HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12217 P 785Fom~ 3290 CONSt~T YO~ LAWY~ BEFORE ~ THIS INI~TRUM~E~IT. THiS iN~TR~ ~ BE ~ BY LAWYERS ONlY THiS IND~PJE, m~ the ~ day of ~, ~ B~EN: W~iam J. Aylward, ~dlng at 1~ Bayview Road, Sm.,fltofd, ~ WUtiam J. Ayl~rd ~d Nancy B~ Ay~ residing ~ 1~5 ~yview ~ ~ld, NY ~rty of ~: ~ part, WiTN~, that the party of the fire pad,, iff co~?.~te~ of ten ~rs a~ ~er vabJa~ ~nsidera*don ~id bythe party ofthe ~ pa~t, ~ here~ ~nt and release unto tt'm party ofthe se~ pa.d, the he~ orsu~ and assigns ~the ~tty of~e ~nd ~ forever, ~ ~ cert_~n ~, pi~ or ~1 of I~nd, ~ lite I~lcling$ a~ ~em tl~m ~, lying and ~ing at ~uthold, in the Town or ~uth~, County of Suffolk and ~e d New York. ~ ~uie A atl, a~ed herewith Bei~ the ~me ~ ~n~ed to Grantors ~ de~ ~e~ 0/10101, ~rde~t 10/4/01 in L t2t~ ~, Pm=mm known as 14395 ~yvi~ Road, Southold, NY T~ER with all ~ ti~e and i~e~, ~f any, of the ~ of t~ find ~ in ~ to aW ~ a~ ~s a~i~ t~ a~e d~ ~ to t~ ~ter ~ ~; ~H~ ~ ~ ~~ a~ :~1 t~ ~e a~ ~ ~ the ~y ~ t~ fi~ ~ in a~ to ~ ~; TO ~ ~D ~ ~ ~e the ~ ~ fo~. ~ ~D the pa~ of t~ fi~ pa~ ~mts ~ ~e patty of th~, fh'~t ~rt has ~ dor~ ~ suff~ anythir~ wllereby ~e saki ~ises have been e:fl~~ Iff e~ way ~at~ver, exce~ ~ aforesaid. AND the party of ~e fir~ pa~, in ~~ with ~on 13 of ~e Lien law, covenants that ~e party of fie fl~ part wiD receive the constdem~n for this conveyance ~ will hold the right to m ~C~ ~r~de~ ~ a trust fund lo be ap~ first fort,he ~ or Paying ~e oost of th~ immm and ~ii a~ tile sa~m first to the payment of the ~ ~ the ~pmvement before using any part of ~e tol~ el the ~ for any ~ pulpose. Tile wold 'party' shall be ~e~l ~ it' it ~ 'pa~es' when ever the set~e of t~ tnde~m ~ ~uims. IN WlTNE~ WHEREOF, the patty ~ the fl~ part h~ duly executecl this c~eeG the day and ~ first IN PRESENCE OF: Fo~ a2~ E~IBIT A nitedGeneml ?fiie'lnsurance comply ' SCHEOULE A TZTLE ~: 33-07806 t:ate of New York, known ~ Lots 153-I56, both in~l.,et-~ -- - _ . designated aa Office of Che ~erk of the Co~ty of Suffolk on DecA-heW P~l~ly ~~d ~ described ac~~ Co .sald ~p folIows ~ ~G~ING at a~ point on ~e nor~aasCe=ly. Side of $ou~ Ba~lew ~oad ~st~ce 250.00 feet ~r~we~terly fr~ ~e co~ by the ~tersectton of ~e no~heas=erly side ..of S~ Ba~tew Ro~d ~.~ the nor~hwk~=~ly ~ide of Ce~ Sea~ R~ING T~CE nor~sterly aion~ ~e* n0rthea~terly side Sou~ Ba~-tew ~d, No~ 68 degrees Z7 ~nuteg 20 se~s 400.00 feet; T~~Nor~ 30 degrees 36 ~utes I0 se~n~ East 202.21 feet~ T~ South 68 ~grees 17 ~nutes 20 Secon~ East ~~ South 24 degrees, 24 ~nute~ 20 sec~ ~est 2~0.00 fee~ ~o ~e ~tnt or place *of ~G~d~G. ONLY ~ THE ACK~DGMENT IS ~ iN N~ YQRK $TATF ~,~ N~ York. Courgy of Su~ik On ~he day ~ ~ber in Se ~r ~ ~e t~day ~ ~ in ~ year 2002 TO BE ~ ONLY ~ THE AC~~E~ ~ ~E ~E N~W YORK ~A~ On ~e d~ of in the ~ ~ hl~r ~a) ~ ~e ~m~, the ~n~{sL B~AIN AND SAL~ DEED TWe No. 33-078~ ~{liam J. Aylward To N~ 8~k Commonwealth D~CT 1000 SECT~DN 089.00 ~K 01 .~ LOT 03.00t COU~ ~lk STREET ADDRESS 14395 ~wi~ Road ~Lhold. ~ Rec. ofl:lad at ~ of COM~NWEAL~ LAND TITLE I~RANCE COMPANY ........ RE~RN BY MAIL T~ AbstraX, lnr, mporaL~d 585 Stewart Avenue Galen C~. ~ 1i530 i Nmuber of page.m ~ .......... ~RRENS Oct I0 02:39:~ ~ L ~i2217 P ?85 Deed / M~ttp~ge~ Tax Stamp [ Recx,,.