HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12395 P 431000 074.00 02.00 009.000 .NY (~L~. #n~da ~ad S~Je IX'ed wi~t C,~enmu CO.~tI]I,T YOUR I,A~',~'ER BFJCIJ~ ~iGI~I,~(: TI I],q U~.'%TIIU %-t fLNT · TIJ[I~ I.%~TKUM K.%T .~IIOU[,D B~ ~ BY IA~' f3L~ ()~L~' THIS INDICNI'URE. nvad~ tha ~ J'~ d~y of JUNE . in the year B K'I'W E.E.N ,... JAME~ D. PAPPAS, residing at It) Adur Lane, V.a~ Nodhport. New York 11731-5506 r~,nvoftt~-first~,*~ ~ml CF.,OR~E FREDRXGKS and LORR~XNE g at r---. ---- ~- ..... 60~ Cr.,ov,e Road, Southotd, Ney York 11971 [~*t)' Of Ibc ~.'colld purl. WITNF, SSETII, that [he puny of the first pith. in consideraxian of Ten Dollm's and other vulanble con~icl~mtim~ paid by the pun)' of ~ho ~.,cond pan. d(~ harel~, I~r~t ud rele~,~c unto thc party or thc ~o..(m,I pm. the heirs or ~'essors and ~s~;igns of the part)' of thc .~.'cu nd pa~ I'ore~er. Al.I. that cert~n plot. piece or Ix~'el of Innd. with the haildln~ ;md impmvernems ~ ~. situate, lying *.md being in the SEE SCHEDULE A. DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES AfT'ACHED BEING AND iNTENDED TO BE Ibc ~.ame prumi.~ conve~.d ~., {be gramor herein by deed dated IW23/71 and recorded in 11/3~71 in Liher 7039 ~ 77 TOGI..'THF. R with all rig. hi. doe and interest, il'any, of the pony of the first pan of. in und to any streets and roads abutting the above-described pm mi~,,~ h, d~e ceat~r lines thereof: TOGETHER wilh the appurtenances and nfl the estate and rights of the p.ny.r the fir~ pm i~ ~ t,**~d p~mi.~.~; 1'o HAVE AND TO HOI,D the premiss herein ~r, mted anto the puny. of the ~eeond part. Ihe heirs or sueces~i's und a.~igns of the party or the second part forever. AND the party of the riva i~m covctmats that the p~rty of thc first port h~ mq done or .~uffered anything whereby the ~tid pre mi s~s,..l~l~'*,.'..bj.%:n im:untheh.Yl'in a,n,..v' ,Wff~'~botever. except m, afim:miid. AND thc Irony. of.the fi~t;i~l~ ' J p, ~.'~m't~ium.'e w'th ,~.'c ti( n 13 t f the Lien Law c~,venunts that the ~ -f *,,. fi,~* ..... ;. ~.~_.s.ve t h.. M~I~ .?~ j~.n ~.r ~ .~i. '.~o.n,_x...~ a .nd wall hold the n.ght.to mcmve st~h ~.xmidemtion a.q a Imxt fund lo bo applied ~lr~ ~.or...~u~.. pa. ~q~..,o~.p]tyi.ng.~tng~.c~.~t ol t~e improvemem ano will apply the su. me fuxt to the payment of the cos! of the Jmp~)~mcm F, efore using uny ptm ol ~: ux~l of Ibc r. mne For uny other ~. ' The v.x,'rd "party" shall he (:om. trued tm if it ~md "petxJe,~" whenever the &ease of this indenture so requires. LNI wrl N I.'q,(; WHEREOF. the p~uly of the first part ha.,(~,ely e3x'(:ated thj& deed the day und year fir~ above wriltca. IN PRICS,~CI.: ,': /,~.,,~,.,.,,p..,.~. ,'~~/~/,,~ ..e.