HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12427 P 191THIS IWDF:N'rLJRE, rnadcThc X'J'1~ day,,l~,Cet~ 2~ ~d BETWEEN ~ND~ C. ~BRESE ~i~ at 38 Li~ Ddt. ML Sinai. NY 117~ JOHN F. GANNON a/tEa JOHN GA~NON . line ,f who died on the 1st day .f July 2005 and party oflhe first pan. COLLEEN MANTHE. residing at 1901 Barrow Way. Duluth. ~eo~gia 3009.~ ;~1.... ,rth¢ second Ir. u1. wI'rN£$$E']']I. [hal wh~.reas ]etlcr..~ ,:~t~mL'nmry w~..re issued [u the party or thc first pan ~. the Surmg-.ne's Court. Suffolk C,unty. Nov.' York. mi October 17. 2005 and by v~rmc ZERO dollars. paid hv )m party orrhe ~.cond pan, dm'~ hereby ~mnt and ALI. ~hat c%~,~, plc~. pte~c or parcel ~,fland. with the buildings a~ impmvc~ncs t~m~n cmctc~ sim~. Jy~ a~ ~fig lB I~ T~ ~ ~ld. ~n~ ~ ~ffo~ and Smte ~ ~w Y~K ~ md desig~t~ ~ ~ 5 ~ a ~ ~ e~d. ~P ~ Pe~n~ K~I~' and fi~ ~ ~ ~e ~ ~e C~k of the ~nW of Suffolk on Sep~ber 29. 1977 ~ M~ No. 6607. TOGETHER ~ a 5 f~ ~htmf-way ~ ~ ex,me ~ ~i~ of L~ 7 on 'Map ~ ~ ~la ~. ~. s~ right-of-~y runnl~ ~ ~n~'s Lana ~ ~ke V~ A~uo. SU~E~ to any s~te of ~s an a~mate su~y may ~. SUBJECT to ~en~. inspirits. ~afions a~ ~men~ ~ ~. B~ and i~ to ~ ~e ~ P~S~ ~eyed to the g~r by ~ed da~ Sept~ 9, 1 ~1. rem~ in Li~ ~72 and Pa~ ~. S~t ~s; 2~5 Hand's Lane. Pemnic. N~ Y~k 11958 DbL: 1~ S~.: 074.~ B~ I Lo~ ~.~ ihe l|~i part h.1l or has ~'~v.x.r to c~mv~.? s' d sl~se 1~ wh~'ther in.lividually. ~r h)' virtue .al'soLd will ~' mhcw..[~.: 'I'O IIAVE AND I N W ITN ESS W H E R EOI.: ~he parry of tl~. firsl parL has du y execulcd thi~ deed Lhe day and year first above wriuen. SANDRA C. CALABRESE as Executrix Acknowledgement taken in New York State State of New York. County of Suffolk o, tho of in tho yo? 2o : .tors t~ undated, ~l~ ~a~. Sandm C. Ca~b~ ~r~l~ k~ to ~ ~ p~ed W ~ on ~e ~s of ~tis~W~ ~MoKe to ~ ~ indlvid~l(s) ~sa ~m~s) is (am) ~cdhed to t~ wi~in i~tm~nt a~ a~Wedged to ~ that helshelffiay executed Ihs same in his/her/their ~paoily(ies), and that by hisSer/their signa~m(s) on the in.inmont, the inWvidual(s) or the pe~n u~n ~a~ M which t~ in~vidual(s) ~ed, ~M~ ~e i~ment. STEVEN P KUHN Notmy Pubhc. State of NewYo/k No 02KU4755166 Ouahfled ~n Suffolk County -....a-~ Comrsmamn Expires July Acknowledgement taken In Newyork State State of New York, County of, On the day of , in the year the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s).whose name(s) is (are) subsodbed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that ho/she/they esaculed the sarse in hls/her/thatr capacity(ins), and that by his/bar/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s) or the person upon behalf of which the indlwdual(s) acted, executed the instrument. Acknowledgement by Subsedbing wimana taken in Now York State State of New York, County of On the day of , in the year . . before me, the undersigned, personally appeared the subscribing witness to the forogoing inatmrnent, with whom I am personally acquainted, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say. that helshe/they ms,da(s) in that he/she/they know(s) to he the indivMual desonhod in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that said subsodbing witness was present and saw said execute the same; and that said witness at the same time subsodped hislher/thelr name(s) as a witness thorota. T~eNo.: Estate of John F. Ganm~n TO Colleen Manthe Distributed by ] Chicag° Title Insurance Company AGknowledgement taken outside NewYmk State 'State of , County of, · (or insert District of Columbia, Territory, Possession or Foreign Country) ss: On the day of . in the year the undersigned, pemonally appeared · before me. personally known to me or proved to me' on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the Individual(s) whoso namo(s) is (are) subscrlhed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me Ihat he/she/thay executed ~ne same In hts/her/thalr