~ling / Filing Stumps SubToml~~__ Suh%tal Monguge Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. A~iliong Tax Sub ~1 SpccYAs~. of s~,/A~. D~I Town Du~ C~ly., HeM for Ap~intm~t ~ T~nder T~ Ma~km %x ~ ~ny covc~ ~ ~is ~ge is ~ ~i] ~ ~p~v~ by=u one ~ t~ ~ily d~lling ~ly. ~ NO if NO. ~e ap~fi~ ~ ela~ ~ Block' d){ 00 1000 08~0 0i00 003001 onsidera~on Amour $ CPI;' Tax Due !mprov~ Vaca.m ~ · (SPECIFY TYPE OF !NSTRUMENT} T~ premiss ~n is siluut~ in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. SUFFO~ CO~ CLERK ~~S OFFICE ~CORDING P~E ~ of Inst~t: DEEDS/DDD ~umber of P&ges: 4 TRANSFER TAX ~ER: 02-13456 District~ 1000 Recorded &t: LZBER: PAGE: Sect ion: Block: 089, O0 01.00 $0.00 10/30/2002 02t39,05 ~ D00012217 785 003.001 R~etved the Following Fees ~empt; Page/Ftit~ $12,00 NO Hmndl:Lug COg $5.00 NO ~$ SURCHG ~*~ $5.00 NO ~-STATE TP- 584 $5. O0 NO Cer~ .Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Trane £er tax $0.00 NO Camm. Pres TRANBFE~ TAX NUN~: 02-13456 Fees Paid ~IS PA~E IS A PART OF ~ INSTRUMENT ~t $5.00 $15.00 NO $25.00 NO $o.oo NO $o.oo NO $0.00 NO $102.00 Edward P.R~ine C~lntyClerk, Suffolk Co~Cy INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 t-i C2' Date Deed Recorded I/h / ~ ~:~h / ~ Month ~4 Day PROPER~ INFORMATION ~ Location ~REET NUMBER - STRE~ NAME - VIL~GE Name ~SINAME fCOMP~NY ' ~ ~AME/COMPANY - FIRST ~AME ~ 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) I Address LAST NAME / COMPANY REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 FIRST NAME I I I NUMBER AND SI ~l:l=l NAME CITY OR TOWN STATE I ZiP CODE 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed 5. Deed Property I I xl Size FRONT FEET DEPTH Name LASt NpE? CO3VlFrAFI'~' ZIP CODE I # of Parcels OR [--~ (Only if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: Part of a Parcel 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists [] / 2~1~ 4B. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer J---] 'ACRES' · · I 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided [] FIRST NAME I ' I LAST NAME / COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: B ~ 2 or 3 Family Residential C ~_~ Residential Vacant Land D~ Non-Residential Vacant Land I SALE ~NFORMAT~ON I 11. Sale Contract Date. Agricultural Commercial Apartment Entertainment / Amusement Community Service Industrial Public Service Forest Month Day Year 12, Date of Sale / Transfer Month Day Year Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium [] 9. New Construction on Vacant Land ~' 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District [] 10B, Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating [--'-I i i that the property is in an Agricultural District 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: Relatives or Former Relatives Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) B C D E F G H I J 13. Fuif~SalePrice I , , , , .... ('_~, O, 0 I, (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. ~4. Indicate tha Ya[ua of personal property included in the sale ~ ~ · ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Data shou~ reflect t~e,lateSt ~inal Assessment Roi ~nd Tax Bill Year ~ ~ 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transfer) I 16. of A~essment Roll from which information taken ' ' Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None FIRST NAME ~AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER BUYER STREET NUMBER STR~ NAME (A~ER SALE) , SELLER S L R SIG~TURE' // DATE LAST NAME BUYER'S ATTORNEY 20. Tax Map Identifier(s) / Roll Identifier(s) (If more than four, attach sheet with additional identifier(s)) I c ..I "' '. , , ,' ' ' , ~ ~y ~ f~ s~ment of ma~ fa~ he~in ~ subj~t me ~ ~e pro.iota of ~e ~ law relative ~ the m~g ~d ~g of f~ i~t~en~.