HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12374 P 280Pist. 1000 Sec. 090.00 Blk. 03.00 Lot 002.000 Form Y,002 IqP~'g} - 2(,]M Burgui. -,nd $'.de DeL'd. wilh Covgrmms u~ain,~ Gt-~t~'s A~l~P--lndi%'iduai m' Cm'lxlralion. (~dfllLIg ~-cl ! CONSULT.YOUR LAWYIN IIFOal lIMING TNIS IIiITRUlIKMT -- THll INITIIUIIINT MOULD BI UlID BY LAli*~'lal ONLY. THIS INDENTURE, rna~ the ~.~) day of ~~gy . ~D~ ~d B~WEEN ~ ~N~I, residi~ at 955 No~ P~ri~ci~, ~olfl, N~ York 11971, as ~ivin9 ~mnt ~ ~e ~tt~ty puny of the first pan. and CAROLYN A. SCHILL, residing at 400 Lakeside Drive North, Southold, New York 11971 pntiy of the second pan. WITNF. SSETH, that the i~rty orthe fi~t park in considerntion of mn dollars Ired ~her valuable cor~idemtion paid by the par~y of the .~"cond part, does he.by grant and release unto the party of the second pan, Ihe heks or st=.-'ces.wr~ and ~igns of the party of the second part ALL ttat ..nnin plot. piece or pamel of land. with the buildings and impmvcme, n~ thereon erected. ~tu~e. lying trod he~L~m~- atBay View, near Southold, in the Town of Southolfl, Co!m. ty of Suffolk and~tate of New York, known and designatsd as Lot No. 54 on a certain map entitled, "Subdivision Map of CEDAR BEACH PARK', completed September 15, 1926, by Otto W. Van Tu¥1, Surveyor, and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on December 20, 1927 as Map No. 90, said premises being more particularlybounded and described as ... follows: BEGII~IING at an iron pipe on the southwesterly line of s private road known as "Lakeside Drive" at the northeastsrly corner of Lot 53 and the northweste~l¥ corner of Lot 54 as shown on 'Map of Cedar Beach Park", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as ~apNo. 90~ from said point of beginning rmming along said southwesterly line, South 89 degrees 01' 30' East, a distance, of 118.8 feet to lsnd heretofore conveyed to James R. Schill and wtfe~ nmning thence along said land of Schill, South 83 degrees 39' 30" west, a distance of 200 feet, more or less, to the edge of Stillwater Lake~ running thence in a southwesterly direction along the edge of Stillwstsr Lake, a distance of 180 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly line of said Lot 53= running thence along said southeasterly line, North 33 degrees 39' 30" East, a distance of 290 feet, more or less, to the point or place of beginning. TOCRTHERwith the right to the use (in cce~on with others) of the Ccmmnit¥ Landing as shown on said map at the northerly end of Canoe Inlet. ~$ETHER with a right of way over said "Lakeside Drive'. SUBJECT to covenants, easements and restrictions of record, if any. SUBJECT, however, to the right of the parties of the first pan, their heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns, to install, repair, maintain and replace public utility poles, lines, pipes, wires and conduits, together with necessary guy ~ires, cross-arms and appurtenant eclui~ment, on the surface, belo~ the surface and above the surface of the aforesaid private road. o~I~G ~ I~_t~ID_.ED TO~ the s.ame premises c~nye~_, to the par~.¥ of the first p~_rt . clt~_~ated ~UI¥ 21, 1967 a.ng recorded on ~u~y 24, 1967 in the Office of the Cler~ the county of Suffolk in ~iber 6190 page 113. 'rOG~rH~R with all ri§hr, tiile and iatcresL if any. of the puny of Ihe fi~t pun. i. and to any streets and roads abutting the above-dcscribcd premi~c~ to thc center Ii,es the~of; TOGETHER wilh thc appunenancc~ and all estate and right~ or iht party of thc fir~i part in an~ to ~aid premi~c~; TO HAVB AND TO [{OLD the p~misc~ hcmin g~nted unto ~hc puny of thc.second.part, thc heirs or succcss0m and a~signs of the party of thc second pan ~reven AND thc party of thc' first purr covenants thai the party of Ihc ~rsl part has nol done or suffered anything whereby thc said prernise~ have been encumbered in uny way whatever, except ah uforc.,mid. AND thc p-',rly of the I'ir.