HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12395 P 940First American Title Insurance Company of New York BAKGAIN and SALE DEED, with COVENANT : ...Ag~___~. Grutor_'s. Acts- ladividul or Corporation ._ _ ; CONSULT YUCR I,A~Anir'ER BEFORE SIGNLNG TIfLq ].~.q'YRUM ENT-THIS INSTRUMF,,Yi' S14OULD ak: tlS~:]) aY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INDENTURE, mdc thc 24tb Oy of June. in thc year 200S BETWEEN Name: Leeeole Corp. Addre~: ~0 Main Parkway Entt, Phinview, NY 11803 party of the first part, and Name: Peter Benottl Address: 1115 Arcadian Way, Fort Lee, NJ 070Z4 Name: Teresa Benotti Address: 111S Areadian Way, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 panyof~secondpafl, ~~'~-/~ WITNESSETH, ~t ~ party of the first pa~ in considexation of Ten Dolla.~ and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, dots hereby grant and release unto the party of the s~cond part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of flu: ~ond party forever, SEE SCHEDULE A FOR PROPERTY DESCRIPTION TOGETHER with all right, title and intcr~% if any, of thc party of the first part in and to any str~cts av.d road~ abuttin~ the above de~.'rihed premises to the ~nter lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances nnd all the c~tate and right~ of the party of tho first part in and to nad premise~; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of tho pafly of tlu: second part forever. AND the party of the first part cox~nants that the patty of the l'uxt party has not done or suffered anything whereby the snid premists have hecn encumbered in any way whatever, except as afore, mid. AND the party of the first pan, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenant~ that the party ofth~ fwat pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the imgmvement and will apply the same £~t to the payment of the cost of the improvement before u.~n8 any pma of the total of the same for any ofl~.'r p~. The word "pafly" ~hall be construed as ifit read "parties" whenever the sense of this indentu~ ~o requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~ x~ty of ~ r~t pm t~ duly executed this deed th~ day and year first above written. IN PRESE Nt"g- O~. Title .No. V~0-S-10 S(~ttEDULE A All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and beiig at Bnyview, in the Town of Southold, Coun/y of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as part of Lots 37 and 47 on Map ou Cedar Peach Park filed in tine Office of the Clerk of Suffolk Count)', on December 20, 1927 ak Map # 90, which said part of lois.are more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNI~IG at the Southwest corner of premises herein described, distant the follo~ng 4 courses nnd distances from the corner formed.by the inter,sc, etlon of the Southerly side of Orchard Lane with the Kast side of Cedar Beach Road; 1. Easterly along the Southerly side of Orchard Lane, 451.63 feet; 2. North 60 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds East along the Southerly side of Orchard Lane, 31.51 feet to a point where the center line of Clenrx'iew Road Intersects the Southerly side of Orchard Lane; 3. South 8 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds West along said center line, 1f,5.08 feet; 4. South 66 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds West, 133.27 feet to the point of place of be. ginning; RUNNING THENCE North 66 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds East along the center line of Clenrview Road, 133.27 feet; THENCE South 52 degrees 51 minutes East, 28.~;9 feet; 'I~IENClr. South 67 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds East, 385.00 feet to the high ~tter mark of Cedar Beach Harbor; THENCE in a tie line course South 25 degrees 19 minutes 40 seconds West. 100.06 feet; THENCE North 62 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West. 499.38 feet to the point or place of .BEGINNING. SUBJECT to the rights of others nt reservation together a right of way 25 feet in width over the Westerly side of the premises. Said right of,~a~; to be in favor of the grnntors and other lot owners of a certain minor subdivision about nnmed and now owned by the grantors of ingress, egress, Installation of utilities including cablevision for over or underground services and for whatever purposes might commonly be us~ in a subdivision created in 198& TOGETHER with a right of way over premises to the West kno~ ns the Westerly 25 feet of Clent~'iew Road. ALSO TOGETHER WITH a 2fi foot right of way over the Westerly side of Lots "A" and "B" as shown on the minor subdivision map, n copy which is attached hereto Orchard Lane. The aforesaid fight of ways together constitute the entir~ fifty foot of way known ns Clearview Road shown on he attached guaranteed survey. TOGET[tER with a right of way for ingress nnd.egress nnd utilities over rights of wa.vs known as "Ciearx'iew Road" nnd "Orchard Road" to "Cbdnr Bench Road" a pu.blic road. Said right of ways being more particularly shown on n minor subdivision made for Robert nnd Aidona Norkas and · · approved by the Southhold Town Plnnning Board on September 30, 1985. °;..'i First American Title Insurance Company of New York · " , ]~GAIN and sA~'~ bi~'I~, wit~ ~N~,~ · ; A8~I Gr.