cepaalty(les), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the Irmtmment, the individual(s) or the person upon behalf of which the Individual(s) acted, oxecuted the instrument, and that such Individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the (add the city or political suedJvision and the sate or counby or other place the acknowMdgemeat was taken). DISTRICT 1000 SEC'RON 074. BLOCK 01. LOT 044.006 COUNTY OR TOVVN Suffolk RETURN BY MAJLTO: Zip No. Numbs' of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Qr. # Deed I Me,gage Instrument 4 Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Notation /~ EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (Sta,) /~/~"' R.P.T,S.A. "~ Comm. o fEd. ~ OO Affidavit Reg. Copy Other Deed I Mot~gaRe ~ Stamp FEES Stamp Date Initiab RECORDED 2005 Dec 2.~ 11:07:09 RH Edward P,Ro~ine CLER~ OF SUFFOLK ~IJIITV L D00012427 P 191 DT# 06-20590 Recerdin$[.Filing Sia,r, ps Amt. R~al PrOlx:riy Tax Service .ag,,,,-y Verification n;~. Section B Io~k Lot 05050193 xooo ov4oo ozoo 044006 ' RECORD & I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total ' Spec.lA, miL Or Spec. ladd. TOT. MT(]. TAX Dual Town . Dual County~ Held ["or Apponibnmcnt ~ Transfer Tax ~' Mansion Tax Tho property covered by this mortsnge is or will be imprnved by a one or two family I dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # Comrnumty Prcsem, ation Fund Consideration .Amount $ ~ CPF Tax Due $ Land /3--- TD 'rD -Title Company Information Co. Name Title # Suffolk County Recording &, Endorsement Page -a_.m D-e & re.de,y: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTR~ ) ~l~e premises hewn is situated in or HAI~BT of BOXES 5 THRU 9 IViUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK OI~Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVE~} SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument~ DBEDS/DDD ~,--~er o£ Pages: 3 Receipt ~,-~er : 05-0132775 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-20590 Districts 1000 Deed Amountz Recorded: At: LIBER PAGE Section~ Block ~ 074.00 01.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED A~ FOLLOWS $0.00 12/23/2005 11107109 AM D00012427 191 Lo~. z 044.006 Received ~he Following Fees For P&ge/Filing $9.00 COB $5.00 EA-Cl'f $5.00 TP-584 $5.00 RPT $30.00 Transfer tax $0.00 TRANSFER TAX N~MBERz 05-20590 Above Instrument NO Handl~n~ NO NYH SRCHG NO EA-STATB NO Cert.Cop~es NO BCTM NO C~--,Pree Fees THIS PAGE IB A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 NO $15.00 HO $75.00 NO $5.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $154.00 Edward F.P~matne County Clerk, Huffolk County ' PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN~WRi:I'iN-G ~N-~ORM INSTRUCTIONS: hep://www.orps,state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I F-OR COUNTY USE ONLY 1 ./ .-- ~.~ .,-. ~ I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C. SInS ~ ~ ~ aNl~ A, OF NEW YORK I I I I I~1 pa~ls tr.r, MIn~d on the Beid ] I # of Pemlu OR [--] Pert of a Parcel Propm y I Ixl IORI .... · ' I I I lO. Iv If I~t of · Pam~ Ghmzk a~ thw ap~zly: 13. Full Sale W I ...... 0 , 0 I (Full Sale Pflce is dm tmeJ ameunt paid for the pmpely imludfog pamonll property. l&fodM~tlthlvikJedpaman~ { ...... 0 , 0 I Feopi~y in(dtMMI in h Nil ? ~ · ASSESSMENT INFORMA~ON - Date ah~uld reflec~ the IMest FinBI Aneumeat RMI end Tax Bill 16, YwM~MIMx~ I [ 17. Total AW Vmke (d e# pa~4kh~Me) I DMd Typ~ n~ Wan~nty or Bm~fo arid SaNto (~lly Below) 20. Tm~ Map Idinl~l) I Boll idlrlll~l((i) (If mom ~ four, attm~ M whfl MdlBend IdmtilM~}) CERTIFICATION [ c~ti~ th.d an M' tl~ im E infemmien t. nle[Td on IWs th~n am Injt nd ~,~t~.l i fo the beml rd' may knowk4~k, and bdim~ amd [ und~-d--d thru the maki~ d' nny wmfnl fldme ~,Mmmtm d' materhl fnk't Samdn wal mbjK~ m to the m-m[6,~m M the mx. mai Inw t~,hmive fo ihe ~ mai fllln~ d' amh, t InM].un~mtm. SELLER BUYER'S AI'rORNEY I NF. W YORK STATE COPY