 155 Halls Creek Drive, Mattiluck. New York 11952, each as to a 50% interest as tenants in common party of the second pan, WITNESSETH, that thc party of the first pan, to whom Letters Testamentary were issued by the Surrogate's Court, Suffolk County, New York on September 9, 2004, and by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said Last Will and Testament, and/or by Article 11 of Estates, Powers and Trusts Law, and pursuant to the terms of said Will. paid by the party oftbe second pa~ does hereby grant and release unto thc party of thc second part, the distributees or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land. with buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being "Sec attached Schedule A" BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to FRANK CICHANOWICZ a/Ida FRANK A. CICHANOWICZ, deceased, by De. cd dated March 14, 1980 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 8793 page 312to315. PREMISF. S ALSO KNOWN ns 495 Cat Alley (Maple Road), Southold. N. Y, TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first pa~t in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party of the first part has or has power to convey or dispose of, whether individually, or by virtue of said will of othcrwisa; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the distributces or successors and assigns of the party of the second paff forever. AND the party of thc first part covenants that thc party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. Subject to the trust fund provisions of section thirteen of the Lien Law. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land. situate lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded nnd described ns follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of land of the Long Island Railroad Co. where same is intersected by the division line between premises hereinafter described and premises now or formerly of Vincent Ovasianik and Mary S. Ovinsianik, his wife; running thence South 25° 44' 10" East along said last mentioned land through a monument and a post 1835.66 feet to a monument; thence South 62° 49' 00" West still along said last mentioned land 28.67 feet thence South 26° 00' 40" East still along said last mentioned land 239.92 feet to a monument set in the northwesterly terminus of Maple Avenue (Private Road): thence South $9° 57' 20" West partly along the northwesterly terminus of Maple Lane 34.20 feet to a monument set at the point of intersection of the division line between the premises herein described, the premises now or formerly of Stelzer and the westerly line of Maple Avenue (Private Road); thence still continuing South 59° 57' 20' West along the land now or formerly of Stelzer 291.82 feet to a monument; thence North 26° 02' 30" West still along said land now or formerly of Stelzer, 2077.18 feet to a monument and the southerly side of land of the Long Island Railroad; thence North 60* 33' 00" East along the southerly side of land of the Long Island Railroad Co. 364.49 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with a right of way for ingress & egress & utility service in common with others/66 feet more or less, in width, to and from thc above described premises over Maple Avenue, a private road, southerly to Main-State-Road, the westerly line of said right of way being described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set at the point of intersection formed by the division line between the premises hereinbefore described, the premises now or formerly of Stelzer and the westerly line of Maple Avenue (Private Road); running thence 26° 05' 40" East along the several lands now or formerly of Stelzer, Gajeski, Harris and Ovsianik and through a monument set at thc point of intersection between thc division line of the lands now or formerly of Harris and Ovsianik and the westerly line of Maple Avenue (Private Road) 471.91 feet to the northerly line of Main-State-Road. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to FRANK CICI-IANOWICZ a/k/a FRANK A. CICHANOWICZ, deceased, by Deed dated March 14. 1980 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 8793 pages 312 to .~15. IN WITNF~qS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this Deed the day and year first above wrilten. IN PRESENCE OF:  .LS. · Executor of The Last Will and Testament of FRANK ClCHANOWICZ a/ida FRANK A. CICHANOWICZ STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss.: On thel0th day of May in thc year 2005 before me, thc undersigned, personally appeared BRENDA CICHANOWIC'Z personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to mc that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on Ibc instrument, thc individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed thc instalment. EXECUTOR'S DEED ANNE MRRIE GOODALE Notary Pub.'.ic. State ef New York '? No. 02,~ 05063888 Qualified in Suffo k County A, ' DISTR]C]': ~O~O Commlsaion Expires July 29, 20 ~ SECTION: BRENDA ClCHANOWICZ. As Executrix of BLOCK: O@ the Last Will and Testament of FRANK LOt: CICHANOWICZ a/k/a FRANK A. CICHANOWICZ. late of Maltituck. Suffolk COUNTY OR TOWN: County. New York. who died on the 18th day of August, Two Thousand and Four. TAX BILUNO ADDR[-=~;S: TO NEAL J. CICHANOWICZ, and SARA CICHANOWICZ, each as to a 50~ integer as tenants in common RETURN BY MAIL TO: JAY P. QUARTARARO, ESQ. of TWOMEY, LATHAM, SHEA, KELLEY, DUBIN, REALE & QUARTARARO, LLP 33 WEST SECOND STREET PO BOX 9398 RIVERHEAD. NEW YORK I I~01 Page 2 of 2 Pages Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Dccd. Mortgage Instrument 31 Page / Filing Fee Hondliag 'I'P-5~ Notation EA-5217 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other 4 ] District 1001~ Section Real Property Tax Sm'vice Agency Verification Deed / Mor~,age Tax Stamp FEES ~, Sub Total Sub Total Orand Total ~ .5.001 Block 02.001 Lot 008.0005 050287'14 zooo o~soo o2oo oosooo Satisfaction/Discharges/Release List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: ANNE MARIE GOODALEM, ESQ. 'rWOMEY, LATHAM, SHEA, KELLEY, DUglN, I~EALE & OUARTANARO, LLP :33 WEST SEGOND STREf:T POST OFFIGg: BOX 9398 Co. Name - RIVERHEAD, NY 11901-9398 Tide #. RECORDED 2005 Jul 13 05:45:~ P~ Ed~rd P. Ro~aine rsE~ SUFFOLK L 1~012~97 DT# Reconting / Filing Stamps Mo~gage Amt. I. Basic ~ 2, Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. / Assit. Spec. I Add. TOT, MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax ~-= ~ Mansion Tax The property ¢oven~i by this mo~age is or will be improved by -~ one or two family dwelling only. YES ~ or NO If NO. see appropriate tax ¢lanse on Community, Preservation Fund Consideration Amount S 0 CPF Tax Due SO lmpmv~ Vacant Land TD Title Company Information s Suffolk County Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached ~zJ~XECUTORS DEED made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) BRENDA CICHANOWICZ. AS F~Xb:CUTOR The premisis herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. NEAL J. CICHANOWICZ AND SARA CICHANOWICZ, each as to 50% In the Township of $OLITHOLD In ~= VILLAGE or HAMLET of SOUTHOLD BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RF. CORDING OR FILING. (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type o£ Inscrumen=~ DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages, 4 Reeeipb l~--~er z 05-0072803 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-48885 1000 Deed Amoun=z Recorded; A2~ LZBER PAGE Sec tion; Block ~ 075.00 02.00 E.vdU~ZNED AND ~a~ AS ~o~s So.oo 07/13/2005 03;43;38 PM D00012397 538 Lot; 008.000 Reoeived the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO H~ndling COE $5.00 NO NYS BRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STAT~ TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Coptes RPT $30.00 NO ScUM Transfer ~ax $0.00 NO Corm. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER~ 04-48085 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THiS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo $152.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P.Romaine Coun=y Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 J,FOR COUNTY USE ONLY I ~'~' ./~'J ,r, 7~-~-~ RP...,- .5217~ p.~nv ~xl ~1~,, Io. 1 . ITl .t~,ml INFORMATION & Ownm~ T~e b C~mdOmbllum [~] I ~SESS~NT IN~RMA~N - D~a should refl~ t~ lal~t R~I ~t ~1 lad Tax Bill I None i .q.l~l ! I I I I I I I I ~'~.YIPICAI'ION I I NEW YORK STATE COPY