HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12420 P 928'HI~ INDENTURE, made the '1,-) day of October, 2005 IETWEEN GARY REIdPEL end MARY ANN REMPEL, both residing of 31605 North Road, Peconlc, New York 11 ~ of the first part, and ANDREW ANSELMO and VERA ANSELMO, husband end wife, both residing at 461 Central Perk West, Apt. 3A, New York, New York 10025 W1TNEg~ETH, that the party of the first part, In consideration of TEN and no/1001he ($10.00) dotlers paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and rolasas unto the party of the second part, the he'rs or successors end assigns of the party of the second part forayer, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of lend, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE "~CHEDULE A" ANNEXED HERETO BBNG AND IHTENDED TO BE the some prernlses conveyed to the parties of the fl,.r~,_ part by deed from Saul MIIIman and Janet Mitlman dated 3/7/'2000 end recorded in the Suffolk County Clarke ~ on 3/23/2000 In Uber 12029 Pegs 707. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part In end to any streets end roads abutting the above described premisas to the center lines thereof;, TOGETHER with the epperiatlen~ and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part In end to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the I pmmisos herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covanan~ that tbs party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered In any way whatever, except es aforesaid. AND tho party of the first part, in compliance with Seofion 13 of the Uan Law, covenants that tho party or the first part will receive tho consldoration for this conveyance and Mil hold the rtght to receive such consideration as · trust fund to be .pldiad fimt for the purpose of paytng the cost of the improvement encl will apply the some first to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any othor purpose. The word "party" shall be constmecl as if it mad "parties' whenever the sense of this indenture aa requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first pa~ has duly e~_~,p__4erl this deed the clay end year flmt above UBERTY LAND TITLE AGENCY, LLC LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION No. L.~230S SCHEDULE A All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings'and improvements thereon e~ected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Nassau and Slate of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southeasterly comer of the premises about to be described, which point lies on the Northwesterly side of Middle Road, (C.R. 27) whom the South~'esteriy line of land of Stepnowski intersects samc, said point being distant 160 feet, more dr Ir. ss, Southwesterly from Henty*s Lane; RUNNING 'ITIENCE from said point o~ place of beginning along the Northwesterly side of · Middle Road, (C.R. 27) in a Southwesterly direction, the following three (3) coumes and distances: 1. South 55 degrees 34 minutes 10 seconds West, 67.28 feet; 2. Along the arc of a curve having a radius of 2804.79 feet bearing to thc fight, n distancc of 168.22 feet; 3. South 62 degrees 1 i minutes 30 seconds West, 18 feet to land of Suffolk County; TI.~aNCE along said land North 72 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds West, 31.11 feet to thc Easterly side of Vail Drive (private road); THENCE along same North 27 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds West, t78 feet to Lot ! 1 as shown on "Map of Blue Horizons," Map No. 4436; TH]ENCE along said lot on said map North 62 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East, 220 feet to land now or.formerly of Stepneski; THF.,NCE-along said land South 44 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds East, 190A8 feet to thc Northwesterly sidc of Middle Road, (C.R. 27) ai tho point or place of BEGINNING. Together v~th all right, title and intwrat of, in and to any jtreets and roattt abntt~,l~ the above described pr~ite$, to th~ center line thereof. Foe conveyancin~ only, if intended to be conveyed. .;- ~..!.., , TOB~:m~:nONLY~,.