HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12219 P 299Sec. 073.00 THIS INDENTURE. mu~.' tl~c 25th day of October'-*: , 2002 a~{ BF.~EEN ~l~ K. ~, ~,,a~ 1~ ~a~ ~, ~x 1~, ~old, ~ 11971; '~ ~S, r~i~r~ a~ 957 ~11 ~ive, ~l~t~, ~ ~li~ ~12; ~ S~ ~, r~idi~ a~ ~375 ~y ~ ~, ~x 1~, ~ic, ~ 11958; P~ A. ~, ~idi~ at 876 ~rk Av~, ~ Y~k, ~ 1~21 ~i~ t,l ~' ~ny of thc ~'t~d ~ h~vcn SCHEDULE vI~r~i~a Koo~ts~, ~ Robert. K. State el New York. Cou~ly of A~ taken h~ I~qr~ York Stet~ · ss: Stale et New York~ County 01 On the day el ~ in II'de yea~ the undersigned, personal~y ap~ee~ed . ~efora me, personally known Ia me or prevail to me On the basis et satisfactory e~nc:e lo be t~ ~n~lv~ual(s) ~ ~m~s) Js (a~) ~ ~ ~ within ~l~u~t ~ a~ to me thai he/she/Ih~ ~oc~ the same i~ hi~er~heit capacity(iesL and that ~ hi~/~heir signature(s) on the Stale of New York. County On tl~a day of ~ ~n lhe year tho underSl~led, personal~y appeered before me, the subscri~'~g withess to the f~egoing i~ume~t, wl~h whom I am personally acqua!nled, who being by me du~y sworn, did ~ aed say. that he~he,qhay m~de(a) ~n mat ho~,~eAbey knc~s) lo be I~ ir, c~vtdual deSk. bed i~ a~ ~ ~ ~e exec~e the same and lhal sa~ wime~ at the same lime s~ high. ir ~(s) es a ~st~mto On Ihe day of . tn the year tho undersigned, personally appeared · t~e~,re me. personally known lo me or provec~ to ma on the basis of seflsfactor( evidence to ~ me thai he/shelley execut~ the sam~ in hl~r~heir capacity~es~, and that ~ hi~herlth~r · Stale el . ~nty of · (or i~sar! ~$1rlcl of Cotumbia, Territory, Possession or Foreign Co~ntry) On the day et , in the year the ur,:lersigned, persona~y appeared , before me, personalty known to me or proved tO me on the basis o! sati~ry ~ to be the ir~iviclual(s) whose name(a) is (am) subecnbed to lho w~n mslmmem and ac~novae~l me that he/she/lhey executed the same tn hfs/her/Iheir capacity(iesI lhal hy his/her/their signature(s) or~ (adcl ~ city or pol~l ~u~i~sien a~".~l the state or country or TO .Ark A. A~gelsc~ SECTION 073.00 BLOCK 06.00 LOT O02.000 COL.'NTY OR TOWN S~olk ~ Sc~t:.hold ~ BY MAtt. TO: ~illi~m ~.~ l~-tce, P.O. Box Gr~flpo~, N~ 11~ Zip No. Sram of New York. County of Suffolk ss.: On the 16th day orOctot~r. 2002. before nM. th= undersigned, personally ap/x:ared. C. .IOHN S~OI'4, A'VI'ORNEY IN FACT FOR EL~..ABETH K, ~TZ, petrsonal]y known to me or proved to me on thc basis of satisfactory cvidcncc to be the individual whose name is subscribed tu the within instrumem and acknowlcdgod to mc that she executed the sane in her capacity, and fha! by her sigrmturc on the instrument, the individual, or th~ person upon behalf of which thc individual actcd, executed the instrument. Slate of South Carolina, County of~Y/ ss.: On the / ~ ~/~ day of ~. ~RG{NIA K~. ~[y ~own ~ ~ or proved to ~ On t~ ~ of sa{isfac{~ evida~ 1o instant ~d ac~owl~gcd to ~ thai s~ ex,amd {~ same in her ca~i~, lhm by hc~ signam~ on ~ i~m~nt. i~ividu~ acted. ~ccut~ {h~ instm~nY, and tha{ such individual made such ap~ .. bcfo~.~he onCe,cd in the .. ~ (in~'{~ ciiy or ~{ilical su~ivision . .