HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12413 P 473&~§ 77th Street, ]3~ook].Zn., ~ev ¥o~k .,.;. :. ltE~HG Ch, s&ue preuLees 'desc~'lbed in deed ds,'ed ?/19/65 ~ecoFde~;~.,7..J_/~Y/.6$' ~n .l.S. ber.'$785, TOGETHER with ~11 right, title and interest, l! an-, o! the ~rl- o! t'--" ...... ' :] I ~ ' I - : l r~s.abut~jn~ the i~e dcKr:~ pr~,m to t~ ~r . . ~it~t:~d~tl~ , · '- · ~(!~:'- mc.. I:,.. q , I [.~ Ij Vl lll~ Illib wn=raOv i~ ~tG ~iRl ~ ' ' --i .. - ~ P ~ In~m~ m Inv ~v w~t~ ~ --I-~-~]~~~..~:~'. · ~':" ~ I · · , . ~ ~ i ...., ~~7l.. . , ~ ~ .... ., . ha ~rty of rhe ~rsl ~, m compha~e wRh S~l~n 13 d ~ ~ea ~w, ~ , "' i. me nru ~rl will r~ve Ih, con,ideation for thil ~nv ..... ~ ..~. ~_u ....... ~ ~t ~.~y ~f _ .. ~ruit .lurid m ~ Ip~l~ ~it for :he The wnrd "party" shll l~ constru~ u if it read "parties" whenever the lense of thb indentu~I'so requires. IN WTr~ V~E.RF.,OF, the pa~ of the I~rst ,v--t h&i dui .... t-'" "-:- -'-:-' "- L . · I . . _ written, t-- · ~..,,~.. [u un. ~.~ u~c m~y. ann y~[ ant uove COCNTY OF ) I O~ lhe ~ day of ,n the yflr ... ~f~ me, thc undcm~, pe~onilly a~l~ [ ~onally ~o~ ~o me or p~v~ to ~ ~ ~e ~iz o~ ~tlS~tor~ ~v,dc~ce m ~ :~c ind:~duaICs) ~m n~i) is (ire) su~b~ ~ the w~fl ms~ment and ~n~lKl~ to ~ thai h~sh~hey h~er~eir s~inl~r~l) on ~8 i~t. ~e indiv,dual(s), or iht Stiustuce end Office of Individaa! takin8 '*ck-owledemen r ecknowledBmeuU taken in ~ew York St-re. 'z!e. District of Columbia, TerrJtoff, Possession, or Foreign Couutry STATE 0Y HL~ YORK) ss.: :...'iF' ,.~'" COU~TYOF KINGS ) ' ' : ~.' '" On the 1:2 day of ~'dn the ycer20.,05 bef'o~I. me, the undemsned, pm'soflaJiy BppMred JOHN J. VALSIi . personally known to me (~ proved to m~ off d~e buss of b~sfKto~ evidmce to be the individual(s) M.nzme(a) ts (srsj ~ .bzcdbed to the wiLhin inst~ment and Kknowledpd to me that he/Be/they executed the nme in hidhm'Aheir capacity(Lo), nd.thru.by., . hizflw/their siSnzwre(s) on the inm3mun~, the indivtd.' u~l(~), or the perz(m upon beh~fof which the individuilCs) amd, ex *..e~d the inzu'ument. i,::.~ ,:**Ir.'. .... q'Silzm~urt end. OMce or bdlddul thklng tdkn.~ledEmeut - :%.* __ -~37 ~f m :he year ..... before me. the undm3iBned, person'*ely q)pcered : ..i .... :.:s:na~iy :move? :o me or ~ov~ to ~ on ~e besSs of ntlsf~to~' ~Jd~ m ~ ~e i~ividud(s) ~ n~l) il (~) ~b~.., ~.. to the :~z- t-s~ru~n: L~ ackflow'~ied to ~ tbs: h~sh~hey executed the ~e m hi~eir u~iu~ ~i ~ hi~bir si~reCs) me ;~cr:, Ihe ,q~vtdualis). or the ~..u~n ~half of which the individual(s) ~, ~t~ :'~ .~ba' r~oc scch ap~uce be~oTe the undcni~ed m thc . (In~ ~e ci~ ~ ~ ~littcai : ~.v~s,:= a=c :%~ s:ate or coun:~ or O~CT pike the acknowl~smeflt / i · '~ iii). 018R8084801 .~:" : ~ .-t. : :. or acknowledBmenu taken outside of New York State, ~xKUfOr'f TO Silo-mn '*nd OMee or individual tsJdng Klmowiodrment . % o DI' STRI CT 1 O00 SUTtoN 090.00 ,Lock 0~'[ 00. ' LOT 0o2.000 COUNTY OR TOWN SUJ~O~K TAX PlA? # 473 889-90.':4-.Z, ! ~ At Request or' : · . %. ,~,.:.* ,'s. ,i · . mrru~, zT~',~.z,L....TO,-' . .. I Number of pa&es TORRENS Smial # Certific~e # Prim' Qr. # Deed I Mortgage Instrument 41_ Pa~e / Filins Fee Handling TP-584 Notation EA-$2 17 (County) EA-52 i 7 (State') ILI',T.S.A. Conun. of -Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy. Other ~ O0 Deed ! Monsa~e Tax Stamp FEES Sub Total GRAND TOTAL Slnmp Dine Initials ? RECORDED ""__200~__ Oct O? lOsOl-'O1 Eduard P,Romaine Ct. ERK OF SUFFOLK _r~__.