HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12446 P 179THIS INDENTURE, theL day of vem r. two thou n,e BETWEEN GAlL CHELLEL l~oMeadow Court, The Cove//32, Southold, New York 11971, and AMY CHELLEL 324 Bridgebrook Lane, Wexford, Pennsylvania 15090 party of the first part, and ,e.,.GAIL CHELI.EL /~ Meadow Court, The Cove #32. Southold, New York ! 197 ! pany of th~ second pan, WITNF,,M'SI.,'FH, that the party of the first Fan, in consideration of Ten Dollars mad other valuable consi&'ration paid by the party of the second party., does hereby grant and release unto the pany of the sci'omi pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the part}' of the second part forever, g' f' I ALL that certain piece or parcel of real property, with the impro~e_me_.n, is ..~creon contained, situate and.being a pan of a Condominium in the Town'of Southold. Sufrblk Coumy. State of New York, kno~'n and dcaiggated as Unit Number 32 together with a 3.2096 undivitk'd interest in the Common Elements of tile Condominium hcreiuaftcr described as the same is def'med in the Declaration of Condominium hereinafter referred to. This unit is alsa designated ~ Tax Lot 032 in Block 01.00 in the Town of Sonthold. more particularly dc.'.'.'~ribed in Schedule A, attacknl hereto; The real property above described is a Unit shown on the plans of Condominium prepared and certified by Robert Tnst, Architect, and maps filed by Young & Young, Lieemed Surveyor and t'ded in the Off~:e of the Clerk of Suffolk County on Iix, ~ day of August, 1989 as Map Number 219 defined in thc Declaration of Condominium eutith.,d, "The Cove at Southold Condominium' made by Thc Cove at Southold, Inc. under Article 9-B of the New York Real Property Law dawd August 25, 1989. and rcconk'd in thc Office of thc Clerk of Suflblk Count}' on the 25~ day of August, 1989 in Liberl0917 of Convcyancx.'$, at page 477, covering the property, therein described. The land area of Ibc property is dt'scribtai as Ibllows: Togc'thcr with the benefits and subject to thc burdcr,~ of the Declaration of Condonlinium and By-Laws attacl~.xi thereto recorded by the Sponsor, The Cove at Southold. Inc. da~'d August 25. 1989, and recorded in the Office of thc Clark of Suffolk County on the 2.5~' day of August, 1989. in Liber 10917 of Conveyam:es at Page 477 and any pn,,'~nt or future amendrmnt$ to saki Dec 'laration. BEING AND hNTENDED TO BE the same premises convc~,ed to the pan}' of thc first pan by Decd dated October 24. ] 995 and recorded in the Suffolk Courtly Clerk's Ollice on February 8, ! 996 in Liber ] 1761 at Page 744. TOGETliER with all right, fide and interest, if any. of the party of the l'crst pan in and to any atrcn.'ts and roads abuuing the above described prcnnises to thc center lim,'s thereof; TOGWI'IIER with the appurteuaocea aM all the cstat~ and rights of thc party of thc' tim pan in and to said premi~.'s: TO HAVE AND 'lO IIOLD the premises herein granted unto the pany of the scn.'ond pan, the heirs or succ~aors and assigns of thc party of the second pan forever. AND the party, of the first part covenants that the party of the tim part has not done or suflbred anything wbercby thc said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. ANO fhe.p:~ny of lh,..firq ,n~n in enn~. liavct:.wirh ..gectJon 13 of thc.i&m I,~w. ~n~B ~at ~ pady of t~ fi~ ~ w~ ~ive ~e c~i~fion ~r ~ convey~ ~ ~! ~M ~e ~t w ~e~'c ~ch ~i~twn as a t~ fu~ ~ ~ a~li~ tim for Wg ~ of ~ying ~ ~ of ~e ~v~m ~ will ~ly ~e ~ f~ lo ~c pay~t of ~c ~ of ~ i~mv~nt M'lbm ~ing ~y ~R of ~ m~ of ~c ~ for ~y o~er ~. ~e ~ "paRy" ~1 ~ corm ~ if it read '~nit~' wM'nevcr ~e ~ of ~is M~u~ so ~u~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of thc first pan has duly executed this deed the day and )'ear first above writrx-n. In Presence of: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUN'I~' OF SUFFOLK SS.: On the ~ d~y of November, 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared GAlL CHELLEL. lx'rsonally known to me or proved to me on the basis of srdist~.'tory evidcncc to be thc individual(s) whose nan~-(s) is (an..) subscrilx'd to thc with~ in.