HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthold Town Waterfront Revitalization InitiativeSouthold Town Waterfront Revitalization Initiative A Proposal to the Southold Town Board Submitted by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County Marine Program 3690 Cedar Beach Road Southold, New York 11971 Somi~old Town Board 12-4-2001 Introduction This project proposes to conduct a two-year, four-phase effort to address needs outlined in the Town of Southold Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP). This initiative would contribute towards achieving the goals of the following policies as outlined in the LWRP document: 1. Policy 1-14. LWRP Education 2. Policy 1-13 GIS Update 3. Policy 4-6 Shoreline Defense and Shoreline Inveutory 4. Policy 4-6 Best Management Practices/Stormwater Runoff and Protecting Groundwater Quality 5. 9-6 Bay Mooting Plan 6. 11-6 Local Resource and Habitat Management Plans Phase 1. Southold Waterfront Revitalization Project GIS Component Geographic Information System (GIS) technology is a valuable analytical tool increasingly used for resource management, development planning and scientific investigations. Essentially, GIS is a computer-based system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating and presenting geographically referenced information. Geographic data is any information that can be identified according to physical location. From a municipal perspective, a GIS can link data sets together by common locational data which helps different departments (Trustees, planning boards, zoning boards etc.) share information. Any variable that is capable of being located spatially can be inserted into the GIS database. Therefore, the only limit to how comprehensive a resource database can be is the amount of time and effort put into developing and updating the system. The Town of Southold has initiated the development of a GIS through State grants. However, as described in the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan (LWRP), the Town requires assistance in continuing to create a Natural Resources Inventory and Database (NRID). The NRID is an essential fa'st step for implementing other resource management goals of the LWRP. Currently, the Town GIS contains information on tax boundaries, land use, zoning districts, development rights and the 2% land bank for Southold. We propose to build on the Town's existing database by overlaying information specifically called for in the LWRP, such as inventory layers of natural resources and shoreline stxuctures within the Town. All information will be stored in a format in which the Town is already capable of cataloging and manipulating, specifically the MapInfo GIS sot'nvare. Our proposed GIS database will be composed of information extracted from three project components: 1) Southold Town Creeks visual inventory 2) eelgrass management and restoration efforts and 3) shellfish management and restoration efforts. Implementing these components not only confers the advantages of performing valuable restoration effoas, but in also providing essential data needed to fulfill one of the fn'st priorities of the LWRP; creating a resource inventory database for the Town. The following describes the geographically referenced data, which will be obtained for each component. Southold Town creeks visual inventory -Inventory of shoreline structures along Town creeks. Photos of existing structures (e.g. houses and docks) will be extracted from the produced videos and linked to their corresponding tax map lot. Selecting any creek-front parcel will provide information such as acreage and will call up digital photographs. -Database of shoreline defense structures. All shoreline-hardening structures (e.g. bulkheads) will be mapped and linked to descriptive information such as size, length, etc. -MooringfieM inventory. All mooting fields in Southold will be mapped and linked to digital and aerial photographs. -Navigational channel mapping. Previously and currently maintained channels will be mapped and linked to aerial photographs. Eelgrass Management and Restoration -Historical eelgrass bed distribution. Locations of historical beds of eelgrass throughout Southold will be mapped and linked to descriptive data such as density, health, etc. -Existing eelgrass bed distribution: Current locations of eelgrass beds will be mapped and linked to digital (underwater) and aerial photographs. -Long-term eelgrass monitoring stations. Comeil Cooperative Extension eelgrass monitoring stations will be mapped and linked to data such as digital photographs (underwater) and monitoring findings. -Previous and ongoing eelgrass restoration efforts. Cornell led restoration efforts will be mapped and linked to digital photographs and restoration