= SI~ of Ncw York. CounPy of Suffolk ss.: ~d. E~BETH SIMON ME~. F~lly known {o ~ or p~v~ ~ ~ ~ ~c ~is of ~fisf~l~ evidence m ~ ~he individual who~ name is so,rind m I~ within ins~nmm ~d ~knowl~g~ Io ~ ~m she ~x~ui~ ~ s~ in ~ cap~iw. ~d tha~ by ~r sign~ on th~ ins~nL thc individu~, or ~ ~n upon ~h~lf of which the individual ~ted. cx~u~ Stu~e of New York, County of Suffolk On the 16~h day of Ocqober. 2002, before mc, thc undersigned, p~rsonally appeared, C. JOHN SIMON. personally lmown to mc or proved to me on Ihe basis of salisfaetory evidence to be the individual who~ name is subscribed to the wilhin instrument and aeknowlcdged to me that he cxecuted the s~me in his capacity, and tha{ by his d~gna~re on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted. executed the instrumeni. Public State of~13b~gla. County of f~"~"~'~ ss.: ~ ~ /7 ~ day of ~ .2~2, ~fo~ ~, t~ undersized, ~onally ~p~d, ROBERT K. SIMON, ~o~[y kno~ ~o n~ or proved [o me on the b~sis of ~isf~ evidc~cc to ~ ~he ind[v~d~l whc~ n~n~ is sub~d~ m ~he within in~mc~{ ~d acknowl~g~ m ~ ~t ~ ~u~cd Ibc samc in his ca~i~, t~t by his si~m ~ ~ instant, th¢ indiv~d~ or the ~n u~n ~haif of which t~ indirect ~, ex~t~ the i~tmm~nt, ~d that s~h individ~l m~ such ap~=e ~fom ~ undemigncd in ~ (insect the cir.,-, or poli6cal subdivision and the state or county or other place the acg, nowledgcment wa.~ takcn) ~E R lr~x LotZ ALL ~AT certain plot, piece or puacc[ of ]a~d with t~ ~din~ ~r~ ~, ~ate. lyre8 ~d ~in8 :i ~oa~. Trwn of S~ld. C~my of S~ffolk ~d Sla~ of N~ Yo~, ~inK ~und~ ~d dc~ ~ RU,"~*,'~G TTI~NCE frc~) thc poSm oF L~.ghmln8 aJong ~hc norUleTly sick: of ~Udk: R,~I (C.R. 48) (North Roa:l} South 69 ~cc~ [7' 50" West 2?37 feel to Ihe or lO~'n~rly of l.,cuis } '~'~ abets .~d AJmu H. Walters, fonm,~ly of Culcho.m~c Ass,':,clale,t: RLT~Nr'.NG THENCE North 44 deg~t~s ~t' 20" We~t ~073, L?, ferJ Io )he n,,can Idgh RLrNNI~NG TIt~NCE gong th~ ~aid mean high -~'aler U~e of ~he Long P'*--.'rd~'72degre.~22'09 F.~L2,,8_ feet: RLtE'C%q~*C3 TTb~NC~ SuuU~ 4,4 degrees ,bt' 20" 'E~t 357.64 RU"r,r?,q~ O TI',~,NCE North 67 degrcr, s 2 ?' } 0" East 162 !eet; RL~INING ~CE~ 4~ d~gn~j; 44' 20" West ?,~2.C~ ir, et to Ihe mean h(gh water )inc o~th~ Long l~land Sr~n~ Rb"F,~G T~-.J~CE ai~g n~d mean lugh wmcr linc of the Long l.~land Sou~ n~rTh 66 dcg~ccs 0I 44) east 65.84 fe~; RUNNTNG TH~E Suulh 44 dcgTecs 44' 20" ~st 343.89 fe~t; RT,~h"fl'4G THEI~CE North 67 c~:;grees 27' :;Y' ~,c43 i f~t; RUNNIi'~O THENCE So~)~h 44 d~gr,sen 44' 20" ~ 871,95 f~.; RLrNNI2~O T'r~e..NCl~ Scd,t8 45 dt~ 15' ~0" Wes~ 2~ feet: R~G ~NCE S~fl~ d~ de~ ~' h~e R~ (C.R, 4~) (N~ R~) ~ ~n! ~r pl~ of B~G. ~a ~i~h[ of way~ for ~ 48. $-6075 Tax Lot 2 ALL THAT cerlain plot, piece or pun:el of land wiflt the buildings and improvements thereon creeled, situate, lying and being at Peconic, Town ofSouthold. Counly of Suffolk and State of Ne'w York, being boundcx and described as Follows: BEGINNING at a point on ~he ~urtherly side of Middle Road (C.R. 48) (North Rom:Il which poim ma?ks Ihe intersection of