~rumcm end acknowledged to me that he/she/they ex~'uicd the same in his/her/~.'ir c.Nutcity(ics), that by his/hcdthcir signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or thc' ~rson upon behalf of which thc b'FATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS.: On tl~, day of 2005, before me personally came " to mc known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; that be is the I ' of the corporation dcscn'bed in and which executed th~ foregoing instrument: that he knows thc seal of snid corporation; that the s~al affixed ~o said inst~t is such corplorate seal: that it was so alTtxcnl by order of the bonrd of directors of said corporation, and that he signed h name thereto by lik.'e order. BOtal'V t O rccAtM GAlL CHELLEL & AMY CHELLEL TO . GAlL CHELLEL , STATE'OF ~ COUNTY OF .: on the ~,~ day of November, 200~, before me, d~ undersigned, personnlly appeared, AMY CHELLEL. personally known to me or proved to mc on thc basi~ of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s} is (nrc) subscd~'d mo the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshelthcy executed Ilu.' same in his/ht, rlthcir capacity(ks), and that by his/hcrltl~ir signalure(s) on the insmunem, the individual(s), or thc'person upon behalf of which thc individual(s) acted, executed the in.su'ume~ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS.: On the day of 2005, before mc, the undersigned, personally appeared · thc subscribing witness to thc foregoing instrument, .with whom I :un personally acquainted, who being by mc duly sworn, did depose and say that he/slu.'lthey reside(s) in (if the place of residence is in a city, include the ar,.-et and sm'et number, if an],', thereof) ; that he/she/they know(s) to be thc individual dcscritnxl in and who ¢~,cuted the fon.'going iaslrument: that said subscribing witm:ss was Or.'sent and ~w said cx,.%nate the same; aM that said wimess at the san'u: time subscribed his/her/tbeir name(s) as witn~ tht."reto. · notary. RETURN BY MAIL TO: Nancy Burner, P.C. 46 Route 25A Suite 4 S~tauket, New York 11733 · Number of pages TOP. RBNg Serial # Certificate # Prior Cfi. # '""' Deed / M~rtgage Instrument page / .P!!i.ng F..:ee%........ ~ Handling 5. 00 TP-584 "5 Notation EA-52 17 (County). EA-5217. (State) R-P.T.S:A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit .. Certifi~l Copy -~S Surcharge Deed./. Mortgage Tax Stamp. " Fm~ 2006 ~pr 19 02:46:5! I~1 · Sudit~ fl. ~F.~ OF SUFFOLK COUNTY :' L D00012446 P Recording / Piling Stamps. 2. Additional Tax 'Sdb.Tot~l ' ' or .2 Spec.lAdd. .. TOT. ~3. TAX" Dual Town. · ·Dual County ~ Transfer Tax ~. ~ .- Mansion Tax' ' '~ ' . . ..Th~.pro .p~y, coy~d by.Ibis mortgage or will b~' impro~,~ by'i~ one or b family dwelling only. Tax Servic Age.cy: VerLficafic ~ _.. 6 J. Satisfac~o~schar~ ,e~Rel~ases'Li .st Property Owners .Mailing Addr~s :.".=" '.. · .:' ~ '. -."..>;,:...: ::' '.: '..q.:.. :: .:..' ...,.. ' Burne~ Cherc~e$ and Smith, LLP · .-' ~6 Route 25A-"Suite 4 Setauke£, ~y 11733 Oth~ . ...: ~ ~/ES : or' NO '"" ~ 'C~;ind Total /q.q If 1~0, see ~i~r'o'~Ji/i :~'i~ ~x ~lsuse on ' '" '," ~:~ pbgc # . of't~is' 'nstrume~.