outcomes/ findings. -Sites highly suitable for eelgrass transplanting. A map of sites determined to be highly suitable for restoration activities will be created. The ability to produce such a map will be dependent on obtaining funding from additional sources to carry out the necessary multivariate modeling. Shellfish Management and Restoration -Cornell Cooperative Extension/Town of SouthoM seeding efforts. Map representing locations where seeding (clams, oysters and bay scallops) has occurred in 2001-2002 will be produced. The map will be linked to data such as quantity of seed and time of dispersal. -Proposed shellfish restoration efforts. A map will be produced depicting the proposed efforts: scallop spawner sanctuary and oyster reef. These areas will be linked to digital photographs and project summary documents. -SPAT project activity. The locations of all SPAT operations within the Town will be mapped. -"Community garden". The location of the community garden will be mapped and will be linked to digital photographs and description of program. -Shellfish closure areas. A map with year-round, seasonal and conditional shellfish closure areas will be produced. The final product will be a database geographically locating, describing, and depicting both natural and structural resources on a Town-wide basis. GIS technology brings the ability to develop a comprehensive inventory of natural resources and structures; using various mediums such as maps, digital photographs, aerial photographs, word processor and spreadsheet documents. Such a database should be considered to be a tremendous asset, either as a stand-alone source of information or to be expanded upon to include even more town resources at any time in the future. A detailed inventory of Southold resources will greatly aid in their management and protection. Visual Inventory of Southold Town Creeks As a part of the GIS component for the Southold Town Waterfront Revitalization Project, the visual inventory of the town's creeks would be executed with the use of digital technology. Digital video will be used to handle three parts of the GIS documentation; first the digital format can be linked to the GIS database via standard computer files such as mpegs (video) and jpegs (still photo). Second, video of each creek can be stored and viewed on CD's, DVD disks or standard videotapes to be viewed at a later date. Third, still images can be extracted from the video to highlight specific areas of interest such as shoreline hardening, existing structures and wetland vegetation. The equipment to be used will be Sony's VX1000 digital video camera and Sony's PC 100 digital video camera. The computer program to edit and extract the still images is Canopus Corporation's DV Rex-edit RT. In order to document the town's creeks, a list of all the creeks would be made and categorized into size. A powerboat would be used to travel into the creeks, a set course and distance from the shore will be followed for one pass and then a second pass to document specific aspects of the creek (shoreline hardening, existing structures and wetland vegetation). The videotape would be taken back to the lab and edited with graphics as to what creek it is and other descriptive information about the creek. Next, working with the GIS technician to determine what still images are needed; those still images would then be extracted and used in the GIS program. Phase 2. Southoid Town Eelgrass Management and Restoration Project Project Need Management of natural resources and conservation of valuable habitats are important goals in any revitalization plan. For this reason, the Town of Southold identified the development of "Local Resource and Habitat Management Plans" in their Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan (LWRP). However, when a resource/habitat has been severely impacted upon, management and conservation efforts may need to be complemented with active restoration actions. One such habitat, which has declined in local waters, is the eelgrass. Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) is a submersed aquatic plant that is a critically important to the ecology of shallow coastal waters. Eelgrass typically forms dense meadows that have been likened to coral reefs in temperate waters. In a recent review, Short and Wyllie-Echeverria (1996) point to an alarming trend for the seagrass biome worldwide. Data, gathered from global sources, indicates that loss of seagrass cover is on the rise when compared to losses reported from 1970-82. Although losses are reported from several regions, hot spots are coincident with industrial centers and urban areas (Short and Wyllie-Echeverria, 1996). It is clear that seagrass loss will decrease the productivity ofnearshore systems (e.g. Thayer et al. 1984; Phillips, 1984; Zieman and Zieman, 1989; Larkum et al., 1989; Wyllie-Echeverria et al., 1994). In response, several U.S. coastal states have implemented or are designing polieias to protect current resources and restore appropriate sites (Batuik et al., 1992; Wyllie- Eeheverria et al., 1995). Eelgrass populations in Long Island embayments have waxed and waned in the last century. Although we lack quantitative data, anecdotal reports indicate that distribution patterns were quite robust in the decade prior to 1931 (Smith, 1946). Interviews with local baymen and long-time residents suggest that all of Southold Town's creeks contained eelgrass beds at one time. Populations began to decline in 1928 with drastic reductions apparent by 1931 during the height of the wasting disease epidemic (Cottom, 1933). Recovery began in the early 1940s (Cottom and Munro, 1954), although the populations never reached the levels prior to the wasting dise~e. From 1969 to the present, aerial photographs and interviews were used to create time-series distribution maps of several sites for 1969, 1984 (sometimes 1980) and 1994 (Cashin Associates, 1996). Analytical analysis of these maps led to the assertion that eelgrass distribution has been on a continuous decline in the Peconic Bay Estuary, including Southold Town waters. This decline can be attributed to periods of poor water quality, channel dredging and the blooms of brown tide (Aureococcva anophageffrens) in the mid-1980s and early- 1990s. The combined pressure of all of these factors has taken its toll on the eelgrass populations in Southold Town, and throughout the Peconic Estuary. This population decline is disturbing when the value of eelgrass to coastal waters is considered. Eelgrass meadows are an important habitat for many species offish, crustaceans, and mollusks. In the Peconic Estuary, the growth and survival of eelgrass is intimately related to the success of the Atlantic bay scallop (Argopecten irradian~). In addition, numerous other species, including recreationally and commercially important fmfish and shellfish (e.g. Winter and Summer Flounder, Northern Quahog and Blue Crab), rely on eelgrass meadows during some part of their life cycle. Declines in the commercial landings of these species have coincided with the loss of eelgrass habitat. Eelgrass has been found to be a resource for waterfowl as well. Brant and Canada Geese are known to graze on eelgrass during the late spring early summer, when the plants are in seed. Eelgrass productivity has also been tied to the energy dynamics of deeper water detrital food webs. The presence of eelgrass in near-shore waters may also have an impact on tidal marshlands and beach/dune communities. Eelgrass beds act as natural baffles, reducing current velocity and wave force, thereby minimizing erosion and protecting these systems. The Peconic Estuary has been characterized as a priority site in the National Estuary Program and is the focus of our restoration efforts. Monitoring and management of existing eelgrass has been identified in the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan for the Peconic Estuary Program. In addition, eelgrass restoration has been identified as a priority in the Restoration Plan for the Peconic Estuary. In recent years, concern regarding water quality has prompted several local townships to invest heavily in storm-water mitigation efforts. The overall water quality of the estuary is at the highest it has been in decades as a result of these and other projects. Brown tide has been an infi:equent visitor to the local waters since the early 1990s, with the few blooms being isolated to small embayments and creeks. Yet, despite these improvements, there remains a lack of eelgrass re-colonization to areas that are known to have once contained lush eelgrass meadows. One hypothesis suggests that water quality is not inhibiting the re-establishment of eelgrass, but rather it is the lack of propagules in these areas that is preventing natural restoration. Most areas, identified as having a historic eelgrass presence, are effectively isolated fi:om existing eelgrass beds by distance, as eelgrass seeds generally disperse close to their paternal plants. If this hypothesis proves viable, then natural replenishment of eelgrass populations in "isolated" areas of the estuary may take decades. To this end, restoration projects are needed to establish eelgrass to the now vacant areas of its historical range. Southold Town has already entered into a commitment to conserve and restore the health of its waters. Stormwater mitigation projects have been completed reducing road runoff into Town creeks. The Town of Southold has also taken steps'to restore vital habitats that have been lost due