~i purl. in compliunce with Section 13 of the I.ien l.aw. covcnants thai thc purly of thc first putt will receive thc consideration for thi.~ conveyance und will hold the right lo receive ~uch con~ider- alion as u t~st rund to be applied I'ir~t for the put~se of paying Ihe cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to Ihe payment of the co,t of thc improvement before u~ing any purr of the total of the same for any other pu~o~e. The word "parry" shall ~ con~trucd a~ if it read "parties' whenever Ihe ~n~c of Ihi~ indcnlure ~o ~quires. IN WITNE~S WHEREOF, ~hc party of thc firsl pan has duly executed :his deed thc day and year tirol ab,ye Acknowledgement tek~t in New York ~tate State of New York. County of Suffolk . sa: On the 2)l~)day of~r'~l~ y~, in the yea~'~O0~, before me, t~ un!l_ersigned, Rersonally appeared n ~nemiz parsonmly known to me or proved to me on the basis o! satisfactory evidence to be the Individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged lo me mat he/aha/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(les), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the indiv~lual(s) or the person upon behalf of which Aclatowledgament by Subecdblng Witness taken In New Yor~ State State el New York. County of , SS: On the day of , in the year the undersigned, personally appeared . before me, the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who being by me duty sworn, did depose and say, that he/she/they reside(s) in that he/she/they know(s) to be the Individual described in and who executed the foregoing Instrument; that said subscn'bing witness was present and saw said execute the same: and that said witness at the same time subscribed hie/her/their name(s) as a witness thereto. Acknowledgement taken in NewYork State State of New York, County of · Ss: On the day of , in the year the undersigned, personally appeared , before me, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the indMdual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same In his/her/their capacity(les), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the lndMdual(s) or the person upon behalf el which the Individual(s) acted, executed the inst~ment. Acknowledgement taken outside New York State · State of , County of · (or insert District of Columbia, Territory, Possession or Foreign Country) , On the day of , In the year the undersigned, personally appeared , before me, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the Individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) ~ubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(les), that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrurnef~t, the Individual(s) or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the ~nstrument, and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the (add the city or political subdivision and the state or country or other place the acknowledgement was taken). Ti~e No.: Ann lO~aeneaki, aa Sucviving Tenant by the ~.nticety TO Carolyn A. Schill Chicago' Distributed by SECTION 090.00 BLOCK 03.00 LOT 002.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk RETURN BY MAIL'TO: Lay Office of Peter S. Danovski, Jr. 616 Roanoke Avenue, Box 779 Rtverhead, NY 11901 Zip No. Number of pages 'i'ORRENS Serial// Cerfificalc It Prior CII'. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed I MOrllp~C Tax Stamp FEES Nar 01 02t30:57 PN Ec~ard P. Roaaine CLERK ~ S~FOLK ~ L ~12~4 P 2~ DT~ ~-~47 Page / Filing Fee I landling T1'-584 Mortgage Ainl. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Notation · EA-52 17 (C~mnly) b-'A-52 ] 7 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5 O0 [¢~:'~--opy' Oilier Sub Total Slflll~ Dme Inilials Sub Total Sub Tutal G RAN I) TOTAL ~ I~.al Properly Tax Service Agency Verification Dist. Section _ IT I,v,l,. i' 05008569 o¢ oo 0300 002000 it.,, SatisfactionS. .... ,,,$,gus/Kelea-;:e~ List Properly Owners Mailing Addres~ III,:CORli & RETURN TO: Law OfEice oE Peter S. Dano~ski, 616 Roanoke Avenue, Box 779 Riverhead, NY 11901 {20. Nalll~ Tille # Slec./As~it. Or Spec./Acid. TOT. MTG. TAX Dtml Town Dual Counly I leld for Appodionm~.