~ Community.Pre. se-at:ion { Consideration.^m~u~t:~'~,. ~ ~ Vacant Lan~ - / __l_0__ V3 c[ ' Title Company lnform'.~fi~n o. Name' ~ J Title # County__R_Recording & Endorsement PaeL (SPF_.CwY TYPE OF INSTR~ The promises heroin is situated in SI,TI~I:~OLK COUNTY, NHW YORK. made by D~ED Thispageformspartofthenttached Gat~ Chellel and Amy Chellel TO In the Township of Sou I:hold c.t ] ch,-11 el In the x. rlLLAGI~. or HAMLET of Ro,. rhn I d BOXES 6 TI-1RU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIN'rF.D IH BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RF_.CORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument= DEEDS/DDD Nt--~er o£ Pages= 3 Receipt Number = 06-0039525 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-35394 1000 Deed Amount= Recorded; At= LIBER: PAGE: Section = Block: 087.01 01.00 EXAMINED AND CHARG~ AS FOLLOWS $o.oo 04/19/2006 02=46z51 PM D00012446 179 Lot -- 032.000 Received tM Follow~g Fees For ~ove Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling cee $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies PmT $30.00 NO SCTH Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comn. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 05-35394 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $~5.oo $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $149.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, 8uf£olk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:l/www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 47:3-7222 I FOR COUNTY USE~ ONLYi .. ., --, ..,,', r · IL~.I ...~. ~. ~ ,Y I / R~L PR~E~ ~FER REPO~ C1.~~ .' ~ I ~ ETA~OF~YW ' · . ' RP - 5217 I ,I I 3. Tax if ocher limn LAGI ~ FIRST IMM[ I 4. Indica- h ~r M ~t &Deed ~ha~, I Chellel ~T NAIdF 14:X~aI'~ I dhellel I . . ].1 #ofP~n:ds OR ~ PanofaPa~ad IOdy ff PMt M a Pwcd) Ched~ m th~ .INdlK. ,IA. Ptanning Bo~d with Subdivflion NJth~ ~ [] 4B. Subdvbbn Approval ~ I~quirKI k)r Trinse' [] 4C. PaK~I ~IXOVL'd for Subdivision ofifl Map Provided [] ?. Cheek the b~ox bdow which me4t ~curmly ~the u.e cd the property ~ the time of ~ 2 or 3 Famay Raskle~tal Commercial Kesidenc;M Vacant ~ N~~l V~ ~nd I I .. ~ ~ ~ NONE Communhy Servicl Indua~ial Public Sa~vice 12. I)~tm of ~al. I Trmn~ Maim Day Type is Condominium [] ~ on VKanl Land [] Lor,,~l wthh In AgriCultural DistriCt [] p,~opeRy ~, b~ mn A~rtultt, ml Dmtr~ A B D E F Sale Beta,Ben Releth~s or Forrn~r Reletivus Sale Wen ReI,Ked Companie~ or Panner. in Busirmrd Om M the BL,y~rs is else a SM~ B"y~f M Sailer is ~ .4~en~ or Lending Institution Dead Type not Wenlmy or B~rgMn and Sde, (Specify Below) Sale of Frm:lionai or Lel8 than Fee InWest tSpedfy Below) 13. r-~l ~Mi P~ [ a i a I ! ! · I~ ~ ~o b ~e trod ~ ~M for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~in ~ ~ ~ ~~or~ ~t~ ~m~ of J ~ or o~r obUglt~l ~ ~ to ~e ~ ~o~ ~~. 0 O,Ol 14. ~~M~ [ I I I I I ' " I ~ESSME~ IHFOR~N. ~M sh~ ~ ~ tl~n Sigrdflcam Chango In Property ~-~ Taxable StGtw and Sab ~1 Sale of Budnels ia Includ.cl in Sale ~ Otl~m' UnusuM Fm Alfocting Salo ~ (Specify BQIow) ~.m Intra-Family TransfeT ao. Tu M.p IcI.Mlrm~s) I Ibll Idmtill~al Of mom ttan f~, ,tt~h ~,e~ with addMm~ identmfflsl) I 1000-87.1-1-32 I I I I cedJl'y Ihu~ MI M~lx~ limb d' informMion ealered m ~ am lu~ Ime Rnd CmTKt Ilo Ihe bed a~ a~'/~l Ibls~ MMmtem el'material IbL'l herd. eE whJect me i~ IM pro,kb,. Mae ~ Mw / J ~ BUYEfl BUYERS A'I'TO~NEY I ~ I ~t 0%,~" Burner I Nancy - ~1~ I LAir NMi ~00 I ~eaclo~ Cou~t: 63t I S'111[CT MUMDCR STR~"r ~ ~FTER SdM.E! ~ ~ 'I~LE/~4QI~ NUMKR Southold L NY I 11971 INEW YORK STATE COPY