HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12422 P 984DISTRICT SECTION 76 .BLOCK I LOT THIS INDENTURE, made the'3 VI~ ~ay of ~'.P~ ~4)~11~,r '~00,~r BETWEEN Viola 8. Surozenski. as surviving lenent by the entirety of Joseph I. Sumzenski, residing at 240 Bayberry Road, $outhold, NY 11971 party of the first part, end at 77 Jerry Martonchia. residing ae..,~= Road, Bating Hollow, NY 11933, ~Joseph MarL,~'~__hia, residing at 7720 Soundvlew Avenue, Southoid, NY 1197% Anthony Ma~cchia, residing at 200 Garden Lane, Southo~d, NY 11971 party of the second part, WITNE$$ETH, that the party of the first part, In coneidemtion of TEN dollars and other good and valuable conskleratlon paid by the pa.'ty of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second ~art, the heirs or su_ece__ssors and assigns of the party of ~e second part forever, %LL that oadein plot, piece or parcel of land, with the building,= end improvements b"mreon erected, situate .near the .Vtllage of Southoid, Town of S~_9~uthoid, .Cpunty of Suffolk and Slefe of New York, known and oasignam, as Lots Numbers 12, 13,~4, ~,~ ' .'~.~. .c as laid down on a certain ma,~ entitled "Man ~f Wes* Cr k Oev pp enr. ,led In Oh oa of of the Cou ofon the dey Ju ,:l 7, Tagethm* with all right, title and interset of the parties of the first part of, in and to the center of Bayberry Roed adjacent thereto. Together w~ the right of free acoese and approach to the Creek along extension of Bayberry Road a width of f~sen (15) feet. Subject to covenants, restrictions, easements end agreements now of record end more fully contained and described in deed of George M. 'risdale to Frank Balamo dated February 19'a, 1944 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in liber 2343 of deeds at page 314. Said premises known as 240 B,~yherry Road, Southoid, NY 11971 Being and intended to be the same premises as conveyed to the party of the first part by deed, dated ,September 3, 1954, recorded in Liber 3756 in page 477-478 in the Suffolk County Clark's Office, The grantor, Vlole B, 8ur(~sensld herein reserves a life ectato for herself, and Barbara Mart0cchta or sun~ivor between them, for their exclusive life use end occupancy. TOGETHER with ell right, title and interest, if any, of the pmty of the first part in and to any sheets end roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof:, TOGETHER with the appurtenances =nd all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the ~mmises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or sucoaaso~ and assigns ofb~e party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the seid premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such conakloretlon as a trust fund to be applied first for the puqx~e of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first m the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party' shell be construed as if it rsed "parties' when ever the sense of INs indenture so requires. IN wI'rNE88 WHEREOF, the party of the first prat has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: 8~lda~l N.Y.B.T.U, Form 80~2 - Bargain ami Bale Dead. wilh Co~.nent ~lnM Gmntofl Ants - UnJfogm Agknow'4~gme~ Fomt 1000-7 TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE On the ~l~ day of ~e~.~ Intheyear ~00~ 0~ dayof intheyear the unde~g~d, perr, onally a~3ellred VIola B. be~xe me, the unde~gnad, pe~onally appea~ed SurQiL'IBkl personaly Imowfl ~o me or proved to me on the basis ol · pe~onaUy known to m~ or ixoved to me on the ba~s of saUshlcto~ evldonce to be the indMdmd(.) v~3se name(s) is salJs(ac:tc~ ev~ence to be the IrldMdu,,l(s) whose name(s) is (are) subacn'bacl to the Mthln InatoJmont mhd admo,,dedged to (are) mJbsc~hed to the within in~nJmont and acknowledged to me that he/~he4hey executed the same In his/~r/thelr me that he/dteNtey ___,~___,ted the same in hi~hor/theit capacity(le~), end that by hlM~'flheir signature(i) on the c~s)..a~d that by Ns~rmr/thelr ~nature(,) on the in~tn~nant, the indivklual(,), or the pemon upon boh~ of which Instn~mept, the ;~'l~,~duoJ(.), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the insbumont. ?. TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT lB MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATS State (or District of Columbia. Tentto~, m Foreign Count'y) of ss: On the day Of in the year ~,;'~e me, the undersigned, pemonalfy appeared Pereonldly knoMl to me or provedto me on the basil of safl=bctc~y evideflce to be lhe Jndivld~ld(s) whosa name(,=) is(am) · -.,I),,cdbad to the within In~'onlont ond ~ to me that he/dte/they ex. cub.el the same in hl..'bar,lheir c:.picl~j(k.