(or'! AcU- ladiddu~ or C~re~a II STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF New York SS.-* On thc 24th day of ~lune in the year 200~ before me, the undLnsigned, personally appeared ~ ~'o~Fht-, I~ }a personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to :ne that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(les), nnd that by his/her/Iheir signature{s} on the instmmem, the individual(s), or the person upon bchnlf.of which d3e i~vidual(s) nctcd, / Dolofmm D. Pemonti IndJ,'idui] tnking acknowledgment Quambd in Queens County Fur ncknowtedgmenis tnken In New York Stole. Tefltl Ex#me May 18, wm~ TITLE NO. ~ole ~o~. TO Pet~ Benotti & Te~sn ~notti :' ~.~ ..... ,. I1~ V~ey R~on ~ ff14) 42~1~9 PREMIS~ Sheet Section 0~9.0 Block 03.00 Lot 011.004 Plate Volume Pqe District 1000 Tax Map DeL County or Town Street Number Suffolk 930 Clearvlew Road, Southold, New York Recorded At Requm of First Amnrdtnn 'lltle Insmm Company of New York RETURN BY MAll. TO: [ Sidmqui e.C. I 10S Cour~ Street - Suite SOO I Brooki~n~ New York ! 120! . · Number of'pa~es Certificate # Pri~ Cfi. # Deed I Mortgage Instrument Page ! Filing } 'landling TP-584 Notation ~EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State} R.P.T.S.A. _ Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Cenilicd Copy Reg. Copy Olher Stamp Date Initials ? Deed /Mortgag¢ Tax Smmp Sub Totai SubTotal Renl Property Tax Service Agency Verification Dist. Scction B lock Lot 1000 08900 0300 011004 '. Satisfnction~/Utscllarges/Keleases Ctst l'r~p'¢tty-OwnL~r~-MdiliEg A~ldres-~ RLCORD & RETURN TO: R~(~,RDED 2005 3u! 05 12~2~;~ PH Ed~a~ P. Re,mine. ~FF'~_K COUIlTV L 00~123~5 P 940 OTt Re~ording I Filing Stamps Moflgag¢ Amt. I. Basic Tax !. Additional Tax ub Total SpecJAssit. Or Spec. 1Add. 'rOT. MTG. TAX Dual 'rown~ Dual County ~ Held for Appofl!onment ~ 'frans fer Tax ) ~/~f-'/"~' M. io,, iq:d ' 1lie covered by tiaa mortFp~e is or )roved by a one or two family YES__or NO apprgpriate tax clause on ~ this instrument. 0 ~" Fund Consideration CPF Tax Due Improved Vacant Land TD 'rD / SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument z DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages~ 4 Receipt Number = 05-0069528 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-47578 Districts 1000 Deed Amount~ Recorded~ LIBER: PAGE: Section s Block ~ 089.00 03.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $1,400,000.00 07/05/2005 12:28~53 PM D00012395 940 Lot: 011.004 Received the Following Fees For ~ove Instrument ~em~t Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer t~x $5,600.00 NO Mansion Tax Co;mn. Pres $25,000.00 NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBERs 04-47578 Fees Paid THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THiS IS NOT A BILL Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $14,000.00 NO $44,752.00 Edwerd P.Ro~aine County Clerk, Su£folk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FoRM ........................... INSTRUCTIONS: hnp:/! www. orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~TATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY BERVk?~S RP - 5217 I C2. D~t~ DNd Re~ord.cl PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. Property I 930 I Clea~vtev goad ~ Souchold 2. BulM ~ B~-nottt [ Peter Nlme ' LA&I N/~I[ ;COMPM4y FIlleT I~UAE I RenoCC:L I Teresa L)A'T ~ I COi~A'~Y rli~T NAME :3. TeN I~_M,~_ whore future Tax B~ib L,e to bo .ent Billlne if 0~' d~n boy~' ~klm~ {~ bosom ~f ~mn} Ad~ke~l) ~ NUMEF. R ~''TRIBBT N&&i CitY ~ ICMN 4. indiGaW the numlx~ d AM~smeM I--~ ~ pwNb tsln~mTed On the deed 6. Sdlor I Leecole Corp. ~J~H I PIT ~ STAll' ZIP COM. (Only E !~11 og i PmSM} Cbock is they qqdy: Nglllle L.,M, f NAM~ I C(MMIANY I~ST NAME I I LAST ~ I roMp)x( FRST iMM[ tM box below Mddr, h mas: ~rmmly dmerlbeB the use of the properW it the tim d Ille: ~'dent~ F ~ Comm~rcill J I.~ Indk~,isl D'I~J Non-Resh~e~ Vmnt Lmid I[I I Entertainment I Amulemen~' [.I I Foros~ Ched tim bex~ bolow m thw ~l~. & Ownemh~p ~ Is CondQminl~ [] & New CM~ruction on VKam lind J~ 10A. Property LocatIM whhin In Agricultural DtMrigt [] tim the ~ b men Ag,imltufnl DImk:t SALE INFORMA'I'~ON ] 11. Side Contract ~ I~06 / ~O~y7 / yMr05 I Date of ~ I Tron~m I 06 / 26 / 05 I Month Day ¥.k 13. r. uuSmP, v.. I , ,1 ~4 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,01 {Full Slie Pr'K· is Uto IO~ ,,mount peicl fer ~'' property Induding pemmml property. This i~ynmnl m. iy bo in [he form of cish, a(her Nope~ er goods, or the assumplJon of rnmtgagel or other oblioMIons.) PMll4 nwnd fo th~ ~ ud~Me do/Mr MnDUnL u A R C D F 14. kMkatl~hIMueofpmmM I [ t i r , ,, , r) , 0 , 0 I ASSESSMENT iNFORMATiON - Data ihould reflect the latest Rn&l AHmment Roll and Tax Bil! [ it yNr of Aesemment Rd from I 0 which iniormltion ~ · 17. Total ,~akneed Vllue (of III percds In ~ [ 20. Tax M.p MsetillM(M I Roil IMmtJ~r~ (I/mom th~n h~r, attach ''hem with additional Idlfl~iM[il) I CERTIF~.,ATION I 6/24/05 Serp:Lco I John 930 I Clea~-v:Lev Road 718 I 875-4003 INEW YORK STATE copy