~,~.NTHEA~=nma~=kq'iBMADEINNEWYORKSTATE State of New Yolk, County of Suffolk ss: State of New York, County of Ontbe ~l;l'dayof O~,ober in the year 2005 Onthe cleyof Intheyear REMPEL and MARY ANN REMPEL satisfactory evidence to be the Individual(e) whose name(e) (am) .uba~i~d to the within Instrument and ~cknowiedged to me that he/ahedbey executed the mmm In hia/hedthelr cap~), smd 1hat by hls/ber/lbek dOn~..re(s,). instmmant, the Individual(-,), or the proton upon oerima OT wmcn (signature and oflk;e of individual taking edmow~dgmem) NOTARY PUBLIC i~~ll~ peraondy known to me or proved to nm on the bmb of saUdmtofy eddanm to be the Indivkluid(s) whoee name(s) is (em) ~ub~t'o~l to the wiihin Irmb'uat~nt and ack--nd to me that ho/lbe/tbey ex~ the ~me in hb/berflhtdr capaclty(k~), and that by hla/hedthelr Monatwe(e) on the InMmment, the rmdMduml(s), or g~e pemon upon behalf of which the Indlddual(-) ecied, executed the Imb~ment. (slgrmtum and office of indlviduM taldng acknewtedgment) TO BE: :,~=n ONLY WHEN 114E ACKNOWLF--r'r'~s:wrr 18 MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE State (m' Obtdct of Columbia, Territory, or Fondgn Counby) of ss; On the dayof in the year . before me, the undemigned, persormfly mM:mated pemormlly known to me or proved to me on the besb Of aatJ~ evidence to be the individual(-.) whcme name(s) b (are) subm:s'ixKI to the within inMzumant and admoMedged to me thM he~ executed the same In hlM'mr/1~'mlr capaolty(ie~), end ttmt by hleAmr/thek' elgn~um{-) on the Imdmmenk 1he IndMduaKs), o~ the pomon upon behalf of width the IndMdual(e) acted, esacuted tbe Imdaument, and that such Indlddtml made ,uch eppeemnce before tbe undemlgned In the in (Imert the City or other political 8UlX~VNISion) (~nd irmed the S~te (X Country or other place the mc~owMdomant wss taken) (signature and office of individual t~king 8cknoMedgmant) BARGAJN AND SALE DEED Title "O. L,- GARY REMPEL & MARY ANN REMPEL TO &NDRITY,~ ANSELMO &: VERA ANSF;L,MO LAND ~ ]I4~,'WANC~ COMPA.%'Y DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 074.00 BLOCK 01.00 LOT 023,000 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Recorded et Request of COMMONWEALTH LAHD TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY IdAIL TO: OLSEN & OLSEN. LLP P.O. Box 706 Cut~hogue, NY 11935 Numba' of p~es q TORRENS S~al # C~nific~e ff 4 ~e I Filin~ F~ ~lin~ TP-5~ ~-S2~7 ~) ~P.T.~ ~ o~ ~. ~h~ Deed I ~e Tax Stamp __ SubTotal Sub Te~l o,.,N, Re~l Property Tax Sea, ice A~mcy Verificmio~ Stamp Initials 0,~)4~28 ZOO0 07400 oto0 023000 htisfnctions/Discharges/Rcleases List Pm~ RECORD A RETURN TO: OLSEN & 0LSEK, LLP P.0. 8ox 706 ;utchogue, NY 11935 Nou 21 E~ard P,Ro~airm 5UFF0I.K COUNW I)00012420 P92~ DT# Recordin8 / FilinK Stamps I. B~ic Tax ~ 2. A4ditimml Tax Sub Total SPSCJASsiL Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town~. Dual County Held for Apportionment ~ .. M~nsion Tax The property covered by this mortgn~ is or will be improved by a one or two family clwelling only, YES or NO If NO. see apIx'opriate tax clause on pq~e # ~ofthis ins~ument, Communit~ Preservation Fund Consideration Amount S 615,000.00 CI'F S 9.300.00 (acant Land TD $ This p~c £u.,m ~ of~ a~cbed GARY REH~EL and HARY ANN REHPEL TO ANDREg ANSELM0 and VERA ANSELH0 Title Company Information Co. Name Title # & Endorsement DEED (SPEOFYTYPE OF INSIRUIVG~TT) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. SOUTHOLO In Ihe Tov,~hip of In thc VH.[AGE PECONIC or HAMLET of made by: BOXES 5 IHRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIN'IF_.D IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR'ID .RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) 80FFOLK COUNTY CLERK ~ECO~D8 RECO~DZ~G ~AGE Ty~e o£ Z~Btz~ment; D~mB/DD~ ~8~ ?AX ~]NB~R: 05-$5835 ~000 0?4.00 0~.00 ~]~j~ABDCHA~BD~ZJ~)W8 $655,000.00 11/21/2005 10zO3z05 AM D00012420 928 023.000 Page/Filing $12.00 MO Handling COB $5.00 NO ~YB 8RCHO EA-CTY $5.00 ~ ~-8TA~ ~-58& G5.oo ~ c~.C~tea ~ G30,00 ~ ~ ~.~er t~ $2,&6o.oo ~ c~.~, zeos ~aid TRANBFF~ TAX ~E~I 05-15835 T~X8 IS NOT A BXLL $5.00 MO $15.00 $75.00 S0.00 MO $0.00 MO $9,300.00 S11,912.00 Cotmty Clerk, 8u~£olk Cc)~zty N( PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS 'FIRMLY WHEN WRITIN'G-~)~ ~)'1~' ....... . - INSTRUCTIONS: http'~l'www.orps.state.n¥.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUN'rY USE O REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT · TA~ BOARD OF REAL PBOPE~Y ~ .RP- 5217 PROPERI~ INFORMA'nON I I Seuthold I ~1c I 11568 P~identbl Vm L~d I ~ INFORMA'nON I 12. Dm d ~ld I Treader F ~] ComramciM [adum~l IIu Emm~ln ntent I Ammm,~'tt For~ ill /'~ 1~5 I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. D~ ~ould mfle~l Ihe Im Final ~mnt Roll ~ T~ Bill 7 O 0 0 I 1000-0'/4.00-01.00-02~.000 I L 5authold j I I L J I d' m~y '~dll'd ~-,. ~mmmM ul' mm~,dd hc~ he,-do ~,,01 ,mEnisci ~ ~o ~h~ aru~k~.m~ d' O~e oml~ bw n, laB~ ~ d~e md&~l ..,~ ~ d. ~ ~--,nm~m~' BLIYEffB ATTORNEY