the southeasleriy comer of the premises described herein with the southwesterly comer of thc land now or formerly of Herodofius Damianos; RUNNING THENCE from the point of beginning along Ihe northerly side of Middle Road (C.R. 4~ (North Road) Soulh 69 degrees 17~ 50" West 27.37 ft~e~ to the land now or formerly of Lotfis J~ Wal~ers and Anna H~ Walters, formerly of Cutchngue Associate; RUNNING THENCE North 44 degrees 44' 20" West 5073.t3 l~--t to the mean high water line of the Long lsland Sound; RUNNING THENCE along thc said mean high wa~er line of lhc Long Islaml Sound north 72 degrees 22' 09" East 21~82 fc~; RUNNING THENCE ~ufi~ ~ degm~ ~' 20" E~t 357.~ f~t; RUN~ING THENCE North 67 dcgr~s 27' 10" E~ 162 RUNNING IHENCE Soulh 44 degrees 44' 20" West 342.04 IL'ct to lhe mean high waler line of Iht Long island Sound; RUNNING TliENCE along said mean high warm. linc of the Long Island Sound north 66 cgrees Ol 40 cast 68.84 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 44 de,ecs 44' 20" East 343.89 feet; RUNNING l HENCE No~ 67 degrees 27' 10" East 44.51 feet: RUNNING TI iENCE South 44 degrees 0 East 877.95 feet; Lm 2 RUNNING T/~E~CE South 45 dc~mcs 15' 40" Wcs~ 250 fcct; RUNNING THENCE South 44 de~ure~ 44' 20" East 3734.59 £ect to ~he northerly sidc ~f Middl~ Ro~-.u:t (C.R. 48.} (North Road) ibc point or plac~e oF[tEGINNING. ~umbt'r or D~ed I Mortgage 'i~s Si, amp FEES Sub l'olal GRAND TOTAL S Re, il I'mperl) 'lax Scruicc ^lg--~')' Vcl'il]calite 02~ ZOO0 07300 0600 002000 tnilbL~ Salisfaci~n~Di~harge~Reica~$ I.isl Pm~y RECO~ · RE'~JRN P.O. ~x ~5 RECORCfl) 2(tO2 Nov 12 12:~:41 Pti Eck~ard P. Ib:~ine CLERK OF ~IFFOLK O3~'1 L D00012219 DT# 02- l ~:.50 Rm.'u~ding / Filing Slamps Mudg~ge AmL 2, Addil~¢ui Sub Total Slec./Add. J TLt, T. M'l'(i, T^X J Dual Towl{_._ {)lml J I leld Iht Appm improvcd by a oac t,{ Iwu family If NO, sec: n~,lc laa clause un p;~e u ( :onlmunii Coi,~idc£atlo,, All Tax I)uu Iml,m~ed TD / TD Title Compally hlformation Name $out~ Bay Alit:tact I'ille S Rccordin & 'Jl~s pO~' Ibnns pail ofll~' al '~t~'d Elizabeth K. WurCz, Virginia Koo~cs, ~lz~ ~ ~, c. J~m Sim~a Mark A. ~al~ TO Pa __ made by: i~ {XI ~'; 5 Il IRU 9 MUST BI:. TYI'ED OR PIUNrED IN BI .ACK iNK ONI,Y I RI (,~1 TO RECOIU)IN(; OR Hi II,L,. I llll][lilililiilli[[il[l[[[l[i SuffOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORD~ PAGE Tq~De of Inn~--umtnt: ~g/DDD Number of P~ges: 9 · £RANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-14650 '1000 073.00 06.00 EXAMINED AND~A~ POLLOWg $250,000.010 the ~11~ Fee For Above Inntrument TRAN~ TAX N~4~ER: 02-14650 THIS PAGE A PART OF THE INSTKOMENT Reco~d. ed At;: LIBER PAGE ~ward p. Ro~aine County Clerk, Suffolk County 11/12/2002 12:48:&1 PM D00012219 299 002.000 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $o.oo $o.o0 $3,500.00 $4,617.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM , INSTRUCTIONS: http://wWW.orps,statemy.us or PHONE (518} 473-7222 COUNTY USE ONLY =~, ~c,.~., . ,.2~, RP~,,.~5217 / -J L ~ SELLER BUYER'S ATTORNEY Price, Jr. I William NEW YORK STAT£ COPY