to natural and anthropogenic events. In an effort to re-establish displaced eelgrass beds to local waters, Southold Town partnered with Comell Cooperative Extension's Marine Program to secure a grant to fund eelgrass restoration efforts. This grant included moneys to construct an eelgrass nursery (greenhouse) and the materials and labor to implement restoration activities. The Southold Town Eelgrass Restoration Program was launched in October 2001 with the transplanting of approximately 1000 eelgrass shoots into Town waters. Transplant methods were based on the TERFS (Transplanting Eelgrass by Remote Frame System) methodology established by Fred Short et al. of the University of New Hampshire. A TERFS unit consists ora weighted, metal, mesh cage to which eelgrass is attached via degradable ties fabricated fi.om crepe paper streamer material. Four frames were deployed to four sites that were chosen based on historical presence of eelgrass, Sediment type, water depth, and infi.equeney of natural and man-made disturbance. Potential sites were presented to the Town Trustees for consideration and fmalized to include Dam Pond, Town Harbor, Corey Creek, and Cutchogue Harbor. A total of 4 m2 of eelgrass was planted, representing the test phase of the program. Field evaluation of the transplants will be made in mid-December 2001. These trial plantings will allow for the fmc-tuning of the transplantation techniques and site selection criteria. Expansion of restoration activities in Southold Town is planned to begin in October 2002. Through these restoration efforts, it is hoped that a valuable habitat will be re-introduced into Southold Town waters where it will be conserved for future generations to enjoy. Objectives Given that one goat of local resource and habitat management is to restore eelgrass in Southold Town waters, this funding is intended to enhance our existing eelgrass management and restoration program. This project will develop a Town-wide eelgrass management plan and increase the scope, efficiency and ecological impact of restoration activities through three specific objectives. The first objective is to expand the geographic range of efforts by increasing plantings in the Town of Southold. The Southold Town Draft Local Waterfi.ont Revitalization Plan identifies a majority of the Town creeks as potential sites for improvement. Re-introduction of eelgrass into creeks that meet transplanting criteria, will not only provide habitat, but can contribute to improving water quality. A second objective is to refine our techniques by incorporating additional planting methods. Use of the traditional "staple method" (1994-1995) proved unsuitable to local conditions. Since that time, other methods such as "sod plugs" have been employed with greater success. Recently, our pilot plantings have determined that new techniques, such as TERFS and broadcast seeding, may be highly suitable for use in the Peconic Estuary. The fmal objective is to create a GIS-based "Local Resource and Habitat Management Plan" for eelgrass. Methodology Transplantation of Stranded Robust Shoots Large amounts of viable eelgrass plants (stranded robust shoOts, SRS) with rhizome and roots intact wash up on local beaches as a result of bioturbation, scouring by strong waves and shellfishing activities. Left alone these plants dry out within a matter of hours or days and are incorporated into the beach profile as a result of natural sand accretion. Collection, culture and division of these plants offer a low-cost, low-impact source of eelgrass transplants. In the Pacific Northwest, Wyllie-Echeverda et al. (in prep) are using SRS of eelgrass, collected from wrack lines, to restore damage by the deployment of a submarine cable and preliminary results are favorable. Culture of SRS will take place in the nursery facility (greenhouse). After collection, shoots will be high-graded and only those with viable rootlets will be selected and transported to the nursery and placed in the flowing seawater system. After new root growth appears, shoots will be planted in a sediment medium designed for grow out. Depending on the extent of growth, these propagules may be further divided to increase the amount of transplant stock. Transplanting of the stock will commence by mid-October. The method for transplanting is TERFS, and requires the eelgrass stock to be tied to modular, metal frames. The eelgrass is attached to the metal mesh of the frame by biodegradable ties fabricated f~om twisted crepe paper streamers prior to deployment. Each flame covers an area of 0.25 square meters and can hold up to 100 eelgrass shoots. In the field, the prepared frames are lower to the bottom and left for several weeks, until the plants anchor themselves. After this period, the frames