~.t ,' All ~ta~Abetr&c% 3:22 PAGE 1/2 Rt~htF&x ALL STATE ABSTRACT CORP. Title No. $T868018-16 ALL that ~omin pl~1, pbce or .l~n~d. ofland, witl?dmbuildinssandimprovemonts Oztoreon mind, ~mm, ly*m8 ~n~ b_in8 at .p~mi. **~, Town of ~mbhoid, C. ouay of Suffolk mhd ~ of Nw Yod~, bounded md d~cdln~d u follows: BE~INNIN.G. aX a ~ ~ on tl~ Sou2m'ly_ ~ of ~ ~ whom laid Somh~ty sido Of_M. m Road h intorumd by b Souttmmty boundary of land nmv or formedy of Pe2r $ionk; RUXXrNIN.O. TIt~CI~ s~h. 63 desrees 46 minms .00 so~nds ha alert8 mid Sanbfly Imo of Mill Road · dimme of 52.~0 feel lo a poml; RUNNINO Tm~CE South 77 dosrees .~ minutos 00 soconds East still don8 the mid . .~u~d.y sido of Mill Road · distanoe of 122.99 feet to tim point ~ place of RUNNINO 'FHI~E alons dm toid Soudmdy sid~oftAillRoadSomit 7'/desnms.~'i mJm,t~s O0 ~ East ·dJslan~ofl61.P'2,(Mt-~ll. 1~2.40__d~_~1)__ fomttoland ofll~ Town of Soahold: RUNNI~G Tm~ sloe8 lb mid ImJ of tho Town of SomboM ~,o ~ursel is follows: l) South 8 de~'ues 14 minums 20 seconds West 45.78 box; and 2) S~uih 6~ dosrees 17 minnlos 10.moo~. woat 241.66.lost to lbo Eaf2riy lino of Lot No. ~ .n. sh~,. n. on 'Map of Pe~nl~ Homos, Section 2' runnins aton~ dm said ~asuny inns o~ said Lo~ N'o, 48 Noflh 24 dosrees 42 minutos .~0 sooond-s West 135 fset to tho Nofllmasudy G~nsr theoof; =R ..UX~-~..O. 't'I~NCE No~th 6~ desxMs 17 minutos 10 seconds 136.61 feet to dm Southorly Imo of Mill RoM at dm point or plnce of BEGINNING. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY lb ImiW to be Immd endg INs rup~t tall Inmwo the thfe to su;h hu~s nnd Imwovumento wm~tud un the m'embes wMdt by law t;mstltoto smd 1~oge~. TOGE'INER w~th all tho right, thb and Int~ast ol the 9my of tho thst pwt. of, In md to b,..d h b.m SIdle of New YoH~ County of SUFFOLK On the b-day of June . in Ihe yea' 2005 before me. ~ undea~n~d, pcr~.naU~ Uplx'nn.'d /: JAM~S D. PAPPAS pasonally know. ro me ut pm~d ~ ne on die basis of e~dence mbc d~c indivMu~(s) whose.mT~$) ~ (me) su~ec~bed v~in ins~rr, cn! Bud bdmoM~ m me ~! ihe~ e~ecu~d s~m~s) on ~c iz~mnzem, d~m~v~J~lis~ ar ~ pmo, up~ behulf of which ~e indi~du~~~m ~gmma~. got-~ Fubllc Ounllfled In ~uffolk Coun~, , U.~ A L'X, YOWLEI~d~.N'I' FORM ~ fflTIIIN NEW YOf~ ST~ z~ O,YI.Y: SIMee~New York, Countyof Onlbe dnyof in Iht year before me, ~he unden~l~ned, pmrmlly nplx~md ~ly known Io me o' proved to me r,n I~ b~is of mtkfnctor evid~ ~o ~ thc individual(~) whoa= rdm~s) is (nr~) mb~.'dbed m ~ widdn in.q~ul, nmi m:knowk~p.,d to mc ~ ~'~' execuw d~: same in lC-i/bet/their e~,~Jm), m~d d~ by hlsAm~hei si~nmm~s) on th~ imlmmmt. Ihe imUvid~Es), er ~he pcm~ up~ beholtot which the individuoRs) ac~d. executed the itu~umenL (l~m,n ds, HA' or ether pelilical .ad~dA.Isian and We .~mle or comuO, () Trru~ No. BARGAIN & SAI.E DKRD JAMES D. PAPPAS TO GF~DOT HOMES, INC. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE OCOMPANY OF NEW YORK DI~ICT 1000 S~'no~ 074.00 BLOCK O'LO0 lOT 009.000 Couh'TY OR TOWN SUFFOLK, SOUTHOLD RF. CY)RI.)F.D A T I~F.