~TY L I)00012413 P DTJ 'O5=1OO16 Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Renl Prup~y Tax Service Asmcy Verification r~,. .Section_. __R. Inck _I 05039264 2.000 09000 0400 002000 }' cPF Tax Due $  I tmp=ved SpecJA~sit. Or Spec./Add. I~)T. MTG. TAX Dual Town,~ Dual County Held for Apportionment Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The properly covered by this mofl~ge is or will be improved by a one or two fnmily , dwellin~ only. YES, . .or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # ~ of this instrument. Com, mun!ty Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ Vacant l,and Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Properly Owners biailin$ Addres: TD /~ :~:o' ' ~'~~~"/~J /'""~'"g'~/ s ,tie om nn lnfoFmntion I I (: co. ~"me ' I .... Suffolk County Re,cording & Endorsement Page , . ~;PECIFY TYPE OF INS'IRUMENT) ~'l~c premises herein is situated in SUF~X3U(. COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In ~e To~v~hip of In 0x:VILLAGE _ , or ! IAMLE'i' of~ BOXES 5 'ITIRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIN'I~ IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. {OVER} SUFFOLK COUlqTY CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE RECORDI'NG PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDH/DDD l~,~her o£ Pages: 5 Receipt Number ~ 05-0105537 TRANSFER TAX HOMBER: 05-10016 XO00 Deed Amount~ Recorded: LTBER: PAGE: 090.00 04.00 EXAHI~ED ANO CHAROED AS FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Follmeing Fees For ~bove Znstrtment Page/F~ling $15.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO ZA-STATB TP-584 $5.00 HO Cert.Cop~es RPT $30.00 HO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 HO Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX N OM BEE: 05-10016 THIS PAGE XH A PART OF THE ZNSTRUME14T THIS IS NOT A BXLL Edward P.Roma~na County Clerk, Bu££olk County 10/07/2005 lO:01:01J~J~ D00012423 473 Lot: OO2.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $xs5.oo NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR 'PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:ll www. orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl sws ~ I ,~Z',/-/, ?, .,.q,,, ~,', ~ I I '~,,,~dr~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ' · STATE OF fd~'W YQP, K ~,~D.,dr,.=d., ~/~:>/,O';/,,9~r' j ~,,, ,n'^'m,,o,,,,~,,,,~,,,~r.~,~e "-' " ~'" I j,~mjU RP - K217 1. ~ · 760 [ '. Cedar Beach Road j Southold j Ney York j 11971 ~j t985 Haacock A~ue j ~o~h Se[[mote i~ ~ j [~7~0 L ~ T~ b ~l~m I~ ~N~N,I ~LC~..~d~= =-- "'~"' ' ..~~~ I ~Ge~ / ~. I ~ (Full hk ~d b ~ ~{ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' I ~ U~I Fm ~ hb ~ ~ ~ ~b ~~in~ ~ ~ ~~ 0r ~m~ J 1LMdiNmtlmvduedpmami I , . none .... 0, 0 I I INFORIV~ATION - Dm ~llould refle~ me I,tm Flfl,I Assessment ~11 ,nd TBx ,,..,.,...v.,,,.,,--,,.--, l& Frapefty ~ ~-I J 1~. Schad ~ Nmae I Southold School I {D. Tub kimtilk~M I Roll Id~ntlilmiM (Il mom titan fora, ~=h sheet 4 ad~tl°nal ~) I Dis~ict 1000 Section 090.00 I I Block 0/,.00 ~ot 002000 I I Tax Y~p ~o. 473889 90.-~-Z { I , I d m,~r ,,m~ul Ed~. ~ d. nmlffid &ct bm~ w,,1 subj~ me io ihe i~dam or. lbe mad L~ ni~ Io Ibc mddql mM tMki d &be husimmam- ~ BUYE6 1.985 I Hancock Avenue q~. (~,~. Roaenthal j Edvazd 14. I North Bellmore lN Y I 1171.0 crrv ~ ;OWN t'r411, {II,,O00E 516 I 485.5577 ~ qUIJ[.n NEW YORK STATE COPY