are carefully lifted from the bottom, leaving the newly rooted shoots behind. Transplant areas will vary from site to site, but could range from 6 m2 to 25 m2 per site. Seed Propagation Several studies have discussed the collection and sowing of wild eelgrass seed (Churchill et al. 1978; Orth et al. 1994; Granger et al. 1996; Thom and Wyllie-Echeverfia 1997). Until recently, this method of eelgrass restoration had been marginally successful. However, restoration work in the Chesapeake Bay by Robert Orth's group, from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), has found broadcast seeding to be increasingly successful. The one drawback of this method is the large number of seeds that are required to offset seed predation and the low, natural vitality of seeds (ca. 10%). The restoration efforts in the Chesapeake require the collection of approximately 2 tons of eelgrass flowers to yield 7 million seeds (Orth and Fishman, personal communication). Collecting this amount of material is labor-intensive, but requires little training, allowing for the utilization of a large volunteer base. Once the flowers are collected, they must be held in well-oxygenated, flowing seawater tanks until the ripe seeds are released. This takes several weeks and requires several large tanks. Seeds can then be held until October/November then distributed. To eliminate the excessive handling of materials, a new system of processing and sowing seeds has been devised. This method involves collecting large quantities of flowers as previously mentioned, but instead of placing the material in holding tanks, the flowering shoots are packed into mesh cages equipped with floats and deployed in the field at the restoration site. As the material decomposes in the cages, the seeds are released into the water column where they immediately sink to the bottom. The floating cages, anchored by concrete blocks, freely swing with wind and tides covering a circular area whose diameter can be adjusted by the length of rope between the cage and anchor. Grouping together large numbers of these floats can effectively seed a large area. This method has been tested in a pilot project in Noyack Creek at the E.A. Morton National Wildlife Refuge, Southampton, New York. After two months of deployment, all of the flower material and seeds had been completely decomposed and dispersed. The collection of seed material should begin toward the end of June 2002 and continue into the second week of July. This timetable is subject to change as seed development and maturation is highly correlated to water temperature. Cooler water temperatures could push collection into July. Monitoring of seed development will begin in early June and should provide a better, estimated harvest time. Harvest and stock of cages will be completed by the end of July. Once the cages are deployed, they will be attended to by volunteers. The flowers should be completely decomposed by the end of September 2002, at which time the cages will be removed. Seedling germination will not occur until November, and, at that time, monitoring of seedling growth and survival will commence using SCUBA and continue through the summer 2003. Phase 3. Community-Based Shellfish Enhancement Programs for Southoid Town Background: The Town of Southold has practiced shellfish enhancement for decades. A number of policies of Southold Town's ch'aR local waterfront revitalization program involve shellfish: Policy 2: Preserve historic resources of the Town of Southold. Policy 6: Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystem. Policy 9: Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. Policy 11: Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in the Town of Southold. The proposed programs in this section will address all four of these policies and will build on the work Comell Cooperative Extension has performed for the town in the past. We propose to utilize SPAT (Southold Projects in Aquaculture Training) volunteers to carry out much of the hatchery and fieldwork, thereby giving the public a vested interest in the programs. Proposed Actions: 1. Creation of an oyster reef in Mattituck Creek. Mattituck Inlet and Creek has been an area fished for oysters (Crassostrea virginica) when they are available. The creation ora "spawner sanctuary" or oyster reef at the southern end of the creek may create sets of oysters to the north. Surf clam, sea and bay scallop shell will be acquired fiom Long Island and planted as a base for the oysters to rest upon. Shell may also be used to harden up muddy areas where oyster larvae may presently avoid. Cornell Cooperative Extension personnel and possibly members of the Southold Baymen's Association will accomplish the planting of up to 20 cubic yards of shell as a