~ uF. rr O~ Fidelily Nndonnl Title Im~ra~ce ~ of Nt~v Yeti DENNIS M. REISS ESQ. PO BOX 567 WADING RIVERNY 11792 Number of pages TORRENS Serial # __ Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed. Mortgage instmmont Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Notation EA-5217 (County) EA-5217 (Sram) R.RT, S.A. Comm. of F_.d. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other ~2 Deed I Moflgnge Tax Stamp FEES Sub Total RE~DED Jun 29 09~"~'~27 I:~ E-ae-'~rd P. Ronaine CLER~ OF L D00012~9~ P .DTI~ Recoeding I Filing Stumps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. / A~,~it. or Spec. / Add, TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment Mansion.Tax / The'property covered by Ihi~ mmguge b will ~ improved by a one or twc family dwelling only. This page fornt~ pan of tho attached DEED made by: fSPECIFT TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ,lAMES D. PAPPAS The premisis herein is aimated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Towmhip of SOUTHOLD ~f~,. _~ or H^MLET or PECONiC Tine Company Information I Co. Name ALL STATE ABSTRACT! CORP. · [ T~tle # S~8018-1,6 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page Improved, ~ .... Vacanl Land .... TO TD Satisfaction/Diacharges/Release List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: · DENNIS M. REISS, ESQ. PO BOX ~67 WADING RIVER NY 11792 ~YES or NO Sub Total IF~, see appropriate tax clause on Grand Total ~ pnge'~_~..__ of this in.~,mem.,. · .. N\.. ~:.~,-of 4 I ,=,,oools tion o,4.ooln,o 02.00 oo .ooo:s Com-X ?e , ..,ouFurtd PropertyReal ..... ~'0~0 07400 0~,0~'"'0~)900'~-1 C~onsiderationAm~.~t~ay 5268.600.00 Tax Service CPP Tax Due ~1/S./1.872.00 Type o£ XnltLmmont, DIEIEnS/DI~ MuJGbez' 04' ;agel, · Ro~e~pt ~ud)er : 05-0067845 TRAHSFER ?AX HUHBERz 04-46863 District, XO00 DoeGAlnottut8 Rocc~I LZBER: 07·. 00 02.00 RXAIf3~RD AND rm~iWRD AS rOLLOW8 8268,600.00 06/29/2005 09857,27 AM Re~Ave~ ~ FoXXowl~ Fees ~or Above · age/riXlng 8X2.00 ~0 Ha~d~ng cee 85.00 · A-CTY SS.00 ~-584 85.00 ~ C~.C~ioe ~ 830.00 Feel 04-46863 ~XI IiOI II A IART OF THI ~llTRI THX! XB ~ & BZLL D00012395 043 009.000 85.00 825.00 8~65.oo 80.00 80.00 $3,8?2.00 85,X90.00 · PLEASE T~PE OR PRESS 'FIRMLY WHEN WRiTIN~-oN FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp~/www.orpLstate.ny.ue or PHONE (51S) 473-7222 'U~l 2L0 I Sound Avenue I I PA?PAS. Cl._~ MkmNidw~*m L~d G~ Ap~n,'~m~ Jl--~ ~ndumld DUNe.%qeek~emlV~m~.La~l HI I EntlmlnmemlAmuMm~m L,I I Fo(eM & OwMMdp TRW ii C~doml~m [] 1Mu Pmmnv I,omml v/a~ m JMd---'- -M Dillrid [] [ S~LE INFORMATION 11. S~e ~Mmaet D~e I o9 / J.3 / o4 I lZ Piti d kk I TmMM I o6 i ~l'~/ 05 r laen~ t~W Yw 2 6 B 6 0 0 ! ! · l&kuim~tlm~lwMixeNMI ] .... O, 0 , ~ I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DaM mM relkmt tim latMt FinM AMee~nent Roll and T~x Bill I 8oo, I 1000-74-2-9 I L I Dennis N. I 929-4711 fNEW YORK STATE ,COPY