~), ind that by NsRtor/lbair lignatom(.) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the per~on upon behalf of which the indivlduel(e) =~__r~,d~. exeoJted the instrument, and thor such indiv~'uel mede mJch appearence before the undersigned irt the (Irdml the City or other politJcad aubd'~iun) (end insart the State or Country or other pisc~ the Icknow4edgment was taken) end office of ind~dwI isidr~ SUROZENSKI TO MARTOCCHIA BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAIN8T GRANTOR'8 ACT8 Title No. SECTION 76 BLOCK 1 LOT 9 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Southold 240 Baybeny Road Southold, NY 1197t Recorded at Request of Ubady Title Agency, LLC RETURN BY MAJL TO: Stovon Kmrn~, E~I. Fddman, Kmmor & Mona~, P.C. 33O Vandedd~ Molto Padmay Hauppauge, NY 11788 Serial # CmJlrh~atc # Handling. 5. 00 I EA-52 Z7 (COunt)' ~ ' E A-$2~.'lS,~*) · R.RT.S.~. Comm. of Ed.' Afl'ldavJt · ~ / Moflsase'Fnx Stamp FEES 2005 Dec 01 02-'~2:57 PN Edward P,f~a~Lr~ CLERK OF L D00012422 P9~4 DT# 0~-17414 Sub Total ,_, NYS Suxcbnrge 15. 00 Recordifls / Filing Stamps {i .orlgnge' Amt. I. Basic'lax 2. Additional T-',x lSub .Total Spl~YAssfl. Spec. ladd. TOT. IViTG. TAX Du~I Town Dual County __ Hold for Appointment . Ttnnsfcr Tax ~ Mansion Tax ~'. The pmpmy covered by this moflpgo ~s or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. Sub Tmal /- YES or NO Other /~? '~ if NO. sce appropriate tax clause on Grand Total . · · . ,-, ~//~"~ .' ' - 4 C~munlt~ Real Properly Cohniderntion Amount, S 6 [ Satisfaaious/Discbrse3fl~eosos List Pmpe~ Owners Mailing Address ~ R,F. CORD& RETURN TO: 'title CPF Tax Due , Improved Suffolk Coun ecordin ;:': Endorsement Pa e Thlt im~e forms Ixlfl of thc aUnched ~_~,~.~____.~.~ ~ made by: (SPECIFY ,TYPE'OF INSTRUMENT) - ~ ~ Thc premises bemm is ),it~ted in SUFFOLK CO~. NEW YORK. ....... TO. In the Township of .-----. -- or HAMI..ET of ~_._. -- "~ 6 'I~U 8 MUST BE TYPP. D OR PR~ t ~ ]lq BLAO( L~ ONLY PRIOR TO R£COKUwlG OR FIL,IHG. (over~ SUFFOLK CODNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE · ype o£ Instz~nent; DEEDS/DDD Humber of Pages; 3 Receipt ~he~ = 05-0124970 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: Dietrict~ ~000 Deed Anount: Recorded~ At~ LTBER: PAGE ** Sec tion: Block z 076.00 01.00 SXAM~I~D AND CHAR~ED AS FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exm~.t Page/Filing $9,00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYH SRCHG RA-~A-¥ $5,00 NO SA-STATE ?P-584 $5,00 HO Cert. Copies RPT $30,00 NO BC'I~ Transfer tax $0.00 NO Co~n. Pres Fees Pa~d TRANSFER TAR HOM~ER: 05-17414 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TH~ INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Rouaine County Clerk, Suffolk County 12/01/2005 02z32~57 1:~ D00012422 984 009.000 $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75,00 HO $0.00 No $0.00 NO $0,00 HO $149.00 · ....... '~ pLEAsE,'r~'~' O-R-PI~E-~$'~IF~I~-~'-~71~E~N-WRrrlN(3 ON FORM - iNSTRUCTIONS: http:/! www. orp$.state.ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~ /~ I I ,,,.-,, ~,. ,,./. ¢.. 3, ,~ ~, '/, I .,~ ,=. P,O,....,..~,~,= I / I iA ~ ~ I ,=.~.,,-,,,-,~ ~ 1,¢~ t t o~ I ~ '"'"'~'""~""'"'~'"" · '~ ~ " RP - 5217 I I I I I 1~. Date M ~ie I Trl~fM c~me~l J, Indul~ll EntmfJlnmem I Amusarnaflt FO~K EMI ~he ixaplny k rn ~n ~m#uM DMi~ · SSESSMENT INFORMATION. D~i shou~ r~ecz ~1i M F|nlil W P,~I ind T~c Bill I ,l I I ~d. llER I NEW YORK STATE COPY oo