base for the sanctuary. The amount of shell required will depend of the site chosen. A beneficial use determination (BUD) permit from the NYS DEC is already in place for this purpose in this water body. Up to 250,000 oysters would be placed on the reef during the first year, sometime before June. This may require that the town's hatchery production be overwintered until the following spring. SPAT participants may also contribute oysters they have grown besides the 50% of their oysters that will be returned to CCE as part of their agreement with the program. Many of these large oysters returned will become pa~ of the reef. The exact site will be chosen with the help of the Baymen's Association, shellfish advisory committee and Town Trustees and Board. Follow up studies of "cultch" in the area will be made to determine ifa set occurred, but there is no guarantee that the reef would be responsible for the set. 2. Creation of a bay scallop spawner sanctuary in Hallocks Bay and Hay Harbor, Fishers Island. Hallocks Bay has been the mainstay of the bay scallop (Argopecten irradiana irradians) fishery in Southold Town since the first brown tide in 1985. We propose to set up a scallop spawner sanctuaw in closed waters (Narrow River or Little Bay) that will export larvae to the waters to the west; i.e. the main body of Hallocks. The addition of 75,000 scallops of spawning size to a small area (about 10,000 square feet) that will be untouched will allow the shellfish to spawn possibly more than once and enhance harvestable stocks in the bay. CCE personnel as well as SPAT participants will grow the scallops until the spring of the following year. At this time CCE, SPAT and the Southold Town Baymen's Association will plant them in the sanctuary. The sanctuary will be monitored by CCE and SPAT to determine if and when the broodstock spawn; with the understanding that any "bugs" found in Hallocks may be from broodstock in the main bay and not necessarily from the sanctuary. Hay Harbor on western Fishers Island has historically held stocks of bay scallops. Various enhancement methods have been attempted including seed planting and lantern nets with broodstock scallops. It is thought that the scale of such attempts was too small to make a great difference. We propose to duplicate the Hallocks Bay broodstock sanctuary approach in Hay Harbor, placing up to 75,000 brood scallops in the southern end (furthest from the inlet) in late spring. Phase 4. Water Quality Education Program In~:oduction The Peconic Estuary system and The Long Island Sound are integral parts of the Long Island economy and ecology. In order to susta'm these valuable resources, we must achieve a balance between the needs of the estuary's resources and the somctimes- conflicting demands of the region's populace. Key to establishing this balance is an educated citizenry that is willing to support, promote and actively participate in measures to protect the estuary system at home, at work, and while recreating, and collectively act as wise stewards of a shared public resource. Achieving this requires an intensive education and outreach effort that is ahned at key audiences/stakeholders, as well as the public in general. Effective public education in the PEP and LISS is needed to develop the broad-based public support needed to ensure that estuary program recommendations reach the implementation phase. The ultimate goal of public participation in the PEP and LISS is to establish the public consensus that ensures long-term support and implementation of the CCMP. The public participation program supplements and complements Management Conference activities and advances the role of providing for public input to estuary program decision-making. Public Outreach and Education Strategy In the Peconic Estuary system and eastern Long Island Sound, nonpoint source pollution is a major issue of concern. Nonpoint source pollution is primarily generated by users of the estuary, fi.om many ordinary, every day activities. Thus the citizens, collectively, contribute both to the problems and threats to the estuary system and to the solutions to these problems. Each and every one of us living, working and recreating on the East End impacts both of these important estuary systems through everyday actions - in both positive and negative ways. Few if any individual actions made as a part of our day-to- day living are likely to significantly affect the overall water quality, living resources or habitats of the Peconic Estuary or the Sound. Consider, however, what happens if each of these impacts are multiplied by the thousands and thousands of residents, workers, and visitors in the watershed. It is not long before the cumulative impact does affect these estuaries. Because of this, the