~__ "Tax L_ ./ Mansion Tax 'lhc I)nq~clty cuvcrcd by this mortgage is ur will Itc improved by a one ur two family dwelling mdy. YES~or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # ~ of this iqslmment. Community Prcscrvation i:tmd nsiderntion AlnOtlll[ $ ~ S 0 I,npr,ved I.and x TD TD TD Title Company i, formation , [ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page 'Ibis iztgc fi~mu lmX of Ii~ nttacl~'d Deed (SPECIFY 'I'YPI~ OF INERUJM~I' ) ~ ~asnesk~, a8 Surviving ~ ~ ~he SUFI~.K~U~I~,NEW YO~ ~titety or I IAM[.I{I' iff made hy: IIOXF. S 5 '111RU 9 MUST IIE'rYl'lTl') OR I'IU N'II':I.) IN iii.ACK INK ONI.Y I'IUOI{ 7'0 I,Ti[C'(.')I,II)I NCJ OR FII.ING. (OVER) SUFFOLK COUHTY CLERIC RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type o£ Instnunent: DEEDS/DDD Number of[ Pages: 3 Receipt l~,,-her = 05-0022174 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-30847 D£strict; 1000 Deed Amount Recorded LIBER: PAGE: Sections Blocks 090.00 03.00 EXAMINED AHDCHARGEDAS FOLLOWS $0.00 o3/ol/2OO5 02z30:57 PM D00012374 280 Lot: 002.000 Received tb Following Fees For Move Instrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COg $5.00 NO NYH SRCHG F~-CTY $5.00 NO F~-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cer~.Copies RPT $30.00 NO 8CT~ Tranm£mr tax $0.00 ~ C~.Pres Fees Paid TRAHSFER TAX NUMBERs 04-30847 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INBTRUMENT THIS IB NOT A BILL $5.00 SiS.co $165.00 $5.oo $o.oo $o.oo $244.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P. R~naine County Clerk, Suffolk County .................... -P-I:E~.~)~ ~Y-P-E-OR-PR-E~-R~M~.~ WHEN-WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hep://www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY PRO~R~ INFORMATION REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK RP - 5217 I ~]thnl (1 J Southold CJIY OK iOWH 2. auv, r I Schill i A. LMT NM ~ coup~ msT M 3. Tu Incgcate where future Tzx Biii am to be Mnt i 11971 N~-r NNdI~ ,~,p,,~ I Ixl Ionl o. 7 4l Size mOaT FiST OE~ 'du:mS' ' s,hr I Kwaenm~ki I I I , I (Oldy if Pld d m PM Chmlk mi they IpMy: tA~T NAMk ICOMPAHY ~ NAMIE 1. Ch~ck the box below wbidi most liccuretely ~ th~ ual of ~ I~operty ~ ~hdp time ,of Nfl:. i~ [..,3 2 or 3 Family Reaidontial · C ~ R#iclon~hll Vacant Li~d DE_j Non.R~idemial Vacant Lat~ I s~ I.FOR~.AT.~N I 1~. Date of Bile I Trlmsfor En~en~nmem I AmuMmim Community Siwice Inclus~rid Public Sewim Foreat Ownemhip Ty~e b Condominium [] New Conl~uction on Violin Lind [] FTOp~y [OMtld within In AFicul[urlJ Diwigl [] ~0B. B~er received a d~ck)s4J~ nmi~ Inc~Jng [] A B c D E F O H I J SMo Bmween RelelJv# or Former Fldativez Side Belwmm Rolatod Com~ or ~ in Bmdnou One of the BuyorB il ihlO m Sollor Beyor or Seller ii Gove~ruTmnt Agoncy or Londlng Institution ~ Ty~e net Warrant~ or Bargain ~ Sele (Sp4cify Below} Sale of Fractional or Leml than Fea IMerest ~lX~cify Below) 13. Fui Sa NM I I m , I ! ! · (Full Sale Prim b t~ ~zl ~m Md for me pr~r~ ~m~ pm~Gl p~nv. Th~ ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ brm d ~ ~ p~y or O~s, ~ag~ ~ ~ ~l~ P~ r~nd to ~ ~lf ~ ~ ~t. ,4.,~,~d~, I , , , , 0 o om ~~~ ~, 1 ' ; ' AS~SSMENT INfO. ON - Dam s~uld refl~ tho ~em Final ~e~ment Roll a~ Tax ~1 ~'" ~.Y~~~ 102 031 ;[~c~ 13, [,~ I-~ signircs~ ~ In Proi~ly Bemmon Taxablo Statue and Sale Dates S~Je of 'BudnaMi il Inoluded in Sale Prlal C)lh~ Unusual Faotom Affocflng Bede Prim [Speoify Below) None .O ,O I I ~0. TIM MIp Idmltifll~$) I Roll ident]aMb} (# ntMl thin four, Ittlr~ IMM IMtl~ Kid~Jonll IdmIMkd~) I 1000-090.00-03. O0-(X)2.000 I l I i I · I I cE~.FiC~O. I BUYER 4oo i Lakeside Drive No~l:h i'~irr hl~im.~ iTIii'r NAMi I/& I[116/d, Ei Southold I ~ I 11971 SELLER BUYER'S ATTQRNEY Danowski ~ ~r. I ]Peter 631 i 727-4900 I NEW YORK STATE COPY