HomeMy WebLinkAboutWalsh Park AssociationWalsh Park Association Background and New Initiative 2002 Walsh Park Association's mission is to promote the viability of the year-round community on Fishers Island by creating and maintaining a supply of attractive and affordable year-round housing. 2 > A ~ trong year-round community is clearly very ~mportant, because it provides the critical services on which the Island depends: > Emergency Medical Trcalmcnt and "Sca Strelchcr" operation > Fire Departmcnl > Telel)honc, Waler and Electric tJtilities > Police > School > Stores, Churches. Library The year-round community has been shrinking. In 1960, il numbered over 500, and by 1987 it had decreased to 285 where it remains today. Perhaps the most important reason for this decline was the dramatic increase in housing costs, led by strong demand for vacation homes. From 1960 to 1987, the value of a typical year-round house increased from $50,000 to $250,000. Today, it is almost $400,000. Walsh Park Association was created in 1987 to respond to this situation. In 1987, the Fishers Island Civic Association developed an important Growth Plan with the first founding principle being that the Island must have a healthy year-round population. At that time, a 24-acre parcel on North Hill valued at was being sold to a developer who planned to build homes. $960,000 vacation Walsh Park Association was fbrmed to intercede. It was able to persuade the civic-minded owner, Annette Walsh, to sell her land to WPA for $465,000 in cash plus certain tax deductions for the seller. Although as many as '30 homes could have been built on the property, WPA limited the site to 12 homes, preserving the balance of the land in its naturals· tare.' Over $1,000,000 was raised to purchase the property, develop the 12 building sites, and provide for future initiatives. Initial funding came through the Sanger Fund until Walsh Park obtained its own mx-exempt (501.c.3} status. 4 In order to retain f'amilies on the Island, it was important to provide the opportunity l'or them to own their own homes in Walsh Park. To be viable, the purchase price of a home had to be held to about $80,000 and special mortgage financing l¥om SONYMA had to be obtained. Because of the substantial discount to market value, it was also important to prevent the homes f'rom being resold at a large profit, removing them f¥om the supply of' affordable housing. To achieve both o1' these objectives, the initial residents in Walsh Park bought their own homes, but leased their lots l¥om WPA. The homes could be sold, but only at established escalation schedules and only to buyers to whom WPA agreed to lease the land. 5 Value of Typical Walsh Park Home Less: Value of Land Less: NYSAHC Grant Less: WPA Grant Average Cost.to Homeowner in Walsh Park $200,000 $80,,,000 $25,000 $15,000 $80,000 6 are 14 When the Walsh Park Association was created in 1987, the initial imperative was to retain families currently living on the Island. These people were already established contributors to the community and the Island could not al'Ibrd to lose them. As a result, 11 of the first 12 families to move into Walsh Park were already residents of Fishers Island and nine of those families continue to live in Walsh Park today. Since these people were accustomed to year-round life on the Island, their eagerness to buy a home in Walsh Park was a good indication that they were making an informed decision to make a long-term commitment to Fishers Island. This .justified the complex documentation process long-term financial commitment necessary to government backed mortgages and grants. and the obtain 10 In addition to retaining Families, it is obviously important to attract new Families to Fishers Island. Because the winters on Fishers can newcomers are often reluctant to buy to rent initially. be difficult for some, immediately, preferring Unfortunately, the supply of attractive year-round rental properties is also very limited. To address this need, WPA has acquired three attractive houses, which will now be used f'or year-round rental. One is in Walsh Park and was acquired by WPA from the original owner. Two are on Montauk Avenue. By the end of this summer, 14 people (including 8 children) will be living in these three houses. 11 ooooeooooeoooooeooooooeoooeoooooooooooo®®Oe~ ~3 Not all renters are prepared responsibilities associated with alone house. to take renting a on the stand- > To address this facet of the rental market, Walsh Park Association plans to acquire land and build a cluster of four attractive rental apartments. > The site selection and design phases of the project have begun. > WPA expects that this first cluster of units will provide a model fbr additional buildings to meet year-round apartment rental needs in the future 14 While the plans have not yet been finalized, it is anticipated that approximately $800,000 will be required to buy the land and build the first cluster of four rental apartments. In addition, Walsh Park Association intends to raise a reserve fund of $500,000 in order to take advantage of other opportunities to acquire properties for year-round use. "S WPA is planning its fir, t capital drive in obtain commitments for the $1,300,000 outline of contributions needed is set 10 years and hopes to over the summer. An out on the fi)llowing Pledges can be funded over a three-year period. > The first gift of $250,000 has already been received. 15 $250,000 2 $500,000 $100,000 2 $200,000 $50,000 4 $200,000 $25,000 ~o $250,000 $~o,ooo ~o $~oo,ooo $5,ooo ~o $5o,ooo Total 38 $1,300,000 16 In 1987, the urgent need for year-round housing was clearly recognized and the Walsh Park Association was created to address the problem. Since that time, WPA has built 12 attractive, free-standing houses and has purchased two more. Eleven of these fourteen houses are now owned by year- round families and three are rented to year-round families. With your help, four attractive apartment units will soon be added to the WPA portfolio, bringing its total number of homes to 18. When people over the apartments are occupied, the total living in the 18 WPA sponsored homes will 60, about 25% of Fishers Island's population. number of increase to year-round Moreover, over 20 children will live in these homes, about 60% of the local students in the Fishers Island School. 17