Peconics and the Sound could die the "death of a thousand cuts" or be cherished, nurtured and healed by a "thousand" environmentally thoughtful actions. Thus a creative, innovative, and effective public outreach and education strategy is all-important in motivating and making a lasting positive impression on our East End citizenry and stakeholders and thus a lasting positive impact on our most important natural and economic resource - the heart of our region - our marine environment. In an effort to educate and inform the general public about nonpoint source pollution issues, and to develop a stewardship ethic at the citizen level, a public education campaign will be developed and implemented. One significant watershed within the Town will be the focus of the project. The Town of Southold will select the watershed and the education program will be developed and implemented by the Cornell Marine Program. The watershed will be delineated as part of the project and an educational campaign will be directed at residents, visitors and businesses within the watershed. Issues regarding nonpoint source pollution in general, as well as items specific to the identified watershed will be focused components of the education campaign. Target Population: Residents, Businesses and Visitors; Development of basic and background information and development of informational materials: 1. Nonpoint source pollution and stormwater nmoff in general 2. Problems specific to the identified watershed Delivery of the above information to the extended community: a. placement of informational articles in local association newsletters b. presentations to business/civic/service organizations in the community c. placement of informational articles in the local press d. development and delivery of informational flyers, factsheets, relevant road signage and creative informational materials References: Batoik, R.A., R.J. Orth, K.A. Moore, W.C. Dennison, J.C. Stevenson, L.W. Staver, V. Carter, N.B. Rybicki, R.E. Hickman, S. Kollar, S. Birber and P. Heasley, 1992. Chesapeake Bay submerged aquatic vegetation habitat requirements and restoration targets: A technical synthesis. U.S. EPA. Contribution No. 68-WO-0043. Cashin Associates, 1996. Peconic Estuary Program Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Study--Final Report. Churchill, A.C., A.E. Cok and M.I. Riner, 1978. Stabilization of subtidal sediments by the transplantation of the seagrass Zostera marina L.. New York Sea Grant Report Series. Cottom, C., 1933. Disappearance of eelgrass along the Atlantic Coast. The Plant Disease Reporter 17(6): 46-53. Cottom, C. and D.A. Munro, 1954. Eelgrass status and environmental relations. Journal of Wildlife Management 18(4): 449-460. Larkum, A.W.D., A.J. McComb and S.A. Sheperd, 1989. Biology of Seagrasses. A treatise on the biology of seagrasses with a special reference to the Australian Region. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. Orth, R.J., M. Luckenbach and K.A. moore, 1994. Seed dispersal in a marine macrophyte: implications for colonization and restoration. Ecology 75(7): 1927-1939. Phillips, R.C., 1984. The ecology of eelgrass meadows in the Pacific Northwest, a commullity profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-84/24. Washington, D.C. Short, F.T. and S. Wyllie-Echeverria, 1996. Natural and human-induced disturbance of eelgrasses. Enviroumental Conservation 23(1): 17-27. Smith, J.D., 1946. Eelgrass. The Nassau County Historical Journal 9(2): 76-82. Thayer, G.W., W.J. Kenworthy and M.S. Fonseca, 1984. Ecology of meadows of the Atlantic coast: a community profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-84/02. Washington, D.C. Wyllie-Echeverria, S., A.M. Olson, and M.J. Hershman, 1994. Seagrass Science and Policy in the Pacific Northwest: Proceedings ora seminar series. (SMA 94-1). EPA 910/R-94-004. Wyllie-Echeverria, S. R.C. Phillips, E.S. Hunn, N.J. Turner and M.L. Miller, 1995. Eelgrass as a natural resource: Implications for formal policy. Pages 529-536 in: Proceedings-Puget Sound Science Conference. Puget Sound Water Quality Authority. P.O. Box 40900, Olympia, WA 98504-0900.2 Volumes. Zieman, J.C. and R.T. Zieman, 1989. Ecology of eelgrass meadows of the west coast of Florida: a community profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 85. Washington, D.C. Budget (2 years): Funds requested CCE match 1 Project Manager and 4 Senior Investigators 1 Technician 1 Support staff Total 85,700 15,000 2,500 103,200 Fringe Benefits (31.86%) 32,879 Equipment and Supplies 12,500 Travel Mileage 7,250 Boat time 6,250 Sub-total 129,200 Administrative fee (16.1%) 20,800 Bookkeeping fees, audit fees, liability insurances, workers comp, unemployment, telephone, association services Total $150,000 $32,879